Idiomatic rust way to properly parse Clap ArgMatches - rust

I'm learning rust and trying to make a find like utility (yes another one), im using clap and trying to support command line and config file for the program's parameters(this has nothing to do with the clap yml file).
Im trying to parse the commands and if no commands were passed to the app, i will try to load them from a config file.
Now I don't know how to do this in an idiomatic way.
fn main() {
let matches = App::new("findx")
.about("find + directory operations utility")
let paths;
let patterns;
let operation;
if matches.is_present("patterns") && matches.is_present("operation") {
patterns = matches.values_of("patterns").unwrap().collect();
paths = matches.values_of("paths").unwrap_or(clap::Values<&str>{"./"}).collect(); // this doesn't work
operation = match matches.value_of("operation").unwrap() { // I dont like this
"Append" => Operation::Append,
"Prepend" => Operation::Prepend,
"Rename" => Operation::Rename,
_ => {
print!("Operation unsupported");
}else if Path::new("findx.yml").is_file(){
//TODO: try load from config file
eprintln!("Command line parameters or findx.yml file must be provided");
if let Err(e) = findx::run(Config {
paths: paths,
patterns: patterns,
operation: operation,
}) {
eprintln!("Application error: {}", e);
There is an idiomatic way to extract Option and Result types values to the same scope, i mean all examples that i have read, uses match or if let Some(x) to consume the x value inside the scope of the pattern matching, but I need to assign the value to a variable.
Can someone help me with this, or point me to the right direction?
Best Regards

Personally I see nothing wrong with using the match statements and folding it or placing it in another function. But if you want to remove it there are many options.
There is the ability to use the .default_value_if() method which is impl for clap::Arg and have a different default value depending on which match arm is matched.
From the clap documentation
//sets value of arg "other" to "default" if value of "--opt" is "special"
let m = App::new("prog")
.default_value_if("opt", Some("special"), "default"))
"prog", "--opt", "special"
assert_eq!(m.value_of("other"), Some("default"));
In addition you can add a validator to your operation OR convert your valid operation values into flags.
Here's an example converting your match arm values into individual flags (smaller example for clarity).
extern crate clap;
use clap::{Arg,App};
fn command_line_interface<'a>() -> clap::ArgMatches<'a> {
//Sets the command line interface of the program.
.help("renames something")
.help("prepends something")
.help("appends something")
enum Operation {
fn main() {
let matches = command_line_interface();
let operation = if matches.is_present("rename") {
} else if matches.is_present("prepend"){
} else {
println!("Value of operation is {:?}",operation);
I hope this helps!
You can also use Subcommands with your specific operations. It all depends on what you want to interface to be like.
let app_m = App::new("git")
match app_m.subcommand() {
("clone", Some(sub_m)) => {}, // clone was used
("push", Some(sub_m)) => {}, // push was used
("commit", Some(sub_m)) => {}, // commit was used
_ => {}, // Either no subcommand or one not tested for...


Clean way of taking first argument without modifiying args

This program should take arguments like so: <command> n1 n2 n3... e.g mode 1 2 3 3 4. I want to store the <command> argument string and pass the rest of the arguments into a constructor for parsing.
fn main() {
let args = args();
let command = args.skip(1).next().unwrap_or_else(|| {
eprintln!("Command not found; expected one of \"mode\", \"mean\", \"median\" \"range\"");
let set = DataSet::from_args(args).unwrap_or_else(|err| {
eprintln!("error parsing values: {}", err);
match command.to_lowercase().trim() {
"mode" => println!("{:?}", set.mode()),
_ => eprintln!("Command not recognised: \"{}\"", command),
This code doesn't work because args.skip(1).next()... consumes args by adapting it into a Skip, so when I try to call DataSet::from_args(args) It is invalid because it was moved into skip.
What is the best way to achieve this? I've heard the itertools library could provide an nth method for Args but I'd prefer to do this without.
First, std has nth() method: you can use nth(1) instead of skip(1).next().
Second, Iterator is implemented for &mut Iterator. So you can just call skip() on &mut args. There is even a method for that: by_ref():
let command = args.by_ref().skip(1).next().unwrap_or_else(|| {
eprintln!("Command not found; expected one of \"mode\", \"mean\", \"median\" \"range\"");

Accept multiple values on proc macro attribute

I wanted to be able to retrieve the content from an attribute like this:
#[foreign_key(table = "some_table", column = "some_column")]
This is how I am trying:
impl TryFrom<&&Attribute> for EntityFieldAnnotation {
type Error = syn::Error;
fn try_from(attribute: &&Attribute) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
if attribute.path.is_ident("foreign_key") {
match attribute.parse_args()? {
syn::Meta::NameValue(nv) =>
println!("NAME VALUE: {:?}, {:?}, {:?}",
_ => println!("Not interesting")
} else {
println!("No foreign key")
// ... More Rust code
Everything works fine if I just put in there only one NameValue. When I add the comma,
everything brokes.
The only error:
error: unexpected token
How can I fix my logic to enable the possibility of have more than just one NameValue?
UPDATE: While writing this answer, I had forgotten that Meta has List variant as well which gives you NestedMeta. I would generally prefer doing that instead of what I did in the answer below for more flexibility.
Although, for your particular case, using Punctuated still seems simpler and cleaner to me.
MetaNameValue represents only a single name-value pair. In your case it is delimited by ,, so, you need to parse all of those delimited values as MetaNameValue instead.
Instead of calling parse_args, you can use parse_args_with along with Punctuated::parse_terminated:
use syn::{punctuated::Punctuated, MetaNameValue, Token};
let name_values: Punctuated<MetaNameValue, Token![,]> = attribute.parse_args_with(Punctuated::parse_terminated).unwrap(); // handle error instead of unwrap
Above name_values has type Punctuated which is an iterator. You can iterate over it to get various MetaNameValue in your attribute.
Updates based on comments:
Getting value out as String from MetaNameValue:
let name_values: Result<Punctuated<MetaNameValue, Token![,]>, _> = attr.parse_args_with(Punctuated::parse_terminated);
match name_values {
Ok(name_value) => {
for nv in name_value {
println!("Meta NV: {:?}", nv.path.get_ident());
let value = match nv.lit {
syn::Lit::Str(v) => v.value(),
_ => panic!("expeced a string value"), // handle this err and don't panic
println!( "Meta VALUE: {:?}", value )
Err(_) => todo!(),

How to handle errors for Not found key in Rust

I'm trying to capture errors on Rust, but I don't want the program to exit if I found it. I'm very new to Rust. Basically, I want to find a key from the Windows registry and if it doesn't exist, then create it.
Im using a crate called winreg for that.
This would be a section of my program:
fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
key.set_value("TestSZ", &"written by Rust")?;
// here I'm getting a value that exists
let sz_val: String = key.get_value("TestSZ")?;
// but this key doesn't exist
let other: String = key.get_value("NOT_EXISTING_KEY")?;
println!("TestSZ = {}", sz_val);
println!("TestSZ = {}", other);
If I compile that I receive this in the console:
And now lets write something...
An existing key has been opened
TestSZ = written by Rust
Error: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "Couldn't find the pecified file." }
error: process didn't exit successfully: `target\debug\playground.exe` (exit code: 1)
In a pseudocode way, I would like something like:
if other == null {
println!("Nothing found!");
If I analize get_value it looks like this:
pub fn get_value<T: FromRegValue, N: AsRef<OsStr>>(&self, name: N) -> io::Result<T>
I don't know what that means. I've been reading about errors and everything I do fails.
If I do let other: String = key.get_value("NOT_EXISTING_KEY").expect("Failed to read product name"); then the program exits, showing the error.
But I don't want the program to fail, I want to capture the error and do a different flow if I don't find the key (for example, create it).
Does anyone know how can I deal with this?
In Rust, a function that can fail usually returns a Result<OkType, ErrorType> data type. This type is a structured enum, which means, that it can tell you not only if error has occured, but also what kind of error, so you could act accordingly.
You can process enums with match statements. Or alternatively, Result type has shortcuts like Result::unwrap or Result::expect that basically say: "If there is an error, just tell me what kind and crash the program."
I'm not very familiar with Windows Registry, so I'm not sure how bulletproof the following code snippet is, but it should give you an idea on how you can process errors with a match statement.
fn main() {
// ...
let anykey_value = match key.get_value("AnyKey") {
// If the key is present, initialize `anykey_value` variable
// with the returned value
Ok(value) => value,
// If the key is not found, do the following steps:
Err(error) => {
println!("Nothing found!");
// Try to set an empty string as the value for "AnyKey".
// If fails: panic with the following message.
key.set_value("AnyKey", &"").expect("Failed to create key \"AnyKey\"");
// Initialize `anykey_value` variable with an empty string.
// Will print the value stored in "AnyKey"
// or an empty string, if the key was just created.
println!("AnyKey = {}", anykey_value);
// ...
Also you can checkout Error handling chapter from The Rust Programming Language book. It might be helpful.
I got it this way:
match key.get_value("NOT_EXISTING_KEY") {
Ok(value) => {
println!("found: {}", value);
Err(err) => {
println!("not found: {}", err);
It was expecting a String

Why can't this be done with if?

I'm trying to handle errors received from an async call:
let res: Result<TcpStream, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> = session.runtime().borrow_mut().block_on(async {
let fut = TcpStream::connect(session.configuration().socket()).await?;
I tried to do it the old school way with an if but the compiler didn't like it:
if res.is_err() {
return Err(res);
After some googling I came across this:
let mut stream = match res {
Ok(res) => res,
Err(res) => return Err(res),
which feels very much the same but with Rusts' equivalent of a switch statement. Why can't I use the if?
if res.is_err() { return res } should work. Result is an enum with two variants: Ok which by convention holds a "successful" result, and Err which holds error information. As John pointed out, wrapping the existing Result (which happens to hold an Err) in another Err result doesn't make sense - or, more precisely, doesn't match the return type of the function.
When you use match, you unpack the result into its constituent values, and then in the error case re-pack it into a new result. Note that instead of the match statement use can use the ? operator, which would compress the declaration to just:
let mut stream = res?;

Error 'cannot move out of dereference' when trying to match strings from vector

I am very new to rust and trying to write a command line utility as a way to learn.
I am getting the list of args and trying to match on them
let args = os::args()
//some more code
match args[1].into_ascii_lower().as_slice() {
"?" | "help" => { //show help },
"add" => { //do other stuff },
_ => { //do default stuff }
this causes this error
cannot move out of dereference (dereference is implicit, due to indexing)
match args[1].into_ascii_lower().as_slice() {
I have no idea what that means, but searching yield this which I didn't completely get, but changing the args[1] to args.get(1) gives me another error
error: cannot move out of dereference of `&`-pointer
match args.get(1).into_ascii_lower().as_slice() {
what's going on?
As you can see in the documentation, the type of into_ascii_lower() is (see here) :
fn into_ascii_upper(self) -> Self;
It takes self directly, not as a reference. Meaning it actually consumes the String and return an other one.
So, when you do args[1].into_ascii_lower(), you try to directly consume one of the elements of args, which is forbidden. You probably want to make a copy of this string, and call into_ascii_lower() on this copy, like this :
match args[1].clone().into_ascii_lower().as_slice() {
/* ... */
