Python Pip doesn't work after updating to 19.3.1 - python-3.x

After updating to the newest version of pip (19.3.1) with python 3.7.3, I can no longer use pip. When I run pip install package, I get the following error: TypeError: 'module' object is not callable. When trying to fix this error, I found that a common suggestion was running python -m pip install package. While this fixed my original problem, I get this different error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pip._vendor.requests._internal_utils'. Keep in mind I am on Windows 10 If anyone can help me, it would be very much appreciated!

I cannot guarantee a solution, here are a few suggestions to try:
pip3 install package
If that doesn't work:
python -m pip install package
If it still does not behave, try the following command which will reinstall pip.
python -m pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall pip
The final option is to uninstall python and reinstall your desired 64bit version of Python.


ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'harfang'

PLEASE ,how to import harfang in ubunto for python3 ,?? it doesn't install for me !!
i tryed pip install harfang and doesn't work
The solution is to simply use
pip3 install harfang
python3 -m pip install harfang
If it throws error regarding pip not being installed, you can install python3-pip using apt.
Why you were unable to install with pip directly and instead had to use pip3 is because, in ubuntu, the default python version is python 2.x. The current python versions actively maintained and supported is 3.x where x means some minor version.
Due to this reason, after you install a python 3.x installation, you need to specify if it's python3 or python2, where python is a default alias for python2.
I also mentioned about python3 -m pip install harfang. This also works, as python3 -m pip means trying to run a python module using specific python installation (which in our case is python3), you can specify which module to call using -m. You can do it with any other installed python module which has a CLI interface as well.

Can't install PymuPDF although python Libary have PymuPDF

I tried to install PyMuPDF on Python 3.9 when first I installed by pip install PymuPDF and re-checked by pip list like this"
But when I imported PyMuPDF:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PyMuPDF'
Next, I tried to install PymuPDF from doc, it said I need install MuPDF first, and install with Wheel, I tried both:
pip install C:\Users\Admin\Desktop/PyMuPDF-1.19.6-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl and pip install PyMuPDF-1.19.6-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl but reviced error:
yMuPDF-1.19.6-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform.
What should i do to install PyMuPDF, thank you all.
PyMuPDF is available with a wheel under all Windows versions - you should have no problem at all.
But please follow this procedure:
Make sure your pip is the current one. This ensures that any changes in supported platform tags are known to pip.
Then install PyMuPDF.
So overall
py -3.10 -m pip install -U pip
py -3.10 -m pip install -U pymupdf
This should simply work!
In your script however you must do import fitz - this is the top-level name of the package.

Error when trying to install oct2py package

I am trying to install to oct2py package to import in my python script. However whenever I run the command pip install oct2py I get the following error:
Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"c:\python37\python.exe" "C:\Program Files\Python37\Scripts\pip.exe" ': file cannot be found.
How can I install oct2py?
Found the answer
Deinstalled python and reinstalled it. I checked the environment variable and changed it from this one : 'C:\Program Files\Python39' to this one 'C:\Users\lsee\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39'.
Is unable to locate your pip installer, easy fix is unusually to either upgrade or test pip :
# to upgrade your pip
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip --version
# test you have pip in your machine
If your pip version is showing that means you have it installed, it could be a problem activating your virtual environnement, or your path.
It says the file cannot be locate, are you sure your path for Python and pip is correct ?
python -m pip install oct2py
This should work (as python -m pip install gave not errors)

Not able to install packages using pip in python

i am using
python --version
Python 3.7.4
pip --version
pip 19.0.3 from c:\users\lijin.durairaj\appdata\local\programs\python\python37-32\lib\site-packages\pip (python 3.7)
now, i try to install packages using pip, like this
python -m pip install --user requests
but when i execute this command i am getting error like this
i tried to install the packages along with the proxy set, like this
pip install --proxy=https://[username:password#]proxyserver:port requests
but i am getting the same error, could someone help me on how to solve it, thanks
I even tried to navigate to the scripts directory and do a pip install, like this
C:\Users\lijin.durairaj\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\Scripts>pip install matplotlib
but i am getting the same error

Issue installing shapely Python Package

I am running python 3.6 on windows and am attempting to install Shapely using
pip install shapely==1.6b2
It is giving me the following errors
Command "python egg_info" failed with error code 1 in C:\Users\Cameron\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-build-242ae_ih\shapely\
I have seen the other posts about this issue and have tried:
pip install --upgrade setuptools
pip install ez_setup
easy_install -U setuptools
Nothing seems to work and I am not sure what to do next. Any advice would be appreciated.
You may try to use the binary from this unofficial site. Just use pip install {wheel file name} to install it.
Shapely‑1.5.17‑cp36‑cp36m‑win32.whl (32-bit)
Shapely‑1.5.17‑cp36‑cp36m‑win_amd64.whl (64-bit)
Hope this would make the installation easier.
I had a similar error for installing shapely-1.5.17 via pip install shapely, and installing this made the pip install command work thereafter:
sudo apt-get install libgeos-dev
As of 2020, you can now simply install Shapely for Windows with:
pip install shapely
(you many need --upgrade to get at least version 1.7.0, when binary wheels were added for Windows)
