Why won't Excel VBA accept my user defined variable - excel

I have recently written some code that finds a value in a worksheet. If said value exists, it offsets the active cell to the first row. If the value doesn't exist, it displays an error message. I'm having an issue where it is rejecting my variable because of either a "runtime 91 error" or a compile error that requires an object. I am new to VBA, per chance might anyone know what this error is asking for. Below is my code for facilitated viewing.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim IDNUM As Boolean
Set IDNUM = Worksheets("Petrobras").Range("V:V").Find(TXTOPPNUM_Insert.Value, , , LookAt:=xlWhole).Select
If IDNUM = False Then
MsgBox "This Opportunity has Not Been Registered Yet"
ActiveCell.Offset(0, -21).Activate
End If
End Sub

Dim IDNUM As Boolean
This declares the identifier IDNUM and allocates it enough memory to store a Boolean value for it. Note that the possible Boolean values are True and False.
Set IDNUM = ...
This is a Set assignment, which means VBA will be expecting the left-hand side of the assignment operator (that's =) to be a reference type (i.e. an object reference). But IDNUM is a Boolean, so the Set assignment is illegal.
You want this to be a value assignment:
Let IDNUM = ...
But then, the Let keyword is redundant/obsolete, so you can just do:
IDNUM = ...
Now, the right-hand side of the assignment is also problematic:
Worksheets("Petrobras").Range("V:V") _
.Find(TXTOPPNUM_Insert.Value, , , LookAt:=xlWhole) _
First, the expression has no defined type: the (Range).Select method returns no value, so the expression can't legally appear to the right of an = operator.
(Range).Find does return something though - but it returns a Range object reference, and when it can't find what it's looking for, it returns Nothing - a special reference value that basically means "there's no object here", and any member call (like .Select) made against Nothing will always raise run-time error 91. NEVER assume Range.Find will return a valid object reference.
Instead, capture the search result into an object variable:
Dim findResult As Range
Set findResult = Worksheets("Petrobras").Range("V:V").Find(TXTOPPNUM_Insert.Value, LookAt:=xlWhole)
Note that because you're using named arguments, you don't need to specify the optional empty positional ones. That said Range.Find will use unspecified defaults for every single one of the optional parameters you're not specifying, so the recommendation is to ALWAYS provide every single one of them - otherwise you're at the mercy of whatever the user did last time they hit Ctrl+F.
IF the returned object isn't Nothing, then you can use it:
If Not findResult Is Nothing Then
IDNUM = findResult.Value 'not sure what you mean to do here
'no found. now what?
Exit Sub
End If
Lastly, note that If {bool-expression} = {True|False} Then is redundant: a Boolean value is a Boolean expression, so the comparison to a True or False literal is entirely redundant. Use the Not logical operator instead of comparing to False:
If Not IDNUM Then
MsgBox "This Opportunity has Not Been Registered Yet"
ActiveCell.Offset(0, -21).Activate
End If
...and consider avoiding negatives by putting the "nope" case last and reversing the condition:
ActiveCell.Offset(0, -21).Activate
MsgBox "This Opportunity has Not Been Registered Yet"
End If
Note that the ActiveCell is already active - ActiveCell.Activate does nothing.
...and you don't need to care for the ActiveCell at all - the cell you want is the findResult range:
findResult.Offset(0, -21).Activate
MsgBox "This Opportunity has Not Been Registered Yet"
End If
Dim findResult As Range
Set findResult = Worksheets("Petrobras").Range("V:V").Find(TXTOPPNUM_Insert.Value, LookAt:=xlWhole)
If Not findResult Is Nothing Then
If CBool(findResult.Value) Then
findResult.Offset(0, -21).Activate
MsgBox "This Opportunity has Not Been Registered Yet"
End If
End If
End If


Determining if Cancel Button pressed where InputBox variable declared as Double

I have my variable declared as a double so I can perform mathematical operations on it.
I am trying to determine when the cancel button is pressed.
Dim thckmax As Double
thckmax = InputBox("What is the maximum nominal thickness?", "Enter Max Nominal Thickness Measurement")
If thckmax = 0 Then
GoTo Line3
End If
thckmin = InputBox("What is the minimum nominal thickness?", "Enter Min Nominal Thickness Measurement")
If thckmin = 0 Then
GoTo Line3
End If
thcknom = (thckmax + thckmin) / 2
Worksheets(1).Range("C" & cols + 2).Value = thcknom
Line3: ...
I know I used GoTo. It was a quick and easy fix to get the code up and running.
I get Run-Time error 13 type mismatch. I have also tried CDbl(...),StrPtr(...),IsEmpty(...) and instead of setting them equal to zero I have also tried
If thckmax = "" Then
GoTo Line3
End If`
I cannot get anything to work as far as determining if cancel was pressed and going to Line3:.
All posts I found indicate the declared variable as a string, mine is a double.
You could try something like this to test whether or not the input box was canceled and if it is numeric.
Dim thckmaxTest As String
Dim thckmax As Double
thckmaxTest = InputBox("What is the maximum nominal thickness?", "Enter Max Nominal Thickness Measurement")
If thckmaxTest <> vbNullString and IsNumeric(thckmaxTest) then thckmax = CDbl(thckmaxTest)
If thckmax = 0 Then
GoTo Line3
End If
Dim thckminTest As String
Dim thckmin As Double
thckminTest = InputBox("What is the minimum nominal thickness?", "Enter Min Nominal Thickness Measurement")
If thckminTest <> vbNullString and IsNumeric(thckmibTest) then thckmin = CDbl(thckminTest)
If thckmin = 0 Then
GoTo Line3
End If
thcknom = (thckmax + thckmin) / 2
Worksheets(1).Range("C" & cols + 2).Value = thcknom
As is noted in Microsoft's documentation, the InputBox function returns a string.
How then, you may ask, can you sometimes store the return value from an InputBox to an integer value? Because of implicit coercion. Basically, if you try to store a value in an incompatible variable, VBA attempts to coerce the value to the right data type. If you try to store a string value into a Double variable, VBA attempts to coerce the string into the right data type. This occurs whether you use InputBox or a hard-coded string. For example, the following snippets are equivalent:
Dim x as Double
x = "5"
Dim x As Double
x = InputBox("Enter a number")
' user enters 5
When using InputBox, you of course have no control over whether the user enters valid input. Which is why (as #Dude_Scott mentions), you should store user input into a string, and then make sure you have the right value.
If the user clicks Cancel in the inputbox, the empty string is returned (as per documentation above). Since the empty string can't be implicitly coerced to a double, an error is generated. It's the same thing that would happen if the user entered "apples" in the InputBox.
As #Dude_Scott notes, you should use IsNumeric (or something similar) to make sure that the user input is what you need. However, you don't need to include a check for a null or empty string (since IsNumeric returns False for those values). So you really just need something like this:
Public Sub foo()
Dim xDouble As Double, xString As String
xString = InputBox("Enter a number")
If IsNumeric(xString) Then
xDouble = CDbl(xString)
MsgBox xDouble
MsgBox "Invalid number"
End If
End Sub
For more information about coercion, see the following Microsoft articles:
Conversions Between Strings and Other Types
Implicit and Explicit Conversions
All others I have found indicate the declared variable as a string, mine is a DOUBLE
You can't have a Double. The function returns a String, and you can't change that. Using a Double to capture the result will cause problems sooner or later.
What I was trying to explain in a comment box earlier, is that there's a possibility that 0 might be a valid input, so immediately converting the input into a Double is preventing you from being able to tell cancellation from a legit 0 - regardless of the type mismatch error that's guaranteed to happen whenever the resut isn't numeric.
As other answers show, this involves quite a bit of plumbing: enough to warrant being pulled into its own dedicated wrapper function.
The problem is that functions return one value, so you can return a Double and pick a specific "magic value" to mean "input was cancelled", but that's a poor practice.
A better way is to make the wrapper function return a Boolean, and leverage a ByRef parameter to return the result - a function like this returns False if the user cancels the prompt, True if the prompt was not cancelled, and outResult will be either 0 for a non-numeric input, or the input converted to a Double:
Public Function TryGetDoubleInput( _
ByVal prompt As String, _
ByVal title As String, _
ByVal default As String, _
ByRef outResult As Double) _
As Boolean
Dim result As String
result = VBA.Interaction.InputBox(prompt, title, default)
TryGetDoubleInput = StrPtr(result) <> 0 'return false if cancelled
If IsNumeric(result) Then outResult = CDbl(result)
End Function
Can be used like this:
Dim value As Double
If TryGetDoubleInput("Enter a numeric value:", "Prompt", "0.00", value) Then
If value = 0 Then
MsgBox "You entered either 0 or a non-numeric value"
MsgBox "You entered " & CStr(value) ' note the irony
End If
MsgBox "You cancelled the prompt"
End If
Now if you need to treat invalid values differently than 0 (i.e. if 0 is a legit input), consider throwing an error:
Public Function TryGetDoubleInput( _
ByVal prompt As String, _
ByVal title As String, _
ByVal default As String, _
ByRef outResult As Double) _
As Boolean
Dim result As String
result = VBA.Interaction.InputBox(prompt, title, default)
If StrPtr(result) = 0 Then Exit Function 'return false if cancelled
If IsNumeric(result) Then
outResult = CDbl(result)
TryGetDoubleInput = True
Err.Raise 555, "TryGetDoubleInput", "Non-numeric input is invalid."
End If
End Function
And now you can use error handling to handle invalid inputs, and you can now tell a legit 0 from a cancelled inputbox from an arbitrary invalid input:
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim value As Double
If TryGetDoubleInput("Enter a numeric value:", "Prompt", "0.00", value) Then
MsgBox "You entered " & CStr(value) ' note the irony
MsgBox "You cancelled the prompt"
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description ' "Non-numeric input is invalid."

Generic way to check if a key is in a Collection in Excel VBA

I have different Collections in my code. Some hold Objects (of various kinds), others have types (like Long) within them.
Is there a way to check if a key is contained in the Collection that works for types as well as objects?
So far I have two functions.
First function:
Private Function ContainsObject(objCollection As Object, strName As String) As Boolean
Dim o As Object
On Error Resume Next
Set o = objCollection(strName)
ContainsObject = (Err.Number = 0)
End Function
Second function:
Private Function ContainsLong(AllItems As Collection, TheKey As String) As Boolean
Dim TheValue As Long
On Error Resume Next
TheValue = AllItems.Item(TheKey)
ContainsLong = (Err.Number = 0)
End Function
The reason for the two functions is that ContainsObject does not seem to work if I pass a Collection that has Longs pairs (the function always returns False.)
P.S.: The first function is a copy of the third answer from Test or check if sheet exists
You should use a Variant in the first function. You can assign an Object to a Variant, e.g. this won't error:
Sub Test()
Dim var As Variant
Dim obj As Object
Set obj = Application
var = Application
Debug.Print var
End Sub
But this will give a Type Mismatch compile error i.e. trying to assign a Long to an Object:
Sub Test()
Dim obj As Object
Dim lng As Long
lng = 3
Set obj = lng
End Sub
So, for a generic function (along the lines of your code) to check if a Collection key is valid, you can use:
Function HasKey(coll As Collection, strKey As String) As Boolean
Dim var As Variant
On Error Resume Next
var = coll(strKey)
HasKey = (Err.Number = 0)
End Function
Test code:
Sub Test()
Dim coll1 As New Collection
coll1.Add Item:=Sheet1.Range("A1"), Key:="1"
coll1.Add Item:=Sheet1.Range("A2"), Key:="2"
Debug.Print HasKey(coll1, "1")
Dim coll2 As New Collection
coll2.Add Item:=1, Key:="1"
coll2.Add Item:=2, Key:="2"
Debug.Print HasKey(coll2, "1")
End Sub
There is a useful article on MSDN regarding this. The context is VB6 but relates to VBA.
Few typos as per comments have already been corrected during edit of your post.
In response to your question I would like to cover related aspects.
While Using keys in collections has mainly three advantages
- If the order changes your code will still access the correct item
- You can directly access the item without reading through the entire
- It can make you code more readable.
*But at the same time there are mainly three issues with using keys in
You cannot check if the key exists
You cannot change the key
You cannot retrieve the key
As per Pearsons article the Keys of a Collection are write-only -- there is no way to get a list of existing Keys of a Collection. Further going through quoted paragraph:-
Here, Coll is a Collection object in which we will store multiple
CFile objects. The CollKeys Collection is used to store the keys of
the CFile objects stored in the Coll Collection. We need this second
Collection because the Keys of a Collection are write-only -- there is
no way to get a list of existing Keys of a Collection. One of the
enhancements provided by CFiles is the ability to retrieve a list of
Keys for the Collection.
Custom Collection Classes
One way is to iterate over the members of the collection and see if there is match for what you are looking for and the other way is to catch the Item not in collection error and then set a flag to say the item does not exist. Opinions differ on these approaches whereas some people feel it is not a good method to catch error while other section feels that it will be significantly faster than iteration for any medium to large collection.
So if we go for a method to catch error then error number we get depends on exactly what caused the error. We need a code routine to check the error. In a simplest way it could be.
'c1 is the collection
For i = 1 To c1.Count
Debug.Print Err.Number, Err.Description
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear
Next i
Error catching routines proposed by various professionals differ in the error number they consider important and include in their routine.Various commonly occurring error numbers associated with collection object are:-
Error 5 Invalid procedure call or argument.This error can also occur
if an attempt is made to call a procedure that isn't valid on the
current platform. For example, some procedures may only be valid for
Microsoft Windows, or for the Macintosh, and so on.
error 438 "object doesn't support this property or method An object
is a class instance. A class instance supports some properties
defined in that class type definition and does not support this one.
Error 457 This key is already associated with an element of this
collection.You specified a key for a collection member that already
identifies another member of the collection. Choose a different key
for this member.
Error 91 Object variable or With block variable not set.There are two
steps to creating an object variable. First you must declare the
object variable. Then you must assign a valid reference to the object
variable using the Set statement. You attempted to use an object
variable that isn't yet referencing a valid object.
Error 450 Wrong number of arguments or invalid property
assignment.The number of arguments in the call to the procedure
wasn't the same as the number of required arguments expected by the
procedure.If you tried to assign a value to a read-only property,
Among the above errors error number 438 has been considered important and the other one is 5. I am incorporating a Function routine in my sample testing program which was posted by Mark Nold 7 years back in 2008 vide SO question Determining whether an object is a member of a collection in VBA with due credit to him.
Some errors like error 457 won't be allowed at the time of program test run. I tried to populated with duplicate keys data, it gave the error at the time of program testing itself as shown in the snapshot.
After removing it is showing correct output as shown in the snap shot.
It may not be possible to get the list of keys of a collection with a vanilla collection without storing the key values in an independent array. The easiest alternative to do this is to add a reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime & use a more capable Dictionary instead.
I have included this approach to get the list of keys in my program.
While populating Collection it is to be ensured that the key is the second parameter and must be a unique string.
Full code of my program is.
Sub Generic_key_check()
Dim arr As Variant
Dim c1 As New Collection
Dim dic As Object
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
End With
Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dic.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
'Populate the collection
c1.Add "sheet1", "sheet1"
c1.Add "sheet2", "sheet2"
c1.Add "sheet3", "sheet3"
c1.Add "sheet4", "sheet4"
c1.Add "sheet5", "sheet5"
c1.Add 2014001, "Long1"
c1.Add 2015001, "Long2"
c1.Add 2016001, "Long3"
c1.Add 2015002, "Long4"
c1.Add 2016002, "Long5"
'Populate the dictionary
dic.Add "sheet1", "sheet1"
dic.Add "sheet2", "sheet2"
dic.Add "sheet3", "sheet3"
dic.Add "sheet4", "sheet4"
dic.Add "sheet5", "sheet5"
dic.Add "Long1", 2014001
dic.Add "Long2", 2015001
dic.Add "Long3", 2016001
dic.Add "Long4", 2015002
dic.Add "Long5", 2016002
' Get a list of key items by Dictionary Method
Dim N As Variant
For Each N In dic.Keys
Debug.Print "Key: " & N, "Value: " & dic.item(N)
'Test for two types of data whether key exists or not.
If InCollection(c1, "Long1") Then
'If Exists("Long1", c1) Then
Debug.Print "Good"
' If there is error then print out the error number and its description.
Debug.Print Err.Number, Err.Description
Debug.Print "Not Good"
End If
If InCollection(c1, "sheet2") Then
Debug.Print "Good"
Debug.Print Err.Number, Err.Description
Debug.Print "Not Good"
End If
'Checking whether desired key has populated correctly
Debug.Print c1("Sheet1")
Debug.Print c1("Long3")
'Listing out collection items to check theyexist in the collection.
For i = 1 To c1.Count
Debug.Print c1.item(i)
Next i
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
Set c1 = Nothing
End Sub
Public Function InCollection(col As Collection, key As String) As Boolean
Dim var As Variant
Dim errNumber As Long
InCollection = False
Set var = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
var = col.item(key)
errNumber = CLng(Err.Number)
On Error GoTo 0
'5 is not in, 0 and 438 represent incollection
If errNumber = 5 Then ' it is 5 if not in collection
InCollection = False
InCollection = True
End If
End Function
Final output as per program as shown in the Immediate window has been shown in the Snapshot.
Apostle is almost correct with their answer. Robin's answer will not work with generic objects, but will work as written because Excel's Range object will return the cell's value. I love Apostle's use of IsObject (mostly because ths is what I had figured out as well). The code is a little over-complicated though.
If the key exists in the collection IsObject will set the variant to True or False, otherwise an error will be ignored leaving the variant empty.
Function HasKey(col As Collection, Key As String) As Boolean
Dim v As Variant
On Error Resume Next
v = IsObject(col.Item(Key))
HasKey = Not IsEmpty(v)
End Function
I want to point out that if you want to make PaulE's function a little more flexible, you can change the string parameter to a Variant, which means that you can now also use it to check either for an item key or for an item number, which is handy. Variants are a little slower if you're going to be checking a lot of collections, but for most purposes the two functions will act similarly.
Function HasItem(col As Collection, ItemKeyOrNum As Variant) As Boolean
Dim v As Variant
On Error Resume Next
v = IsObject(col.Item(ItemKeyOrNum))
HasItem = Not IsEmpty(v)
End Function
The accepted answer here is wrong (which is the case for quite a few other questions I have noticed as well, so watch out, and read all the answers). Apostle and PaulE collaborated there for the most correct answer to the specific question that was asked. I tried to use the accepted answer, but it didn't work.
The question clearly states, "Is there a way to check if a key is contained in the Collection that works for types as well as objects?"
The accepted answer DOES NOT work for objects. PaulE's answer is the final, and correct answer. I am just adding a little bit of nuance here to make the function more one-size-fits-all.
Short variant in one string:
Function keyExists(coll As Collection, key As String) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next: keyExists = IsObject(coll(key)) Or True
End Function
First, keyExists = false. Error trapper set to ignore errors. If expression (always TRUE) was calculated without errors (element with key exists), keyExists was TRUE.
Usage (with various types of values in collection):
Sub testExist()
Dim coll As New Collection
coll.Add New Collection, "1"
coll.Add Array(1, 1), "3"
coll.Add 1, "5"
coll.Add "1111", "9"
For i = 1 To 10
Debug.Print "key " & i & " is " & IIf(keyExists(coll, CStr(i)), "Exists", "Absent")
End Sub
The method from Robin will fail if the Collection contains objects rather than primitive types because they need to be assigned using Set and otherwise generate an error that will result in the method returning False. Here is a small adjustment:
'Test if a key is available in a collection
Public Function HasKey(coll As Collection, strKey As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo IsMissingError
Dim val As Variant
' val = coll(strKey)
HasKey = IsObject(coll(strKey))
HasKey = True
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function
HasKey = False
On Error GoTo 0
End Function

Run-time error '-2147418113 (8000ffff)': Automation Error

My code is running perfectly until get to "If c = "" Then". At this point the run time error '-2147418113 (8000ffff)': Automation Error is raised. I have put an On Error Resume Next statement to check if everything goes right if I skip this line and it does. I really don't understand what this error means and I wasn't able to find useful information about it. Could someone bring light to this problem? I have tried to change "If c = "" Then" to "If len(c.value)=0 Then" but it raises the same error. All the variables in AddresRawDataFile are defined as public (as range) and they were set to range in a different module, called PublicVariable, which is called by every procedure.
Private Sub CommandButton3_Ok_Click()
Dim MsgAlert As String
Dim MsgBoxAlert As Variant 'Message box for for many checks done below
Dim c As Variant 'Variable used in a for each structure
Dim AddressRawDataFile As Variant 'Array of variables with address in Box2_UPb_Options
'Code to assign values from Box2_UPb_Options to the related variables
AddressRawDataFile = Array(RawHg202Range, RawPb204Range, RawPb206Range, RawPb207Range, RawPb208Range, RawTh232Range, RawU238Range, _
RawHg202Header, RawPb204HeaderRange, RawPb206HeaderRange, RawPb207HeaderRange, RawPb208HeaderRange, RawTh232HeaderRange, _
'All of the above variables must not be = ""
For Each c In AddressRawDataFile
'On Error Resume Next
If c = "" Then
MsgBoxAlert = MsgBox("There are one or more addresses missing in Start-AND-Options sheet. " & _
"Please, check it.", vbOKOnly, "Missing Address")
Load Box2_UPb_Options
Box2_UPb_Options.MultiPage1.Value = 2
End If
As the items named RawHg202Range etc are actually Range objects then you should use Is Nothing to check if they are empty:
AddressRawDataFile = Array(RawHg202Range, RawPb204Range, RawPb206Range, RawPb207Range, RawPb208Range, RawTh232Range, RawU238Range, _
RawHg202Header, RawPb204HeaderRange, RawPb206HeaderRange, RawPb207HeaderRange, RawPb208HeaderRange, RawTh232HeaderRange, _
For Each c In AddressRawDataFile
If c Is Nothing Then

Match Not working Excel: Error 1004 Unable to get the Match Property

Sub Sales_Summary_Macro()
Dim strMake, strModel, strCount As String
Dim makeLoc, modelLoc, countLoc As Integer
strMake = Application.InputBox("Make")
strModel = Application.InputBox("Model")
strCount = Application.InputBox("Count")
If strMake <> False Then
Debug.Print strMake
Debug.Print strModel
Debug.Print strCount
makeLoc = WorksheetFunction.Match(strMake, Range("A1:A10"), 0)
Debug.Print makeLoc
End If
End Sub
I just want to take the string input of the user on three different variables and find the column that contains each variable. I have tried Application.Match() and Match() alone and neither seem to work.
Not going full technical and will not post code. However, three things:
One, make sure your ranges are always fully qualified. For example, Range("A1:A10") is not nearly enough. You should specify on which sheet this should be located. If you are calling this macro from another sheet, it will give you a wrong result or throw an error.
Two, without going to too much details:
Application.Match returns an error value if there's no match found. This can be handled using IsError, which is what simoco did in his answer.
WorksheetFunction.Match throws a 1004 error when it doesn't find an error. This is not the same as returning a value. As such, this is (slightly) harder to handle.
Best practice is to always use the first one.
Three, the immediate window in VBE is your best friend. A simple ?Application.Match("FindMe", [A1:A10], 0) in the window can help you check if your formula is netting a similarly intended result.
As shown in the screenshot above, no string is found and an error value is returned.
Hope this helps!
Is it possible to get it to return the cell reference like C1 and then use that cell reference in other functions
Sub Sales_Summary_Macro()
Dim strMake As String, strModel As String, strCount As String
Dim makeLoc, modelLoc As Integer, countLoc As Integer
Dim res As Range
strMake = Application.InputBox("Make")
strModel = Application.InputBox("Model")
strCount = Application.InputBox("Count")
If strMake <> "False" Then
Debug.Print strMake
Debug.Print strModel
Debug.Print strCount
On Error Resume Next
'Set res = Range("A1:Z1").Find(What:=strMake, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False)
Set res = Application.Index(Range("A1:A10"), Application.Match(strMake, Range("A1:A10"), 0))
On Error GoTo 0
If res Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Nothing found!"
Exit Sub
End If
'Print address of result
Debug.Print res.Address
makeLoc = res.Value
Debug.Print makeLoc
End If
End Sub
when you are using Dim strMake, strModel, strCount As String, only strCount has type String, but strMake, strModel are Variant.
The same thing with Dim makeLoc, modelLoc, countLoc As Integer - only countLoc has Integer type.
This is not a direct answer to the OP, but people (like me) may find this question helpful when trying to TRAP an error with vba Match. Typically I would use this to test if a value exists in an array.
It's quite maddening when using Application.Worksheetfunction.Match and being unable to capture a True with IsError when a value doesn't exist. Even the WorksheetFunction error handlers (iserr, isNA, etc) will not capture this as True and instead throws the VBA error of 1004 Unable to get the Match Property.
This is resolved by using Application.Match instead of Application.WorksheetFunction.Match. This is most counterintuitive as Match doesn't appear in the intellisense after typing Application. nor does Application.Match( display prompts for what fields to enter.
Meanwhile using Application.WorksheetFunction.Match does auto-populate with prompts which understandably can inspire users to take this approach and then be confused why they can't successfully trap an error.

Test if range exists in VBA

I have a dynamically defined named range in my excel ss that grabs data out of a table based on a start date and an end date like this
But if the date range has no data in the table, the range doesn't exists (or something, idk). How can I write code in VBA to test if this range exists or not?
I have tried something like
If Not Range("DateRangeData") Is Nothing Then
but I get "Runtime error 1004, method 'Range' of object '_Global' failed."
Here is a function I knocked up to return whether a named range exists. It might help you out.
Function RangeExists(R As String) As Boolean
Dim Test As Range
On Error Resume Next
Set Test = ActiveSheet.Range(R)
RangeExists = Err.Number = 0
End Function
You can replicate the match in your VBA to count before using the range how many rows you would have, or you can use error handling:
On Error Resume Next
Debug.Print range("DateRangeData").Rows.Count
If Err = 1004 Then
MsgBox "Range Empty"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Range full"
End If
On Error GoTo 0
This is another approach. It has the advantage to take the container and the name you want to test. That means you can test either Sheets Names or Workbook Names for example.
Like this:
If NamedRangeExists(ActiveSheet.Names, "Date") Then
End If
If NamedRangeExists(ActiveWorkbook.Names, "Date") Then
End If
Public Function NamedRangeExists(ByRef Container As Object, item As String) As Boolean
Dim obj As Object
Dim value As Variant
On Error GoTo NamedRangeExistsError:
value = Container(item)
If Not InStr(1, CStr(value), "#REF!") > 0 Then
NamedRangeExists = True
End If
Exit Function
Exit Function
NamedRangeExists = False
End Function
Depending on the application you're doing, it's good to consider using a Dictionary. They're especially useful when you wanna check whether something exists.
Take this example:
Dim dictNames as Scripting.Dictionary
Sub CheckRangeWithDictionary()
Dim nm As Name
'Initially, check whether names dictionary has already been created
If Not dictNames Is Nothing Then
'if so, dictNames is set to nothing
Set dictNames = Nothing
End If
'Set to new dictionary and set compare mode to text
Set dictNames = New Scripting.Dictionary
dictNames.CompareMode = TextCompare
'For each Named Range
For Each nm In ThisWorkbook.Names
'Check if it refers to an existing cell (bad references point to "#REF!" errors)
If Not (Strings.Right(nm.RefersTo, 5) = "#REF!") Then
'Only in that case, create a Dictionary entry
'The key will be the name of the range and the item will be the address, worksheet included
dictNames(nm.Name) = nm.RefersTo
End If
'You now have a dictionary of valid named ranges that can be checked
End Sub
Within your main procedure, all you need to do is do an existence check before using the range
Sub CopyRange_MyRange()
If dictNames.exists("MyRange") then
end if
End Sub
While loading the dictionary may look a little longer, it's extremely fast to process and search. It also becomes much simpler to check whether any named range referring to a valid address exists, without using error handlers in this simple application.
Please note that when using names at sheet level rather than workbook level, it is necessary to use more elaborate keys to guarantee uniqueness. From the way the dictionary was created, if a key is repeated, the item value is overwritten. That can be avoided by using the same Exists method as a check in the key creation statement. If you need a good reference on how to use dictionaries, use this one.
Good luck!
This is an old post, but none of the rated answers has a dynamic solution to test if a name exists in a workbook or worksheet. This function below will accomplish that:
Function pg_Any_Name(thename As String) As Boolean
Dim n As Name, t As String
For Each n In ThisWorkbook.Names
t = Mid(n.Name, InStr(1, n.Name, "!", vbTextCompare) + 1, 999)
If UCase(thename) = UCase(t) Then
pg_Any_Name = True
Exit Function
End If
Next n
End Function
Worth noting that this would not have worked for this specific question because OP had a dynamic defined range. This question would have been more accurately titled Test if Name is a Valid Range because the name always existed as a formula, the issue was if it was a valid RANGE. To address this question with a solution that checks both workbook and sheets... this function would work:
Function PG_Range_Name(thename As String) As Boolean
Dim n As Name, t As String
For Each n In ThisWorkbook.Names
t = Mid(n.Name, InStr(1, n.Name, "!", vbTextCompare) + 1, 999)
If UCase(thename) = UCase(t) Then
On Error Resume Next
PG_Range_Name = n.RefersToRange.Columns.Count > 0
Exit Function
End If
Next n
End Function
