Modify master config in YugaByteDb - yugabytedb

I'm new in using yugabyte-db and i tried to use 3 local cluster by running ./bin/yb-clt --rf 3 create it work well but ysql is disabled by default (--enable_ysql=false) is there any way to change masters configuration without running new yb-master process?

Changing yb-master config is done using the change-master-config subcommand on yb-admin cli. Arguments will depend on the type of config. Direct link to the command with arguments:
--enable_ysql=false is default only in pre-2.0.3 versions. All versions after it have it enabled by default.
And changing it in runtime is not possible. Only on startup.


How to update configuration of a Cassandra cluster

I have a 3 node Cassandra cluster and I want to make some adjustments to the cassandra.yaml
My question is, how should I perform this? One node at a time or is there a way to make it happen without shutting down nodes?
Btw, I am using Cassandra 2.2 and this is a production cluster.
There are multiple approaches here:
If you edit the cassandra.yaml file, you need to restart cassandra to re-read the contents of that file. If you restart all nodes at once, your cluster will be unavailable. Restarting one node at a time is almost always safe (provided you have sane replication-factors and consistency-levels). If your cluster is configured to survive a rack or datacenter outage, then you can safely restart more nodes concurrently.
Many settings can be changed without a restart via JMX, though I don't have a documentation link handy. Changing via JMX WON'T change cassandra.yml though, so you'll need to update that also or your config will revert back to what's in the file when the node restarts.
If you're using DSE, OpsCenter's Lifecycle Manager feature makes updating configs a simple point-and-click affair (disclaimer, I'm biased as I'm an LCM dev).

How to change the resources for zeppelin using linux HDInsight

I've used the Windows version of HDInsight before, and that has a tab where you can set the number of cores and ram per worker node for Zeppelin.
I followed this tutorial to get Zeppelin working:
The Linux version of HDInsight uses Ambari to manage the resources, but I can't seem to find a way to change the settings for Zeppelin.
Zeppelin is not selectable as a separate service in the list of services on the left. It also seems like it isn't available to be added when I choose 'add service' in actions.
I tried editing the general spark configs in Ambari by using override, then adding the worker nodes to my new config group and increasing the number of cores and RAM in custom spark-defaults. (Then clicked save and restarted all affected services.)
I tried editing the spark settings using
vi /etc/spark/conf/spark-defaults.conf
on the headnode, but that wasn't picked up by Ambari.
The performance in Zeppelin seems to stay the same for a query that takes about 1000-1100 seconds every time.
Zeppelin is not a service so it shouldn't show up in Ambari. If you are committed to managing it that way, you may be able to get this to work
To edit via ssh you'll need edit the file. First give yourself edit perms.
sudo chmod u+w /usr/hdp/current/incubator-zeppelin/conf/
and then edit zeppelin configs using
vi /usr/hdp/current/incubator-zeppelin/conf/
Here you can configure the ZEPPELIN_JAVA_OPTS variable, adding:
-Dspark.executor.memory=1024m -Dspark.executor.cores=16
All that being said... any reason you can't just use a Jupyter notebook instead?

Unable to add node via OpsCenter

When trying to add a node via OpsCenter 5.0.1 I get the following
The Ec2Snitch is being used by this cluster. Provisioning nodes using this endpoint_snitch is not supported at this time.
Which seems contrary to the instructions given here.
i had the same problem, just add the new node using dsedelegate snitch, after the provisioning it's done, change the snitch to ec2snitch, and restart the node and thats it

Cassandra: where to modify opscenter agent for a newly added node to existing cluster

I have a single node Cassandra cluster on EC2 (launched from a Datastax AMI) and I manually added a new node which is also backed by the same Datastax AMI after deleting data directory and modifying cassandra.yaml. I can see two nodes in the Nodes section of Opscenter but I see Opscenter agent is not installed in the new node (1 of 2 agents are connected). It looks like in the new node it has its own opscenter installation and that somehow conflicts with the opscenter installation in the first node? I guess I have to fix some configuration file of opscenter agent in the new node so that it can point to the opscenter installation of the first node? But I can't find where to modify.
It is stomp_interface section of /var/lib/datastax-agent/conf/address.yaml
I had to manually put stomp_interface into the configuration file. Also, I noticed that the process was looking for /etc/datastax-agent/address.yaml and never looked for /var/lib/datastax-agent/conf/address.yaml
Also, local_interface was not necessary to get things to work for me. YMMV.
I'm not sure where this gets set, or if this changed between agent versions at some point in time. FWIW, I installed both opscenter and the agents via packages.

How can I pass app-specific configuration to Spark workers?

I have a Spark app which uses many workers. I'd like to be able to pass simple configuration information to them easily (without having to recompile): e.g. USE_ALGO_A. If this was a local app, I'd just set the info in environment variables, and read them. I've tried doing something similar using, but the variables don't seem to propagate properly.
How can I do simple runtime configuration of my code in the workers?
(PS I'm running a spark-ec2 type cluster)
You need to take care of configuring each worker.
From the Spark docs:
You can edit /root/spark/conf/ on each machine to set Spark configuration options, such as JVM options. This file needs to be copied to every machine to reflect the change.
If you use an Amazon EC2 cluster, there is a script that RSYNC s a directory between teh master and all workers.
The easiest way to do this is to use a script we provide called copy-dir. First edit your file on the master, then run ~/spark-ec2/copy-dir /root/spark/conf to RSYNC it to all the workers.
