node-sass not compiling with npm scripts - node.js

So, I am reading this article and following each of the steps described but when I am trying to run npm run scss I get the following error:
This is my .json file :
"name": "new-project",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"scss": "node-sass --output-style compressed -o dist/css src/scss",
"serve": "browser-sync start --server --files 'dist/css/*.css, **/*.html'"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"devDependencies": {
"browser-sync": "^2.26.7",
"node-sass": "^4.13.0"
It does not create the dist file it's supposed to or doesn't do anything else.
Here is what I got.
node -v v12.13.0
npm -v 6.12.0
Please let me know if you need any further information from my setup but it should be the exact same from the article.


NPM CLI package.json invalid

Before posting the issue, I surfed on all possible websites to fix the issue with Node.js- npm cli I am encountering. None of the answers worked for me and I got stuck with. Can someone help to fix it?
The npm cli was running perfectly and it suddenly started to work giving me the traceback Please verify that the package.json has a valid 'main' entry. Even if I re-installed the node.js it has not resolved the issue. (see screenshot below)
The version node.js 16.17.1 on Windows 10
The content of the package.json
"name": "npm-bundled",
"version": "1.1.2",
"description": "list things in node_modules that are bundledDependencies, or transitive dependencies thereof",
"main": "index.js",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git+"
"author": "Isaac Z. Schlueter <> (",
"license": "ISC",
"devDependencies": {
"mkdirp": "^0.5.1",
"mutate-fs": "^1.1.0",
"rimraf": "^2.6.1",
"tap": "^12.0.1"
"scripts": {
"test": "tap test/*.js -J --100",
"preversion": "npm test",
"postversion": "npm publish",
"postpublish": "git push origin --all; git push origin --tags"
"files": [
"dependencies": {
"npm-normalize-package-bin": "^1.0.1"
Thanks in advance.
Thanks everyone. The problem was lying in the directory C:\Users\your_comp_name\AppData\Local\node & C:\Users\your_comp_name\AppData\Roaming\npm that only needs to be removed to run npm cli further.

nodemon: not found on heroku

My app runs locally with no issues by its failing on Heroku
"name": "app name",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "app.js",
"scripts": {
"start": "nodemon app.js"
"engines": {
"node": "14.17.0"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"body-parser": "^1.19.0",
"express": "^4.17.1",
"mongoose": "^5.12.9"
web:node app.js
its returning the below error
sh: 1: nodemon: not found
Any help on how to make this work?
The nodemon is installed globally on your machine that's why you are able to run it on your machine. When you are pushing it on Heroku it is showing the error because there is nothing like nodemon.
Also, Heroku doesn't need nodemon so just replace your start script:
node app.js
and change your Procfile to this:
web: npm start
Even I had the same issue.
You just have to remove nodemon from start script
It has to be iin this way;
"scripts": { "start": "src/index.js", "dev": "env-cmd -f ./config/dev.env nodemon src/index.js" }

how to run live-server inside project using scripts property of package.json file

I have project and i have installed live-server using npm install --save-dev live-server
I want to now run live-server using scripts property in package.json file.
I know we can run it globally but i want to run live-server within the project folder.
i dont know why you want to do that, but you can add this on package.json
"scripts": {
"live": "live-server"
and then run with npm like this:
npm run live
here's an example of package.json:
"name": "tailwindcss",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"dependencies": {
"tailwindcss": "^1.4.6"
"devDependencies": {},
"scripts": {
"build:css": "tailwind build src/style.css -o style.css",
"live": "live-server"
"keywords": [],
"author": "",
"license": "ISC"

sh: 1: cucumber.js: not found

Trying to use this tutorial here:
The output to nvm current is: v10.12.0.
The output to npm --version is: 6.4.1>
I get the error below once I invoke npm test:
> nodejs-cucumber-sample#0.0.1 test /home/gnuc/code/nodejs-cucumber-sample
> cucumber.js
sh: 1: cucumber.js: not found
I am not sure as to why this is the case. The $PATH includes /home/gnuc/.nvm/versions/node/v10.12.0/bin. And I have already used npm install cucumber -g and npm install cucumber
Make sure that your package.json file includes this: "test": "cucumber-js"
So that it looks something like this:
"name": "hellocucumber",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": **"cucumber-js"**
"keywords": [],
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"devDependencies": {
"cucumber": "^5.1.0"
So, you need to actually call the npm package/library. I have the following defined in my package.json:
"scripts": {
"test": "node ./node_modules/.bin/cucumber-js"
you can also add some ---tags in this call.
"scripts": {
"test": "node ./node_modules/.bin/cucumber-js --tags #RegressionTestSuite"
this will run any feature files that have #RegressionTestSuite at the top
Also, I have an output/results file created with a time stamp.
"scripts": {
"test": "node ./node_modules/.bin/cucumber-js --tags #RegressionTestSuite --format json:./results/log_new_`date +%Y-%m-%m__%H-%M`.json""
I hope this helped.
node ./node_modules/cucumber/bin/cucumber-js
This command is working fine.
And you got sh:1: cucumber.js: not found error means first things please look out the path of cucumber.js

Why devDependencies is not installed

I developed a package for example: testlab, and its package.json is:
"devDependencies": {
"mocha": "^2.0.0"
"name": "#aab/testlab",
"version": "2.6.0",
"description": "example for npm",
"main": ".\\dest\\main.js",
"dependencies": {
"gulp": "^3.9.1",
"gulp-changed": "^1.3.2"
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"keywords": [
"author": "aab <>",
"license": "ISC"
Say I included mocha in devDendencies, and then I created a local directory called e.g. c:\example and used
npm install #aab/testlab --only=dev
to get my package under c:\example, but when I looked at c:\example\node_modules, I did not find mocha package is installed. I also tried other command like
npm install #aab/testlab
still no luck. I used NodeJS v4.6.0 and npm 4.0.2. Although nodeJS seems a little old, could any one help me that?
I have seen this happen only when NODE_ENV is set to PRODUCTION. Something else might be setting it.
