Read compressed JSON in Spark - apache-spark

I have data stored in S3 as utf-8 encoded json files, and compressed using either snappy/lz4.
I'd like to use Spark to read/process this data, but Spark seems to require the filename suffix (.lz4, .snappy) to understand the compression scheme.
The issue is that I have no control over how the files are named - they will not be written with this suffix. It is also too expensive to rename all such files to include such as suffix.
Is there any way for spark to read these JSON files properly?
For parquet encoded files there is the 'parquet.compression' = 'snappy' in Hive Metastore, which seems to solve this problem for parquet files. Is there something similar for text files?


Transform CSV into Parquet using Apache Flume?

I have a question, is it possible to execute ETL for data using flume.
To be more specific I have flume configured on spoolDir which contains CSV files and I want to convert those files into Parquet files before storing them into Hadoop. Is it possible ?
If it's not possible would you recommend transforming them before storing in Hadoop or transform them using spark on Hadoop?
I'd probably suggest using nifi to move the files around. Here's a specific tutorial on how to do that with Parquet. I feel nifi was the replacement for Apache Flume.
Flume partial answers:(Not Parquet)
If you are flexible on format you can use an avro sink. You can use a hive sink and it will create a table in ORC format.(You can see if it also allows parquet in the definition but I have heard that ORC is the only supported format.)
You could likely use some simple script to use hive to move the data from the Orc table to a Parquet table. (Converting the files into the parquet files you asked for.)

How to append data in existing AVRO file using Python

I have a dataframe with similar schema, I need to append the data into the AVRO file. I don't like to add the avro file into folder as a part. For your information, my AVRO file is not into the folder as a part. Can you please help me to solve the task.
You can write the data by using mode overwrite while writing the dataframe.
But the part file is created as spark is distributed processing and each executor spits out a files based on the amount of data

hadoop: In which format data is stored in HDFS

I am loading data into HDFS using spark. How is the data stored in HDFS? Is it encrypt mode? Is it possible to crack the HDFS data? how about Security for existing data?
I want to know the details how the system behaves.
HDFS is a distributed file system which supports various formats like plain text format csv, tsv files. Other formats like parquet, orc, Json etc..
While saving the data in HDFS in spark you need to specify the format.
You can’t read parquet files without any parquet tools but spark can read it.
The security of HDFS is governed by Kerberos authentication. You need to set up the authentication explicitly.
But the default format of spark to read and write data is - parquet
HDFS can store data in many formats and Spark has the ability to read it (csv, json, parquet etc). While writing back specify the format that you wish to save the file in.
reading some stuff on the below commands will help you this thing:
hadoop fs -ls /user/hive/warehouse
hadoop fs -get (this till get the files from hdfs to your local file system)
hadoop fs -put (this will put the files from your local file system to hdfs)

How to add new files to spark structured streaming dataframe

I am getting daily files in a folder in linux server, How should I add these to my spark structured streaming dataframe? (Delta Update)
Have you read the document?
File source - Reads files written in a directory as a stream of data. Supported file formats are text, csv, json, parquet. See the docs of the DataStreamReader interface for a more up-to-date list, and supported options for each file format. Note that the files must be atomically placed in the given directory, which in most file systems, can be achieved by file move operations.

Spark write.avro creates individual avro files

I have a spark-submit job I wrote that reads an in directory of json docs, does some processing on them using data frames, and then writes to an out directory. For some reason, though, it creates individual avro, parquet or json files when I use or df.write methods.
In fact, I even used the saveAsTable method and it did the same thing with parquet.gz files in the hive warehouse.
It seems to me that this is inefficient and negates the use of a container file format. Is this right? Or is this normal behavior and what I'm seeing just an abstraction in HDFS?
If I am right that this is bad, how do I write the data frame from many files into a single file?
As #zero323 told its normal behavior due to many workers(to support fault tolerance).
I would suggest you to write all the records in parquet or avro file which has avro generic record using something like this
format(FILE_FORMAT).partitionBy("parameter1", "parameter2").save(path);
but it wont write in to single file but it will group similar kind of Avro Generic records to one file(may be less number of medium sized) files
