Nodejs - SSL Handshake logs - node.js

I am trying to debug cert issue in my node module which is running in kubernetes.
The node app is running as below. It is enabled with SSL.
node --max-old-space-size=2560 ./server/index.js
How can I enable the SSL handshake trace?
For Java app,,handshake
Is there any equivalent for node app?


Electron.js Connection Problem with openvidu

I have an project with vue electron builder and node.js.
While i sending request from Openvidu server, i have an error.
This error is;
webSocketWithReconnection.js?714c:61 WebSocket connection to 'wss://localhost:4443/openvidu' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID
How can i fix.?
You must configure your Electron app to accept self-signed SSL certificates if you are going to use a local development OpenVidu deployment.
In your Electron app add:

Django SSL server

I am using Django 2.2, I want to enable https in it.
I have installed Django-SSL server and I have the certificate and the private key.
I am running the script like:
python runsslserver --certificate /path/to/certificate.pem --key /path/to/key.key
when I am running the above command the server is running like:
Starting development server at
Using SSL certificate: C:\Users\djangotutorial\myvenv\lib\site-packages\sslserver\certs\certificate.pem
Using SSL key: C:\Users\djangotutorial\myvenv\lib\site-packages\sslserver\certs\key.key
but when I am opening the link it is showing the unsecure connection.
How to fix this?
Cause you have used a self-singed ssl certificate, just ingore the warning and you'll got your web page. does not connect to node app on Heroku via https does not connect to node app on Heroku while Node JS does without any problem. Error is:
[2018-12-11 19:32:43] [connect] Successful connection
[2018-12-11 19:32:43] [error] handle_read_http_response error: websocketpp.transport:7 (End of File)
[2018-12-11 19:32:43] [info] Error getting remote endpoint: system:107
Changed URL from https to - works now. Is it possible to connect via https as well? JS connects via secure connection without any problem.
Have built app with SIO_TLS in DEFINES (compiler flag: -DSIO_TLS) - connects via https fine now! This enables TLS support as mentioned here:

mern project deployment on live ssl

I want to deploy a mern project on ssl. Currently it is running on server with ip address but when I deploy it on ssl it is not running. It is working fine on http.
I have change on node modules transport-node and make it http to https.
1-I am using nginx as proxy server
When I deploy on ssl it give error:-
1-emitter.js?8a6f:50 OPTIONS https://privateIp:port/ net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR
2-websocket.js?0f24:6 WebSocket connection to 'ws://privateip/sockjs-node/831/bocznd0p/websocket' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 400
3- your request is http,while it is require https.(handshake problem)

Difficulties connecting to server with Ionic

An overview of my setup:
A server is being hosted/ran on a computer in my local network.
An Ionic app is attempting to connect to the server to send/receive messages.
If I run the app in the browser with 'ionic serve', I am able to connect to the server successfully.
If I run the app in the emulator or on my device, I am only able to connect to the server if I add the -l (livereload) flag (ionic run android -l).
Originally, I hosted the node server on a heroku instance. I had no troubles connecting with this setup from browser, phone, or emulator. I had to switch to running the node server on a local computer so I have access to a local database.
Any ideas what is going on?
I fixed it by adding 'http://' to the beginning of the connection string.
Not sure why Ionic's livereload enabled me to connect without the 'http'
