I am trying to select multiple entries from Tkinter treeview. I used selectmode = extended for the same(use ctrl+enter key). But as soon as I try to open new branch in the tree(ctrl pressed), I am not able to open and if I do the same without pressing ctrl my selections from branch 1 disappears.
Hence, I am trying to get some other way for selecting multiple nodes from Tkinter tree (from different brances) without pressing ctrl key. (i.e either remembering my mouse selections or some checkbox or any other suggestion)
Here is a working code example which works for multiple selection in different branches using ctrl key but I need multiple selection for selecting nodes in different branches without pressing ctrl as using this I am not able to open new branch after selecting first one and if released nodes opens but choices disappears.
import ttk
import Tkinter as tk
def select():
for i in tree.selection():
item_iid = i
print "".join([str(tree.item(i)['text'])])# for i in curItems])
root = tk.Tk()
tree = ttk.Treeview(root,show="tree")#, selectmode=EXTENDED)
#SUb treeview
style = ttk.Style(root)
tree.insert("", "0", "item1", text="Branch1",)
tree.insert("", "1", "item2", text="Branch2")
#sub tree using item attribute to achieve that
tree.insert("item1", "1", text="FRED")
tree.insert("item1", "1", text="MAVIS")
tree.insert("item1", "1", text="BRIGHT")
tree.insert("item2", "2", text="SOME")
tree.insert("item2", "2", text="NODES")
tree.insert("item2", "2", text="HERE")
tree.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True)
tree.bind("<Return>", lambda e: select())
Expected: Select multiple nodes from different branches without pressing ctrl key
The first thing you need to do is to set selectmode to None:
tree = ttk.Treeview(root,show="tree", selectmode="none")
From here onward you can handle the selection events yourself.
Now modify your select function to react on focus change:
def select(event=None):
print tree.selection()
And finally bind it to a key you prefer, using mouse click as sample below:
tree.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", select)
The following code creates a standard listbox in tkinter. In normal use, after the user makes the first listbox selection with a mouse click, subsequent selections can be made either by clicking again with the mouse, or by using the up/down cursor keys. Both of these (mouse click and cursor keys) correctly trigger ListboxSelect and change the value of SelectedIndex using the associated function UserClickedSelection(event).
The code also includes a function that allows me to set a listbox selection programmatically. This works perfectly, and correctly changes SelectedIndex using the SetSelection(index) function. But...and this is the problem...after making a selection programmatically, the up/down arrow keys no longer function. The user needs to make the next selection using the mouse, and then the up/down arrow keys once again function normally.
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
SelectedIndex = 0
def UserClickedSelection(event): # get user selection
global SelectedIndex
SelectedIndex = mylistbox.curselection()[0]
def SetSelection(index): # set selection
global SelectedIndex
SelectedIndex = mylistbox.curselection()[0]
mylistbox = tk.Listbox(root,activestyle="none")
mylist = ['Zero','One','Two','Three','Four','Five']
# Using function: set selection to index 2
As you can see, in the code I've used the programmatic function to select index 2 of the listbox. This works fine, but the up/down arrow keys do not work until another selection is made afterwards using a mouse click. So there is clearly a difference between a "real" user selection and my "programmatic" selection. Is there some way to rectify this? I need the up/down arrow keys to work consistently. Thanks in advance for any assistance.
If I understand the problem correctly, you just need to make sure the listbox has focus.
def SetSelection(index): # set selection
I am making a battleships program, and after i created a list of identical buttons for a grid and inserting them all into one list, i want to be able to choose the button just clicked and delete it. How can i achieve this?
l = []
for i in range (100):
b = Button(battleship.frame, height = 1, width = 3, command = )
#this is a snippet of what i have now but i am not sure what to do.
I have tried using lambda to give each button something unique to make them all different but i don't think this helps me in selecting the specific button that was just clicked.
Any suggestions?
I want to show the text from the 'Yes' and the 'No' button in the informative text of a QMessageBox, but I don't see how I can get these labels from the buttons.
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
import sys
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
msgbox = QMessageBox()
msgbox.setStandardButtons(msgbox.Yes | msgbox.No)
info_text = "Click '{yes}' to confirm. Click '{no}' to abort."
if msgbox.exec_() == msgbox.Yes:
By calling setStandardButtons, the button order and the button labels will be set to the default for the current operating system and the current language setting. How can I obtain these defaults so that I can use them for the slots in the string info_text?
I thought about using the buttons attribute from the QMessageBox object, which is a list of QPushButton objects. I can read the labels from there, but I don't see how I could determine whether the first element in the list is the Yes or the No button.
Okay, I was being stupid: along side the buttons attribute, there is also the button() method, which takes as its argument the button type that I want to retrieve. I can then use text() to get the label. Finally, the hotkey marker & has to be stripped from the label:
info_text = "Click '{yes}' to confirm. Click '{no}' to abort.".format(
yes=msgbox.button(msgbox.Yes).text().replace("&", ""),
no=msgbox.button(msgbox.No).text().replace("&", ""))
With this code:
QtCore.QObject.connect(self.tabWidget, QtCore.SIGNAL("tabCloseRequested(int)"),
I can close any tab QTabWidget, and the names of these tabs are:
But I want the tab work_1 never closes.
Use Index did not work for two reasons:
The tabs can be dynamically moved by this code:
self.tabWidget.setMovable (True)
That makes the Index are constantly changing.
The user has the ability to add new tabs.
Tabs can be identified by their widgets, and the widgets can be identified by their objectName (or some other unique attribute):
def removeTab(self, index):
widget = self.tabWidget.widget(index)
if widget is not None and widget.objectName() != 'work_1':
or perhaps more simply:
if widget is not None and widget is not self.work_1:
We're building a GUI interface with Python+tkinter.
The problem is when we want to set the view mode of an entity. I need to set the view mode or state of the treeview widget as 'disabled'.
How can we solve it?
Thanks for any support.
I'm looking for a solution in which appart from disable the selection, affect the visualization of the widget just like an entry widget.
nbro is right, you need to change the Treeview style to make it look disabled. In addition, I also deactivated the possibility to open/close items when the Treeview is disabled using binding tricks on the mouse click.
In my example I added an entry so that you can compare the look on the two widgets. If you are using OS X or Windows, you might need to change the theme (style.theme_use("clam") should do) because their default themes are not very customizable.
from tkinter import Tk
from tkinter.ttk import Treeview, Style, Button, Entry
root = Tk()
def toggle_state():
if "disabled" in tree.state():
# re-enable item opening on click
# disable item opening on click
tree.bind('<Button-1>', lambda e: 'break')
style = Style(root)
# get disabled entry colors
disabled_bg = style.lookup("TEntry", "fieldbackground", ("disabled",))
disabled_fg = style.lookup("TEntry", "foreground", ("disabled",))
fieldbackground=[("disabled", disabled_bg)],
foreground=[("disabled", "gray")],
background=[("disabled", disabled_bg)])
e = Entry()
e.insert(0, "text")
tree = Treeview(root, selectmode='none')
tree.insert("", 0, iid="1", text='1')
tree.insert("1", 0, iid='11', text='11')
Button(root, text="toggle", command=toggle_state).pack()