Cannot select location or pricing tier in FormRecognizer Preview - azure

I registered for the FormRecognizer public preview and I'm having trouble creating a resource in my Azure environment. I received the welcome email today with the instructions to follow, but when I try to create a FormRecognizer resource in Azure the Location and Pricing dropdowns do not have any selectable options. These fields are required so I cannot create this resource. I have verified that I'm on the Azure subscription that I used to request being part of this Preview Program.
Any ideas? Do I have to wait a certain amount of time (say 24 hrs?) before it will work? Any help is appreciated.
I've tried on multiple browsers (Chrome, Edge) and all have the same issue.

It most likely has only been rolled out to a single or limited number of regions, and while it's in preview you're probably not being charged for it.

Resolved my issue. For those interested the subscription ID that was registered was different than the one I was trying to access Form Recognizer with. MS corrected when I provided them the correct subscription ID and now all is working.


Can't change "Region/Coutry" in Payment Information for Azure Account Registration

I want to register for an azure account (my free account is already older than 12 months). In the Page for "Payment Information" I cannot change "Region/Coutry". It's fixed to Germany, but I don't live there anymore and my credit card has a different adress (not in germany).
How do I change that?
The Region on my laptop is correct (not germany).
I already tried to change the Location in my hotmail-account as well, but this didn't fix the problem, I am still not able to change the Country in the "Payment Information".
Did anybody encounter the same issue?
Update your country or region
Changing the country or region for an existing account isn't supported. However, you can create a new account in a different country or region and then contact Azure support to transfer your subscription to the new account.
For more information refer to this article:,subscription%20to%20the%20new%20account.
If you still find any difficulties, the Billing and Subscription team would be the best to provide more insight and guidance on this scenario: Free billing and subscription management support have been provided.

Can't able to purchase GPU based VMs in Azure [duplicate]

I am new to Azure and started a new free trial account. As one of the first things to try, I decided to create a VM. As I followed steps in Azure portal, I was stuck when it came to 'Select Size', because all of them are greyed out; and per my understanding, the field is required.
I was using the default region (USEast), and I selected no AZ and 'Ubuntu 18.04 LTS' as the image the VM is based upon.
I googled this issue on the internet. And I have done the following to rectify the issue but no luck:
switched to use different PC with different IP (as some suggested)
"clear All filter' in Select Size window and specified VM size
selected different VM images
ensured there is a credit attached to my subscription (as some suggested)
ensured there is no resources created to avoid hit the quotas (as some suggested)
This is something very basic, and it should've worked out-of-the-box. I am disappointed with the experience. But I want to give it the benefit of doubt and will continue to try out Azure if this issue is resolved. Maybe something very simple that I might've missed on my side.
Thank you so much for the help in advance.
Due to COVID-19 most of the enterprise user working from home and the usage of Azure and Microsoft service has increased a lot. Microsoft says that there has been a colossal 775 percent increase in usage of its cloud services.
All that Azure usage appears to have led to users in many regions "observing deployments for some compute resource types in these regions drop below our typical 99.99 per cent success rates". Which goes a long way towards explaining the inability to create resources as The Register revealed last week.
Concurrently, we monitor support requests and, if needed, encourage customers to consider alternative regions or alternative resource types, depending on their timeline and requirements.
Try to change your deployment region.
Most of the VM's we are unable to create. This is due to heavy toll on the resources.
You can read more here :
For time being seems like we have to opt for some other size.

How do you query usage details in Azure for CSP/Sponsored subscriptions?

So for Pay-as-you-Go Azure subscriptions you can use the ConsumptionManagementClient. However, this does not work on Azure Sponsorship or CSP subscriptions. It even states this at However, if you do have one of those unsupported subscription types, how do you get usage details?
Basically I want to be able to query the usageDetails of any subscription I am authorized to view in C#. What is the right approach to this?
Seems odd that Microsoft has completely different interfaces like this for usage details. What API/SDK (C#) should I be using when ConsumptionManagementClient doesn't work?
OK, so I was exploring the ARM subscription REST endpoint in more detail and I stumbled upon how to get this directly without the need for the ConsumptionManagementClient. For anyone else that needs this info, you can find it in '/providers/Microsoft.Commerce/UsageAggregates'. I can confirm this is working for both PAYG and sponsored subscriptions.

Transfer SQL Azure servers, Storage Accounts away from CSP subscription

We have a CSP subscription through a partner, and the whole experience is rubbish. Costing / billing APIs not available, can't use our Office 365 Azure AD, can't use SendGrid, can't see the cost of resources in the portal, loads of features missing. It's rubbish.
We're moving away and want to transfer a substantial number of SQL Azure servers (with many pools and databases) and Storage Accounts (with lots of items) to another, new PAYG subscription, which uses our O365 Azure AD.
#AzureSupport on Twitter pointed me to -
But this says, "The source and destination subscriptions must exist within the same Azure Active Directory tenant."
It suggests two ways forward:
But... The "Change Directory" option is not present for CSP accounts (lo and behold! another missing feature)
But.. Heading to as instructed gives me a 500 error, with "We are sorry, but we could not complete that operation.".
Also.. Of course, the CSP (Ingram) do not offer any of these kinds of options on their sub management portal.
#AzureSupport then recommended I post here.
Can anyone advise / help please? Would be very much appreciated, thank you.
You are currently blocked, as there is not a good workflow to migrate from CSP to Pay-as-you-go, as the below User Voice entry suggests others are looking for the same. Please up vote and comment on this.
Change subscription from CSP to pay-as-you-go
As for getting switched back to PAYG, I suggest exporting your data and importing in to new services that have been set-up under your desired account set-up. If you need the instance names, these will need to be deleted before the data can be imported into the newly created service with the existing instance names, in cases where instances names can be reused after deletion of the particular service.
There is currently no supported means to migrate a subscription away from CSP once migrated, from my investigation.
Use Azure Data Migration Service to migrate from source to target. This though, will not allow you to keep the same instance names, as both the source and target will need to exist at the same time.

Azure live cost monitoring

In my Azure environment I am often tinkering around, adding new services, scaling roles up and down, etc. The problem is that I am always unsure as to how I may have affected my monthly bill. I'm also scared of forgetting to kill services after I don't need them (for example, I mistakenly had a Reporting Service running for a few weeks - very expensive!).
I'm looking for an add-on or service which can give be a basic idea of how much money I am consuming in Azure. I don't need something complicated. A graph or two could be great (perhaps a burn down).
I found these but without luck:
Foglight for Azure: This didn't work for me. All my figures showed up as 0.
Active Cloud Monitoring: This has been removed from the Azure add-ons.
Does anyone know of such a solution?
thank you for the question and the feedback. The new Azure portal, which is currently in public preview, does have this feature. You can try out the new portal at . Once there, click on Billing tab on the left of the screen, which should bring up a billing summary for all your subscriptions. Click on the subscription that you need to check, and that will show you the billing details for that subscription. Details include subscription status, days left, current charges, burn down, and a breakdown of current charges by resource.
Please try this out and send your feedback using the "Give feedback" link at the top of the new portal page. You will have to click on your account name to see the "Give feedback" option in the drop down.
If you are using "Enterprise Agreement" as a billing option, the Azure portal does not provide sufficient billing information.
You could use Microsoft Power BI to import the data from Azure and use it for reporting. In Power BI you can use the Content pack "Microsoft Azure Enterprise" and connect it to your subscription. You will need the Enrollment number for your Enterprise Agreement and an API key to access the data.
A detailed explanation can be found in this blog entry.
