Hive Table or view not found although the Table exists - apache-spark

I am trying to run a spark job written in Java, on the Spark cluster to load records as dataframe into a Hive Table i created.
Although the table and database exists in Hive, it throws below error:
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Table or view not found: dbname.tablename, the database dbname doesn't exist.;
I also tried reading from an existing hive table different than the above table thinking there might be an issue while my table creation.
I also checked if my user has permission to the hdfs folder where the hive is storing the data.
It all looks fine, not sure what could be the issue.
Please suggest.

I think it is searching for that table in spark instead of hive.


Table or view not found exception when writing to Hive

I'm saving a dataframe to Hive using saveAsTable("schema.table") but it throws a org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Table or view not found exception. This happens with both "overwrite" and "append" mode flags.
The target table does indeed not exist, checked using
scala> spark.catalog.tableExists("table_name")
Per my understanding the mode flag controls the behaviour depending on whether the target table exists or not. So normally this is irrelevant for the issue at hand. Thinking the issue is with the table creation itself but I don't know how to investigate this.
Thank you!
#incase you want pyspark/pysparksql
Spark saveAsTable is not much compatible with hive table.
I would suggest to create a temptable in spark and after that load data into hive table using CTAS.
sqlContext.sql("create table mytable as select * from mytempTable")
Looks like a standard case of being stupid: the error had nothing to do with the table creation, I was attempting some table statistics on the actual table I was trying to create before actually creating it.

Write a spark DataFrame to a table

I am trying to understand the spark DataFrame API method called saveAsTable.
I have following question
If I simply write a dataframe using saveAsTable API
df7.write.saveAsTable("t1"), (assuming t1 did not exist earlier), will the newly created table be a hive table which can be read outside spark using Hive QL ?
Does spark also create some non-hive table (which are created using saveAsTable API but can not be read outside spark using HiveQL)?
How can check if a table is Hive Table or Non-Hive table ?
(I am new to big data processing, so pardon me if question is not phrased properly)
Yes. Newly created table will be hive table and can be queried from Hive CLI(Only if the DataFrame is created from single input HDFS path i.e. from non-partitioned single input HDFS path).
Below is the documentation comment in DataFrameWriter.scala class. Documentation link
When the DataFrame is created from a non-partitioned
HadoopFsRelation with a single input path, and the data source
provider can be mapped to an existing Hive builtin SerDe (i.e. ORC and
Parquet), the table is persisted in a Hive compatible format, which
means other systems like Hive will be able to read this table.
Otherwise, the table is persisted in a Spark SQL specific format.
Yes, you can do. You table can be partitioned by a column, but can not use bucketing (its a problem between spark and hive).

Pyspark on EMR and external hive/glue - can drop but not create tables via sqlContext

I'm writing a dataframe to an external hive table from pyspark running on EMR. The work involves dropping/truncating data from an external hive table, writing the contents of a dataframe into aforementioned table, then writing the data from hive to DynamoDB. I am looking to write to an internal table on the EMR cluster but for now I would like the hive data to be available to subsequent clusters. I could write to the Glue catalog directly and force it to registered but that is a step further than I need to go.
All components work fine individually on a given EMR cluster: I can create an external hive table on EMR, either using a script or ssh and hive shell. This table can be queried by Athena and can be read from by pyspark. I can create a dataframe and INSERT OVERWRITE the data into the aforementioned table in pyspark.
I can then use hive shell to copy the data from the hive table into a DynamoDB table.
I'd like to wrap all of the work into the one pyspark script instead of having to submit multiple distinct steps.
I am able to drop tables using
sqlContext.sql("drop table if exists default.my_table")
When I try to create a table using sqlContext.sql("create table default.mytable(id string,val string) STORED AS ORC") I get the following error: Call From ip-xx-xxx-xx-xxx/ to ip-xxx-xx-xx-xx:8020 failed on socket timeout exception: 20000 millis timeout while waiting for channel to be ready for connect. ch : java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[connection-pending remote=ip-xxx-xx-xx-xx:8020]; For more details see:
I can't figure out why I can create an external hive table in Glue using hive shell on the cluster, drop the table using hive shell or pyspark sqlcontext, but I can't create a table using sqlcontext. I have checked around and the solutions offered don't make sense in this context (copying hive-site.xml) as I can clearly write to the required addresses with no hassle, just not in pyspark. And it is doubly strange that I can drop the tables with them being definitely dropped when I check in Athena.
Running on:
Hadoop distribution Amazon 2.8.5
Spark 2.4.4
Hive 2.3.6
Livy 0.6.0 (for notebooks but my experimentation is via ssh and pyspark shell)
Turns out I could create tables via a spark.sql() call as long as I provided a location for the tables. Seems like Hive shell doesn't require it, yet spark.sql() does. Not expected but not entirely unsurprising.
Complementing #Zeathor's answer. After configuring the EMR and Glue connection and permission (you can check more in here:, you will just need to write sparkSQL commands:
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('TestSession').getOrCreate()
spark.sql("create database if not exists test")
You can then create your tables from dataframes:
spark.sql("create table test.table_name as select * from first_table");
All the databases and tables metadata will then be stored in AWS Glue Catalogue.

Does spark saveAsTable really create a table?

This may be a dumb question since lack of some fundamental knowledge of spark, I try this:
SparkSession spark = SparkSession.builder().appName("spark ...").master("local").enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate();
Dataset<Row> df = spark.range(10).toDF();
This creates table under 'default' database in Hive, and of course, I can fetch data from the table anytime I want.
I update above code to get rid of "enableHiveSupport",
SparkSession spark = SparkSession.builder().appName("spark ...").master("local").getOrCreate();
Dataset<Row> df = spark.range(10).toDF();
The code runs fine, without any error, but when I try "select * from bar", spark says,
Caused by: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.NoSuchTableException: Table or view 'bar' not found in database 'default';
So I have 2 questions here,
1) Is it possible to create a 'raw' spark table, not hive table? I know Hive mantains the metadata in database like mysql, does spark also have similar mechanism?
2) In the 2nd code snippet, what does spark actually create when calling saveAsTable?
Many thanks.
Check answers below:
If you want to create raw table only in spark createOrReplaceTempView could help you. For second part, check next answer.
By default, if you call saveAsTable on your dataframe, it will persistent tables into Hive metastore if you use enableHiveSupport. And if we don't enableHiveSupport, tables will be managed by Spark and data will be under spark-warehouse location. You will loose these tables after restart spark session.

SparkSQL attempts to read data from non-existing path

I am having an issue with pyspark sql module. I created a partitioned table and saved it as parquet file into hive table by running spark job after multiple transformations.
Data load is successful into hive and also able to query the data. But when I try to query the same data from spark it says file path doesn't exist. File hdfs://localhost:8020/data/path/of/partition partition=15f244ee8f48a2f98539d9d319d49d9c does not exist
The partition which is mentioned in above error was the old partitioned column data which doesn't even exist now.
I have run the spark job which populates a new partition value.
I searched for solutions but all I can see is people say there was no issue in spark version 1.4 and there is an issue in 1.6
Can someone please suggest me the solution for this problem.
