Scipy optimize.minimize with multi- parameters - python-3.x

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import linalg, optimize
%matplotlib inline
Data load
data = pd.read_csv("D:/Stat/TimeSeries/KRW_month_0617_1.csv",index_col="Date") / 100
para = open("D:/Stat/TimeSeries/KRW_month_0617_1.txt").readlines()[0:2]
data.index = pd.to_datetime(data.index)
cond = []
params = []
time = []
for i in para:
j = i.split()
for k in j:
cond = cond[1:]
for i in range(len(cond)):
cond[i] = round(float(cond[i]),4)
params = cond[0:23]
time = cond[23:]
maturity = np.array(time[1:])
timegap = 1/cond[23]
Functions We need
def Paramcheck(Params, checkStationary = 1):
result = 0
Kappa = np.array([[params[20],0,0], [0,params[21],0], [0,0,params[22]]])
Sigma = np.array([[params[1],0,0], [params[2],params[3],0], [params[4],params[5],params[6]]])
State = np.array([params[7], params[8], params[9]])
Lambda = params[0]
SigmaEps = np.identity(10)
for i in range(10):
SigmaEps[i][i] = params[i+10]
for i in range(len(Sigma)):
if Sigma[i][i] < 0:
result = 1
for j in SigmaEps:
if np.any(SigmaEps) < 0:
result = 1
if Lambda < 0.05 or Lambda > 2:
result = 1
elif State[0] < 0:
result = 1
elif Kappa[0][0] < 0:
result = 1
if result == 0 and checkStationary > 0:
if max(np.linalg.eigvals(-Kappa).real) > 0:
result = 2
return result
def CheckDet(x):
if x == np.inf or x == np.nan:
result = 1
elif x < 0:
result = 2
elif abs(x) < 10**-250:
result = 3
result = 0
return result
def NS_factor(lambda_val, maturity):
col1 = np.ones(len(maturity))
col2 = (1 - np.exp(-lambda_val*maturity))/(lambda_val*maturity)
col3 = col2 - np.exp(-lambda_val*maturity)
factor = np.array([col1,col2,col3]).transpose()
return factor
def DNS_Kalman_filter(Params, *args):
N = Paramcheck(Params)
if N == 0:
Kappa = np.array([[params[20],0,0], [0,params[21],0], [0,0,params[22]]])
Sigma = np.array([[params[1],0,0], [params[2],params[3],0],
State = np.array([params[7], params[8], params[9]])
Lambda = params[0]
SigmaEps = np.identity(10)
for i in range(10):
SigmaEps[i][i] = params[i+10]
Obs_Yield = args[0]
Obs_Date = args[1]
Timegap = args[2]
Obs_Mty = args[3]
Finalstate = args[4]
Mty_length = len(Obs_Mty)
B = NS_factor(lambda_val = Lambda,maturity = Obs_Mty)
H_large = SigmaEps **2
N_obs = len(Obs_Date)
LLH_vec = np.zeros(N_obs)
phi1 = linalg.expm(-Kappa*Timegap)
phi0 = (np.identity(3)-phi1) # State
Eigenvalues = np.linalg.eig(Kappa)[0]
Eigen_vec = np.linalg.eig(Kappa)[1]
Eigen_vec_inv = np.linalg.inv(Eigen_vec)
S = Eigen_vec_inv # Sigma # Sigma.transpose() # Eigen_vec_inv.transpose()
Atilde =[0], Sigma[0])
Btilde =[1], Sigma[1])
Ctilde =[2], Sigma[2])
Dtilde =[0], Sigma[1])
Etilde =[0], Sigma[2])
Ftilde =[1], Sigma[2])
res1= Atilde* Obs_Mty* Obs_Mty/6
res2= Btilde*(1/(2*Lambda**2) - (1-np.exp(-Lambda*Obs_Mty))/(Lambda**3*Obs_Mty) + (1-
res3= Ctilde*(1/(2*Lambda**2) + np.exp(-Lambda*Obs_Mty)/(Lambda**2)-
Obs_Mty*np.exp(-2*Lambda*Obs_Mty)/(4*Lambda) -
3*np.exp(-2*Lambda*Obs_Mty)/(4*Lambda**2) - 2*(1-np.exp(-
Lambda*Obs_Mty))/(Lambda**3*Obs_Mty) + 5*(1-
res4= Dtilde*(Obs_Mty/(2*Lambda) + np.exp(-Lambda*Obs_Mty)/(Lambda**2) - (1-np.exp(-
res5= Etilde*(3*np.exp(-Lambda*Obs_Mty)/(Lambda**2) + Obs_Mty/(2*Lambda)+Obs_Mty*np.exp(-
Lambda*Obs_Mty)/(Lambda) - 3*(1-np.exp(-Lambda*Obs_Mty))/(Lambda**3*Obs_Mty))
res6= Ftilde*(1/(Lambda**2) + np.exp(-Lambda*Obs_Mty)/(Lambda**2) -
np.exp(-2*Lambda*Obs_Mty)/(2*Lambda**2) - 3*(1-np.exp(-
Lambda*Obs_Mty))/(Lambda**3*Obs_Mty) + 3*(1-
val = res1 + res2 + res3 + res4 + res5 + res6
V_mat = np.zeros([3,3])
V_lim = np.zeros([3,3])
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
V_mat[i][j] = S[i][j]*(1-np.exp(-(Eigenvalues[i] +
Eigenvalues[j])*Timegap))/(Eigenvalues[i] + Eigenvalues[j])
V_lim[i][j] = S[i][j]/(Eigenvalues[i] + Eigenvalues[j])
Q = (Eigen_vec # V_mat # Eigen_vec.transpose()).real
Sigma_lim = (Eigen_vec # V_lim # Eigen_vec.transpose()).real
for i in range(N_obs):
y = Obs_Yield[i]
xhat = phi0 + phi1 # State
y_implied = B # xhat
v = y - y_implied + val
Sigmahat = phi1 # Sigma_lim # phi1.transpose() + Q
F = B # Sigmahat # B.transpose() + H_large
detF = np.linalg.det(F)
if CheckDet(detF) > 0:
N = 3
Finv = np.linalg.inv(F)
State = xhat + Sigmahat # B.transpose() # Finv # v
Sigma_lim = Sigmahat - Sigmahat # B.transpose() # Finv # B # Sigmahat
LLH_vec[i] = np.log(detF) + v.transpose() # Finv # v
if N == 0:
if Finalstate:
yDate = Obs_Date[-1]
result = np.array([yDate,State])
result = 0.5 * (sum(LLH_vec) + Mty_length*N_obs*np.log(2*np.pi))
result = 7000000
return result
I made a code that does Arbitrage Free Nelson-Siegel model. Data is return rates of bond (1Y,1.5Y, ... ,20Y). I wanna optimize that function with scipy optimize.minimize function with fixed *args.
Suppose that Initial parmas are verified that it's close to optimized params from empirical experiments using Dynamic Nelson-Siegel Model.
LLC_new = 0
while True:
LLC_old = LLC_new
OPT = optimize.minimize(x0=params,fun=DNS_Kalman_filter, args=
params = OPT.x
LLC_new = round(,5)
print("Current LLC: %0.5f" %LLC_new)
if LLC_old == LLC_new:
OPT_para = params
FinalState = DNS_Kalman_filter(params,data.values,data.index,timegap,maturity,True)
Result is
Current LLC: -7613.70146
Current LLC: -7613.70146
LLC(log-likelihood value) isn't maximized. It's not a result I desire using Optimizer.
Is there any solution for that?
In R, there is optim() function works as similar as scipy.optimize.minimize() which works really well. I also have a R code for that very similar to this Python code.


Getting invalid syntax error on line 26 if xi_distance > d_max:

import copy
import math
class obj_kMeans:
def __init__(self,init_centroid,k):
self.k = k
self.clusters = None
self.centroids = np.empty((self.k,2))
self.initial_centroid = init_centroid
def distance(self,x,y):
return np.linalg.norm(y-x, ord=2)
def init_centroids(self, x):
centroids = self.centroids
centroids[0] = self.initial_centroid
for i in range(1, self.k):
d_max = 0
d_max_cen = centroids[0]
for x_i in x:
if x_i in centroids:
xi_distance = sum([self.distance(x_i, prev) for prev in centroids]
if xi_distance > d_max:
d_max = xi_distance
d_max_cen = x_i
centroids[i] = d_max_cen
return centroids
def cost_function(self,clusters):
squared_errors = list()
for i in range(self.k):
points = clusters[i][1]
centroid = clusters[i][0]
errors = [self.distance(centroid,point)**2 for point in points]
total_error = sum(errors)
return sum(squared_errors)
def cluster(self,x):
centroids = self.init_centroids(x)
clusters = {}
for i in range(self.k):
cluster_list = (centroids[i],list())
clusters[i] = cluster_list
itr = 0
while True:
for point in x:
dist_min = self.distance(centroids[0],point)
num = 0
cls_point = 0
for centroid in centroids:
d = self.distance(centroid,point)
if d < dist_min:
cls_point = num
dist_min = d
num +=1
self.clusters = copy.deepcopy(clusters)
centroids = list()
converges = True
for i in range(self.k):
dp = clusters[i][1]
centroid_p = np.mean(np.array(dp), axis=0)
if not ((centroid_p == clusters[i][0]).all()):
converges = False
cluster_list = (centroid_p,list())
clusters[i] = cluster_list
itr +=1
if converges:
self.centroids = centroids
kMeans_implement1 = obj_kMeans(k=k1, init_centroid = i_point1)
kMeans_implement2 = obj_kMeans(k=k2, init_centroid = i_point2)
cost_val1 = kMeans_implement1.cost_function(kMeans_implement1.clusters)
cost_val2 = kMeans_implement2.cost_function(kMeans_implement2.clusters)
print("centroid 1", kMeans_implement1.centroids)
print("centroid 2", kMeans_implement2.centroids)
print("cost 1", cost_val1)
print("cost 2", cost_val2)

backtracking in dijkstra algorithm in python

i have been given a matrix space of 400,400 with few obstacles inside . I have eight set of actions namely up, down, left right with edge cost of 1 and 4 diagonals with edge cost of 1.42. i took initial node as (5,5) and final node as (195,295). I'm able to reach the goal using Dijkstra's algorithm quite quickly but am not able to backtrack and have been stuck for a long time. Can someone please help me. Here's my code
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
import math
blank_list = []
for entries in range(160000):
entries = math.inf
initial_matrix = np.array(blank_list, dtype = object).reshape(400, 400)
rows = initial_matrix.shape[0]
cols = initial_matrix.shape[1]
flag = False
# Obstacles
for h in range(0, rows):
for k in range(0, cols):
if (k-225)**2 + (h-50)**2 <= 625:
initial_matrix[h][k] = flag
for h in range(0, rows):
for k in range(0, cols):
if h<= 13*k -140 and h<= 185 and h<= -(7/5)*k +290 and h<= (6/5)*k +30 and h<= -(6/5)*k +210 and h<= k + 100:
initial_matrix[h][k] = flag
for h in range(0, rows):
for k in range(0, cols):
if ((k-150)**2)/1600 + ((h-100)**2)/400 <= 1:
initial_matrix[h][k] = flag
# move subfunctions
def move_right(i,j, map_):
if not map_[i,j+1]:
return None
if j == 300:
return None
cost = initial_matrix[i][j] + 1
j = j + 1
return (i,j) , cost
def move_left(i,j,map_):
if not map_[i,j-1]:
return None
if j == 0:
return None
cost = initial_matrix[i][j] + 1
j = j - 1
return (i,j) , cost
def move_up(i,j,map_):
if not map_[i-1,j]:
return None
if i == 0:
return None
cost = initial_matrix[i][j] + 1
i = i - 1
return (i,j) , cost
def move_down(i,j,map_):
if not map_[i+1,j]:
return None
if i == 200:
return None
cost = initial_matrix[i][j] + 1
i = i + 1
return (i,j) , cost
def move_upright(i,j,map_):
if not map_[i-1,j+1]:
return None
if j == 300 or i == 0:
return None
cost = 1.42 + initial_matrix[i][j]
j = j + 1
i = i - 1
return (i,j) , cost
def move_downright(i,j,map_):
if not map_[i+1,j+1]:
return None
if j == 300 or i == 200:
return None
cost = 1.42 + initial_matrix[i][j]
j = j + 1
i = i + 1
return (i,j) , cost
def move_upleft(i,j,map_):
if map_[i-1,j-1]:
return None
if j == 0 or i == 0:
return None
cost = 1.42 + initial_matrix[i][j]
j = j - 1
i = i - 1
return (i,j) , cost
def move_downleft(i,j,map_):
if not map_[i+1,j-1]:
return None
if j == 0 or i == 200:
return None
cost = 1.42 + initial_matrix[i][j]
j = j - 1
i = i + 1
return (i,j) , cost
def get_neighbours(i,j):
neighbours_cost = []
index = []
action_up = move_up(i,j,initial_matrix)
if action_up is not None:
action_down = move_down(i,j,initial_matrix)
if action_down is not None:
action_left = move_left(i,j,initial_matrix)
if action_left is not None:
action_right = move_right(i,j,initial_matrix)
if action_right is not None:
action_upright = move_upright(i,j,initial_matrix)
if action_upright is not None:
action_downright = move_downright(i,j,initial_matrix)
if action_downright is not None:
action_upleft = move_upleft(i,j,initial_matrix)
if action_upleft is not None:
action_downleft = move_downleft(i,j,initial_matrix)
if action_downleft is not None:
return neighbours_cost, index
'''def get_current_value(i,j):
current_value = initial_matrix[i][j]
return current_value'''
'''def locate_value_index(mat):
i,j = np.where(mat == node)
i = int(i)
j = int(j)
return (i,j)'''
def sort_list1(list_a,list_b):
list_b = [i[1] for i in sorted(zip(list_a, list_b))]
def sort_list2(list_a):
goal = (195,295)
ind = (5,5)
initial_matrix[ind[0]][ind[1]] = 0
node_cost = 0
explore_queue = []
index_queue = []
visited = set()
breakwhile = False
start_time = time.clock()
while len(index_queue) != 0 and not breakwhile:
node = index_queue[0]
#for i in range(len(index_queue)):
#val = get_current_value(ind[0],ind[1])
pair = get_neighbours(node[0],node[1])
neighbours_cost = pair[0]
index = pair[1]
if node == goal:
print('goal reached')
breakwhile = True
for i in range(len(index)):
if index[i] not in visited:
old_cost = initial_matrix[index[i][0]][index[i][1]]
if neighbours_cost[i] < old_cost:
initial_matrix[index[i][0]][index[i][1]] = neighbours_cost[i]
if old_cost != math.inf:
ind_node = index_queue.index((index[i][0], index[i][1]))
end_time = time.clock()
print(end_time - start_time)
I figured out the solution. it is to create dictionary with all the index values and iterating them over a while loop

How to get different predation values every year for my simulation?

I am trying to run this model of seed predation and population dynamics but I am new to coding and I am only getting one predation value that gets repeated over different generations. How can I get different predation values for different year?
Also, Is there an issue with the normalizing method used?
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def is_odd(year):
return ((year % 2) == 1)
def reproduction(p_iter, year, dead):
if is_odd(year):
predation = dead
seedsProd = p_iter*s_oddd
seedsPred = K*predation*200*(seedsProd/np.sum(seedsProd))
return (seedsProd - seedsPred) + np.array([0,0,p_iter[2]])
predation = dead
seedsProd = p_iter*s_even
seedsPred = K*predation*200*(seedsProd/np.sum(seedsProd))
return (seedsProd - seedsPred) +np.array([0,p_iter[1],0])
def normalize(p_iter):
if is_odd(year):
x = np.copy(p_iter)
x[2] = 0
x = (K-p_iter[2]) * x / sum(x)
x[2] = p_iter[2]
return x
x = np.copy(p_iter)
x[1] = 0
x = (K-p_iter[1]) * x / sum(x)
x[1] = p_iter[1]
return x
Predation is defined here:
def predation():
return (np.array(np.round(np.random.uniform(0.4,0.6),2)))
Y = 100
#carrying capacity
K = 1000
#initial populaton
p_1, p_2, p_3 = 998., 1., 1.
#seed released per plant
s_1, s_2, s_3 = 200, 260, 260
p_init = np.array([p_1, p_2, p_3],dtype=float)
s_oddd = np.array([s_1, s_2, 0.0])
s_even = np.array([s_1, 0.0, s_3])
n = len(p_init)
m = np.append(p_init,s_oddd)
p_iter = p_init
dead = 0
norm = 0
for year in range(1,Y+1):
dead = predation()
seeds = reproduction(p_iter, year, dead)
p_iter = np.maximum(seeds,np.zeros(p_iter.shape))
p_iter = normalize(p_iter)
m = np.vstack((m, [*p_iter]+[*seeds] ))

Simple python loop doesn't work with many inner loops

I am struggling with a very simple loop that perfectly works if run "standalone", but doesn't work anymore if I use it as an outer loop for many other instructions (which also perfectly work if run standalone for only 1 iteration).
The simple outer loop is a
for i in range(0,somevalue):
do some inner instructions
Here is the full code, which perfectly works if I put a range of dimension 1, whilst it never ends if I put even a simple range of dimension 2:
import numpy as np
import as ma
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
i = int
x = np.zeros(1440)
class_x = np.zeros(1440)
w1 = np.array([0,6*60])
w2 = np.array([20*60,23*60])
x[w1[0]:(w1[1])] = np.full(np.diff(w1),0.001)
x[w2[0]:(w2[1])] = np.full(np.diff(w2),0.001)
x_masked = np.zeros_like(ma.masked_not_equal(x,0.001))
c = 10
func_time = 300
max_free_spot = int
i = 0
for i in range(0,1):
tot_time = 0
switch_count = 0
switch_ons = []
tot_time <= func_time:
switch_on = random.choice([random.randint(w1[0],(w1[1]-c)),random.randint(w2[0],(w2[1]-c))])
if x[switch_on] == 0.001:
if switch_on in range(w1[0],w1[1]):
if np.any(x[switch_on:w1[1]]!=0.001):
next_switch = [switch_on + k[0] for k in np.where(x[switch_on:]!=0.001)]
if (next_switch[0] - switch_on) >= c and max_free_spot >= c:
upper_limit = min((next_switch[0]-switch_on),min(func_time,w1[1]-switch_on))
elif (next_switch[0] - switch_on) < c and max_free_spot >= c:
else: upper_limit = next_switch[0]-switch_on
upper_limit = min(func_time,w1[1]-switch_on) #max random length of cycle
if upper_limit >= c:
indexes = np.arange(switch_on,switch_on+(random.randint(c,upper_limit)))
indexes = np.arange(switch_on,switch_on+upper_limit)
if np.any(x[switch_on:w2[1]]!=0.001):
next_switch = [switch_on + k[0] for k in np.where(x[switch_on:]!=0.001)]
if (next_switch[0] - switch_on) >= c:
upper_limit = min((next_switch[0]-switch_on),min(func_time,w2[1]-switch_on))
elif (next_switch[0] - switch_on) < c and max_free_spot >= c:
else: upper_limit = next_switch[0]-switch_on
upper_limit = min(func_time,w2[1]-switch_on)
if upper_limit >= c:
indexes = np.arange(switch_on,switch_on+(random.randint(c,upper_limit)))
indexes = np.arange(switch_on,switch_on+upper_limit)
tot_time = tot_time + indexes.size
if tot_time > func_time:
indexes_adj = indexes[:-(tot_time-func_time)]
coincidence = random.randint(1,5)
x_masked = np.zeros_like(ma.masked_greater_equal(x_masked,0.001))
tot_time = (tot_time - indexes.size) + indexes_adj.size
switch_count = switch_count + 1
coincidence = random.randint(1,5)
x_masked = np.zeros_like(ma.masked_greater_equal(x_masked,0.001))
tot_time = tot_time
switch_count = switch_count + 1
free_spots = []
for j in ma.notmasked_contiguous(x_masked):
max_free_spot = max(free_spots)
class_x = class_x + x
Any help is really really appreciated

How can I mount a video from multiple frames saved in a file?

I use a code that makes use of kalman filter to stabilize a video but I am not able to record a video to be saved. I thought about saving all the frames in a file and creating a video later.
If someone has a better idea, or how to modify the code to be possible to use cv2.videoWriter.
import cv2
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
ini = time.time()
class FrameInfo:
def __init__(self):
self.img = None
self.img_gray = None
self.features = []
self.number = 0
self.trajectory = Trajectory()
def width(self):
return self.img_gray.shape[1]
def height(self):
return self.img_gray.shape[0]
def width_height(self):
return self.img_gray.shape[::-1]
videoInPath = "../data/MVI_5408.avi"
camera = cv2.VideoCapture(videoInPath)
videoOutPath = videoInPath +'sab.avi'
N_FRAMES = int(camera.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))
FPS = camera.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
VID_WIDTH = int(camera.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH))
VID_HEIGHT = int(camera.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))
print "N_FRAMES: " + str(N_FRAMES)
print "FPS: " + str(FPS)
frame = None
prev_frame = None
trajectory = Trajectory(0, 0, 0)
org_trajectories = []
stb_trajectories = []
crop = 40
crop_rate = crop / 20
filter = KalmanFilter(Trajectory(4e-2, 4e-2, 4e-2), Trajectory(crop_rate,
crop_rate, crop_rate), Trajectory(1, 1, 1))
#surf = cv2.SURF(4000)
prev_trans = None
frame_number = 0
frame_width = int(1336.0 / 2)
frame_height = int(768.0 / 2)
def resize(img):
return cv2.resize(img, (frame_width, frame_height),
lk_params = dict(winSize=(19, 19),
criteria=(cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT, 10, 0.03))
feature_params = dict(maxCorners=100,
crop_rate = 0.9
limits = [int(frame_width * (1 - crop_rate)), int(frame_height * (1 -
crop_rate)), 0.05]
output_video = cv2.VideoWriter(videoOutPath,
cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID'), # -1, #
(frame_width - 2*limits[0], frame_height - 2*limits[1])
feature_cont = 0
flow_cont = 0
ransac_cont = 0
kalman_cont = 0
features_quant = []
percent = 0
inliers_quant = []
ouliers_quant = []
compensate_count = 0
for k in range(N_FRAMES-1):
# Capture frame_img-by-frame_img
ret, frame_img =
if frame_img is None:
if frame is not None:
prev_frame = frame
frame_number += 1
if frame_number < 220:
frame = FrameInfo()
frame.number = frame_number
frame.img = frame_img
frame.img = cv2.resize(frame_img, (0, 0), fx=(1336.0 / frame_img.shape[1]) / 2.0,
fy=(768.0 / frame_img.shape[0]) / 2.0,
frame.img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame.img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
feature_time_ini = time.time()
frame.features = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(frame.img_gray, **feature_params)
#frame.features = sift.detect(frame.img_gray,None)
if prev_frame is None:
feature_time_fim = time.time()
feature_cont += feature_time_fim - feature_time_ini
feature_time_ini = 0
feature_time_fim = 0
flow_time_ini = time.time()
new_features, _, _ = cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(prev_frame.img, frame.img, prev_frame.features, None, **lk_params)
new_features_for_validation, _, _ = cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(frame.img, prev_frame.img, new_features, None,
flow_time_fim = time.time()
flow_cont += flow_time_fim - flow_time_ini
flow_time_ini = 0
flow_time_fim = 0
d = abs(prev_frame.features - new_features_for_validation).reshape(-1, 2).max(-1)
good = d < 1
# Select good_features points
good_new = np.array([x for x, s in zip(new_features, good) if s], dtype=np.float32)
good_old = np.array([x for x, s in zip(prev_frame.features, good) if s], dtype=np.float32)
# trans = cv2.estimateRigidTransform(good_old, good_new, fullAffine=False)
ransac_time_ini = time.time()
trans, inliers_indices,outliers_indices = RansacMotionEstimator(40, 1.0).estimate(good_old, good_new)
ransac_time_fim = time.time()
ransac_cont += ransac_time_fim - ransac_time_ini
ransac_time_ini = 0
ransac_time_fim = 0
if trans is None and prev_trans is None:
print ("wuf? trans is None and prev_trans is none too")
if trans is None:
trans = prev_trans
print ("wut? trans is None")
delta = Trajectory(get_x(trans), get_y(trans), get_rad_angle(trans))
trajectory += delta
kalman_time_ini = time.time()
diff = filter.get() - trajectory
new_delta = delta + diff
kalman_time_fim = time.time()
kalman_cont += kalman_time_fim - kalman_time_ini
kalman_time_ini = 0
kalman_time_fim = 0
fill_mat(trans, new_delta.x, new_delta.y, new_delta.angle)
compensate_time_ini = time.time()
#out = cv2.warpAffine(frame.img, trans, frame.width_height, flags=cv2.INTER_CUBIC, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT)
#out = cv2.warpAffine(frame_img, trans, frame.width_height, flags=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_REFLECT)
#out = cv2.warpAffine(frame_img, trans, frame.width_height)
out = cv2.warpAffine(frame_img, trans, frame.width_height, flags=cv2.INTER_CUBIC,borderMode=cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE)
compensate_time_fim = time.time()
compensate_count += compensate_time_fim - compensate_time_ini
compensate_time_ini = 0
compensate_time_fim = 0
#out = cv2.warpAffine(frame_img, trans, frame.width_height, flags=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_REFLECT)
#out = frame.img.copy()
prev_trans = trans.copy()
