Request timing out when exporting Azure resource group in powershell - azure

I want to export an ARM template for a resource group in Windows Azure. I'm using the Azure Powershell module.
Whenever I try to export the resource group using Export-AzResourceGroup, the cmdlet fails with the following error:
Export-AzResourceGroup : Operation failed because a request timed out.
I have inspected the web traffic with Fiddler and I can see that the actual HTTP call to Azure is completing successfully, it's just taking a long time. So it's not a matter of e.g. extending the timeout on the ServicePointManager.
Is there any solution or work-around to stop this cmdlet timing out?

This issue maybe occurring due to a previous version of Az powershell module. Please update your Az module to the latest version and try again.
Also make sure you have the write permissions in the directory you are trying to create the json file.
Meanwhile, you can create the template from the portal just to check if the json file is getting created successfully:


az managedapp definition create: DownloadItemFromBlobFailed due to a failed connection

I want to create an Azure "Managed App" definition, in preparation for making an Azure Marketplace offering. I am following these MS instructions, and I had specifically been using this MS example managed app. There were was an error(s) in the documentation, which I posted to the MS team (along with my proposed fixes). Nevertheless, I did get the MS example working!
My next step was to replace the original MS sample deployment bundle...
...with my own deployment bundle...
This didn't work. When issuing the az managedapp definition create command, I received the following error:
(DownloadItemFromBlobFailed) Download of the item from blob at '' failed due to a failed connection.
Code: DownloadItemFromBlobFailed
Message: Download of the item from blob at '' failed due to a failed connection.
It makes no sense to have a "connection" error, so I assumed that the REAL error was something inside of my deployment bundle. To test that theory, I copied the original MS sample bundle to a variety of places that I control, including Azure BLOB storage. One example location I placed the copied MS deployment file was here:
When using this latter URL, I still received the same "connection" error.
In short, the only way for me to bypass the "connection" error is if I use the original sample MS deployment, from the original path that MS supplied. Incidentally, I also tried a variant URL of the original MS sample:
Suddenly the deployment works! However, that location is still the original MS-owned repo "azure-managedapp-samples". This simply seems to confirm that if the deployment does not come from a MS-owned repo, I am then unable to make the deployment.
What am I doing wrong?
Update 2/3/2023
I finally found a way to make this work! When using an Azure storage account, simply having a publicly visible URL for the deployment bundle is insufficient. I need to have a "shared access signature" URL for that deployment bundle...and then the az managedapp definition create command works!
However, my overall question still is unanswered:
What are the valid file-share platforms that the az managedapp definition create supports? Besides github and Azure BLOB, what else?
What exact configuration do I need to make with a github raw link, before it is considered "kosher" by the managedapp definition create?

Azure pipeline 'WinRMCustomScriptExtension' underlying connection was closed in non-public VM

In Azure pipeline when creating a VM through deployment template, we have the option to 'Configure with WinRM agent' as given below.
This acts as a custom extension behind the scenes. But the downloading of this custom extension can be blocked by an internal vnet in Azure. This is the error we are getting.
<datetime> Adding extension 'WinRMCustomScriptExtension' on virtual machine <vmname>
<datetime> Failed to add the extension to the vm: <vmname>. Error: "VM has reported a failure when processing extension 'WinRMCustomScriptExtension'. Error message: \"Failed to download all specified files. Exiting. Error Message: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.\"\r\n\r\nMore information on troubleshooting is available at "
Since the files cannot be downloaded, I am thinking of a couple of solutions:
How can I know which powershell files azure is using to setup winrm?
Location to store files would be storage account (same vnet as VM)
Perhaps not use WinRM at all and use custom script extension to resolve
everything (with all files from storage account). I hope error from extension stops the pipeline if it happens.
Is there a better solution to resolve this? To me it looks like a bad design by azure as it is not covering non-public VMs.
Found answer to #1) This was shown in Raw logs of the pipeline when diagnostics were enabled
Even if you know - how does it help you? It won't be able to download them anyway and you cant really tell it to use local files
If you enable service endpoins and allow your subnet to talk to the storage account - it should work
there is a way to configure WinRM when you create the VM. Keyvault example
You could use script extension like you wanted to as well, but script extension has to download stuff to the Vm as well. Example

Azure Automation Update Managemet schedules can be removed using powershell, but they still exist in the portal

If I used Get-AzAutomationSchedule for my automation account, I get nothing in return because I used Remove-AzAutomationSchedule for all of them. But if I look in the portal, every schedule I've deployed is there present. If I select a schedule that I've removed using Powershell and then attempt to update the schedule in the portal, I get the crying rain cloud and it says
The reacurrance is also listed as unknown in the list.
This is a problem not only for clarity when viewing in the portal, but if I attempt to run my ARM template again with the schedules there, I get an "Internal Server Error" code 500. I can't redeploy them if I delete them with Powershell.
Is there anyway to send something to Azure to update these? Not sure if I need to do some API call or some form of Set-Az cmdlet
I have tried to reproduce the issue you are facing but all worked good for me when i used cmdlets Get-AzAutomationSchedule and Remove-AzAutomationSchedule of Az.Automation module versioned 1.2.1.
Is this still an issue at your end ? If yes, can you restart the browser after clearing the cache and deleting the cookies ?

Azure ExpiredAuthenticationToken during New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment when deploying resources via Visual Studio

I'm trying to deploy an HDInsight cluster using an ARM template via Visual Studio. I've created an Azure Resource Group project in Visual Studio 2015, and added my resource definitions to the template JSON files.
However when I've gone to deploy it (by right-clicking the project, choosing Deploy -> New Deployment, entering my parameters), the output of Visual Studio shows (I've snipped out some boring stuff):
17:19:23 - Build started.
17:19:23 - Project "LaunchHdInsightCluster.deployproj" (StageArtifacts target(s)):
17:20:27 - [VERBOSE] 17:20:27 - Resource Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters 'groupbhdinsight' provisioning status is running
17:31:06 - [ERROR] New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment : ExpiredAuthenticationToken: The access token expiry UTC time '3/14/2016 5:31:06 PM' is earlier than current UTC time '3/14/2016 5:31:07 PM'.
Note that the deploy only ran for 12 minutes before the access token expired - obviously for deploying an HDInsight cluster this is a problem (takes on average 20 minutes).
I'm just trying to understand what's going on under the hood here, as I can't find documentation for this. i.e:
What creates the access token and how? How long does it last for? I wasn't asked for any Azure creds when deploying - I'm assuming it must be the fact that I'm signed into Visual Studio using the same account I use in Azure, and it 'borrows' the authentication session, but this is just a guess
What determines the expiry time of the access token so I can prevent this happening again?
How do I refresh my authentication token?
What's happening here is that the Azure Resource Group deployment in VS uses the PowerShell Script in the project to do deployment (even though the output is hosted in VS, we use that PS script to do the work). The PowerShell script is authenticated by using the token from your VS sign in. That token is only good for an hour and then VS will refresh it. Once it's handed off to PowerShell though, PowerShell doesn't automatically refresh it. So if you have the token for 59 minutes, it's going to expire soon after you start the deployment. The token could last for an hour, or anything less than that. We're working on a fix for this (i.e. have PowerShell automatically refresh the token) but that's a month or so out yet. See:
Workarounds: Unfortunately there's no good work around from VS. But...
As observed the deployment will continue just fine in Azure, it's just that VS/PS can no longer poll for status. You can monitor the deployment via the portal or PowerShell.
If you drop to PowerShell and run the script, PowerShell will automatically refresh the token when you login with credentials - you can get the exact command that VS runs by sifting through the output window - this doc also gives an overview of running the script manually:
Hope that helps...
I bet it was a transient issue. I retried deployment (needed to modify my ARM template) and now it succeeded.
Please check your Azure Resource Group in the portal. You will likely have your resources up and running.
#Cleverguy25 provided an explanation of how I believe the deployment process work.
I am not sure, but I believe that the New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment uploads your template file and sets up a deployment to happen in the cloud. Then it queries the deployment to see if it is done and outputs the resources as they are created. Obviously those queries error when the token expires. But the deployment should continue.
You could ignore this error and query the deployment or resource group yourself, to see when it is done.
I follow this post, and simply execute 'Clear-AzureRmContext' this command, then reconnect to Azure, using 'connect-AzAccount', the issue resolved.
Open a new powershell and get the current metadata used to authenticate Azure Resource Manager requests using Clear-AzureRmContext.
This worked the magic for me.

Azure / SharePoint Server Farm Failing

I am attempting to create a SharePoint Server Farm using the option via the New menu in Azure. I've tried like 5 times now and each time, it fails after about an hour.
The error is so cryptic that I cannot figure out exactly what is going on.
The operation name is: Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/extensions/write
The status is: Failed
And then another,
The operation name is: Update deployment
The status is: Failed.
I've had a similar experience using the "new" preview portal when deploying Databases. This portal uses Resource Manager to deploy it's resources which is a new way of doing things. Anyhow, I used the PowerShell command:
Get-AzureResourceGroupLog -Name ResourceGroupName
This provided me the detail to understand what was happening with the deployment. I had to adjust my Datacenter because the one I was trying to use was hot.
I talk a little more about the other options this command has here:
