Unable to authenticate Looker API in Databricks using Python - python-3.x

I want to access some charts -which I have saved in Looker- within Databricks. Part of this process is the authentication. I have one Looker auth-script which works but only pulls the tabular results into Databricks which corresponds to a Looker-View. Instead, I want ONLY the charts to be accessed in Databricks which will correspond to a Looker-look or Looker-space. However, when I follow the tutorial on https://discourse.looker.com/t/generating-a-powerpoint-presentation-from-all-looks-in-a-space/8191, I am not able to authenticate with their script. Hopefully, someone can help.
**Working auth-script for Looker-Views**
import looker_tools as tools
client_id=dbutils.secrets.get(scope="looker-api", key="looker_client_id"),
token = api.login()
**Desired auth-script for Looker-Space/Looks as per tutorial link**
looker_instance = 'your-company.looker.com'
target_space = # 'Period over Period' Space on the Looker instance
client_id = 'xxxxxxxx'
client_secret = 'xxxxxxxx'
# instantiate Auth API
unauthenticated_client = looker_client.ApiClient(configuration=None)
unauthenticated_client.configuration.host = f'https://{looker_instance}:19999/api/3.0/'
unauthenticated_authApi = looker_client.ApiAuthApi(unauthenticated_client)
# authenticate client
token = unauthenticated_authApi.login(client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret)
client = looker_client.ApiClient(header_name='Authorization', header_value='token ' + token.access_token)
client.configuration.host = f'https://{looker_instance}:19999/api/3.0/'
I tried translating the code from Current to DESIRED auth-script but the error states the looker_client is not defined!
looker_instance = 'abcd'
target_space = 123
client_id = dbutils.secrets.get(scope="looker-api", key="looker_client_id")
client_secret = dbutils.secrets.get(scope="looker-api",key="looker_client_secret")
# instantiate Auth API
unauthenticated_client = looker_client.ApiClient(configuration=None) --> This line fails!!
unauthenticated_client.configuration.host = f'https://{looker_instance}:19999/api/3.0/'
unauthenticated_authApi = looker_client.ApiAuthApi(unauthenticated_client)
# authenticate client
token = unauthenticated_authApi.login(client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret)
client = looker_client.ApiClient(header_name='Authorization', header_value='token ' + token.access_token)
client.configuration.host = f'https://{looker_instance}:19999/api/3.0/'
I hope someone can help on how to define looker_client properly. Thanks.

It looks like this one was resolved here: https://discourse.looker.com/t/generating-a-powerpoint-presentation-from-all-looks-in-a-space/8191/15?u=izzy for those following along at home. There's another issue, but the NameError: name ‘looker_client’ is not defined error was resolved by adding a necessary import:
import looker_client_30 as looker_client


Google cloud function (python) does not deploy - Function failed on loading user code

I'm calling a simple python function in google cloud but cannot get it to save. It shows this error:
"Function failed on loading user code. This is likely due to a bug in the user code. Error message: Error: please examine your function logs to see the error cause: https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/monitoring/logging#viewing_logs. Additional troubleshooting documentation can be found at https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/troubleshooting#logging. Please visit https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/troubleshooting for in-depth troubleshooting documentation."
Logs don't seem to show much that would indicate error in the code. I followed this guide: https://blog.thereportapi.com/automate-a-daily-etl-of-currency-rates-into-bigquery/
With the only difference environment variables and the endpoint I'm using.
Code is below, which is just a get request followed by a push of data into a table.
import requests
import json
import time;
import os;
from google.cloud import bigquery
# Set any default values for these variables if they are not found from Environment variables
PROJECT_ID = os.environ.get("PROJECT_ID", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx")
EXCHANGERATESAPI_KEY = os.environ.get("EXCHANGERATESAPI_KEY", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")
REGIONAL_ENDPOINT = os.environ.get("REGIONAL_ENDPOINT", "europe-west1")
DATASET_ID = os.environ.get("DATASET_ID", "currency_rates")
TABLE_NAME = os.environ.get("TABLE_NAME", "currency_rates")
BASE_CURRENCY = os.environ.get("BASE_CURRENCY", "SEK")
SYMBOLS = os.environ.get("SYMBOLS", "NOK,EUR,USD,GBP")
def hello_world(request):
latest_response = get_latest_currency_rates();
return "Success"
def get_latest_currency_rates():
response = requests.get("https://api.exchangeratesapi.io/v1/latest", params=PARAMS)
return response.json()
def write_to_bq(response):
# Instantiates a client
bigquery_client = bigquery.Client(project=PROJECT_ID)
# Prepares a reference to the dataset
dataset_ref = bigquery_client.dataset(DATASET_ID)
table_ref = dataset_ref.table(TABLE_NAME)
table = bigquery_client.get_table(table_ref)
# get the current timestamp so we know how fresh the data is
timestamp = time.time()
jsondump = json.dumps(response) #Returns a string
# Ensure the Response is a String not JSON
rows_to_insert = [{"timestamp":timestamp,"data":jsondump}]
errors = bigquery_client.insert_rows(table, rows_to_insert) # API request
assert errors == []
I tried just the part that does the get request with an offline editor and I can confirm a response works fine. I suspect it might have to do something with permissions or the way the script tries to access the database.

ldap3 add user to group after conn.search

currently, I am writing an AWS Lambda function and the idea is, that someone can send an email to a specific address with a username and AD group and it will trigger the function and add this person to the desired group.
I am using the python module ldap3 and the conn.search part is working, aswell as the addUsersInGroup, but only if I run it separately. If I create a script where I already have the cn or dn name of both user and group and use the addUsersInGroup Function it works, but if I do a conn.search somewhere before it somehow can't establish the connection for the add-to-group part.
from ldap3 import Server, Connection, ALL, NTLM, SUBTREE
from ldap3.extend.microsoft.addMembersToGroups import ad_add_members_to_groups as addUsersInGroups
import email
import os
import json
email = "sample#test.com"
subject = "username,ad-group"
user = subject.split(",")[0]
group = subject.split(",")[1]
emaildomain = email.split("#")[1]
domaingroup = ["test.com"]
adgroups = ["group1","group2"]
server = Server('serverIP', use_ssl=True, get_info=ALL)
conn = Connection(server, OU,
password, auto_bind=True)
def find_user():
user_criteria = "(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=%s))"%user
if conn.search("OU", user_criteria):
result = str(conn.entries)
user_dn = result.split("-")[0].replace("[DN: ","")
return user_dn
return nouser
def find_group():
group_criteria = "(&(objectClass=group)(sAMAccountName=%s))"%group
if conn.search("OU", group_criteria):
result_group = str(conn.entries)
group_dn = result_group.split("-")[0].replace("[DN: ","")
return group_dn
return nogroup
def add_to_group(user,group):
if emaildomain in domaingroup:
user = find_user()
group = find_group()
Please note that I had to delete some things off the script for security reasons.
The connection to search for a user or group is working and if I run the add-to-group function it works too, but only running it without any search beforehand.
Somehow I have the feeling that making the conn.search blocks the connection for anything search related and if try to use the same connection for something different e.g. adding a user to group, that request gets blocked.
Here is the error I receive:
Found the solution on this website:
You are getting this error probably due to auto_referrals=True in Connection by default. Try to use:
conn = Connection(server, "cn=xxx,cn=users,dc=wwww,dc=zzzz,dc=com", "my_pass", auto_bind=True, auto_referrals=False) and do not search and another DC.

Watson speech to text: Invalid credentials error (Code: 401)

I am trying to use the IBM Watson speech to text API/service in the following Python program.
import json
import os
import sys
from watson_developer_cloud import SpeechToTextV1
def transcribe_audio(audio_file_name) :
IBM_USERNAME = "yourusername"
IBM_PASSWORD = "yourpassword"
#what changes should be made here instead of username and password
stt = SpeechToTextV1(username=IBM_USERNAME, password=IBM_PASSWORD)
audio_file = open(audio_file_name, "rb")
json_file = os.path.abspath("america")+".json";
with open(json_file, 'w') as fp:
result = stt.recognize(audio_file,timestamps=True,content_type='audio/wav', inactivity_timeout =-1,word_confidence = True)
json.dump(result, fp, indent=2)
script = "Script is : "
for rows in result['results']:
script += rows['alternatives'][0]['transcript']
This code gave me an authentication error as mentioned in the title because IBM changed the authorization method from username + password to apikey
very recently.
Could anybody tell me what changes should be made in this?
And also how to generate the apikey on IBM Watson speech to text with username and password?
I am new to speech recognition, please let me know. Thanks in advance.
All the information you want is in the API documentation, including how to obtain the API Key - https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/speech-to-text?code=python

Google Slides API: no "client_secret.json"

I'm new to Google Slides API and am trying to build a slide deck for daily news headlines by replacing image and text placeholders (for your reference, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LSUbKZq4ZY and http://wescpy.blogspot.com/2016/11/using-google-slides-api-with-python.html).
But when I try to run my modified program, I get an error message that says no file or directory exists called "client_secret.json" (which is included in the API tutorial's code). The tutorial code is from 2 years ago so I'm not sure if there's been any updates in the Google Slides API, but I'd really appreciate help on navigating this issue. Below is my code (note: "scraped list" is a list of dictionaries, with each dictionary containing a value for keys "headline" and "imgURL".)
from __future__ import print_function
from apiclient import discovery
from httplib2 import Http
from oauth2client import file, client, tools
from datetime import date
from scrapef2 import scrape
scrapedlist = scrape()
TMPLFILE = 'CrimsonTemplate' # use your own!
store = file.Storage('storage.json')
creds = store.get()
if not creds or creds.invalid:
flow = client.flow_from_clientsecrets('client_secret.json', SCOPES)
creds = tools.run_flow(flow, store)
HTTP = creds.authorize(Http())
DRIVE = discovery.build('drive', 'v3', http=HTTP)
SLIDES = discovery.build('slides', 'v1', http=HTTP)
rsp = DRIVE.files().list(q="name='%s'" % TMPLFILE).execute().get('files')[0]
DATA = {'name': '[DN] '+ str(date.today())}
print('** Copying template %r as %r' % (rsp['name'], DATA['name']))
DECK_ID = DRIVE.files().copy(body=DATA, fileId=rsp['id']).execute().get('id') # TO DO: How to copy into a specific folder
for i in range(3):
print('** Get slide objects, search for image placeholder')
slide = SLIDES.presentations().get(presentationId=DECK_ID,
obj = None
for obj in slide['pageElements']:
if obj['shape']['shapeType'] == 'RECTANGLE':
print('** Replacing placeholder text and icon')
reqs = [
{'replaceAllText': {
'containsText': {'text': '{{Headline}}'},
'replaceText': scrapedlist[i]["headline"]
{'createImage': {
'url': scrapedlist[i]["imgURL"],
'elementProperties': {
'pageObjectId': slide['objectId'],
'size': obj['size'],
'transform': obj['transform'],
{'deleteObject': {'objectId': obj['objectId']}},
SLIDES.presentations().batchUpdate(body={'requests': reqs},
Never used python google api but error indicates that you dont have your 'client_secret.json' file or it is in wrong place.
Scenario 1 - you dont have 'client_secret.json' file
This file is used by API to automatically verify that you are you. With this all API calls are made by your behalf. To get this file:
go to Google API console
open your project (or create new one)
click "Enable APIs and services" to find and enable Google Slides API
click "Credentials" in left menu, and then "Create credentials" -> "oAuth client ID"
choose Web application, accept all windows
now you should see new credentials on list, you can click on them and there will be button on top menu named "download JSON", there you will obtain your credentials (which by name are secret so keep them somewhere safe)
Scenario 2 - your 'client_secret.json' file is in wrong place
In this case I can't be very helpful, just try to inspect library to know where it looks for file and put it there (library directory, project root directory, hard to tell).
Let me know if it worked, as Google APIs and their libraries sometimes acts unexpectedly.

call OAUTH2 api in python script

i have found this interesting article here https://developer.byu.edu/docs/consume-api/use-api/oauth-20/oauth-20-python-sample-code
in this article there is an example how to call an oauth2 api using authorization_code flow. the problem with this approach is that you need to open a new browser, get the code and paste in the script. i would open and get the code directly from python script. is it possible?
print "go to the following url on the browser and enter the code from the
returned url: "
print "--- " + authorization_redirect_url + " ---"
access_token = raw_input('access_token: ')
I have been battling with this same problem today and found that the following worked for me. You'll need:
A secret key
the access token url
I then used requests_oauthlib: https://github.com/requests/requests-oauthlib
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session
# Both id and secret should be provided by whoever owns the api
myid = 'ID_Supplied'
my_secret = 'Secret_pass'
access_token_url = "https://example.com/connect/token" # suffix is also an example
client = BackendApplicationClient(client_id=myid)
oauth = OAuth2Session(client=client)
token = oauth.fetch_token(token_url=access_token_url, client_id=myid,
