When generating a new project using Vue CLI, how does the app know to look for main.js when bootstrapping - vue-cli

When generating a new project using Vue CLI v.4.0.0 everything is bootstrapped nicely with an index.html file, a couple of .vue files, several configuration files and finally a main.js file. But since the HTML-file does not reference main.js I wonder how Vue knows to look for main.js. Is it implicitly understood by Vue or is there a binding somewhere that tells Vue to look for a file named "main.js"?

Vue CLI runs on Webpack.
Webpack requires an entry file.
You can overwrite the entry file by creating a vue.config.js file at the root of your project and adding:
module.exports = {
configureWebpack: {
entry: {
main: './src/overwritten-main-file.js'
See the Vue.js Configuration Reference for more info


Azure App Service (Windows) - Nodejs ES Module Problems with SvelteKit app

really hoping someone can point me in the right direction with this one as i'm having no luck at all. I'm trying to host a simple nodejs sveltekit application on a Windows based azure app service, but cannot get the application to start / run.
I'm using the adapter-node adapter for sveltekit to generate the build output as a self contained node app. After sveltekit generates the build output I inject a simple package.json file to the root of the build folder to instruct node to use the ESM style imports which simply contains a single property of type="module".
"type": "module"
Lastly I also inject a web.config into the root of the build folder for use with IISNode. The web.config file used is the same as from the nodejs quickstart guide provided by MS. The web.config can be seen here.
The final folder structure of the build output is simply:
│ └───_app
│ │ ...
│ index.js
│ package.json
│ web.config
Locally I can take this build folder, place it anywhere on my machine and it runs perfectly by simply running:
node index.js
The Problem
Even though it works perfectly locally, when I deploy the application to the Azure app service the application will not start with the browser simply displaying "This page isn’t working right now".
When I check the logs I see the following error:
Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: Must use import to load ES Module: D:\home\site\wwwroot\index.js
require() of ES modules is not supported.
require() of D:\home\site\wwwroot\index.js from D:\Program Files (x86)\iisnode\interceptor.js is an ES module file as it is a .js file whose nearest parent package.json contains "type": "module" which defines all .js files in that package scope as ES modules.
Instead rename index.js to end in .cjs, change the requiring code to use import(), or remove "type": "module" from D:\home\site\wwwroot\package.json.
The error tells me that MS's iisnode\interceptor.js is using the commonjs style require syntax and cannot import the ES module of my index.js.
I found someone having a similar problem and a suggested solution here. The suggested solution is to create a new file next to my index.js file and configuring it as the app service's (or more specifically iisnode's) entry point in the web.config. The new file would be named run.cjs and only contain the following:
I tried this option, adding the new run.cjs file and updating the web.config to set this as IISNodes entry point:
<add name="iisnode" path="run.cjs" verb="*" modules="iisnode"/>
When I try the site after doing this I get a new problem. The site now loads but instead of seeing the app, the js from index.js renders as raw text into the browser.
The azure app service WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION is set to ~14 and I can see from Kudu that the version running is 14.16.0 - my local machine is 14.17.0 so the node version looks to be ok.
Can anyone help??
Thanks in advance
Please re-install/update the npm module on your project.
Make sure all these files are present in your project.
Do not import your index.js file in other files like run.cjs or run.mjs, after building your application in your local and publish it in azure app service.
"type": "module"
This above code is required in the package.json file.
Check your npm reference files, if anyone of them is not installed properly, then you'll get the raw data which is present in app,js file, as output

How vue can read a js file from node

I am using node 10.16.0 and vue 2.6.11 and I want to have a config.js file in the node root folder, pointing to a folder that is outside the node structure
node-project //node project
public //contains build vue
vue-project //contains not build vue
config.js should contain something like
let txtFile= '../hello/hi.txt';
exports.txtFile = txtFile;
I want to be able to keep the config.js file in node, not blended in vue, but have build vue (inside public folder) also able to read it
Ideally I would like to read config.js from vue-project and when I do npm run build , I can also read config.js from public (where I put the builded vue project)
Here is my failed, over-complicated attempt
Since everything you put in the public folder of a vue project it gets passed to the build, and the path changes automatically during build, I did this
node-project //node project
vue-project //contains not build vue
config.js //contains ../../../../hello/hi.txt
Home.vue //imports configs/config.js
and when I did npm run build the above becomes
node-project //node project
public //contains build vue
So the config.js automatically transfered to the build vue, the path to config.js is automatically changed and the config.js is in the node, easily accessible, only one sub-folder away, not blended in the vue js.
The problem is that now config.js changed position, so I have to manually change its content to
let txtFile= '../../hello/hi.txt';
I thought that its alright, small price to pay, its just a single manual change.
But the problem is that Vue does not read the changed value. Its still reads ../../../../hello/hi.txt and not '../../hello/hi.txt . Restarting node does not help. I guess vue caches the value?
Please advice. I hope my example helped you understand what I want to do. Feel free to ask me anything that will help you clarify

Deploy VueJS App in a sub-directory or sub-path

I’m experiencing problems deploying a Vue JS app built using the Webpack CLi to work.
If uploaded in a root directory everything renders fine, but inside a subfolder, all the links break.
I want deploy VueJS App to this url :
I have added publicPath in vue.config.js :
var path = require(‘path’)
module.exports = {
publicPath: ‘./’
But only the css and js folders point to the path /webinar.
For assets, fonts and others still point to the subdomain https://event.domain.net.
CSS and JS point to path /webinar
Asset, fonts still point to subdomain https://event.domain.net/
use value of publicPath as /webinar that should work.
More details are here https://cli.vuejs.org/config/#publicpath
you can configure publicPath even based on environment.
Sagar Rabadiya pointed you to the right link:
create a file called vue.config.js in the project root (where your package.json is located).
prompt the following code snippet inside:
module.exports = {
publicPath: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'? '/your-sub-directory/' : '/'
and save the file.
Open a terminal and navigate to your project, then run npm run build to generate a production build from it.
As soon as the production build has been generated, copy the contents from it and paste it in the sub-directory you created in the root folder. For example, if you use Apache, the default root directory is the htdocs folder. I've also created a virtual host on the server, maybe you also need to do this.
Open the browser and type the address where your sub-directory lives. For example: http://your-server-url:your-port/your-sub-directory/ Your should see your app now.

Vue buildt doesn't show router pages

I'm doing a webpage with Vue (Vue-bootstrap) and I'm having problems to make it works. I'm uploading the content of the dist folder after using npm run build, the project was started using `vue init bootstrap-vue/webpack my-project. I've tried to add a vue.config.js file with the next information:
module.exports = {
baseUrl: './',
I've try several times adding this in different folders before build it but I can't make it work.
The result just show the footer, it is in:
and the code without this vue.config.js is in the next link:

How to deploy a Vue app after using vue cli webpack

I recently finished creating a Vue app that I wish to deploy on the internet. However, I can only open the project using node and running npm run dev. If I double click on the index.html file, I just see a blank page. How may I deploy my website so that the browser can render my Vue app?
If you used the vue-cli to generate the project, you should be able to run npm run build and get a minified, single .js file.
See here: http://vuejs-templates.github.io/webpack/commands.html
This will give you a dist folder with index.html and build.js. You should be able to open the html file and see your app.
Hoping it's usefull for someone, still:
Using #vue/cli 3, I had a simular result when copiing the dist to my localhost/test.
The build assumed all js and css file relative to the root while I was putting them relative to a subfolder 'test'.
adding the publicPath : "" did the trick to get rid of the preceeding '/'
in vue.config.js I added : ( using proxy for dev with apache/php )
module.exports = {
devServer: {
proxy: 'http://localhost:80/proxy'
configureWebpack: config => {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
output: {
publicPath : "" // only for prod
} else { // dev
// org, no changes
See also
