How Cut out an image and zoom it - openseadragon

I would like to zoom in with openseadragon but for performance
reasons i would like to have the opportunity to cut a
picture and zoom based on the zooming work find just we need this for performance.


How to make image fit screen in Godot

I am new in godot engine and I am trying to make mobile game (portrait mode only). I would like to make background image fit screen size. How do I do that? Do i have to import images with specific sizes and implement them all for various screens? If I import image to big, it will just cut out parts that don't fit screen.
Also, while developing, which width and height values should I use for these purposes?
With Godot 3, I am able to set size and position of sprite / other UI elements using script. I am not using the stretch mode for display window.
Here is how you can easily make the sprite to match viewport size -
var viewportWidth = get_viewport().size.x
var viewportHeight = get_viewport().size.y
var scale = viewportWidth / $Sprite.texture.get_size().x
# Optional: Center the sprite, required only if the sprite's Offset>Centered checkbox is set
$Sprite.set_position(Vector2(viewportWidth/2, viewportHeight/2))
# Set same scale value horizontally/vertically to maintain aspect ratio
# If however you don't want to maintain aspect ratio, simply set different
# scale along x and y
$Sprite.set_scale(Vector2(scale, scale))
Also for targeting mobile devices I would suggest importing a PNG of size 1080x1920 (you said portrait).
Working with different screen sizes is always a bit complicated. Especially for mobile games due to the different screen sizes, resolutions and aspect ratios.
The easiest way I can think of, is scaling of the viewport. Keep in mind that your root node is always a viewport. In Godot you can stretch the viewport in the project settings (you have to enable the stretch mode option). You can find a nice little tutorial here.
However, viewport stretching might result in an image distortion or black bars at the edges.
Another elegant approach would be to create an image that is larger than you viewport and just define an area that has to be shown on every device no matter whats the resolution. Here is someone showing what I am meaning.
I can't really answer your second question about the optimal width and height but I would look for the most typical mobile phone resolutions and ratios and go with that settings. In the end you probably should start with using the width and height ratio of the phone you want to use for testing and debugging.
Hope that helps.

How to make a custom textiled background

<------This is an image I made in Photoshop...
It's basically a 160 x 160 box of white with a texture applied.
Below is what it looks like with "background-repeat" in the CSS. I was hoping it'd balance out. Is there a certain percentage the textile has to be at, or size of the original box? For it to be a perfect repeatable texture?
Im trying to do this myself, since I cant find grid patterns that fit the style.
Question: Whats the trick on making textures in Photoshop, that appear as balanced whole backgrounds when repeated?
If you look at the below image where it's in effect, on the very basic start of what Im working on, you can notice it doesnt quite fit together.
Any and all help greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
If you want that background for a webpage is better the use of repeating-linear-gradient. It is very easy of implement, less assets to download and it is supported by major browsers.
Look in the top left corner of your image. You'll note that the dark line starts at roughly 4-5 pixels from the top. Then look at the top right corner, and you'll note that the top line starts at just perhaps 2px from the top.
When this image is repeated twice side by side, there will be a disconnect. Just crop the image and shave off the two or three pixels until your lines connect. Repeat by cropping the bottom of the image for vertical alignment.
If you want to do this experimentally, increase the size of your canvas, and copy the pattern into a new 160x160 layer. Place them side by side, and then move the layers one pixel at a time so that they overlap. Where the overlap aligns is where you should crop the image.

ProcessingJS performance with large data

My goal is to create an interactive web visualization of data from motion tracking experiments.
The trajectories of the moving objects are rendered as points connected by lines. The visualization allows the user to pan and zoom the data.
My current prototype uses Processing.js because I am familiar with Processing, but I have run into performance problems when drawing data with greater than 10,000 vertices or lines. I pursued a couple of strategies for implementing the pan and zoom, but the current implementation, which I think is the best, is to save the data as an svg image and use the PShape data type in Processing.js to load, draw, scale and translate the data. A cleaned version of the code:
/* #pjs preload="nanoparticle_trajs.svg"; */
PShape trajs;
void setup()
size(900, 600);
trajs = loadShape("nanoparticle_trajs.svg");
//function that repeats and draws elements to the canvas
void draw()
//...additional functions that get mouse events
Perhaps I should not expect snappy performance with so many data points, but are there general strategies for optimizing the display of complex svg elements with Processing.js? What would I do if I wanted to display 100,000 vertices and lines? Should I abandon Processing all together?
Upon reading the following answer, I thought an image would help convey the essence of the visualization:
It is essentially a scatter plot with >10,000 points and connecting lines. The user can pan and zoom the data and the scale bar in the upper-left dynamically updates according to the current zoom level.
Here's my pitch:
Zoom level grouping and break down data as your users focuses/zooms-in
I would suggest you group together some data and present it as simple node
On zooming in to a particular node you can break down the node and release the group thus showing it's details.
This way you limit the amount of data you need to show on zoomed-out views (where all the nodes would be shown) and you add details as the user zooms-in to a region - in which case not all nodes would be showing since zooming in only focuses on one area of your graph
Viewport limit
Detect what is in the current view area and draw just that. Avoid drawing the whole node graph structure if your user cannot see it in his viewport - Show only what is necessary. Although I suspect that this is already done by Processing.js anyway, I don't know if your zooming functionality takes advantage of this.
Consider bitmap caching if your nodes are interactive/clickable
If your elements are clickable/interactive you might want to consider grouping data and showing them as bitmaps(large groups of data showed as a single image), until the user clicks on a bitmap in which case the bitmap is removed and the original shape is re-drawed in that bitmaps place. This minimizes the amount of points/lines the engine has to draw on each redraw cycle.
For bitmap caching see this link,(this is Fabric.js - a canvas library and SVG but the concept/idea is the same) and also this answer I posted to one of my questions for interactive vector/bitmap caching
As a side note:
Do you really need to use Processing?
If there's no interaction or animation happening and you just want to blit pixels(just draw it once) on a Canvas, consider abandoning a vector based library altogether. Plain-old canvas just blits pixels on a canvas and that's all. The initial startup drawing of data might have some delay, but since there's not any internal reference to the points/shapes/lines after they were drawn - there's nothing eating up your resources/clogging your memory.
So if this is the case - consider making the switch to plain Canvas.
However data visualisations are all about animations and interactivity so I doubt you'll want to give them up.

Is there an equivalent of soft pen in GDI+?

I need to draw a soft wide outline for my GDI+ GraphicsPath.
Something like this:
A path edge is shown in red. I'd like to use a wide pen which is smooth. I also need an ability to control smoothness of the pen.
I tried to use a gradient brush with the pen but couldn't find a solution that works.
I can achieve the desired result by drawing an outline with a black solid pen and applying a Gaussian smoothing filter on top of the result image, but I want to avoid this because it's slow when I have to process the whole image which could be quite large.
Is there a way to draw a smooth path outline?
There is no standard way in GDI+ that provides this functionality so you will have to create it.
You could track the line segments and draw a fuzzy, filled circle along the segments. By drawling the fuzzy circle once to a bitmap it should be fairly easy and fast to blit it continuously. By blending it slowly over time to the canvas you can also create a very nice effect and it would allow the user to control the intensity and maybe the size of the circle.

Raphael zooming and panning very slow

I am implementing a gradient heat map chart with zooming functionality, I would draw up to 100x100 matrix, though the size might vary a lot,
for smaller blocks zooming works perfectly fine but its dreadfully slow when I draw big matrix,
here is my
Could someone please suggest ways to improve efficient zooming, I would like to implement native zooming rather than using other libraries like svg pan or raphael-zpd as I need to support IE8 browser.
