IBM ODM start up error Could not lookup datasource named 'jdbc/ilogDataSource' - ibm-odm

I am learning ODM (Operational Decision Manager) and installed docker, pulled the image via docker pull. I then started the docker image with:
docker run -e LICENSE=accept -m 2048M --memory-reservation 2048M -p 9060:9060 -p 9443:9443 -v $PWD:/config/dbdata/ -e SAMPLE=false ibmcom/odm:8.10
Watching the console I'm getting this error
[ERROR ] An error occurs when creating the session [jdbc/ilogDataSource]. Database set up will stop. Could not lookup datasource named 'jdbc/ilogDataSource'


VSCode: "Format uri ('http://localhost:%s') must contain exactly two substitution placeholders" error with docker

Trying to set up VSCode to debug a nodejs app in a Docker container.
It builds and run the containers but then I eventually get this error dialog
Format uri ('http://localhost:%s') must contain exactly two substitution placeholders
and I cannot do any debugging.
I can't find this error anywhere in any of the VSCode output/terminal windows. And I don't have that format string anywhere in my code or config files.
For what it's worth, the application runs fine in the Docker container (e.g. responds to HTTP requests, etc)
And here's my run command that VSCode shows in the terminal window:
docker run -dt --name "xxnodejsservicetemplate-dev" -e "DEBUG=*" -e "NODE_ENV=development" --label "" -p "3000:3000" -p "9229:9229" "xxnodejsservicetemplate:latest" yarn dev --debug
Any thoughts?
Docker wants to replace the scheme and the port. At this time, VS Code is only adding a substitution for the port. So, instead of this format:
"dockerServerReadyAction": {
"uriFormat": "http://localhost:%s"
Use this:
"dockerServerReadyAction": {
"uriFormat": "%s://localhost:%s"

No passwd entry for user 'mssql' sqlsrv on Linux

I use the docker container to run a mssql server. I tried to change the collation like this:
echo "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" | /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf set-collation
Unfortunately I get this error:
No passwd entry for user 'mssql'
How is it possible to fix this error?
I created a new user with useradd mssql, but now I get this error if I run the command:
sqlservr: Unable to open /var/opt/mssql/.system/instance_id: File: pal.cpp:566 [Status: 0xC0000022 Access Denied errno = 0xD(13) Permission denied]
/opt/mssql/bin/sqlservr: PAL initialization failed. Error: 101
It looks the latest fix such issue, if you insist on the old, next could be the procedure to fix all user/permission issue:
cake#cake:~/20211012$ docker run --rm -it /bin/bash
SQL Server 2019 will run as non-root by default.
This container is running as user root.
To learn more visit
root#4fd0bdf1d21c:/# useradd mssql
root#4fd0bdf1d21c:/# mkdir -p /var/opt/mssql
root#4fd0bdf1d21c:/# chmod -R 777 /var/opt/mssql
root#4fd0bdf1d21c:/# echo "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" | /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf set-collation
Enter the collation: Configuring SQL Server...
The SQL Server End-User License Agreement (EULA) must be accepted before SQL
Server can start. The license terms for this product can be downloaded from
You can accept the EULA by specifying the --accept-eula command line option,
setting the ACCEPT_EULA environment variable, or using the mssql-conf tool.

Model location of LUIS container service

I am following this instruction video from Microsoft Azure team.
docker run
has to come with where the model & data is located. Following the guide in the video, I download the 'exported data' from LUIS, say under azure-luis/input
then, I run the following command
docker run -i -t my-docker-image-repo-id EULA=accept BILLING= APIKEY=my-unique-api-key --mount type=bind,input=/Users/#####/Developers/azure-luis/input --mount type=bind,source=/Users/#####/Developers/azure-luis/output
but I kept getting the following message
A folder must be mounted at the location '/input' where models and other input data can be read.
where did I do wrong?

docker - libudev: udev_has_devtmpfs: name_to_handle_at on /dev: Operation not permitted

I doing Docker tests about using apps with GUI. SublimeText,Eclipse,Hangout and others apps good working but in this case i try install popcorntime app in to docker container using Debian image and when i execute the app show me some errors. Sorry, but i'm new in Docker world and would like know how to fix this problem for future occasions.
First, I execute to docker container of next form:
docker run -ti -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY --shm-size=1024m --memory 512m --device /dev/snd popcorntime bash
Next, into contaniner:
root#1cc4aea76556:/opt/popcorntime# ./Popcorn-Time
libudev: udev_has_devtmpfs: name_to_handle_at on /dev: Operation not permitted [59:1106/] X failed to attach to shared memory segment 262145 [59:1106/211529:INFO:CONSOLE(120)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: pageOptions is not defined", source: (120) [59:1106/211529:INFO:CONSOLE(120)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: pageOptions is not defined", source: (120) [59:1106/] Failed to write crash dump for pid 79 Cannot upload crash dump: cannot alloc [59:1106/] crash dump file written to /tmp/chromium-renderer-minidump-b10e73ec0d1694fc.dmp
Please, someone that me orient for know how to execute this app using docker container???....
Docker Seccomp default profile disabled a system call that your container is calling.
As quick and dirty solution, try running the container with additional option after docker run
--security-opt seccomp=unconfined
This way you run a container without the default seccomp profile. Then it should be better to use a custom profile putting in the white list the systemn call your container needs.

How to export my local docker image to a tar and the load on another computer

I have a local image on my windowns PC
$ docker ps
52f36432c9a7 visionai/clouddream:latest "/bin/bash" Less than a second ago Up 3 minutes
Now I want to export it to a tar, so save in my flash disk and then load into my mac.
i try these but does not work:
$ docker save -o visionai/clouddream clouddream.tar
Error response from daemon: No such image: clouddream.tar
$ docker export visionai/clouddream > clouddream.tar
Error response from daemon: No such container: visionai/clouddream
The best way is use save/load commands because the CMD are saved. Using import/export commands the CMD is not saved.
Save to the disk your docker image:
docker save --output="image_name.tar" id_image
Load your docker image from the disc:
docker load --input image_name.tar
if after list images the repository and tag are < none >, you can rename your image setting new repository:tag
Docker tag new_repository:new_tag
You inverted the parameters for the docker save:
docker save -o clouddream.tar visionai/clouddream
The docker export exports a container but you are trying to export an image so it can't work
