How can I hide AWS credentials from external program? - terraform

In my case I'm trying to hide the aws access keys and secret access keys that are printed through outputs.
I tried to implement a solution but unfortunately its printing the credentials in the plan. So whenever i push the code/commits to GITHUB we have terraform running in Jenkins it spits the plan in GITHUB exposing the credentials in terraform plan.
Although I have hidden in outputs but now I'm printing it in plan and exposing in GitHub. I also tried to use sensitive:true in outputs which will easily solve this problem. But my team wants to implement this solution :(
resource "aws_iam_access_key" "key" {
user = "${}"
resource "null_resource" "access_key_shell" {
triggers = {
aws_user = "${}" // triggering an alert on the user, since if we pass aws_iam_access_key, access key is visible in plan.
data "external" "stdout" {
depends_on = ["null_resource.access_key_shell"]
program = ["sh", "${path.module}/"]
query {
access_id = "${}"
secret_id = "${aws_iam_access_key.key.secret}"
resource "null_resource" "contents_access" {
triggers = {
stdout = "${lookup(data.external.logstash_stdout.result, "access_key")}"
value = "${}"
output "aws_iam_podcast_logstash_access_key" {
value = "${chomp(null_resource.contents_access.triggers["stdout"])}"
set -eux
echo {\"access_key\":\"$(aws kms encrypt --key-id alias/amp_key --plaintext ${access_id} --output text --query CiphertextBlob)\", > sample.json && echo \"secret_key\": \"$(aws kms encrypt --key-id alias/amp_key --plaintext ${secret_id} --output text --query CiphertextBlob)\"} >> sample.json
cat sample.json | jq -r '.access_key'
cat sample.json | jq -r '.secret_key'
My terraform plan :
<= data.external.stdout
id: <computed>
program.#: "2"
program.0: "sh"
program.1: "/Users/xxxx/projects/tf_iam_stage/"
query.%: "2"
query.access_id: "xxxxxxxx" ----> I want to hide these values from the plan
query.secret_id: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/x" ----> I want to hide these values from the plan
result.%: <computed>
Any help !
Thanks in advance!

There are a couple of things going on here.
First, you are leaking your credentials because you are storing your .tfstate in GitHub. This one has an easy solution. First, add *.tfstate to your .gitignore, then set a remote backend, and if you use S3, then checkout policies and ACLs to prevent public access.
Second, your other problem is that you are fetching the credentials on runtime, and during runtime Terraform displays everything unless you add the sensitive flag. So, basically if you want to follow this approach, you are forced to use sensitive: true, no matter what you team says. However, why get the credentials that way? Why don't you add a new provider with those credentials, set an alias for this provider, and just use it for the resources where you those keys?

in your scenario you will be great if you will go with: Remote State approach.
Remote State allows Terraform to store the state in a remote store. Terraform supports storing state in places like Terraform Enterprise, Consul, S3, and more.
The setup is to create a bucket on AWS S3, it should not be readable or writeable by anyone, except the user who will be using for Terraform.
The code I added was;
terraform {
backend "s3" {
bucket = "my-new-bucket"
key = "state/key"
region = "eu-west-1"
This simply tells Terraform to use S3 as the backend provider for doing things like storing tfstate files.
Don't forget to run terraform init because it's a requirement, Terraform will notice that you changed from storing locally to storing in S3.
Once that is done You could delete the local tfstate files safe in the knowledge your details were safely stored on S3.
Here is some useful docs: Click docs
The second approach is to use a Terraform plugin more info here: Terraform plugin
Good luck!


Running 'terragrunt apply' on an EC2 Instance housed in a No Internet Environment

I have been trying to set up my Terragrunt EC2 environment in a no/very limited internet setting.
Current Setup:
AWS network firewall that whitelists domains to allow traffic, and most internet traffic is blocked excepted a few domains.
EC2 instance where I run the terragrunt code, it has an instance profile that can assume the role in providers
VPC endpoints set up for sts, s3, dynamodb, codeartifact etc
All credentials (assumed role etc) work and have been verified
Remote State and Providers File
remote_state {
backend = "s3"
generate = {
path = ""
if_exists = "overwrite_terragrunt"
config = {
bucket = "***"
key = "${path_relative_to_include()}/terraform.tfstate"
region = "ap-southeast-1"
encrypt = true
dynamodb_table = "***"
# Dynamically changes the role depending on which account is being modified
generate "providers" {
path = ""
if_exists = "overwrite"
contents = <<EOF
provider "aws" {
region = "${local.env_vars.locals.aws_region}"
assume_role {
role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::$***"
endpoints {
sts = ""
s3 = ""
dynamodb = ""
With Internet (Turning off the firewall):
I am able to run all the terragrunt commands
Without Internet
I only allow "" to pass the firewall
I am able to assume the role listed in providers via aws sts assume-role, and I can list the tables in dynamodb and files in the s3 bucket
I am able to run terragrunt init on my EC2 instance with the instance profile, I assume terragrunt does use the correct sts_endpoint
However when I run terragrunt apply, it hangs at the stage `DEBU[0022] Running command: terraform plan prefix=[***]
In my CloudTrail I do see that Terragrunt has assumed the username aws-go-sdk-1660077597688447480 for the event GetCallerIdentity, so I think the provider is able to assume the role that was declared in the providers block
I tried adding custom endpoints for sts, s3, and dynamodb, but it still hangs.
I suspect that terraform is still trying to use the internet when making the AWS SDK calls, which leads to terragrunt apply being stuck.
Is there a comprehensive list of endpoints I need to custom add, or a list of domains I should whitelist to be able to run terragrunt apply?
I set the environment variable TF_LOG to debug, and besides the domain, I was able to gather these ones:
2022-08-18T15:33:03.106-0600 [DEBUG] using v1.0.0
2022-08-18T15:33:03.106-0600 [DEBUG] using v2.12.0
2022-08-18T15:33:03.106-0600 [DEBUG] using v0.0.0-20210209133302-4fd17a0faac2
2022-08-18T15:33:03.106-0600 [DEBUG] using v0.0.0-20200729002733-f050f53b9734
You'll want to add those domains to your whitelist in the firewall settings, something like * should do the trick, of course, you can be more restrictive, and rather than use a wildcard, you can specify the exact resource.
For reference:

How can I connect to terraform state file in Azure with Terraform

I'm trying to set up a connection to azure using terraform. I have read you need to use the following code if using a storage account key for the state file , however what goes in the key field and where would you put the below code in. Do I have to save it in a file somewhere?
I got the info below from
terraform {
backend "azurerm" {
storage_account_name = "tf-sa"
container_name = "tfstate"
**key = "???????"**
access_key = "12345678examplekey"
The state can be kept locally or in a remote location. If stored locally, the name of the file is terraform.tfstate. You can consider that as being a key by which you can fetch the state from a local filesystem. In the example you posted, Azure Blob Storage [1] is used. Since that is a remote state and you might want to use the same storage for more than one state file, you need to define a unique key which will be used for the state file. If that was not the case, then your state files would get overridden all the time, so usually it is a good practice to name it something meaningful, e.g., key = mysupercoolproject.tfstate. For example, in AWS S3 you can even define a key similar to a "path", e.g., key = /path/to/my/supercool/state/file/something.tfstate. That might work with Azure Blob Storage as well.
This part of code can be added in any file with a .tf extension within the directory you are running Terraform from. The usual convention is to call it
For more detailed explanations, check [2] and [3].

How to update an existing cloudflare_record in terraform and github actions

I creaed my project with code from Hashicorp tutorial "Host a static website with S3 and Cloudflare", but the tutorial didn't mention github actions. So, when I put my project in github actions, even though terraform plan and terraform apply output successfully locally, I get errors on terraform apply:
Error: expected DNS record to not already be present but already exists
with cloudflare_record.site_cname ...
with cloudflare_record.www
I have two resources in my, one for the site domain and one for www, like the following:
resource "cloudflare_record" "site_cname" {
zone_id = data.cloudflare_zones.domain.zones[0].id
name = var.site_domain
value =
type = "CNAME"
ttl = 1
proxied = true
resource "cloudflare_record" "www" {
zone_id = data.cloudflare_zones.domain.zones[0].id
name = "www"
value = var.site_domain
type = "CNAME"
ttl = 1
proxied = true
If I remove these lines of code from my and then run terraform apply locally, I get the warning that this will destroy my resource.
Which should I do?
add an allow_overwrite somewhere (don't see examples of how to use this in the docs) and the ways I've tried to add it generated errors.
remove the lines of code from knowing the github actions run will destroy my cloudflare_record.www and cloudflare_record.site_cname knowing I can see my zone id and CNAME if I log into cloudflare so maybe this code isn't necessary after the initial set up
run terrform import somewhere? If so, where do I find the zone ID and record ID
or something else?
Where is your terraform state? Did you store it locally or in a remote location?
Because it would explain why you don't have any problems locally and why it's trying to recreate the resources in Github actions.
More information about terraform backend (where the state is stored) ->
And how to create one with S3 for example ->
It shouldn't be a problem if Terraform would drop and re-create DNS records, but for better result, you need to ensure that GitHub Actions has access to the (current) workspace state.
Since Terraform Cloud provides a free plan, there is no reason not to take advantage of it. Just create a workspace through their dashboard, add "remote" backend configuration to your project and ensure that GitHub Actions uses Terraform API Token at runtime (you would set it via GitHub repository settings > Secrets).
You may want to check this example — Terraform Starter Kit
Here is how you can pass Terraform API Token from secrets.TERRAFORM_API_TOKEN GitHub secret to Terraform CLI:
- env: { TERRAFORM_API_TOKEN: "${{ secrets.TERRAFORM_API_TOKEN }}" }
run: |
echo "credentials \"\" { token = \"$TERRAFORM_API_TOKEN\" }" > ./.terraformrc

Keeping secrets out of Terraform state

I'm trying to avoid having secrets in Terraform state.
Is there a better way of setting an RDS password from a secret in Secrets Manager that does this?
resource "null_resource" "master_password" {
triggers = {
db_host = module.myrdsdatabase.cluster_id
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = <<TOF
password=$(aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id myrdscreds | jq '.SecretString | fromjson | .password' | tr -d '"')
aws rds modify-db-cluster --db-cluster-identifier ${module.myrdsdatabase.cluster_id} --master-user-password $password --apply-immediately
interpreter = ["bash", "-c"]
There is no concrete solution to this issue. There is nearly 7 year old, still active, discussion on TF github issue about handling secrets in TF.
In your question you are already avoiding aws_secretsmanager_secret_version which is good practice. aws_secretsmanager_secret_version will not protect your secrets from being in plain text in TF state file!
Generally, there are two things people do to keep the secrets secret:
Store your TF state in a remote backend. Such as S3 with strict IAM and bucket policy controls, along with encryption at rest.
Use external procedure to set the passwords for your database. One way is local-exec, other could be using remote lambda through aws_lambda_invocation.
Other ways are possible, such as creating RDS databases through CloudFormation (CFN) from your TF. CFN has a proper way of accessing secret manager securely through dynamic references.
We have to accept that the secrets are in the state and manage access and encryption to the remote state accordingly.
You can get a value right out of secrets manager with the aws_secretsmanager_secret_version data source
your local-exec can be simplified a bit by using jq --raw-format or -r
password=$(aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id myrdscreds | jq -r .SecretString | jq -r .password)
I prefer to fetch and then pass in the secret in a variable from a build script, rather than local-exec. It seems cleaner, in some cases the trigger on the null resource may not fire when the secret value has been changed.
The current possible workaround is using SecretHub
but again as #marcin said no native support from Terraform, and the idea to encrypt your state file and restrict access to the backend eg. S3
another way I would do this by using aws cli outside of terraform to rest the password and upload it to secret manager.

Make Azure storage account and container before running terraform init?

Correct me if I'm wrong, when you run terraform init you are asked to name a storage account and container for the terraform state.
Can these also automatically be made with terraform?
Edit: I'm using Azure.
I usually split my terraform configurations into two parts.
One that creates a storage account with container, with a specific tag (tf=backend for example). The second one that creates all other resources. I share a backend.tfvars between the two, and in the second one, I get the storage account key using Azure CLI and the previously set tag (that way I don't have to get the key and pass it manually to my second script).
You could even migrate the state of the first terraform configuration once deployed, if you don't want to rely on a local state
Yes, absolutely. You would in general want an S3 bucket for each of your environments, although it's also possible to have a bucket shared across all environments and then set up access controls using bucket policies. Don't create this bucket as part of provisioning other resources, as their lifecycles will likely be different (you would want to retain the bucket for a long time and would be unlikely to want to destroy it).
What you do is you define this bucket in Terraform using local state first. After it is created, you add a remote backend pointing to this bucket.
terraform {
required_version = ">= 0.11.7"
backend "s3" {
bucket = "my-state-bucket"
key = "s3_state_bucket"
region = "us-west-2"
encrypt = "true"
After you run terraform init, Terraform will ask if you want to migrate the local state file to S3. Answer yes, and after this completes you can delete the local state file, as it's no longer used.
This approach allows you to break out of this chicken and egg situation and still manage all of your infrastructure as code, rather then creating it manually using web console or bash scripts.
