how to write inside the <p> tag using selenium webdriver in python 3? - python-3.x

My html code is :
<p contenteditable="true" ></p>
I want to write code inside the p tag using selenium webdriver.
i tried
browser = webdriver.Chrome()
write = browser.find_element_by_tag_name("p['contenteditable':'True'")
but it gives error
selenium.common.exceptions.InvalidSelectorException: Message: invalid selector:
An invalid or illegal selector was specified

Change it to locator like xpath to get the element.
Here is an xpath example
write = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//p[#conteneditable=‘true’]")


Selenium Can't Find Element Returning None or []

im having trouble accessing element, here is my code:
desc = driver.find_elements_by_xpath('//p[#class="somethingcss xxx"]')
and im trying to use another method like this
desc = driver.find_elements_by_class_name('somethingcss xxx')
the element i try to find like this
<div data-testid="descContainer">
<div class="abc1123">
<h2 class="xxx">The Description<span data-tid="prodTitle">The Description</span></h2>
<p data-id="paragraphxx" class="somethingcss xxx">sometext here
<br> and several text with
<br> tag below
<!--and another div tag below-->
i want to extract tag p inside div class="abc1123", but it doesn't return any result, only return [] when i try to get_attribute or extract it to text.
When i try extract another element using this method with another class, it works perfectly.
Does anyone know why I can't access these elements?
Try the following css selector to locate p tag.
OR Use get_attribute("textContent")

How to extract only the text which is not inside any tag using xpath with selenium and python binding

Link to the page is: ""
Here is the html i am targeting:
Garmendia, Diane
<strong>P:</strong> 805-957-9100<br>
<strong>F:</strong> 805-957-4191<br>
<!-- <b>Email Link:</b> $MC:EMAILLINKTOFORM$ -->
I need to extract "Garmendia, Diane" using the xpath expression.
I have tried using:
cname=driver.find_element_by_xpath("//*[contains(text(), 'Contact:')]//following-sibling::text()[1]")
But the error i am getting is:
Message: invalid selector: The result of the xpath expression "//*[contains(text(), 'Contact:')]//following-sibling::text()[1]" is: [object Text]. It should be an element.
To Extract the Garmendia, Diane use javascripts executor and childNodes
Induce WebDriverWait() and wait for element_to_be_clickable() with following XPATH
print(driver.execute_script('return arguments[0].childNodes[1].textContent;', element))

How to get substring from string using xpath 1.0 in lxml

This is the example HTML.
<a href="HarryPotter:Chamber of Secrets">
<a href="HarryPotter:Prisoners in Azkabahn">
I am in a situation where I need to extract
Chamber of Secrets
Prisoners in Azkabahn
I am using lxml 4.2.1 in python which uses xpathb1.0.
I have tried to extract using XPath
which returns only "Chamber of Secrets".
and with XPath
which returns
'HarryPotter:Chamber of Secrets'
'HarryPotter:Prisoners in Azkabahn'
I have researched for it and got new learning but didn't find the fix of my problem.
I have hit and tried different XPath using substring-after.
In my research, I got to know that it could also be accomplished by regex too, then I tried and failed.
I found that it is easy to manipulate a string in XPath 2.0 and above using regex but we can also use regex in XPath 1.0 using XSLT extensions.
Could we do it with substring-after function, if yes then what is the XPath and if No then what is the best approach to get the desired output?
And how we can get the desired output using regex in XPath by sticking to lxml.
Try this approach to get both text values:
from lxml import html
raw_source = """<html>
<a href="HarryPotter:Chamber of Secrets">
<a href="HarryPotter:Prisoners in Azkabahn">
source = html.fromstring(raw_source)
for link in source.xpath('//a'):
print(link.xpath('substring-after(#href, "HarryPotter:")'))
If you want to use substring-after() and substring-before() and together
Here is example:
from lxml import html
f_html = """<html><body><table><tbody><tr><td class="df9" width="20%">
<a class="nodec1" href="javascript:reqDl(1254);" onmouseout="status='';" onmouseover="return dspSt();">
tree_html = html.fromstring(f_html)
deal_id = tree_html.xpath("//td/a/#href")
print(tree_html.xpath('substring-after(//td/a/#href, "javascript:reqDl(")'))
print(tree_html.xpath('substring-before(//td/a/#href, ")")'))
print(tree_html.xpath('substring-after(substring-before(//td/a/#href, ")"), "javascript:reqDl(")'))

Selenium Python returns unusual data

I am trying to extract href from the following a tag
<a href="" itemprop="url" class="funnel" data-category-id="137" data-funnel-type="Select Ad" data-action-type="Select Ad" data-funnel-userid="0">
<span class="title" itemprop="name">Pioneer Pointe Condominium unit for rent - 1 BR Fully Furnished - 22K</span>
I am using the following code in Selenium with python:
for l in links:
and my current unusual output is :
<selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session="8b6a29a1af20221f48056d6a8f34bd63", element="0.8368598264582081-1")>
<selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session="8b6a29a1af20221f48056d6a8f34bd63", element="0.8368598264582081-2")>
<selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session="8b6a29a1af20221f48056d6a8f34bd63", element="0.8368598264582081-3")>
note: this is just a part of a output (first three lines)
These should be href of the a tag
just l returns the object that the browser has found you must specify which part of the object you want
for l in links:

I want to get text from anchor tag using selenium python I want print text helloworld

<div class="someclass">
<p class="name">helloworld</p>
//I want to print helloworld text from anchor tag, using python selenium code.
You can do it using CSS:
.find_element_by_css_selector(" a")`,
or you can do it using xpath:
element = self.browser.find_element_by_css_selector(" a")
print element.get_attribute("text")
I hope this helped, if not tell me :)
One step solution:
The gives you the text of anchor tag.
To get the text from any html tag using Selenium in python,
You can simply use ".get_attribute('text')".
In this case:
a_tag = self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector(" a")
