Spark SQL Update/Delete - apache-spark

Currently, I am working on a project using pySpark that reads in a few Hive tables, stores them as dataframes, and I have to perform a few updates/filters on them. I am avoiding using Spark syntax at all costs to create a framework that will only take SQL in a parameter file that will be run using my pySpark framework.
Now the problem is that I have to perform UPDATE/DELETE queries on my final dataframe, are there any possible work arounds to performing these operations on my dataframe?
Thank you so much!

A DataFrame is immutable , you can not change it, so you are not able to update/delete.
If you want to "delete" there is a .filter option (it will create a new DF excluding records based on the validation that you applied on filter).
If you want to "update", the closer equivalent is .map, where you can "modify" your record and that value will be on a new DF, the thing is that function will iterate all the records on the .df.
Another thing that you need to keep in mind is: if you load data into a df from some source (ie. Hive table) and perform some operations. That updated data wont be reflected on your source data. DF's live on memory, until you persist that data.
So, you can not work with DF like a sql-table for those operations. Depending on your requirements you need to analyze if Spark is a solution for your specific problem.


Extract and analyze data from JSON - Hadoop vs Spark

I'm trying to learn the whole open source big data stack, and I've started with HDFS, Hadoop MapReduce and Spark. I'm more or less limited with MapReduce and Spark (SQL?) for "ETL", HDFS for storage, and no other limitation for other things.
I have a situation like this:
My Data Sources
Data Source 1 (DS1): Lots of data - totaling to around 1TB. I have IDs (let's call them ID1) inside each row - used as a key. Format: 1000s of JSON files.
Data Source 2 (DS2): Additional "metadata" for data source 1. I have IDs (let's call them ID2) inside each row - used as a key. Format: Single TXT file
Data Source 3 (DS3): Mapping between Data Source 1 and 2. Only pairs of ID1, ID2 in CSV files.
My workspace
I currently have a VM with enough data space, about 128GB of RAM and 16 CPUs to handle my problem (the whole project is a research for, not a production-use-thing). I have CentOS 7 and Cloudera 6.x installed. Currently, I'm using HDFS, MapReduce and Spark.
The task
I need only some attributes (ID and a few strings) from Data Source 1. My guess is that it comes to less than 10% in data size.
I need to connect ID1s from DS3 (pairs: ID1, ID2) to IDs in DS1 and ID2s from DS3 (pairs: ID1, ID2) to IDs in DS2.
I need to add attributes from DS2 (using "mapping" from the previous bullet) to my extracted attributes from DS1
I need to make some "queries", like:
Find the most used words by years
Find the most common words, used by a certain author
Find the most common words, used by a certain author, on a yearly basi
I need to visualize data (i.e. wordclouds, histograms, etc.) at the end.
My questions:
Which tool to use to extract data from JSON files the most efficient way? MapReduce or Spark (SQL?)?
I have arrays inside JSON. I know the explode function in Spark can transpose my data. But what is the best way to go here? Is it the best way to
extract IDs from DS1 and put exploded data next to them, and write them to new files? Or is it better to combine everything? How to achieve this - Hadoop, Spark?
My current idea was to create something like this:
Extract attributes needed (except arrays) from DS1 with Spark and write them to CSV files.
Extract attributes needed (exploded arrays only + IDs) from DS1 with Spark and write them to CSV files - each exploded attribute to own file(s).
This means I have extracted all the data I need, and I can easily connect them with only one ID. I then wanted to make queries for specific questions and run MapReduce jobs.
The question: Is this a good idea? If not, what can I do better? Should I insert data into a database? If yes, which one?
Thanks in advance!
Thanks for asking!! Being a BigData developer for last 1.5 years and having experience with both MR and Spark, I think I may guide you to the correct direction.
The final goals which you want to achieve can be obtained using both MapReduce and Spark. For visualization purpose you can use Apache Zeppelin, which can run on top of your final data.
Spark jobs are memory expensive jobs, i.e, the whole computation for spark jobs run on memory, i.e, RAM. Only the final result is written to the HDFS. On the other hand, MapReduce uses less amount of memory and used HDFS for writing intermittent stage results, thus making more I/O operations and more time consuming.
You can use Spark's Dataframe feature. You can directly load data to Dataframe from a structured data (it can be plaintext file also) which will help you to get the required data in a tabular format. You can write the Dataframe to a plaintext file, or you can store to a hive table from where you can visualize data. On the other hand, using MapReduce you will have to first store in Hive table, then write hive operations to manipulate data, and store final data to another hive table. Writing native MapReduce jobs can be very hectic so I would suggest to refrain from choosing that option.
At the end, I would suggest to use Spark as processing engine (128GB and 16 cores is enough for spark) to get your final result as soon as possible.

How to post-process Spark SQL results w/o using UDF

I read
It suggests not to use UDF to save deserialization/serialization cost.
In my case, I did a query like this
select MYFUN(f1, f2, ...)
from A ...
I use MYFUN to post-process the query results row by row, for example, sending them to another service.
def my_fun(f1, f2, ...):
service.send(f1, f2, ...)
session.udf.register('MYFUN', my_fun)
W/o using UDF, I may want to save the query results to a Python data frame, or a Parque table on hdfs then reading by a dataframe, and process the dataframe one by one.
The problem is the result table size is large, may be 1M rows.
In such a case, does it still make sense to remove the UDF?
What is the best practice to populate a Spark SQL result to another service?
Python UDFs are not recommended from a performance point of view, but there is nothing wrong in using them when needed, as in this case: the serialization/deserialization cost is probably ridiculous compared to the I/O waits introduced by your send. So it probably doesn't make sense to remove the UDF.
In a more general case, there are two ways with which you can reduce the memory footprint of processing a dataframe. One you already mentioned, is save to file and process the file.
Another way is using toLocalIterator on your dataframe. This way you will iterate on each of the dataframe's partitions: you can repartition the dataframe to make partitions of an arbitrary size:
df =df.repartition(100)
for partition in df.toLocalIterator():
for row in partition:
This way your local memory requirements are reduced to the biggest partition of your repartitioned dataframe.

Spark SQL with different data sources

Is it possible to create data frames from 2 different sources and perform operations on those.
For example,
df1 = <create from a file or folder from S3>
df2 = <create from a hive table>
df1.join(df2).where("df1Key" === "df2Key")
If this is possible, what are the implications in doing so?
Yes.. It is possible to read from different datasource and perform operations on it.
In fact many application will need those kind of requirements.
df1.join(df2).where("df1Key" === "df2Key")
This will do Cartesian join and then apply filter on it.
df1.join(df2,$"df1Key" === $"df2Key")
This should provide same output.
Dataframe is a source independent abstraction. I would encourage you to read the original paper on RDD and the wiki
The abstraction is source independent and keeps track of the location of the data and underlying DAG of operation. Dataframe APIs provides the schema of an RDD.
You can have dataframe from any source but they all homogenized to have same APIs. Dataframe APIs provides Dataframe reader interface which any underlying source can implement to create a dataframe on top of it. Here is another example of cassandra connector for dataframe
One caveat is the speed of data retrieval from the different sources might vary. For example if your data is in s3 vs data in HDFS then probably the operations on the dataframe created on top of HDFS might be faster. But nonetheless you will be able to perform any joins on the dataframes created from different sources.

How to write data into a Hive table?

I use Spark 2.0.2.
While learning the concept of writing a dataset to a Hive table, I understood that we do it in two ways:
using sparkSession.sql("your sql query")
dataframe.write.mode(SaveMode."type of
Could anyone tell me what is the preferred way of loading a Hive table using Spark ?
In general I prefer 2. First because for multiple rows you cannot build such a long sql and second because it reduces the chance of errors or other issues like SQL injection attacks.
In the same way that for JDBC I use PreparedStatements as much as possible.
Think in this fashion, we need to achieve updates on daily basis on hive.
This can be achieved in two ways
Process all the data of the hive
Process only effected partitions.
For the first option sql works like a gem, but keep in mind that the data should be less to process entire data.
Second option works well.If you want to process only effected partition. Use data.overwite.partitionby.path
You should write the logic in such a way that it process only effected partitions. This logic will be applied to tables where data is in millions T billions records

Writing SQL vs using Dataframe APIs in Spark SQL

I am a newbie in Spark SQL world. I am currently migrating my application's Ingestion code which includes ingesting data in stage,Raw and Application layer in HDFS and doing CDC(change data capture), this is currently written in Hive queries and is executed via Oozie. This needs to migrate into a Spark application(current version 1.6). The other section of code will migrate later on.
In spark-SQL, I can create dataframes directly from tables in Hive and simply execute queries as it is (like sqlContext.sql("my hive hql") ). The other way would be to use dataframe APIs and rewrite the hql in that way.
What is the difference in these two approaches?
Is there any performance gain with using Dataframe APIs?
Some people suggested, there is an extra layer of SQL that spark core engine has to go through when using "SQL" queries directly which may impact performance to some extent but I didn't find any material substantiating that statement. I know the code would be much more compact with Datafrmae APIs but when I have my hql queries all handy would it really worth to write complete code into Dataframe API?
Thank You.
Question : What is the difference in these two approaches?
Is there any performance gain with using Dataframe APIs?
Answer :
There is comparative study done by horton works. source...
Gist is based on situation/scenario each one is right. there is no
hard and fast rule to decide this. pls go through below..
RDDs, DataFrames, and SparkSQL (infact 3 approaches not just 2):
At its core, Spark operates on the concept of Resilient Distributed Datasets, or RDD’s:
Resilient - if data in memory is lost, it can be recreated
Distributed - immutable distributed collection of objects in memory partitioned across many data nodes in a cluster
Dataset - initial data can from from files, be created programmatically, from data in memory, or from another RDD
DataFrames API is a data abstraction framework that organizes your data into named columns:
Create a schema for the data
Conceptually equivalent to a table in a relational database
Can be constructed from many sources including structured data files, tables in Hive, external databases, or existing RDDs
Provides a relational view of the data for easy SQL like data manipulations and aggregations
Under the hood, it is an RDD of Row’s
SparkSQL is a Spark module for structured data processing. You can interact with SparkSQL through:
DataFrames API
Datasets API
Test results:
RDD’s outperformed DataFrames and SparkSQL for certain types of data processing
DataFrames and SparkSQL performed almost about the same, although with analysis involving aggregation and sorting SparkSQL had a slight advantage
Syntactically speaking, DataFrames and SparkSQL are much more intuitive than using RDD’s
Took the best out of 3 for each test
Times were consistent and not much variation between tests
Jobs were run individually with no other jobs running
Random lookup against 1 order ID from 9 Million unique order ID's
GROUP all the different products with their total COUNTS and SORT DESCENDING by product name
In your Spark SQL string queries, you won't know a syntax error until runtime (which could be costly), whereas in DataFrames syntax errors can be caught at compile time.
Couple more additions. Dataframe uses tungsten memory representation , catalyst optimizer used by sql as well as dataframe. With Dataset API, you have more control on the actual execution plan than with SparkSQL
If query is lengthy, then efficient writing & running query, shall not be possible.
On the other hand, DataFrame, along with Column API helps developer to write compact code, which is ideal for ETL applications.
Also, all operations (e.g. greater than, less than, select, where etc.).... ran using "DataFrame" builds an "Abstract Syntax Tree(AST)", which is then passed to "Catalyst" for further optimizations. (Source: Spark SQL Whitepaper, Section#3.3)
