Foldl with lambda expresion - haskell

Hi I'm trying to sum a list of tuples into a tuple with the foldl function,
I tryed it with using as parameter a lambda expresion but it's giving out a wrong value
here the code:
data Point = Point {x,y :: Float}
sumPoint :: [Point] -> (Float,Float)
sumPoint xs = foldl (\(a,b) x-> (0+a,0+b)) (0.0,0.0) xs
It should come out sumPoint [Point 2 4, Point 1 2, Point (-1) (-2)] = (2.0,4.0)
But im getting (0.0,0.0)
How is this making any sense?

To be a little structural you better define operations among Point type values and then convert the Point type to Tuple wherever needed. Otherwise you may directly use Tuple and discard the Point type.
data Point = Point {x,y :: Float} deriving Show
toTuple :: Point -> (Float, Float)
toTuple p = (x p, y p)
addPts :: Point -> Point -> Point
addPts p q = Point (x p + x q) (y p + y q)
sumPts :: [Point] -> Point
sumPts = foldl addPts (Point 0 0)
So what you need is toTuple . sumPts function.
*Main> :t toTuple . sumPts
toTuple . sumPts :: [Point] -> (Float, Float)

I changed it to
sumPoint xs = foldl (\(a,b) (Point x y)-> (x+a,y+b)) (0.0,0.0) xs
The problem was I was ignoring the x and at 0+a is nothing happening.


Casting [Int] to [Double] from input

I have a list of constants and degrees of a polynomial equation and want to return a list of this composition for a value be applied and then summed. But this list comes as Int and my function expects a list of double.
poly :: [Double] -> [Double] -> [Double -> Double]
poly a b =
let f x y = (*x) . (**y)
in uncurry f <$> zip a b
-- does not work
poly ([1,2,3]:: [Double]) ([1,2,3]:: [Double])
How to cast a list of int to list of double?
You can use fromIntegral, which will convert from any Integral type into any Numeric type (Int, Integer, Rational, and Double).
More here:
With #4castle and Victoria Ruiz I came up with the following:
poly :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Double -> Double]
poly = zipWith $ \x y -> (* (fromIntegral x)) . (** (fromIntegral y))
apply :: Double -> [Double -> Double] -> Double
apply x b = sum $ ($x) <$> b
-- l=left limiting, r=right limiting, a=coeficients, b=degrees
solve :: Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Double]
solve l r a b =
let h = 0.001
linspace = [fromIntegral l,fromIntegral l+h..fromIntegral r]
p = poly a b
area = sum $ map ((*h) . (`apply` p)) linspace
volume = h * (sum $ map ((*pi) . (**2) .(`apply` p)) linspace)
in [area,volume]
I think Haskell compiler with his strong type inference has some peculiarities that can't be directly solved by type cast.

Lagrange Interpolation for a schema based on Shamir's Secret Sharing

I'm trying to debug an issue with an implementation of a threshold encryption scheme. I've posted this question on crypto to get some help with the actual scheme but was hoping to get a sanity check on the simplified code I am using.
Essentially the the crypto system uses Shamir's Secret Sharing to combine the shares of a key. The polynomial is each member of the list 'a' multiplied by a increasing power of the parameter of the polynomial. I've left out the mod by prime to simplify the code as the actual implementation uses PBC via a Haskell wrapper.
I have for the polynomial
poly :: [Integer] -> Integer -> Integer
poly as xi = (f 1 as)
f _ [] = 0
f 0 _ = 0
f s (a:as) = (a * s) + f (s * xi) as
The Lagrange interpolation is:
interp0 :: [(Integer, Integer)] -> Integer
interp0 xys = round (sum $ zipWith (*) ys $ fmap (f xs) xs)
xs = map (fromIntegral .fst) xys
ys = map (fromIntegral .snd) xys
f :: (Eq a, Fractional a) => [a] -> a -> a
f xs xj = product $ map (p xj) xs
p :: (Eq a, Fractional a) => a -> a -> a
p xj xm = if xj == xm then 1 else negate (xm / (xj - xm))
and the split and combination code is
execPoly as#(a0:_) = do
let xs = zipWith (,) [0..] (fmap (poly as) [0..100])
let t = length as + 1
let offset = 1
let shares = take t (drop offset xs)
let sm2 = interp0 shares
putText ("poly and interp over " <> show as <> " = " <> show sm2 <> ". Should be " <> show a0)
main :: IO ()
main = do
execPoly [10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,140,150] --1
execPoly [10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80] -- 2
execPoly(1) fails to combine to 10 but execPoly(2) combines correctly. The magic threshold seems to be 8.
Is my code correct? I am missing something in the implementation that limits the threshold size to 8?
As MathematicalOrchid said it was a precision problem.
Updated the code to:
f :: (Eq a, Integral a) => [a] -> a -> Ratio a
f xs xj = product $ map (p xj) xs
p :: (Eq a, Integral a)=> a -> a -> Ratio a
p xj xm = if xj == xm then (1 % 1) else (negate xm) % (xj - xm)
And it works as expected.

How to know in Haskell in what row and column of a table ([[a]]) you are

I want to make a sudoku solver in Haskell (as an exercise). My idea is:
I have t :: [[Int]] representing a 9x9 grid so that it contains 0 in an empty field and 1-9 in a solved field.
A function solve :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]] returns the solved sudoku.
Here is a rough sketch of it (i'd like to point out i'm a beginner, i know it is not the most optimal code):
solve :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
solve t
| null (filter (elem 0) t) = t
| t /= beSmart t = solve (beSmart t)
| otherwise = guess t
The function beSmart :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]] tries to solve it by applying some solving algorithms, but if methodical approach fails (beSmart returns the unchanged sudoku table in that case) it should try to guess some numbers (and i'll think of that function later). In order to fill in an empty field, i have to find it first. And here's the problem:
beSmart :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
beSmart t = map f t
where f row
| elem 0 row = map unsolvedRow row
| otherwise = row
where unsolvedRow a
| a == 0 = tryToDo t r c --?!?!?!?! skip
| otherwise = a
The function tryToDo :: [[Int]]] -> Int -> Int - > Int needs the row and column of the field i'm trying to change, but i have no idea how to get that information. How do i get from map what element of the list i am in at the moment? Or is there a better way to move around in the table? I come from iterative and procedural programing and i understand that perhaps my approach to the problem is wrong when it comes to functional programing.
I know this is not really an answer to your question, but I would argue, that usually you would want a different representation (one that keeps a more detailed view of what you know about the sudoku puzzle, in your attempted solution you can only distinguish a solved cell from a cell that is free to assume any value). Sudoku is a classical instance of CSP. Where modern approaches offer many fairly general smart propagation rules, such as unit propagation (blocking a digit in neighboring cells once used somewhere), but also many other, see AC-3 for further details. Other related topics include SAT/SMT and you might find the algorithm DPLL also interesting. In the heart of most solvers there usually is some kind of a search engine to deal with non-determinism (not every instance must have a single solution that is directly derivable from the initial configuration of the instance by application of inference rules). There are also techniques such as CDCL to direct the search.
To address the question in the title, to know where you are, its probably best if you abstract the traversal of your table so that each step has access to the coordinates, you can for example zip a list of rows with [0..] (zip [0..] rows) to number the rows, when you then map a function over the zipped lists, you will have access to pairs (index, row), the same applies to columns. Just a sketch of the idea:
mapTable :: (Int -> Int -> a -> b) -> [[a]] -> [[b]]
mapTable f rows = map (\(r, rs) -> mapRow (f r) rs) $ zip [0..] rows
mapRow :: (Int -> a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
mapRow f cols = map (uncurry f) $ zip [0..] cols
or use fold to turn your table into something else (for example to search for a unit cell):
foldrTable :: (Int -> Int -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> [[a]] -> b
foldrTable f z rows = foldr (\(r, rs) b -> foldrRow (f r) b rs) z $ zip [0..] rows
foldrRow :: (Int -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldrRow f z cols = foldr (uncurry f) z $ zip [0..] cols
to find which cell is unital:
(\x y v acc -> if length v == 1 then Just (x, y) else acc)
by using Monoid you can refactor it:
import Data.Monoid
foldrTable' :: Monoid b => (Int -> Int -> a -> b) -> [[a]] -> b
foldrTable' f rows = foldrTable (\r c a b -> b <> f r c a) mempty rows
unit :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> Maybe (Int, Int)
unit x y c | length c == 1 = Just (x, y)
| otherwise = Nothing
firstUnit :: [[[a]]] -> Maybe (Int, Int)
firstUnit = getFirst . foldrTable' (\r c v -> First $ unit r c v)
so now you would do
firstUnit [[[1..9],[1..9],[1..9]],[[1,2],[3,4],[5]]]
to obtain
Just (1, 2)
correctly determining that the first unit cell is at position 1,2 in the table.
[[Int]] is a good type for a sodoku. But map does not give any info regarding the place it is in. This is one of the ideas behind map.
You could zip together the index with the value. But a better idea would be to pass the whole [[Int]] and the indexes to to the function. So its type would become:
f :: [[Int]] -> Int -> Int -> [[Int]]
inside the function you can now access the current element by
t !! x !! y
Already did this a while ago as a learning example. It is definitely not the nicest solution, but it worked for me.
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char
data Position = Position (Int, Int) deriving (Show)
data Sodoku = Sodoku [Int]
insertAtN :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
insertAtN n y xs = intercalate [y] . groups n $ xs
groups n xs = takeWhile (not.null) . unfoldr (Just . splitAt n) $ xs
instance Show Sodoku where
show (Sodoku s) = (insertAtN 9 '\n' $ map intToDigit s) ++ "\n"
convertDigit :: Char -> Int
convertDigit x = case x of
'-' -> 0
x -> if digit>=1 && digit<=9 then
where digit=digitToInt x
convertSodoku :: String -> Sodoku
convertSodoku x = Sodoku $ map convertDigit x
adjacentFields :: Position -> [Position]
adjacentFields (Position (x,y)) =
[Position (i,y) | i<-[0..8]] ++
[Position (x,j) | j<-[0..8]] ++
[Position (u+i,v+j) | i<-[0..2], j<-[0..2]]
u=3*(x `div` 3)
v=3*(y `div` 3)
positionToField :: Position -> Int
positionToField (Position (x,y)) = x+y*9
fieldToPosition :: Int -> Position
fieldToPosition x = Position (x `mod` 9, x `div` 9)
getDigit :: Sodoku -> Position -> Int
getDigit (Sodoku x) pos = x !! (positionToField pos )
getAdjacentDigits :: Sodoku -> Position -> [Int]
getAdjacentDigits s p = nub digitList
digitList=filter (\x->x/=0) $ map (getDigit s) (adjacentFields p)
getFreePositions :: Sodoku -> [Position]
getFreePositions (Sodoku x) = map fieldToPosition $ elemIndices 0 x
isSolved :: Sodoku -> Bool
isSolved s = (length $ getFreePositions s)==0
isDeadEnd :: Sodoku -> Bool
isDeadEnd s = any (\x->x==0) $ map length $ map (getValidDigits s)$ getFreePositions s
setDigit :: Sodoku -> Position -> Int -> Sodoku
setDigit (Sodoku x) pos digit = Sodoku $ h ++ [digit] ++ t
field=positionToField pos
h=fst $ splitAt field x
t=tail$ snd $ splitAt field x
getValidDigits :: Sodoku -> Position -> [Int]
getValidDigits s p = [1..9] \\ (getAdjacentDigits s p)
-- Select numbers with few possible choices first to increase execution time
sortImpl :: (Position, [Int]) -> (Position, [Int]) -> Ordering
sortImpl (_, i1) (_, i2)
| length(i1)<length(i2) = LT
| length(i1)>length(i2) = GT
| length(i1)==length(i2) = EQ
selectMoves :: Sodoku -> Maybe (Position, [Int])
selectMoves s
| length(posDigitList)>0 = Just (head posDigitList)
| otherwise = Nothing
posDigitList=sortBy sortImpl $ zip freePos validDigits
validDigits=map (getValidDigits s) freePos
freePos=getFreePositions s
createMoves :: Sodoku -> [Sodoku]
createMoves s=
case selectMoves s of
Nothing -> []
(Just (pos, digits)) -> [setDigit s pos d|d<-digits]
solveStep :: Sodoku -> [Sodoku]
solveStep s
| (isSolved s) = [s]
| (isDeadEnd s )==True = []
| otherwise = createMoves s
solve :: Sodoku -> [Sodoku]
solve s
| (isSolved s) = [s]
| (isDeadEnd s)==True = []
| otherwise=concat $ map solve (solveStep s)
s=convertSodoku sodoku2
readSodoku :: String -> Sodoku
readSodoku x = Sodoku []

Function Type Restrictions

Is it generally preferable to have the strictest or loosest type definition for a function? What are the pros and cons of each approach? I found that when I rewrote my pearson correlation code using strictly doubles, it was easier for me to write, follow, and reason about (this could just be inexperience). But I can also see how having a more broad type definition would make the functions more generally applicable. Would stricter type definitions be characterized as a form of tech debt?
With Typeclasses:
import Data.List
mean :: Fractional a => [a] -> a
mean xs = s / n
(s , n) = foldl' k (0,0) xs
k (s, n) x = s `seq` n `seq` (s + x, n + 1)
covariance :: Fractional a => [a] -> [a] -> a
covariance xs ys = mean productXY
productXY = zipWith (*) [x - mx | x <- xs] [y - my | y <- ys]
mx = mean xs
my = mean ys
stddev :: Floating a => [a] -> a
stddev xs = sqrt (covariance xs xs)
pearson :: RealFloat a => [a] -> [a] -> a
pearson x y = fifthRound $ covariance x y / (stddev x * stddev y)
pearsonMatrix :: RealFloat a => [[a]] -> [[a]]
pearsonMatrix (x:xs) = [pearson x y | y <- x:xs]:(pearsonMatrix xs)
pearsonMatrix [] = []
fifthRound :: RealFrac a => a -> a
fifthRound x = (/100000) $ fromIntegral $ round (x * 100000)
With Doubles:
import Data.List
mean :: [Double] -> Double
mean xs = s / n
(s , n) = foldl' k (0,0) xs
k (s, n) x = s `seq` n `seq` (s + x, n + 1)
covariance :: [Double] -> [Double] -> Double
covariance xs ys = mean productXY
productXY = zipWith (*) [x - mx | x <- xs] [y - my | y <- ys]
mx = mean xs
my = mean ys
stddev :: [Double] -> Double
stddev xs = sqrt (covariance xs xs)
pearson :: [Double] -> [Double] -> Double
pearson x y = fifthRound (covariance x y / (stddev x * stddev y))
pearsonMatrix :: [[Double]] -> [[Double]]
pearsonMatrix (x:xs) = [pearson x y | y <- x:xs]:(pearsonMatrix xs)
pearsonMatrix [] = []
fifthRound :: Double -> Double
fifthRound x = (/100000) $ fromIntegral $ round (x * 100000)
Readability is a matter of opinion. In general, I find that more general type signatures are more readable because there are fewer possible definitions (sometimes there is even only one non-diverging definition). For example, seeing that mean only has a Fractional constraint immediately limits the operations being performed in that function (compared to the Double version which could be performing sqrt operations for all I know). Of course, generalizing types is not always more readable. (And just for fun)
The main disadvantage of having more general versions of functions is that they may remain unoptimized at runtime so that Double's dictionary of the Floating functions has to be passed to mean every time it is called.
You can have the best of all worlds by adding a SPECIALIZE pragma. This tells the compiler to basically duplicate your function code with some of the type variables instantiated. If you know you are going to be calling your mean function pretty much only with Double, then this is what I would do
{-# SPECIALIZE mean :: [Double] -> Double #-}
mean :: Fractional a => [a] -> a
mean xs = s / n
(s , n) = foldl' k (0,0) xs
k (s, n) x = s `seq` n `seq` (s + x, n + 1)
And you get to see the specialized version of the signature in your code too! Yay!

Enum instance for tuples in Haskell

I'd like to define a tuple (x, y) as an instance of Enum class, knowing that both x and y are instances of Enum. A following try:
instance (Enum x, Enum y) => Enum (x, y) where
toEnum = y
enumFrom x = (x, x)
only results in error (y not in scope). I'm new to Haskell, could somebody explain how to declare such an instance?
instance (Enum x, Enum y) => Enum (x, y) where
In the above line, x and y are both types (type variables).
toEnum = y
enumFrom x = (x, x)
In the above two lines, x and y are both values ((value) variables). y-as-a-value has not been defined anywhere, that's what it not being in scope means.
As to how to declare such an instance, I'm not sure how you'd want fromEnum and toEnum to behave, for example.
Not a good idea if you ask me, but anyway —
To make an instance of a type class, you need to look at the signatures.
class Enum a where
succ :: a -> a
pred :: a -> a
toEnum :: Int -> a
fromEnum :: a -> Int
enumFrom :: a -> [a]
enumFromThen :: a -> a -> [a]
enumFromTo :: a -> a -> [a]
enumFromThenTo :: a -> a -> a -> [a]
So in your case
toEnum :: Int -> (x, y)
but toEnum = y isn't even defined, because y is just a type, not a value or constructor. Possibilities would be
toEnum n = (toEnum 0, toEnum n)
toEnum n = (toEnum n, toEnum n)
toEnum n = (toEnum $ n`div`2, toEnum $ (n+1)`div`2)
As for enumFrom, your version has signature
enumFrom :: a -> (a,a)
but we need
enumFrom :: (x,y) -> [(x,y)]
what definition is suitable depends on how toEnum was defined; for my first suggestion it would be
enumFrom (x,y) = [ (x,y') | y' <- enumFrom y ]
Reading Dietrich Epp's comment
It's not actually possible to create a useful Enum (x, y) from Enum x and Enum y. You'd need additional context, like Bounded x, Bounded y, Enum x, Enum y => Enum (x, y).
I thought about ways it could actually be done meaningfully. It seems possible sure enough, a bijection ℤ → ℤ2 exists. My suggestion:
[ ...
, (-3,-3), (-3,-2), (-2,-3), (-3,-1), (-1,-3), (-3,0), (0,-3), (-3,1), (1,-3), (-3,2), (2,-3), (-3,3), (3,-3)
, (-2,3), (3,-2), (-1,3), (3,-1)
, (-2,-2), (-2,-1), (-1,-2), (-2,0), (0,-2), (-2,1), (1,-2), (-2,2), (2,-2)
, (-1,2), (2,-1)
, (-1,-1), (-1,0), (0,-1), (-1,1), (1,-1)
, (0,0)
, (1,0), (0,1), (1,1)
, (2,0), (0,2), (2,1), (1,2), (2,2)
, (3,0), (0,3), (3,1), (1,3), (3,2), (2,3), (3,3)
, ... ]
Note that this reduces to a bijection ℕ → ℕ2 as well, which is important because some Enum instances don't go into the negative range and others do.
Let's make a plain (Int,Int) instance; it's easy to generalize that to your desired one. Also, I'll only treat the positive cases.
Observe that there are k^2 tuples between (0,0) and (excluding) (k,0). All other tuples (x,y) with max x y == k come directly after it. With that, we can define fromEnum:
fromEnum (x,y) = k^2 + 2*j + if permuted then 1 else 0
where k = max x y
j = min x y
permuted = y>x
for toEnum, we need to find an inverse of this function, i.e. knowing fromEnum -> n we want to know the parametes. k is readily calculated as floor . sqrt $ fromIntegral n. j is obtained similarly, simply with div 2 of the remainder.
toEnum n = let k = floor . sqrt $ fromIntegral n
(j, permdAdd) = (n-k^2) `divMod` 2
permute (x,y) | permdAdd>0 = (y,x)
| otherwise = (x,y)
in permute (k,j)
With fromEnum and toEnum, all the other functions are rather trivial.
