How would I make a command that changes a user's nickname when used? ( - python-3.x

I'm trying to create a command for my bot that allows users to change their nickname. I've tried the answer stated here but I get a 'client is not defined' error and when I redefine in within the file itself, it returns a 'client has no 'change_nickname' member' error. The intended usage is supposed to be something like t!callme Jack and the user that used the t!callme command would have their nickname set to 'Jack'. Does anyone know how I could go about this?

Now if you wanted to change the author of the messages nickname, then all you have to do is add the following:
member =
await member.edit(nick="whatever your heart desires")
member is set to the author of the message, and then we tell the bot that the author of the message (or 'member') will change their nickname to 'whatever your heart desires'.
Make sure that the bot has permission to Manage Nicknames, or else this command will not work and it will give you a '403 FORBIDDEN' error.
It should look something similar like what I provided below:
async def callme(ctx):
member =
await member.edit(nick='Nickname wanted')
#This line is used just to keep chat nice and tidy :)
await ctx.message.delete()


How do I make a on_mentioned event in Nextcord python?

I want to make my Discord bot tell a member not to ping the owner.
I'm not too sure if on_mentioned is an actual event. If anybody can help,
that'd be a huge help.
Here's what I'm working with at the moment:
async def on_mentioned(ctx):
author =
await ctx.send(f'{author} please do not ping that member. They are either AFK or do not want to be pinged.')
You can check for mentions in on_message.
async def on_message(message):
for mention in message.mentions:
# do something
message.mentions will be a list of users mentioned, you can check if it contains any mentions or not.
Note about overriding on_message -- the bot will not process commands if you override this without running bot.process_commands(). You can alternatively, use a listener. See
I'm not too sure if on_mentioned is an actual event
That's what docs are for. You can check the Event Reference or search for it.

How can I save a Message in Discord with Python, in a simple variable

Hello Stackoverflow Community,
I wanted to write a Discord-Bot in Python, which should solve simple Mathquestions, like: "Whats 55+40?". The Questions are asked from another bot and the structure of the Question is everytime the same. I wrote a Calculator and it works and i just need the input from a private message(not a server). I do not need to show any code, because I dont have some and I need to start at the described situation to save the messages in a variable, so my Question is:
How can I import private messages from Discord, to save them in a normal variable, like x?
I use Sublime Text
Thanks for answers!
Looking at the comments of the question it is clear that you don't have any code for a bot yet. Look at this quickstart guide to set up a bot. Once set up, all messages typed to the bot (also DM messages) will trigger the on_message event. You can then save the contents of the message into a variable like so
async def on_message(message):
messageContent = message.content
i assume what you mean is waiting for a user to reply to a certain message from the bot, you can get your bot to private message someone by doing something like this:
user =
await user.send("Hello, world!")
now, for your bot waiting for a reply for your user, in your code, you will need a check just to make sure only the bot is waiting for a message from the specific person (even in dms) by creating a check function:
def check(m):
return ==
then after using user.send to send a message, or an embed, add
message = await bot.wait_for('message', check=check, timeout=120)
which means the bot waits until the user sends their answer (waits 120 seconds in this example)
then, to get the content of the message you just want to do make a variable called content or answer and set it to message.content ( content = message.content )

How to add reaction to a specific message using the ID? (

I've been trying for hours a command that react to a message using the ID.
If someone writes !react (the message ID) the bot reacts to the message.
Can someone help me? I have no clue how to do this.
Use a converter to get the discord.Message instance of the message:
async def react(ctx, message: discord.Message):
Then use Message.add_reaction to add a reaction to it, which I'm sure you can figure out by yourself.
Keep in mind that in case the message ID is invalid, can't be found, or is not in the same channel as where the command gets called, the converter will fail & throw you an exception. If you pass in the message's URL instead of the ID, Discord will be able to figure out what channel the message was sent in so you can call the command from wherever you want.
You can get a message's URL by selecting Copy Message Link, which might be better for your users as getting the id requires Developer Mode to be on, which most people don't have enabled. The MessageConverter mentioned in the beginning can parse both id's and URL's so you don't have to worry about that part.

How to mention the author of a message in another message

I am using to develop a bot. I am trying to make a command that makes the bot behave like this:
Someone: !slap #someoneelse
Bot: #Someone slapped #someoneelse
How can I get the bot to mention #someone without using ID? Multiple people will use the command and I can't just use ID since it will only work with one person. I haven't found anything that helped me, and the documentation was no help either. Hopefully, I can get help! Thank you.
Users and members have a .toString() method that is automatically called every time they are concatenated with a string: that means that if you type "Hey " + you will get "Hey #author"
That's how I would do the command:
// First store the mentioned user (it will be undefiend if there's none, check that)
let mentionedUser = message.mentions.users.first();
// Reply by directly putting the User objects in the string:`${} slapped ${mentionedUser}`);

Discord <#!userid> vs <#userid>

so I'm creating a bot using Node.JS / Discord.JS and I have a question.
On some servers, when you mention a user, it returns in the console as <#!userid> and on other it returns as <#userid>.
My bot has a simple points / level system, and it saves in a JSON file as <#!userid>, so on some servers when trying to look at a users points by mentioning them will work, and on others it won't.
Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? I've tried to find an answer many times, and I don't want to have it save twice, once as <#!userid> and then <#userid>. If this is the only way to fix it then I understand.
Thanks for your help!
The exclamation mark in the <#!userID> means they have a nickname set in that server. Using it without the exclamation mark is more reliable as it works anywhere. Furthermore, you should save users with their id, not the whole mention (the "<#userid>"). Parse out the extra symbols using regex.
var user = "<#!123456789>" //Just assuming that's their user id.
var userID = user.replace(/[<#!>]/g, '');
Which would give us 123456789. Their user id. Of course, you can easily obtain the user object (you most likely would to get their username) in two ways, if they're in the server where you're using the command, you can just
var member = message.guild.member(userID);
OR if they're not in the server and you still want to access their user object, then;
.then(user => {
//Do some stuff with the user object.
}, rejection => {
//Handle the error in case one happens (that is, it could not find the user.)
You can ALSO simply access the member object directly from the tag (if they tagged them in the message).
var member = message.mentions.members.first();
And just like that, without any regex, you can get the full member object and save their id.
var memberID =;
