Sublime Text Does Not Let Me Save My Files - sublimetext3

How do I fix this on Mac?
Unable to save / Error: Read-only file system

Since Mojave, you are no longer allowed to write to /. I suspect this is the cause of your problem: nothing to do with Sublime Text.
Pick another directory to save your files to, preferably in your home folder.

Once you make your document, go to File and click Save (or just press cmd+n).
Write the title of your document.
Right under the name there should be a little box that says Macintosh. You can click on it and change it to whatever file you prefer.

you must have left the save location as "macintosh". Basically this error means, that this "macintosh" folder is read-only. There is no issue like "sublime not having permission to write to the disk".
Just save to a usual folder and you would be gtg.

Make sure you save it to your project's folder and not just to the desktop or whatever is the default.


How do you make a specific folder that has subfolders to be uneditable in Sublime Text

How do you make a specific folder that has subfolders to be uneditable in Sublime text? ? I know it's possible but how ? Like i have some old projects that I want to use as a reference to study my old code, but i"m worried that I mistakenly edited some parts of that specific module / file, when I'm mindlessly touring around my code.. How do I do it ? like making a specific folder to be uneditable in sublime text that only modifying it can change it . I mean I tried installing this one package :
But it still gives me a prompt whenever I want to changed something from a file
Your best bet is to make sure that your source code is covered by some sort of Source Control, such as git or Subversion; this is just always a good idea in general and unrelated to your particular question. Having your code under source control means that when you edit a file (accidentally or on purpose) you can see exactly what you edited or throw those edits away and go back to what you had if you want to. If you also push your code to an external server, such as GitHUb (if you use git) then you also have a cheap and easy off-site backup of your code as well.
That said, if you want to make files uneditable, that's more the job of your file system than the tools that you're using to edit the files (in this case Sublime Text).
All file systems and operating systems should have the concept of a read-only file, which sounds like what you want. A file being marked as read-only stops you from accidentally modifying it; depending on the software that you use, edits are either impossible or will need to be confirmed.
In your case, you can do this in a couple of different ways. If you only want to protect a couple of files, then you would do a Right click and choose Properties; in the bottom of the General tab there is a check box you can check to make that file read-only:
If you have many files, you can do the same thing by editing the properties of the folder that contains the code instead:
When you do this to a folder, the property set works a little differently; since you're modifying the folder as a whole, you need to click the box twice to change it from a square (shown above) to a check mark. When you apply the change, you will be asked if you only want to make files inside of that directory read-only, or all files in that folder as well as all folders under it; choose as appropriate.
Sublime will let you open read-only files and will also let you modify their contents, but when you try to save you will get a warning dialog telling you that the file is write-protected; you need to confirm if you want to actually save changes or not; (other software may not prompt with such a dialog and may just fail):
If you choose to save, you will remove the read-only attribute and make the file normal again.
If you want to make a file completely un-editable so that you can't even accidentally change the file, you can achieve that with a simple plugin in combination with making the file read-only (see this video if you're not sure how to apply a plugin):
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
import os
class ReadOnlyListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def on_load(self, view):
if (os.path.exists(view.file_name())
and not os.access(view.file_name(), os.W_OK)):
EDIT: The internal View Package Files command will open package resources from sublime-package files transparently and give them a filename that represents where they would exist on disk if they were not in the package file.
The plugin from the original answer would stop you from being able to use this command by noting that the file is not writable (because it does not exist on disk) and make the view read-only, which stops the file content from being displayed because the view can't be modified.
This is rectified in the edit above by only taking action if the file actually exists on disk (the View Package File command already makes files it loads in this manner read-only if they do not exist on disk).
This makes an event listener that checks every time you open a file to see if the file is writable, and if it's not it makes the view read-only. This distinction is Sublime specific; regardless of the underlying state of the file, you just can't make any changes to such a file at all. That doesn't stop you from saving the file even if you haven't made any changes, which would have the same effect as the above.

LXDE: Change text in logout session

I have installed LXDE on my Ubuntu PC (not Lubuntu). I want to change the text in the logout session. The default text is "Logout LXDE session ?". But I want to personalize it. I've already changed the picture of the logout session. Can you help me? Thank you very much.
I don’t know yet how to solve this in a completely and permanent way, but you can create a new logout dialogue box:
Make a Folder and, inside it, click with the right mouse button to create a new empty file (a simply txt file) with the name "temp-lubuntu-logout" (you can change the file name after the conclusion of the work.
Paste this text, changing the items to fit your options:
lxsession-logout --prompt "Your custom message" --banner "Your logo" \
--side "left | top | right | bottom (The position of the logo)"
Open with the terminal the folder where is your temp-lubuntu-logout file and make it executable with this command:
sudo chmod +x temp-lubuntu-logout
That’s all! You just created a script file!
To verify is it is working, write in the terminal:
(dont forget the dot before the /)
Now I can’t help more them this. You need to link this script to the the command of a app. Or you can change the lubuntu-logout script with your new script file (you may, for example, rename the original script to "former-lubuntu-logout" and your file to "lubuntu-logout". Probably, the path to the "lubuntu-logout" file is /usr/bin).
I have found a way to change it.
This requires you to know what you are doing.
Use your favorite hex editor and edit file /usr/bin/lxsession-logout
Scroll all the way down the file, then go up until you see a human-readable section.
Over there, on a long string, there is the logout menu in bytes.
Once you change stuff in there, and save the binary, if you did not break something it will work. For deleting something, just overwrite its section with spaces, same for text and labels.
Tip: only edit and don't change any appearance order or add more bytes at some index because it will scramble the offset table of the file and will become corrupted.

Where are the default packages in Sublime Text 3 on Ubuntu?

I'm migrating from Sublime Text 2 to 3. In Sublime Text 2, I changed a lot of the default settings of the editor -- such as the tab bar height, sidebar color, etc. -- by modifying the Default.sublime-theme file in sublime-text-2/Packages/Theme - Default. I was also able to modify the colors of the default color schemes in a similar fashion. I've been trying to figure out how to do this for Sublime Text 3, but can't seem to find these files. ~/.config/sublime-text-3 only seems to contain overrides for user settings, not the default settings.
This link on the Sublime Text forums seems to give the location for Windows and Mac, but not for Ubuntu. I've searched a bit to no avail. Does anyone have suggestions?
Thank you!
To amplify on #skuroda's answer - ST3 contains all of its data that, in ST2, was stored in Packages/PackageName, in PackageName.sublime-package files that are basically just zip files, or "Resources" as they're now known. Using PackageResourceViewer, you can easily edit the individual files contained within the resource, then save it back again. When saved, the proper directory structure under Packages/PackageName will be created, allowing you to edit the file directly next time. The way file precedence works in Sublime, any file that exists in ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/PackageName/ will override any file of the same name stored in PackageName.sublime-package.
However, since you don't want these files to be accidentally overwritten, I would suggest creating ~/config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/Themes/ and User/Color Schemes directories and storing your customized files there instead. The User/ directory is protected from overwrites during upgrades, etc., and unless you're planning on creating a customized theme or color scheme for redistribution through Package Control, it's best practice to keep your files in there.
I just realized you hadn't gotten an answer to your original question - where are the files stored? If you installed the .deb file from, all the .sublime-package files are in /opt/sublime_text/Packages.
If you want the easiest way to save your customized settings first copy all the default settings and paste into a new file named Preferences.sublime-settings.
Then make your changes and save the file to:
In order to see the .config folder you will have to enable show hidden files.
The instructions are written at the top of the default settings list in case you are wondering where got this from.
In the ST console, try entering sublime.executable_path(). This should get you close to where you need to be. Also, you should copy the content of the file out and move them (under a new name to the packages folder). You probably don't want your modifications to be reverted on subsequent update. An alternative method is to try overriding the files you need to. I haven't done that for theme files, so I'm unsure if everything will work as it should. If you take the override route, I'd recommend using PackageResourceViewer. I wrote it to help with browsing/overriding package files in ST3.
You can use
dpkg -L <package name>
For example
dpkg -L subli<tab>
Just open up sublime text, hit ctrl+` to open sublime text console, then run these command accordingly
sublime.packages_path() to see user installed packages directory
sublime.installed_packages_path() to see zipped packages (with .sublime-package file type) directory
Mostly likely, you'll find the Default package inside zipped packages directory.
You can use PackageResourceViewer to see zipped packages's contents as #MattDMo suggested, but more over, you can actually extract zipped packages into user installed package directory directly using PackageResourceViewer's extract command.

Corflags.exe cf001 Could not open file for wiriting

I am trying to edit the corflags file so that I can run 32bit applications on a 64 bit pc but everytime I try to edit the file using something like corflags.exe assembly /32bit+ it comes up with the error message cf001 could not open file for writing.
Now I have tried a lot of different options such as:
Running in administrator mode;
Finding the file using a search and checking read only is not ticked
Checking that user full control is ticked
Tried to set the whole folder to non read only
When trying the whole folder, it goes through looking like it has set read-only, but then I click OK and re-right click on the whole folder, the box is filled in (not ticked) does this mean that part of the folder is read only and why does it reset to read only?
I just faced the same problem and have tried the same things.
Run cornflags from an elevated ("Run as administrator") Visual Studio Command Prompt. I did the same for a copy of the original .exe just to make sure no other process was using the program.
Create a copy of the file you intend to target with CorFlags.
(e.g. "WcfServiceHost.exe" --creates--> "WcfServiceHost - Copy.exe")
Rename the original file to something else:
(e.g. "WcfServiceHost.exe" --> "WcfServiceHose_Original.exe")
Rename to copy to the original file name
(e.g. "WcfServiceHose - Copy.exe" --> "WcfServiceHost.exe"
For my purposes, I created copies and named them describing their configuration:
Now I can destroy the WCFServiceHost.exe files and create them from these pre-modified copies. No more CorFlags operations necessary.
Note: this is basically a more verbose version of #RMalke answer and that answer should be marked as the answer.
I realise this is years later, but for anyone else looking, I found that the quickest way was to copy cmd and corflags.exe into the same folder as the one you want to edit. Then run cmd as admin from there.

How to set the working directory of WinGHCi

I just installed WinGHCi. When I try to load an .hs file with Ctrl+L, it opens the file browser in C:\Program Files (x86)\Haskell Platform\2012.2.0.0\winghci which is where I installed this. I don't want it to go there by default, I keep my code files in a different directory on a different drive and I don't want to have to navigate to D:\MyPath\Haskell every time I load a file.
I tried to set the "Start in" field of the shortcut I use to launch WinGHCi but it changed nothing.
How can I make WinGHCi look in my own directory by default?
It opens in the last directory you opened a .hs or .lhs from.
Try opening something from the folder you want, exit, restart.
Did it restart where you were?
Try working like that for a while, and if you like it (I do) then you're fine.
If you really do want to go to the same place every time, perhaps there's a way.
I can't find any setting to control this, but the information is stored in the registy.
Mine is at
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Haskell\WinGHCi 1.0.6]
You can save your version of that as resetghci.reg:
To make your own, open regedit and first try the same location. If not, search for WinGHCi.
You can export that subtree but you get the whole lot including recent expressions etc, which I don't think you should reset. Save that as ghcioriginal.reg just in case. Edit away all the lines except WorkingDir and save as resetghci.reg
When you double-click it it will ask you if you're sure you want to add that info to the registry. Yes you are.
What follows works on older versions, but Microsoft seem to be going off .pif files and the start command, and I'm not able to test this in Windows 7.
Make a text file called ghci.bat in the same folder as the .reg you made. In it put
#echo off
regedit resetghci.reg
start WinGHCi
You might need to specify the full path to WinGHCi.
The start command is the windows equivalent of making a background process from a shell prompt, so this should terminate immediately.
Make a shortcut to ghci.bat (it will be called ghci.pif) and set it to open minimised and put a nice lambda icon on it (nick it from the winghci executable).
Pop that on your desktop, start menu or shortcut bar, and when you use it, you'll be popped back to your standard location.
