Shell Script code yields same output on update input - linux

I have written script to add pattern of directories in exclude-list of Deja-Dup (backup softaware). Even I have updated values for gsettings get org.gnome.DejaDup include-list and tested on terminal that it gives desired output, my code is producing same output which was to old input.
I have tried running clear and reset on terminal but it did not helped.
y=$(gsettings get org.gnome.DejaDup include-list)
# Code to show included directory
ILS="" read -ra "x" <<<y
declare p INCLUDE_LIST
for y in ${x[#]}
cat $y


How do you append a string built with interpolation of vars and STDIN to a file?

Can someone fix this for me.
It should copy a version log file to backup after moving to a repo directory
Then it automatically appends line given as input to the log file with some formatting.
That's it.
Assume existence of log file and test directory.
cd ~/Git/test
cp versionlog.MD .versionlog.MD.old
LOGDATE="$(date --utc +%m-%d-%Y)"
read -p "MSG > " VHMSG |
cat ${VHENTRY} >> versionlog.MD
shell output
virufac#box:~/Git/test$ ~/
MSG > testing script
CTRL + C to get out of stuck in reading lines of input
virufac#box:~/Git/test$ cat versionlog.MD
directly outputs the markdown
# Version Log
## version 0.0.1 established 01-22-2020
*Working Towards Working Mission 1 Demo in 0.1 *
- **01-22-2020** | discovered faker.Faker and deprecated old namelessgen
I finally got it to save the damned input lines to the file instead of just echoing the command I wanted to enter on the screen and not executing it. But... why isn't it adding the lines built from the VHENTRY variable... and why doesn't it stop reading after one line sometimes and this time not. You could see I was trying to do something to tell it to stop reading the input.
After some realizing a thing I had done in the script was by accident... I tried to fix it and saw that the | at the end of the read command was seemingly the only reason the script did any of what it did save to the file in the first place.
I would have done this in python3 if I had know this script wouldn't be the simplest thing I had ever done. Now I just have to know how you do it after all the time spent on it so that I can remember never to think a shell script will save time again.
Use printf to write a string to a file. cat tries to read from a file named in the argument list. And when the argument is - it means to read from standard input until EOF. So your script is hanging because it's waiting for you to type all the input.
Don't put quotes around the path when it starts with ~, as the quotes make it a literal instead of expanding to the home directory.
Get rid of | at the end of the read line. read doesn't write anything to stdout, so there's nothing to pipe to the following command.
There isn't really any need for the VHENTRY variable, you can do that formatting in the printf argument.
cd ~/Git/test
cp versionlog.MD .versionlog.MD.old
LOGDATE="$(date --utc +%m-%d-%Y)"
read -p "MSG > " VHMSG
printf -- '- **%s** | %s\n' "${LOGDATE}" "$VHMSG" >> versionlog.MD

grep empty output file

I made a shell script the purpose of which is to find files that don't contain a particular string, then display the first line that isn't empty or otherwise useless. My script works well in the console, but for some reason when I try to direct the output to a .txt file, it comes out empty.
Here's my script:
# takes user input.
echo "Input substance:"
read substance
echo "Listing media without $substance:"
cd media
# finds names of files that don't feature the substance given, then puts them inside an array.
searchresult=($(grep -L "$substance" *))
# iterates the array and prints the first line of each - contains both the number and the medium name.
# however, some files start with "Microorganisms" and the actual number and name feature after several empty lines
# the script checks for that occurence - and prints the first line that doesnt match these criteria.
for i in "${searchresult[#]}"
grep -m 1 -v "Microorganisms\|^$" $i
done >> output.txt
I've tried moving the >>output.txt to right after the grep line inside the loop, tried switching >> to > and 2>&1, tried using tee. No go.
I'm honestly feeling utterly stuck as to what the issue could be. I'm sure there's something I'm missing, but I'm nowhere near good enough with this to notice. I would very much appreciate any help.
EDIT: Added files to better illustrate what I'm working with. Sample inputs I tried: Glucose, Yeast extract, Agar. Link to files [140kB] - the folder was unzipped beforehand.
The script was given full permissions to execute. I don't think the output is being rewritten because even if I don't iterate and just run a single line of the loop, the file is empty.

Unix: What does cat by itself do?

I saw the line data=$(cat) in a bash script (just declaring an empty variable) and am mystified as to what that could possibly do.
I read the man pages, but it doesn't have an example or explanation of this. Does this capture stdin or something? Any documentation on this?
EDIT: Specifically how the heck does doing data=$(cat) allow for it to run this hook script?
# Runs all executable pre-commit-* hooks and exits after,
# if any of them was not successful.
# Based on
hookname=`basename $0`
# Run each hook, passing through STDIN and storing the exit code.
# We don't want to bail at the first failure, as the user might
# then bypass the hooks without knowing about additional issues.
for hook in $GIT_DIR/hooks/$hookname-*; do
test -x "$hook" || continue
echo "$data" | "$hook"
cat will catenate its input to its output.
In the context of the variable capture you posted, the effect is to assign the statement's (or containing script's) standard input to the variable.
The command substitution $(command) will return the command's output; the assignment will assign the substituted string to the variable; and in the absence of a file name argument, cat will read and print standard input.
The Git hook script you found this in captures the commit data from standard input so that it can be repeatedly piped to each hook script separately. You only get one copy of standard input, so if you need it multiple times, you need to capture it somehow. (I would use a temporary file, and quote all file name variables properly; but keeping the data in a variable is certainly okay, especially if you only expect fairly small amounts of input.)
t#t:~# temp=$(cat)
hello how
are you?
t#t:~# echo $temp
hello how are you?
(A single Controld on the line by itself following "are you?" terminates the input.)
As manual says
cat - concatenate files and print on the standard output
cat Copy standard input to standard output.
here, cat will concatenate your STDIN into a single string and assign it to variable temp.
Say your bash script is:
Then, the following commands will store the string STR in the variable data:
echo STR | bash
bash < <(echo STR)
bash <<< STR

How to run a script using diff for a command?

I'm writing a script to test a program and I'm getting caught at this portion
if (("$x"==22)); then
echo "Checking for whether wrong input file is detected."
if diff ${arr[$x]} <(./compare ); then
echo Output is as expected.
echo Output is not as expected. Check for errors.
if diff -q ${arr[$x]} <(./compare $i); then
echo Output is as expected.
echo Output is not as expected. Check for errors.
So what it's doing is testing my program against known output. However, for the case where I use ./compare without an argument, I want to receive an error message from my program specifying that the argument is missing. The test file it's using, "22" let's call it result22.txt, has the exact same output my program would give from just running ./compare (no arguments). However, when I run it using the script, it says that result22.txt differs from just running ./compare. I'm pretty sure I"m running the script wrong, any ideas?
Additionaly information, i is a known input test file that's from an array, x is an incremental variable to count which loop we're on. So arr[$x] is just accessing the nth file from the known output files.
Compare is my own compare program to run.

Missing something in the linux terminal after launching matlab from the command line

I'm having a weird behaviour when launching matlab from the command line in linux.
I've a bash script in linux that execute a function in matlab from the command line and does other operations with custom functions written in C++ as follows:
# prepare input data just to be sure it has not been written by other test!
matlab2011a -nodesktop -nosplash -r "prepare_data_matlab( 'A' ); quit"
# launch C++ program
# prepare more data
matlab2011a -nodesktop -nosplash -r "prepare_data_matlab( 'B' ); quit"
When the script is finished I can not see what I'm writing in the terminal, although the commands have effects. I need to reset the terminal.
The fact is that everything works fine if I only launch matlab with the prepare_data_matlab( 'A' ) but the problem comes when I execute the function with option prepare_data_matlab( 'B' ).
I have commented line by line and found that the problem is with option B that call the function
dlmwrite(file_name, B, ' ');
which is not used in prepare_data_matlab( 'A' ).
So, how should I execute the matlab from the command line to avoid this behaviour? Is there a known bug with the dlmwrite() function?
I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 64 bits, GNU bash, versiĆ³n 4.2.24(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) and matlab2011a.
EDITED: The output generated for prepare_data_matlab( 'A' ) is
The output generated for prepare_data_matlab( 'B' ) is
EDITED: file_name is created as strcat(path_to_data,f); where path_to_data = /tmp/ and f = data_out.txt. Matrix B is not displayed before or after.
The only output to the terminal before or after the MATLAB script is generated from the bash script as follow:
matlab2011a -nodesktop -nosplash -r "prepare_data_matlab( 'B' ); quit";
echo "#### Process Data as input in a C++ programs ####"
The MATLAB function select data from the workscape and save it to disk as follows:
function [ ] = prepare_data_matlab( type )
if strcmp(type,'A')
% load data from workscape
load ('workspace_with_my_arrays.mat', 'A');
% save data as a standalone variable
save('/tmp/A.mat', 'A');
elseif strcmp(type,'B')
% load data from workscape
load ('workspace_with_my_arrays.mat', 'B');
path_to_data = '/tmp/';
f = 'data_out.txt';
file_name = strcat(path_to_data,f);
% save data as a txt file
dlmwrite(file_name, B, ' ');
EDITED: whos -file workspace_with_my_arrays.mat
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
A 610x340x103 170897600 double
B 610x340x103 170897600 double
P 610x340 1659200 double
t1 38855x100 31084000 double
t2 3921x2x100 6273600 double
There are more arrays in the workspace but those are which I load.
The prepare_data_matlab function is the same as posted above but with an argument error checking as follow:
%% Load data from file
% Data is saved in a MATLAB variable or in TXT
if nargin ~= 1
error('Use: prepare_data_matlab( [ A | B ] )')
and the following command:
cd /data/matlab;
which is executed after the arguments error check in both cases (option Aand option B), that is, before the if statement.
The problem is not with dlmwrite. This seems to be a bug in some versions of MATLAB, as reported in this link.
The proposed solution (if you have a buggy version of MATLAB) is to use nohup:
nohup matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r ...........
Per #Amro 's suggestion, #pQB reported the problem to MathWorks Support. Their response was:
The problem is a known issue in versions prior to R2012a. Run MATLAB under a different shell. For example, neither tcsh or zsh have this issue.
OLD answer:
The problem is not with dlmwrite, but with the content of your matrix. Furthermore, unless file_name points to stdout (e.g., file_name='/dev/stdout';), the dlmwrite function will not write anything to screen and will not mess your terminal. Either file_name points to stdout or you are displaying the matrix B right before (or after) the dlmwrite call.
In any case, the problem is with the contents of your matrix B (see the strange characters in your output). You need to fix the problem with your matrix B. Perhaps the method you are using to read its input data is faulty.
If you want to ignore output from MATLAB (like the banner printed at the beginning), launch the process and redirect both the standard input and error to /dev/null device:
echo '### running MATLAB ###'
matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r "..." > /dev/null 2>&1
echo '### done ###'
matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r "..." > /dev/null 2>&1
Note that you should be careful since MATLAB process returns immediately possibly before it has finished running, which could cause problems if your next program depends on files produced by MATLAB. See here for a possible solution.
