Opinion: Querying databases from Spark streaming or Structured streaming tasks - apache-spark

We have a Spark streaming use case where we need to compute some metrics from ingested events (in Kafka), but the computations require additional metadata which are not present in the events.
The obvious design pattern I can think of is to make point queries to the metadata tables (on the master DB) from spark executor tasks and use that metadata info during the processing of each event.
Another idea would be to "enrich" the ingested events in a separate pipeline as a preprocessor step before sending them to Kafka. This could be done, say by another service or task.
The second scenario is more useful in cases when the domain/environment where Spark/hadoop runs is isolated from the domain of the master DB where all metadata is stored.
Is there a general consensus on how this type of event "enrichment" should be done? What other considerations am I missing here?

Typically the first approach that you thought about is correct and meets your requirements.
There is know that within Apache Spark you can join data-in-motion with data-at-rest.
In other words you have your streaming context that continuously stream data from Kafka.
val dfStream = spark.read.kafka(...)
At the same time you can connect to the metastore DB (e.g spark.read.jdbc)
val dfMetaDb = spark.read.jdbc(...)
You can join them together
and continue the process from this point on.
The benefits is that you don't touch other components and rely only on Spark processing capabilities.


Is it possible to have a single kafka stream for multiple queries in structured streaming?

I have a spark application that has to process multiple queries in parallel using a single Kafka topic as the source.
The behavior I noticed is that each query has its own consumer (which is in its own consumer group) causing the same data to be streamed to the application multiple times (please correct me if I'm wrong) which seems very inefficient, instead I would like to have a single stream of data that would be then processed in parallel by Spark.
What would be the recommended way to improve performance in the scenario above ? Should I focus on optimizing Kafka partitions instead of how Spark interacts with Kafka ?
Any thoughts are welcome,
Thank you.
The behavior I noticed is that each query has its own consumer (which is in its own consumer group) causing the same data to be streamed to the application multiple times (please correct me if I'm wrong) which seems very inefficient, instead I would like to have a single stream of data that would be then processed in parallel by Spark.
tl;dr Not possible in the current design.
A single streaming query "starts" from a sink. There can only be one in a streaming query (I'm repeating it myself to remember better as I seem to have been caught multiple times while with Spark Structured Streaming, Kafka Streams and recently with ksqlDB).
Once you have a sink (output), the streaming query can be started (on its own daemon thread).
For exactly the reasons you mentioned (not to share data for which Kafka Consumer API requires group.id to be different), every streaming query creates a unique group ID (cf. this code and the comment in 3.3.0) so the same records can be transformed by different streaming queries:
// Each running query should use its own group id. Otherwise, the query may be only assigned
// partial data since Kafka will assign partitions to multiple consumers having the same group
// id. Hence, we should generate a unique id for each query.
val uniqueGroupId = KafkaSourceProvider.batchUniqueGroupId(sourceOptions)
And that makes sense IMHO.
Should I focus on optimizing Kafka partitions instead of how Spark interacts with Kafka ?
Guess so.
You can separate your source data frame into different stages, yes.
val df = spark.readStream.format("kafka") ...
val strDf = df.select(cast('value).as("string")) ...
val df1 = strDf.filter(...) # in "parallel"
val df2 = strDf.filter(...) # in "parallel"
Only the first line should be creating Kafka consumer instance(s), not the other stages, as they depend on the consumer records from the first stage.

How to avoid Code Redundancy in Lambda Architecture?

We have an exiting batch processing which is working as mentioned below
Hive SQL is using for Daily batch processing.
Data are being either ingested from Files or RDMBS
Data is ingested in Raw --> Staging --> Mart, with staging to mart being all the business transformation and raw to staging is just cleansing and formatting of data.
Now as Part of getting real or near real time data, I am evaluating the Lambda Architecture and this is what plan is?
ALL the source system is going to land on Kafka.
Same batch processing System will consume Kafka topics.
New Spark Application will consume kafka topics for streaming.
Serving layer will create views which will combine both the aggregate data from Streaming and Batch for real (near real) time processing.
The problem is, the Logic will be duplicated in HiveQL (Batch) and Spark (Streaming). is there a way I can avoid this or minimize this?
You can build your processing stages using Spark SQL and Spark Structured Streaming: https://spark.apache.org/docs/2.2.0/structured-streaming-programming-guide.html. Depending on your needs there can be some incompatibilities. But I´d try to build the Spark Aggregations + Transformations using the Dataset[_] api and then try to spawn in both ways, batch and streaming.
The problem of duplicated code base is inherent in lambda architecture. It gets a mention in the 'criticism' section of the wikipedia page
Another issue is that the data between batch and stream are not in sync so can lead to unexpected results when bringing data together. For example, joining across stream and batch when keys do not yet exist in batch.
I believe the lambda architecture comes from an belief that streaming is complex and expensive so keep batch as much as possible and add streaming only for those elements that require near-real time. We already have batch, let's add a few streaming things.
An alternate architecture is to use streaming for everything. This is based on the realization that batch is a special case of streaming, so do your batch and stream processing on a single streaming platform.
use spark structured streaming for batch
lambda architecture issues and how only using streaming solves them
questioning the lambda architecture

Use Akka with apache spark streaming & Kafka?

Below is the high level usecase which im trying to workon.
we have stream of students data published into a Kafka topic and our module has to read the student ids as stream and fetch associated data from multiple sources for each student and perform some calculation for each student and publish the associated calculation for each student into a kafka topic.
So here the question is it better to write a single big Spark job or use Akka to have separate service for each source so that actors can work parallely take bunch of student ids and get the data from respective source and perform some bunch Transformations and actions and finally a calculation associated with each student .
Or do i really need to use Akka here? Will Spark handles this efficiently internally?
Appreciate any thoughts here.
If your transformations take data from Kafka as input and produce output back into Kafka, it appears the most natural fit is Kafka Streams. I'd look to that first. Kafka Streams take advantage of the partitioning of data on Kafka to process partition groups in parallel to each other, but process messages sequentially within in each group, similarly how akka actors work in parallel to each other but each actor internally processes messages sequentially.
However, if your calculation requires e.g. machine learning or in general some iterative data-processing which does re-partitioning (shuffling in spark lingo) of the data between iterations, then Kafka Streams would no longer be that good a fit, I think. Then I'd consider Spark or Flink.
Akka is really powerful and you can use it in both these cases and more. However, it's a lower level library than Kafka Streams, Spark or Flink. Which means you have more power but also more considerations to think about. If using akka, I'd go for akka-streams. They have a good integration with kafka via the akka-stream-kafka (aka reactive-kafka) library.

How to do multiple Kafka topics to multiple Spark jobs in parallel

Please forgive if this question doesn't make sense, as I am just starting out with Spark and trying to understand it.
From what I've read, Spark is a good use case for doing real time analytics on streaming data, which can then be pushed to a downstream sink such as hdfs/hive/hbase etc.
I have 2 questions about that. I am not clear if there is only 1 spark streaming job running or multiple at any given time. Say I have different analytics I need to perform for each topic from Kafka or each source that is streaming into Kafka, and then push the results of those downstream.
Does Spark allow you to run multiple streaming jobs in parallel so you can keep aggregate analytics separate for each stream, or in this case each Kafka topic. If so, how is that done, any documentation you could point me to ?
Just to be clear, my use case is to stream from different sources, and each source could have potentially different analytics I need to perform as well as different data structure. I want to be able to have multiple Kafka topics and partitions. I understand each Kafka partition maps to a Spark partition, and it can be parallelized.
I am not sure how you run multiple Spark streaming jobs in parallel though, to be able to read from multiple Kafka topics, and tabulate separate analytics on those topics/streams.
If not Spark is this something thats possible to do in Flink ?
Second, how does one get started with Spark, it seems there is a company and or distro to choose for each component, Confluent-Kafka, Databricks-Spark, Hadoop-HW/CDH/MAPR. Does one really need all of these, or what is the minimal and easiest way to get going with a big data pipleine while limiting the number of vendors ? It seems like such a huge task to even start on a POC.
You have asked multiple questions so I'll address each one separately.
Does Spark allow you to run multiple streaming jobs in parallel?
Is there any documentation on Spark Streaming with Kafka?
How does one get started?
a. Book: https://www.amazon.com/Learning-Spark-Lightning-Fast-Data-Analysis/dp/1449358624/
b. Easy way to run/learn Spark: https://community.cloud.databricks.com
I agree with Akbar and John that we can run multiple streams reading from different sources in parallel.
I like add that if you want to share data between streams, you can use Spark SQL API. So you can register your RDD as a SQL table and access the same table in all the streams. This is possible since all the streams share the same SparkContext

Spark Streaming with large number of streams and models used for analytical processing of RDDs

We are creating a real-time stream processing system with spark streaming which uses large number (millions) of analytic models applied to RDDs in the many different type of incoming metric data streams(more then 100000). This streams are original or transformed streams. Each RDD has to go through an analytical model for processing. Since we do not know which spark cluster node will process which specific RDDs from different streams, we need to make ALL these models available at each Spark compute node. This will create huge overhead at each spark node. We are considering using in-memory data grids to provide these models at spark compute nodes. Is this the right approach?
Should we avoid using Spark streaming all together and just use in-memory data grids like Redis(with pub/sub) to solve this problem. In that case we will stream data to specific Redis nodes which contain the specific models. of course we will have to do all binning/window etc..
Please suggest.
Sounds like to me like you need a combination of stream processing engine and a distributed data store. I would design the system like this.
The distributed datastore (Redis, Cassandra, etc.) can have the data you want to access from all the nodes.
Receive the data streams through a combination data ingestion system (Kafka, Flume, ZeroMQ, etc.) and process it in the stream processing system (Spark Streaming [preferably ;)], Storm, etc.).
In the functions that is used to process the stream records, the necessary data will have to pulled from the data store and maybe cached locally as appropriate.
You may also have to update the data store from spark streaming as application needs it. In which case you will also have to worry about versioning of the data that you want pull in step 3.
Hopefully that made sense. Its hard to give any more specifics of the implementation without the exactly computation model. Hope this helps!
