How to get a thread reply's content from reaction_added event? - bots

I'm building a slack FAQ app that uses message reactions to gather the best answers to questions. My plan is to save any Slack messages with positive reactions by using the reaction_added event to get the TS attribute and then the conversations.history method to get the message's content.
This works well for parent-level or non-threaded messages, however it doesn't work for reply messages inside threads. For some reason the conversations.history method returns an unrelated message when using the TS of a thread reply.
I've checked the Slack API conversations.history method documentation to see if replies are handled in any special way. I reviewed conversations.replies method to see if it might be helpful, but since reaction_added event simply provides a TS id for the message and no thread_ts value that can be used with the conversations.replies method.
I'm using bolt framework. Here's a snippet of the code that tries to use the reaction_added event with conversations.history method to get the message content:
app.event('reaction_added', async ({ event, context, say }) => {
try {
const result = await app.client.conversations.history({
token: process.env.SLACK_USER_TOKEN,
latest: event.item.ts,
limit: 1,
inclusive: true
catch (error) {
Expected result:
Message contents of thread reply that a reaction is posted for
Actual result:
Message contents of the latest message in the slack channel

I'm not sure if it changed recently or I misread the documentation, but conversations.replies API endpoint does not require a thread_ts value containing the parent thread timestamp in order to retrieve a thread reply.
The event.item.ts value provided by the reaction_added event is sufficient to retrieve the message contents of the reply where a reaction was added.
So to get the message contents of a message where a reaction was added, you can update the code in my original question to:
app.event('reaction_added', async ({ event, context, say }) => {
try {
const result = await app.client.conversations.replies({
token: process.env.SLACK_USER_TOKEN,
ts: event.item.ts
catch (error) {


How can I send a message from bot framework sdk after a period of inactivity? In nodejs

I am using the nodejs SDK for Bot Framework to develop a chatbot. I want to send a message to the user if they do not write in 5 minutes.
I do not find an example in bot-framework documentation and, in stackoverflow there are not solutions for a started bot (I do not need it to start the conversation). Where do I need to create the code? I have an index.js and a dialog file. How can I set the timer and restart it when the user send a message?
I'm using directline.
There are two different ways you can approach this, one for directline only using events and one for all channels using setTimeout. The directline solution requires some code on your webchat client, but the latter requires you to save the conversation reference and start a new bot adapter. Both approaches could work.
Directline Only
You need to set up your webchat client to set up the timer and send an event to your bot if no activities are sent before the timer expires. You need to create a custom store to do this. Here is an example I used in the past:
const store = window.WebChat.createStore({}, function(dispatch) { return function(next) { return function(action) {
if (action.type === 'WEB_CHAT/SEND_MESSAGE') {
// Message sent by the user
} else if (action.type === 'DIRECT_LINE/INCOMING_ACTIVITY' && !== "inactive") {
// Message sent by the bot
interval = setTimeout(function() {
// Notify bot the user has been inactive
payload: {
name: 'inactive',
value: ''
}, 300000)
return next(action);
This will send an event to your bot with the name 'inactive'. Now you need to set up your bot to handle it. So in your this.onEvent handler you need to do something like this:
if ( && === 'inactive') {
await context.sendActivity({
text: 'Are you still there? Is there anything else I can help you with?',
name: 'inactive'
All channels
As I'm typing this up, I'm realizing you should be able to emit the event from your bot itself and forego starting a new bot adapter instance. But I haven't tried that before, so I'm providing my existing solution. But you may wish to experiment with emitting an inactive event if the timeout is reached instead of the actions below.
That said, here is a solution you can use within your this.onMessage handler.
// Inactivity messages
// Reset the inactivity timer
this.inactivityTimer = setTimeout(async function(conversationReference) {
console.log('User is inactive');
try {
const adapter = new BotFrameworkAdapter({
appId: process.env.microsoftAppID,
appPassword: process.env.microsoftAppPassword
await adapter.continueConversation(conversationReference, async turnContext => {
await turnContext.sendActivity('Are you still there?');
} catch (error) {
//console.log('Bad Request. Please ensure your message contains the conversation reference and message text.');
}, 300000, conversationData.conversationReference);
Note that you have to get and save the conversationReference if you go this route, so that you can call continueConversation if the timer expires. I typically do this in my this.onMessage handler as well just to make sure I always have a valid conversation reference. You can get it with the below code (I'm assuming you already have your conversation state and state accessor defined).
const conversationData = await this.dialogState.get(context, {});
conversationData.conversationReference = TurnContext.getConversationReference(context.activity);
Now as I mentioned in the first solution, I believe you should be able to send an inactivity event in your try block instead of initiating the bot adapter. If you try that and it works, please let me know so I can update this solution!

Messages order of smooch - whatsapp

I have a bot and I use smooch to run the bot on whatsapp.
I use 'smooch-core' npm for that.
When I send a lot of messages one after the other sometimes the messages are displayed in reverse order in whatsapp.
Here is the code for sending messages:
for (const dataMessage of data) {
await sendMessage(dataMessage);
function sendMessage(dataMessage) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
appId: xxxx,
userId: userId,
message: dataMessage
}).then((response) => {
console.log('response: ' + JSON.stringify(response), 'green');
}).catch(err => {
console.log('error: ' + JSON.stringify(err), 'red');
All dataMessage looks like this:
role: "appMaker",
type: "text",
text: txt
I tried to see how I could arrange it, and I saw that there was an option to get the message status from the webhook, and then wait for each message to arrive for the appropriate status. And only then send the following message.
But I would like to know is there something simpler? Is there a parameter that can add to the message itself to say what its order is? Or is there something in the npm that gives information about the message and its status?
In the doc below, Whatsapp mentions that they do not guarantee message ordering.
The same limitation applies to any async messaging platform (and most of them are), so backend processing times and other random factors can impact individual message processing/delivery times and thus ordering on the user device (e.g. backend congestion, attachments, message size, etc.).
You can try to add a small [type-dependent] delay between sending each message to reduce the frequency of mis-ordered messages (longer delay for messages with attachments, etc.).
The fool-proof way (with much more complexity) is to queue messages by appUser on your end, only sending the next message after receiving the message:delivery:user webhook event for the previous message.

Is it possible to open javascript from azure bot v4?

I want to open javascript page that I have implemented on my website. Whenever I type 'Help' inside my bot, the widget should open. Is it possible to open it? Thanks. I am using node js version. If it is possible, please provide me an approach to solve this issue.
I'm not sure exactly how your widget functions, but when the user sends a 'help' message to the bot, you can send a back channel event to WebChat to trigger opening the widget. Take a look at the code snippets below.
Bot Code - NodeJs
When the bot receives a 'help' message from the user, the bot can send an event by sending an activity with the type set to 'event'. We can also give the outgoing activity a name attribute so we can send mutltiple types of events to WebChat. In this case, we are going to name the out going activity 'helpEvent'.
async onTurn(turnContext) {
if(turnContext.activity.type === ActivityTypes.Message) {
if (turnContext.activity.text.toLowerCase() === 'help') {
// Send Back Channel Help Event
await turnContext.sendActivity({ type: 'event', name: 'helpEvent'});
WebChat Custom Middleware
In WebChat, we are going to create a custom middleware to check incoming activities. When we encounter an activity that has a name and type that we recognize, trigger your event on the webpage. In the example below, I just alerted the use that they asked for help, but here is where you launch your widget.
const store = window.WebChat.createStore(
({ dispatch }) => next => action => {
if (action.type === 'DIRECT_LINE/INCOMING_ACTIVITY') {
const { name, type } = action.payload.activity;
if (type === 'event' && name === 'helpEvent') {
// Activate Widget
alert("You asked for help.");
return next(action);
directLine: window.WebChat.createDirectLine({ token }),
}, document.getElementById('webchat'));
For more details on back channel events and creating a custom middleware in WebChat, checkout this sample in the WebChat Repo.
Hope this helps!

slack how to know if bot recently posted

I am using botkit, i have a bot that responses to a certain word.
But i don't want the bot to response if it recently did so.
Currently i am using channels.history method to retrieve 4 recent messages then find the bot id, if its there it won't reply. This is not pretty, i've been searching for useful methods to use but i can't find any. I just want to find out if the bot recently posted or not and do actions base on it.
const targetBotID = 'GKALXJCM6'
latest: message.ts,
count: 4,
inclusive: 1,
}, function(err, response) {
if(err) { bot.reply(message, 'Something is wrong with me, check log if there is??'); }
const recentPostFound = response.messages.filter(function (member) {
return member.user === targetBotID;
return bot.reply();
return bot.reply(answer) // Answer if no matching id found
I can see two solutions to your issue:
Record previous actions of your bot in some kind of app context (e.g. database). Then you can verify each time if your bot already answered.
Consider using Events API instead of loading the chat history each time. Then your bot gets exactly one event request for each new message in a channel and you can be sure that your bot will only react once.

Using publisher confirms with RabbitMQ, in which cases publisher will be notified about success/failure?

Quoting the book, RabbitMQ in Depth:
A Basic.Ack request is sent to a publisher when a message that it has
published has been directly consumed by consumer applications on all
queues it was routed to or that the message was enqueued and persisted
if requested.
Confused with Has been directly consumed, does it mean when consumer send ack to broker publisher will be informed that consumer process message successfully? or it means that publisher will be notified when consumer just receive message from the queue?
or that the message was enqueued and persisted if requested. Is this like conjuction or publisher will be informed when either of those happens? (In that case publisher would be notified twice)
Using node.js and amqplib wanted to check what is happening actually:
// consumer.js
.then(connection => connection.createChannel())
.then(() => { assert exchange here })
.then(() => { assert queue here })
.then(() => { bind queue and exchange here })
.then(() => {
channel.consume(QUEUE, (message) => {
console.log('Raw RabbitMQ message received', message)
// Simulate some job to do
setTimeout(() => {
channel.ack(message, false)
}, 5000})
}, { noAck: false })
// publisher.js
.then(connection => connection.createConfirmChannel())
.then(() => { assert exchange here })
.then(() => {
channel.publish(exchange, routingKey, new Buffer(...),{}, (err, ok) => {
if (err) {
console.log('Error from handling confirmation on publisher side', err)
} else {
console.log('From handling confirmation on publisher side', ok)
Running the example, i can see following logs:
From handling confirmation on publisher side undefined
Raw RabbitMQ message received
Time to ack the message
As far as i see, at least by this log, publisher will be notified only when message was enqueued? (So having consumer acking the message will not influence publisher in any way)
Quoting further:
If a message cannot be routed, the broker will send a Basic.Nack RPC
request indicating the failure. It is then up to the publisher to
decide what to do with the message.
Changing the above example, where i only changed the routing key of the message to something that should not be routed anywhere (there are no bindings that would match routing key), from logs i can see only following.
From handling confirmation on publisher side undefined
Now i'm more confused, about what publisher is notified exactly here? I would understand that it receive an error, like Can't route anywhere, that would be aligned with quote above. But as you can see err is not defined and as side question even if amqplib in their official docs are using (err, ok), in no single case i see those defined. So here output is same like in above example, how one can differ between above example and un-routable message.
So what im up to here, when exactly publisher will be notified about what is happening with the message? Any concrete example in which one would use PublisherConfirms? From logging above, i would conclude that is nice to have it in cases where you want to be 100% sure that message was enqueued.
After searching again and again i have found this
The basic rules are as follows:
An un-routable mandatory or immediate message is confirmed right after the basic.return
transient message is confirmed the moment it is enqueued
Persistent message is confirmed when it is persisted to disk or when it is consumed on every queue.
If more than one of these conditions are met, only the first causes a
confirm to be sent. Every published message will be confirmed sooner
or later and no message will be confirmed more than once.
by default publishers don't know anything about consumers.
PublisherConfirms is used to check if the message reached the broker, but not if the message has been enqueued.
you can use mandatory flag to be sure the message has been routed
see this
To ensure messages are routed to a single known queue, the producer
can just declare a destination queue and publish directly to it. If
messages may be routed in more complex ways but the producer still
needs to know if they reached at least one queue, it can set the
mandatory flag on a basic.publish, ensuring that a basic.return
(containing a reply code and some textual explanation) will be sent
back to the client if no queues were appropriately bound.
I'm not entirely sure about the notification on ack/nack question, but check out the BunnyBus Node library for a simpler api and RabbitMQ management :)
const BunnyBus = require('bunnybus');
const bunnyBus = new BunnyBus({
user: 'your-user',
vhost: 'your-vhost', // cloudamqp defaults vhost to the username
password: 'your-password',
server: ''
const handler = {
'test.event': (message, ack) => {
// Do your work here.
// acknowledge the message off of the bus.
return ack();
// Create exchange and queue if they do not already exist and then auto connect.
return bunnyBus.subscribe('test', handler)
.then(() => {
return bunnyBus.publish({event: 'test.event', body: 'here\'s the thing.'});
