I am writing a PLI/CICS code. Trying to figure out a way to get the time value that includes millisecond.
I have tried looking up documentation for CICS ASKTIME and FORMATTIME and did not find a good way to get the millisecond value
So in my code, i am doing a ASKTIME first , followed by the format time.
This is how my code looks like
/* first do a asktime */
/* followed by the formattime */
At this point, i am able to get the time in HHMMSS format. Can you tell me if there is a way to get the millisecond value as well ?
From the CICS manual
Returns the number of milliseconds in the current second specified by ABSTIME, as a binary integer in the range 0 - 999.
I am trying to get node CFS scheduler throttling in percent. For that i am reading 2 values 2 times (ignoring timeslices) from /proc/schedstat it has following format:
$ cat /proc/schedstat
version 15
timestamp 4297299139
cpu0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1145287047860 105917480368 8608857
CpuTime RunqTime
so i read from file, sleep for some time, read again, calculate time passed and value delta between, and calc percent then using following code:
cputTime := float64(delta.CpuTime) / delta.TimeDelta / 10000000
runqTime := float64(delta.RunqTime) / delta.TimeDelta / 10000000
percent := runqTime
the trick is that percent could be like 2000%
i assumed that runqtime is incremental, and is expressed in nanoseconds, so i divided it by 10^7 (to get it to 0-100% range), and timedelta is difference between measurements in seconds. what is wrong with it? how to do that properly?
I, for one, do not know how to interpret the output of /proc/schedstat.
You do quote an answer to a unix.stackexchange question, with a link to a mail in LKML that mentions a possible patch to the documentation.
However, "schedstat" is a term which is suspiciously missing from my local man proc page, and from the copies of man proc I could find on the internet. Actually, when searching for schedstat on Google, the results I get either do not mention the word "schedstat" (for example : I get links to copies of the man page, which mentions "sched" and "stat"), or non authoritative comments (fun fact : some of them quote that answer on stackexchange as a reference ...)
So at the moment : if I had to really understand what's in the output, I think I would try to read the code for my version of the kernel.
As far as "how do you compute delta ?", I understand what you intend to do, I had in mind something more like "what code have you written to do it ?".
By running cat /proc/schedstat; sleep 1 in a loop on my machine, I see that the "timestamp" entry is incremented by ~250 units on each iteration (so I honestly can't say what's the underlying unit for that field ...).
To compute delta.TimeDelta : do you use that field ? or do you take two instances of time.Now() ?
The other deltas are less ambiguous, I do imagine you took the difference between the counters you see :)
Do note that, on my mainly idle machine, I sometimes see increments higher than 10^9 over a second on these counters. So again : I do not know how to interpret these numbers.
I need time in this format 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ'(e.g 1985-04-12T23:20:50.52Z) using date command in Linux. Can you help me on this?
The exact reproduction of Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) (a/k/a Zulu time) with Hundredths of a second would require fashioning a custom date string and calling date -u.
Note: to address the correct assertion in the comment by Toby Speight that there is a potential for a 1-second difference between the date representation held by d and that by n in the original answer due to using separate date calls, you can alleviate the concern by using a single call to date (and thank you again Toby for reminding me we can use printf field-width modifiers to truncate the nanosecond field), e.g.
date -u +'%FT%T.%2NZ'
Example Result
$ date -u +'%FT%T.%2NZ'
This will avoid the 1-second potential difference due to two date calls.
I'm having a problem about the Read Interval of my RFID Reader. The Read Interval and SameID interval are all set in x10ms which is declared in Byte. In configuration the max ms i can set is 255 ms and that is equal to 2,550 seconds. Can someone help me? This is the screenshot of the configuration.
Please the piture:
The SameID Interval in the form is in s but the max number is only 255
It is only the specification of the product you are using, and does not specify the behavior of the application program you make.
Applications can incorporate their own Same ID checks.
For example, when tag data is read from an RFID reader, it memorizes time and tag data pair in the application.
Every time the tag data is read, it compares it with the read data stored in the application, if there is the same tag data, compare it with the reading time, and if it is within the time specified yourself, read it later you can discard the data.
You can also comment on the manufacturer and wait for it to be realized, or request and fund it to make a special product for you.
I want to get the runtime of an active task. In the REST API page of /applications/[app-id]/stages/[stage-id], I can get tasks info in detail.
enter image description here
You can see, the executorRunTime is 0 when a task is not completed. I think I can get the runTime according to launchTime. Suppose the launchTime is 2017-12-21T03:15:31.106GMT. I use the following code to compute the runTime.
val format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss'.'sss'GMT'", Locale.ENGLISH)
val launchTime = format.parse("2017-12-21T03:15:31.106GMT").getTime
val runTime = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")).getTimeInMillis -
But I get a negative number. Is the time format wrong? Or what?
String launchTimeString = "2017-12-21T03:15:31.106GMT";
launchTimeString = launchTimeString.replaceFirst("GMT$", "Z");
long launchTime = Instant.parse(launchTimeString).toEpochMilli();
long runTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - launchTime;
(Sorry, I can write only Java 8 code, I will have to trust you to translate.)
java.time and ISO 8601
The date and time classes from Java 1.0 and 1.1 are long outdated, and SimpleDateFormat in particular notoriously troublesome. I recommend you stop using them and use java.time, the modern Java date and time API instead. It is so much nicer to work with.
Your launch time string is a bit funny. It resembles the ISO 8601 standard format with the characteristic T between the date and the time, but has a non-standard GMT in the end, where strings following the standard would usually have Z (or a positive or negative offset from UTC). Since the modern date and time classes parse ISO 8601 as their default, that is, without any explicit formatter, and since writing format pattern strings seems to be an endless source of bugs (it certainly isn’t just you), I found it tempting to modify your string to fit the standard and then parse it.
What was wrong in your format pattern?
There are two bugs in you format pattern string:
You want uppercase HH for hour of day. Lowercase hh is for hour within AM or PM, in the interval 1 through 12. With SimpleDateFormat this bug usually “just” means that an hour of 12 is understood as 00 (which would have given you a very long run time) (the modern DateTimeFormatter more eagerly tells you you have a bug if you try the same with that class).
While lowercase ss is correct for seconds, milliseconds are uppercase SSS. This must have been what hit you: 106 in you string was taken to be seconds rather than milliseconds, so if running your code before 03:16:46, you got a negative run time.
So both bugs boil down to: Format pattern strings are case sensitive, so you need to beware the correct case.
Oracle tutorial: Date Time, explaining how to use java.time.
Wikipedia article on ISO 8601.
I have been trying to find a nice way to format a timestamp of the current date & time with milliseconds using Python 3's native time library.
However there's no directive for milliseconds in the standard documentation https://docs.python.org/3/library/time.html#time.strftime.
There's undocumented directives though, like %s which will give the unix timestamp. Is there any other directives like this?
Code example:
>>> import time
>>> time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %s')
'2017-08-28 09:27:04 1503912424'
Ideally I would just want to change the trailing %s to some directive for milliseconds.
I'm using Python 3.x.
I'm fully aware that it's quite simple to get milliseconds using the native datetime library, however I'm looking for a solution using the native time library solely.
If you insist on using time only:
miliSeconds = time.time()%1*1000
time() returns accurately the time since the epoch. Since you already have the the date up to a second, you don't really care this is a time delta, since the remaining fraction is what you need to add anyway to what you have already to get the accurate date. %1 retrieves the fraction and then I convert the numbers to millisecond by multiplying by 1000.
Note that even though the time is always returned as a floating point
number, not all systems provide time with a better precision than 1
second. While this function normally returns non-decreasing values, it
can return a lower value than a previous call if the system clock has
been set back between the two calls.
Taken from https://docs.python.org/3/library/time.html#time.time. But this means there is no way to do what you want. You may be able to do something more robust with process_time, but that would have to be elaborate.