Bluetooth Device Tracker/ Finder - bluetooth

I lost my Bluetooth earphones and had been searching for it recently. I would like to ask if there are any programs (or how I can code my own) that can help look for a paired but not connected Bluetooth device. Thanks in advance and much appreciated.

Any app can find your bluetooth earphones, only if it is ON. From my perspective, one suggestion is to [save the name or device address]remove pairing from your phone for the headset and do a bluetooth search . If your headset appears on the device discovery list, then it should be around.


Where is the google home ble specification?

I have searched everywhere but I cannot seem to find what profile or (custom) services are used to connect a ble device to a Google home. like a smart lock or smart lighting for example. Can anyone point me in the right direction? There must be some protocol specification somewhere for ble devices connected to google home?
I am asking specifically about ble, not bluetooth classic.
We are developing a bluetooth 5 enabled device and are looking into the effort it will take to support google home/assistant.
Thank you.

Program bluetooth receiver to only be pairable with a single device?

Is there a way to program a bluetooth receiver/dongle so it's only discoverable/accessible by a single device? This for security purposes as I can't switch on bluetooth on my pc but still want to use my bluetooth keyboard. I know some keyboards come with pre-programmed dongles that do exactly that. Thanks in advance for your help.

smartwatch that advertises bluetooth LE

I'm planning to replace the Beacon tag of my Bluetooth (BLE)-based localization System with a smartwatch. Therefore, the smartwatch has to be able to advertise bluetooth signals. However I can't find any information about smartwatches using BLE advertising methods. I actually don't want to use an additional smartphone which would be able to advertise. I already found that the iWatch and the Moto 360 are probably not able to advertise.
Does anyone know if there's (or will be) a smartwatch available that is able to advertise BLE signals?
Thanks a lot!
el Baum
Ok, this is not possible for Sony Smartwatch atleast. This is because in order to be able to broadcast a BLE advertisement of your choosing, any given Android device has to be able to support BluetoothAdapter.isMultipleAdvertisementSupported(). Unfortunately, this feature is not available on most Android Wear devices.
If your Android device does support multiple advertisement, then you can create an advertisement packet and use the BluetoothLeAdvertiser object to start advertising.

Bluetooth USB smart dongle with HID support

Can somebody suggest a Bluetooth smart dongle which can convert the events triggered from any App into HID events (Keyboard strokes)?
Please help me out, we bought BLED112 but unfortunately that doesn't have the support of HID.
I have not purchased this, but Amazon has one here that seems to fit your description (despite a 3/5 star rating). Also you can check out this dongle, that seems to cater more toward low energy. Good luck, and I hope you get what you need.

Bluetooth A2DP SINK in Windows 8.1

I know Microsoft doesn't allow the streaming of music from phones to Windows 8 PC's or the use of the PC as hands free, but has anyone found a way around this yet?
Are there any modified drivers or ways to modify the current drivers?
Any help would be appreciated. offer a custom bluetooth driver that will make your pc show up as a Bluetooth headset to other devices. It will also allow you to choose which audio device the audio is repeated repeat to.
Product is not free but is the only solution is managed to find after half an afternoon looking. Works great as well.
