terraform - mounting a directory in yaml - terraform

i am managing instances on goole cloud platform and deploying the docker image into GCP by using terraform script. The problem that I have now with the Terraform script is mounting a host directory into a docker container when docker image is started.
If I can manually run a docker command, i can do something like this.
docker run -v <host_dir>:<container_local_path> -it <image_id>
But I need to configure the mount directory in the Terraform Yaml. This is my Terraform YAML file.
- name: MyDocker
image: "docker_image_name"
- containerPort: 80
hostPort: 80
I have a directory (/www/project/data) in the host machine. This directory needs to be mounted into the docker container.
Does anybody know how to mount this directory into this yaml file?
Or any workaround is appreciated.

I found an annswer. please make sure 'dataDir' name has to match between 'volumeMounts and volumes'.
- name: 'dataDir'
mountPath: '/data/'
- name: 'dataDir'
path: '/tmp/logs'

I am assuming that you are loading Docker images into a Container based Compute Engine. My recommendation is to determine your recipe for creating your GCE image and mounting your disk manually using the GCP console. The following will give guidance on that task.
Once you are able to achieve your desired GCP environment by hand, there appears to be a recipe for translating this into a Terraform script as documented here:
The high level recipe seems to be the recognition that the configuration of docker commands and specification is found in Metadata of the Compute Engine configuration. We can find the desired metadata by running the command manually and looking at the REST request that would achieve that. Once we know the metadata, we can transcribe that into the equivalent settings in the terraform script to be added by Terraform.


Mounting individual files from an Azure file share into a container

I'm currently attempting to use Azure's docker compose integration to deploy a visualization tool. The default compose file can be found here. Below is a snippet of the file:
# other services omitted
restart: unless-stopped
image: mysql:5.7
container_name: cbioportal-database-container
MYSQL_DATABASE: cbioportal
MYSQL_USER: cbio_user
MYSQL_PASSWORD: somepassword
- ./data/cgds.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/cgds.sql:ro
- ./data/seed.sql.gz:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/seed.sql.gz:ro
- cbioportal_mysql_data:/var/lib/mysql
One of services it uses is based on the official mysql image, which allows the developer to put sql files into the /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d folder to be executed the first time the container starts. In this case, these are sql scripts used to create a database schema and seed it with some default data.
Below is a snippet I took from Docker's official documentation in my attempt to mount these files from a file share into the cbioportal-database container:
# other services omitted
- cbioportal_data/mysql:/var/lib/mysql
- cbioportal_data/data/cgds.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/cgds.sql:ro
- cbioportal_data/data/seed.sql.gz:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/seed.sql.gz:ro
driver: azure_file
share_name: cbioportal-file-share
storage_account_name: cbioportalstorage
Obviously, that doesn't work. Is there a way to mount specific files from Azure file share into the cbioportal-database container so it can create the database, its schema, and seed it?
I tried to reproduce but unable mount a single file/folder from Azure File Share to Azure Container Instance. file share will treated as common once you mount as volume to the container or host.
Here one more thing notice whatever the files you will update in file share it will update in container as well after you mount the file share as volume to the container.
May this be the reason we can not mount specific file and folder as volume in container.
There are some limitations to this as well
• You can only mount Azure Files shares to Linux containers. Review more about the differences in feature support for Linux and Windows container groups in the overview.
• You can only mount the whole share and not the subfolders within it.
• Azure file share volume mount requires the Linux container run as root.
• Azure File share volume mounts are limited to CIFS support.
• Share cannot be mounted as read-only.
• You can mount multiple volumes but not with Azure CLI and would have to use ARM templates instead.
Reference: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/container-instances/container-instances-volume-azure-files

Host path not allowed as volume source, you need to reference an Azure File Share defined in the 'volumes' section

My simple docker-compose.yaml file:
version: '3'
image: php:7.4-cli
container_name: php72
- .hi:/var/www/html
- 8000:80
in folder hi/ I have just an index.php with a hello world print in it. (Do I need to have a Dockerfile here also?)
Now I just want to run this container with docker compose up:
$ docker compose up
host path ("/Users/xy/project/TEST/hi") not allowed as volume source, you need to reference an Azure File Share defined in the 'volumes' section
What has "docker compose" up to do with Azure? - I don't want to use Azure File Share at this moment, and I never mentioned or configured anything with Azure. I logged out of azure with: $az logout but got still this strange error on my macbook.
I've encountered the same issue as you but in my case I was trying to use an init-mongo.js script for a MongoDB in an ACI. I assume you were working in an Azure context at some point, I can't speak on that logout issue but I can speak to volumes on Azure.
If you are trying to use volumes in Azure, at least in my experience, (regardless if you want to use file share or not) you'll need to reference an Azure file share and not your host path.
Learn more about Azure file share: Mount an Azure file share in Azure Container Instances
Also according to the Compose file docs:
The top-level volumes key defines a named volume and references it from each service’s volumes list. This replaces volumes_from in earlier versions of the Compose file format.
So the docker-compose file should look something like this
version: '3'
image: php:7.4-cli
container_name: php72
- hi:/var/www/html
- 8000:80
driver: azure_file
share_name: <name of share>
storage_account_name: <name of storage account>
Then just place the file/folder you wanted to use in the file share that is driving the volume beforehand. Again, I'm not sure why you are encountering that error if you've never used Azure but if you do end up using volumes with Azure this is the way to go.
Let me know if this helps!
I was testing to deploy docker compose on Azure and I faced the same problem as yours
then I tried to use docker images and that gave me the clue:
it says: image command not available in current context, try to use default
so I found the command "docker context use default"
and it worked!
so Azure somehow changed the docker context, and you need to change it back

Mounting from persistent storage into azure multi container app

I'm trying to build a multiconatiner app with azure. I'm struggling with accessing persistent storage. In my docker-compose file I want to add the config file for my rabbitmq container. I've mounted a fileshare to the directory "/home/fileshare" which contains the def.json. On the cloud it doesn't seem to create the volume, as on startup rabbitmq can't find the file. If i do this locally and just save the file somewhere it works.
Docker Compose File:
version: '3.8'
image: rabbitmq:3-management-alpine
- /home/fileshare/def.json:/opt/rabbitmq-conf/def.json
- 5672
- 15672
RABBITMQ_SERVER_ADDITIONAL_ERL_ARGS: -rabbitmq_management load_definitions "/opt/rabbitmq-conf/def.json"
- cloudnet
driver: bridge
You need to use the WEBAPP_STORAGE_HOME env variable that is mapped to persistent storage at /home.
On my understanding, you want to mount the Azure File Share to the container rabbitmq and upload the def.json file to the file share so that you can access the def.json file inside the container.
Follow the steps here to mount the file share to the container. And it just supports to mount the file share, not the file directly.
The solution to this problem seems to be to use ftp to access the webapp and save the definitions file. Docker-Compose is in preview mode (since 2018), and a lot of the options are actually not supported. I tried mounting the storage to a single container app and used ssh to connect to it, and the file is exactly where one would expect it to be. With a multi-container app this doesn't work.
I feel like the docker-compose feature is not yet fully supported

Possible solution for bitbucket pipeline docker-run limitation

My integration tests are highly dependent of a elastic search, given that to build my integration tests on bitbucket pipeline I would have to execute the docker-run command to be able to spin up my elastic-search instance during my integration tests.
But as probably some of you know, there's a limitation on the bitbucket pipeline
See the Docker command line reference for information on how to use
these commands. Other commands, such as docker run, are currently
forbidden for security reasons on our shared build infrastructure.
So given that I don't know how can I spin-up my escluster with all configurations that I need inside, painless scripts, mappings, ports exposed to be available for my integrations tests.
Does someone have any idea how could i achieve this?
Ok I managed to get it working, I was struggling to run elastic search, due this error https://github.com/docker-library/elasticsearch/issues/111
This was fixed by applying the config discovery-type: single-node. Since I'm using this for integration tests I don't need to run ES in production mode. The thing is bitbucket-pipeline was not showing error logs for this error, so I was completely blind and I had to try many things till find out. Since I can't build and run my own image on pipelines, I uploaded an image with my own configuration (including single-node config) and scripts and to docker hub.
This is how my yaml looked like in the end:
image: maven:3.3.9
- step:
- maven
- docker version
- mvn clean package verify -Dmaven.docker.plugin.skip=true -s settings.xml
- elasticsearch
image: elastic-search-bitbucket-pipeline
docker: true
You can try to define your elastic-search image as a service as described there:
Use services and databases in Bitbucket Pipelines
For those still looking for a more elaborate solution, I have created a Dockerfile like this:
FROM elasticsearch:7.0.1
COPY --chown=elasticsearch:elasticsearch elasticsearch.yml /usr/share/elasticsearch/config/
In the same folder I have also created a custom config elasticsearch.yml:
I then added the custom image to Docker Hub, for more info how to do that, look here: https://docs.docker.com/docker-hub/repos/
You can now use the custom image in your Pipelines service configuration and use it to run your tests.
You could also supply some more configuration inside your elasticsearch.yml
Enable CORS:
http.cors.enabled: true
http.cors.allow-origin: "*"
Set discovery type:
discovery.type: single-node
You can use my docker image:
Add service to your pipeline as below:
- step: &run-tests
name: Run tests
- sleep 30 # Waiting elasticsearch. In your real pipeline you can not use it.
- curl -XGET localhost:9250/_cat/health
- elasticsearch
image: xiting/elasticsearch-bitbucket-pipeline
ES_JAVA_OPTS: '-Xms512m -Xmx512m'
memory: 2048
- step: *run-tests

How to specify OpenShift image when creating a Job

Under OpenShift 3.3, I'm attempting to create a Job using the oc command line tool (which apparently lacks argument-based support for Job creation), but I'm having trouble understanding how to make use of an existing app's image stream. For example, when my app does an S2I build, it pushes to the app:latest image stream. I want the Job I'm attempting to create to be run in the context of a new job-specific pod using my app's image stream. I've prepared a test Job using this YAML:
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: myapp-test-job
restartPolicy: Never
activeDeadlineSeconds: 30
- name: myapp
image: myapp:latest
command: ["echo", "hello world"]
When I create the above Job using oc create -f job.yaml, OpenShift fails to pull myapp:latest. If I change image: myapp:latest to image: (and in doing so, specify the host and port of my OpenShift instance's internal Docker registry), this works, but I'd rather not specify this as it seems like introducing a dependency on an OpenShift implementation detail. Is there a way to make OpenShift Jobs use images from an existing app without depending on such details?
The documentation shows image: perl, but it's unclear on how to use a Docker image built and stored within OpenShift.
I learned that you simply cannot yet use an ImageStream with a Job unless you specify the full address to the internal OpenShift Docker registry. Relevant GitHub issues:
