I got some problems finding the what is the first line executed in Spark source code
after I run "spark.sql(SQL_QUERY).explain()".
Does anyone have any idea which module/package I could start to look into?
First of all you need to make spark session or sqlContext and a registered Temporary table from a DataFrame than query on the temporary table like this
results = spark.sql("SELECT * FROM people")
names = results.map(lambda p: p.name)
So I guess the first line is this one :
But have already been many lines "executed", specifically to create the SparkSession
I would like to perform update and insert operation using spark
please find the image reference of existing table
Here i am updating id :101 location and inserttime and inserting 2 more records:
and writing to the target with mode overwrite
.option("url", "jdbc:mysql://localhost/test")
.option("user", "root")
.option("password", "root")
After executing the above command my data is corrupted which is inserted into db table
Data in the dataframe
Could you please let me know your observations and solutions
Spark JDBC writer supports following modes:
append: Append contents of this :class:DataFrame to existing data.
overwrite: Overwrite existing data.
ignore: Silently ignore this operation if data already exists.
error (default case): Throw an exception if data already exists
Since you are using "overwrite" mode it recreate your table as per then column length, if you want your own table definition create table first and use "append" mode
i would like to perform update and insert operation using spark
There is no equivalent in to SQL UPDATE statement with Spark SQL. Nor is there an equivalent of the SQL DELETE WHERE statement with Spark SQL. Instead, you will have to delete the rows requiring update outside of Spark, then write the Spark dataframe containing the new and updated records to the table using append mode (in order to preserve the remaining existing rows in the table).
In case where you need to perform UPSERT / DELETE operations in your pyspark code, i suggest you to use pymysql libary, and execute your upsert/delete operations. Please check this post for more info, and code sample for reference : Error while using INSERT INTO table ON DUPLICATE KEY, using a for loop array
Please modify the code sample as per your needs.
I wouldn't recommend TRUNCATE, since it would actually drop the table, and create new table. While doing this, the table may lose column level attributes that were set earlier...so be careful while using TRUNCATE, and be sure, if it's ok for dropping the table/recreate the table.
Upsert logic is working fine when following below steps
df = (spark.read.format("csv").
load("file:///C:/Users/test/Desktop/temp1/temp1.csv", header=True,
and doing this
option("url", "jdbc:mysql://localhost/test").
option("driver", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").
option("dbtable", "temptgtUpdate").
option("user", "root").
option("password", "root").
option("truncate", "true").
Still, I am unable to understand the logic why its failing when i am writing using the data frame directly
I did some research on this during the past couple days and I think I'm close to getting this working, but there are still some issues that I can't quite figure out.
I believe this should work in a Scala environment
// Spark 2.0
// these lines are equivalent in Spark 2.0
spark.read.format("csv").option("header", "false").load("../Downloads/*.csv")
spark.read.option("header", "false").csv("../Downloads/*.csv")
That give me this error: org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Path does not exist:
I think this should work in a SQL environment:
df = sqlContext.read
.option("header", "false")
.load("../Downloads/*.csv") // <-- note the star (*)
This gives me a parse exception error.
The thing is, these are all .gz zipped text files and there is really no schema in all these files. Well, there is a vertical list of field names, and the real data sets always start down on something like row 26, 52, 99, 113, 149, and all kinds of random things. All data is pipe-delimited. I have the field names and I created structured tables in Azure SQL Server, which is where I want to store all data. I'm really stuck on how to iterate through folders and sub-folders, look for file names that match certain patterns, and merge all of these into a dataframe, then push that object into my SQL Server tables. It seems like a pretty straightforward thing, but I can't seem to get this darn thing working!!
I came across the idea here:
you can find all files with pure scala and then pass them to spark:
val file = new File(yourDirectory)
val files: List[String] = file.listFiles
val df = spark.read.csv(files:_*)
I finally, finally, finally got this working.
val myDFCsv = spark.read.format("csv")
I have a api endpoint written by sparksql with the following sample code. Every time api accept a request it will run sparkSession.sql(sql_to_hive) which would create a single file in HDFS. Is there any way to do insert by appending data to existing file in HDFS ? Thanks.
sqlContext = SQLContext(sparkSession.sparkContext)
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(ziped_tuple_list, schema=schema)
sql_to_hive = 'insert into log.%(table_name)s partition%(partition)s select %(title_str)s from TMP_TABLE'%{
'table_name': table_name,
'partition': partition_day,
'title_str': title_str
I don't think this is possible case to append data to the existing file.
But you can work around this case by using either of these ways
Using Spark, write to intermediate temporary table and then insert overwrite to final table:
existing_df=spark.table("existing_hive_table") //get the current data from hive
current_df //new dataframe
union_df.write.mode("overwrite").saveAsTable("temp_table") //write the data to temp table
temp_df=spark.table("temp_table") //get data from temp table
temp_df.repartition(<number>).write.mode("overwrite").saveAsTable("existing_hive_table") //overwrite to final table
Hive(not spark) offers overwriting and select same table .i.e
insert overwrite table default.t1 partition(partiton_column)
select * from default.t1; //overwrite and select from same t1 table
If you are following this way then there needs to be hive job triggered once your spark job finishes.
Hive will acquire lock while running overwrite/select the same table so if any job which is writing to table will wait.
In Addition: Orc format will offer alter table concatenate which will merge small ORC files to create a new larger file.
alter table <db_name>.<orc_table_name> [partition_column="val"] concatenate;
We can also use distributeby,sortby clauses to control number of files, refer this and this link for more details.
Another Approach3 is by using hadoop fs -getMerge to merge all small files into one (this method works for text files and i haven't tried for orc,avro ..etc formats).
When you write the resulted dataframe:
result_df = sparkSession.sql(sql_to_hive)
set it’s mode to append:
I got a DDL query that works fine within beeline, but when I try to run the same query within a sparkSession it throws a parse Exception.
from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, HiveContext
# Initialise Hive metastore
# Create Spark Session
sparkSession = (SparkSession\
Pyspark Exception:
pyspark.sql.utils.ParseException: u"\nmismatched input 'LIKE' expecting <EOF>(line 1, pos 53)\n\n== SQL ==\nCREATE EXTERNAL TABLE B LIKE A\n-----------------------------------------------------^^^\n"
How Can I make the hiveQL function work within pySpark?
The problem seems to be that the query is executed like a SparkSQL-Query and not like a HiveQL-Query, even though I got enableHiveSupport activated for the sparkSession.
Spark SQL queries use SparkSQL by default. To enable HiveQL syntax, I believe you need to give it a hint about your intent via a comment. (In fairness, I don't think this is well-documented; I've only been able to find a tangential reference to this being a thing here, and only in the Scala version of the example.)
For example, I'm able to get my command to parse by writing:
Now, I don't have Hive Support enabled on my session, so my query fails... but it does parse!
Edit: Since your SQL statement is in a Python string, you can use a multi-line string to use the single-line comment syntax, like this:
There's also a delimited comment syntax in SQL, e.g.
which may work just as well.
I tried the below spark scala code and got the output as mentioned below.
I have tried to pass the inputs to script, but it didn't receive and when i used collect the print statement i used in the script appeared twice.
My simple and very basic perl script first:
print("arguments $ARGV[0] \n"); // Just print the arguments.
My Spark code:
object PipesExample {
def main(args:Array[String]){
val conf = new SparkConf();
val sc = new SparkContext(conf);
val distScript = "/home/srinivas/test.pl"
val rdd = sc.parallelize(Array("srini"))
val piped = rdd.pipe(Seq(SparkFiles.get("test.pl")))
println(" output " + piped.collect().mkString(" "));
Output looked like this..
output arguments arguments
1) What mistake i have done to make it fail receiving the arguments.?
2) Why it executed twice.?
If it looks too basic, please apologize me. I was trying to understand to the best and want to clear my doubts.
From my experience, it is executed twice because spark divides your RDD into two partitions and each partition is passed to your external script.
The reason your application couldn't pick test.pl file is, the file is in some node's location. But the application master is created in one of the nodes in cluster. So prolly if the file isn't in that node, it can't pick the file.
You should always save the file in HDFS or S3 to access the external files. Or else pass the HDFS file location through spark command options.