How to select a shared gitlab runner with docker installed on? - gitlab

Its my first time to set a CI/CD using and I would like to use Gitlab's shared runners for my project.
My CI/CD process uses a docker-compose file which I build and deploy.
I saw that there is an option to select a gitlab-runner instance that has docker installed on so I will be able to run my CI/CD process on it.
With that being said, I can't find a way to configure a specific shared gitlab-runner to my project.
Will be happy to get your help here, how can I assign a specific shared gitlab-runner to my project?

You can use tags to select runners, but in your case this is not necessary. You can just specify that the image is docker and attach a service container of docker:dind and your project will build on shared runners.
image: docker:latest
- docker:dind


Access denied when pushing docker image to gitlab's (on prem) integrated docker registry

When pushing a docker image with a modified tag (to contain registry) to the gitlab integrated registry i get an access denied.
Using the gitlab registry is using it per project. Once the registry is enabled for a project there is a hint how to push the images to the registry**path/to/project**/container_registry.
The problem got solved when the full path was included in the TAG Name.
When i changed the tagname to [registryUrl]:[registryPort]/path/to/project/[imageNameWithTags] i was able to push to the repository/registry.
Indeed you need to do docker login ... as described on the /container_registry page.
You can also rely on some GitLab Predefined environment variables to make code generic and re-use it in many projects.
Here is the example of doing it in .gitlab-ci.yml:
stage: build
image: docker:latest
- name: docker:dind
- docker build -t $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE .
- docker push $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE
See full example in one of our projects

GitLab CI/CD configuration problem using shared runners

I have problems with GitLab CI/CD configuration - I'm using free runners on GitLab it self.
I have joomla (test) project using docker - I'm learng how it's work.
I created .gitlab-ci.yml with:
image: docker:latest
- docker:dind
at top of file.
On test stage I want run docker image created at the build stage.
When I add:
- mariadb:latest
to test stage I always get
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running? at docker pull command. Without it I get error at docker run command at joomla image initialization cose of lack of MySql server
Any help will be appreciated.
If you set
- mariadb:latest
in your test job, this will override the globally defined services. Therefore, the docker daemon is not running during test. This also explains why you do not get the Docker daemon error when you omit the services definition for the test job.
Either specify the docker:dind service also for the test job, or remove the local services definition and add mariadb to your global services definition.

Building a Docker image for a Node.js app in GitLab CI

I'm working on a Node.js application for which my current Dockerfile looks like this:
# Stage 0
# =======
FROM node:10-alpine as build-stage
COPY package.json yarn.lock ./
RUN yarn install
COPY . ./
RUN yarn build
# Stage 1
# =======
FROM nginx:mainline-alpine
COPY --from=build-stage /app/build /usr/share/nginx/html
I'd like to integrate this into a GitLab CI pipeline but I'm not sure if I got the basic idea. So far I know that I need to create a .gitlab-ci.yml file which will be later picked up by GitLab.
My basic idea is:
I push my code changes to GitLab.
GitLab builds a new Docker image based on my Dockerfile.
GitLab pushes this newly create image to a "production" server (later).
So, my question is:
My .gitlab-ci.yml should then contain something like a build job which triggers... what? The docker build command? Or do I need to "copy" the Dockerfile content to the CI file?
GitLab CI executes the pipeline in the Runners that need to be registered into the project using generated tokens (Settings/CI CD/Runners). You also can used Shared Runners for multiple projects. The pipeline is configured with the .gitlab-ci.yml file and you can build, test, push and deploy docker images using the yaml file, when something is done in the repo (push to branch, merge request, etc).
It’s also useful when your application already has the Dockerfile that
can be used to create and test an image
So basically you need to install the runner, register it with the token of your project (or use Shared Runners) and configure your CI yaml file. The recommended aproach is docker in docker but it is up to you. You can also check this basic example. Finally you can deploy your container directly into Kubernetes, Heroku or Rancher. Remember to safely configure your credentials and secrets in Settings/Variables.
GitLab CI is awesome, but I recommend you to firstly think about your git workflow to use in order to set the stages in the .gitlab-ci.yml file. This will allow you to configure your node project as a pipeline an then it would be easy to export to other tools such as Jenkins pipelines or Travis for example.
build job trigger:
option 1:
add when: manual in the job and you can run the job by manual in CI/CD>Pipelines
option 2:
- <branchname>
in this case the job start when you push into the defined branch
(this my personal suggest)
option 3:
add nothin' and the job will run every time when you push code
Of corse you can combine the options above.
In addition may star the job with web request by using the job token.
docker build command will work in pipeline. I think in script section.
Requirements docker engine on the gitlab-runner which pick the job.
Or do I need to "copy" the Dockerfile content to the CI file?

How to publish .Net core docker application from Windows to Linux machine?

I created a .Net core application with Linux docker support using Visual Studio 2017 on a Windows 10 PC with Docker for Windows installed. I can use the following command to run it (a console application)
docker run MyApp
I have another Linux machine with Docker installed. How to publish the .Net core application to the Linux machine? I need to publish and run the dockerized application on the Linux machine.
The linux has the following docker packages installed.
$ sudo yum list installed "*docker*"
Loaded plugins: amazon-id, rhui-lb, search-disabled-repos
Installed Packages
docker-engine.x86_64 17.05.0.ce-1.el7.centos #dockerrepo
docker-engine-selinux.noarch 17.05.0.ce-1.el7.centos #dockerrepo
There are many ways to do this, just search for any tool for CI/CD.
The easiest way to do it is manually, connect to your Linux server, make a git pull of the code and then run the same commands that you run locally.
Other option is to do a push of your docker image to a container registry, then do a pull in you docker server and you are ready to go
You should really take a look to some CI service, for example, in our environment, we use GitLab, when we do a push to master there is a gitlab.yml that builds the project, then do a push:
image: docker:latest
- docker:dind
- build
stage: build
- master
- docker build -t ${IMAGE_NAME} -f vtae.api/Dockerfile .
- docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_BUILD_TOKEN ${IMAGE_NAME}
- docker push ${IMAGE_NAME}
With this we only need to do a pull in our server with the latest version.
It's worth noticing that docker by itself does not handle the publication part, so you need to do it manually or with some tool (any CI tool like gitlab, jenkins, circleci, amazon code pipeline...) if you are starting learning I would recommend to start manually and then integrate some CI tool.
Edit 2
About the Visual Studio tool, I would not recommend to use it for anything else than local development, since yeah, it only works in windows and it only works in visual studio (Rider has integrated just very recently), so, to do the deploy in a linux environment we use our own docker and docker compose files, they are based in the defaults anyway, they are something like this:
FROM microsoft/aspnetcore:2.0 AS base
FROM microsoft/aspnetcore-build:2.0 AS build
COPY lagersoft.common/lagersoft.common.csproj lagersoft.common/
COPY vtae.redirect/vtae.redirect.csproj vtae.redirect/
COPY vtae.common/vtae.common.csproj vtae.common/
RUN dotnet restore vtae.redirect/vtae.redirect.csproj
COPY . .
WORKDIR /src/vtae.redirect
RUN dotnet build vtae.redirect.csproj -c Release -o /app
FROM build AS publish
RUN dotnet publish vtae.redirect.csproj -c Release -o /app
FROM base AS final
COPY --from=publish /app .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "vtae.redirect.dll"]
This docker file copy all the related projects (I hate the copying part, but is the same as Microsoft do their default file), the do the build and publish the app, on the other hand we have a docker-compose to add some services (this files must be in the solution folder to access all the related projects):
version: '3.4'
image: redis
- "./volumes/redirect/redis/data:/data"
container_name: vtae.redirect.redis
image: vtae.redirect
- vtae.redirect.redis
context: .
dockerfile: vtae.redirect/Dockerfile
- "8080:80"
- "./volumes/redirect/data:/data"
container_name: vtae.redirect
entrypoint: dotnet /app/vtae.redirect.dll
With this parts there is only left to do a commit, then a pull in the server and run the docker-compose up command to run our app (you could do it from the docker file directly, but it is easier and more manageable with docker compose.
Edit 3
To make the deployment in the server we use two tools.
First the gitlab ci is run after the commit is done
It makes the build specified in the docker file and pushes it to our Gitlab container registry, same if it was the container registry of amazon, google, azure... etc...
Then it makes a post request to the server in production, this server is running a special tool in a separate port
The server receive the post request and validates it, for this we use this tool (a friend is the repo owner)
The script receive the request, check the login, and if it is valid, then it simply does the pull from our gitlab container registry and run docker-compose up
The tool is not perfect, we are moving from just docker to use kubernetes, were you can connect to your cluster directly from your machine or some CI integration and do the deploys directly, no matter what solution do you choose, i recommend you that start to see how kubernetes can help you, sadly is one more layer to learn, but it is very promising, were you will be able to publish to almos any cloud or metal painless, with fallbacks, scaling and other stuff.
If you do not want or can not use the container registry (I strongly recommend this way), you can use the same tool, in the .sh that executes it, just do a git pull and then a docker build or docker compose.
The most simple scenario could be to create an script yourself where you do ssh to the server, upload the files as zip and then run it in the server, remember, Ubuntu is in the microsoft store and could run this script, but the other solutions are more "independient" and scalable, so, make your choose!

Custom GitLag Container Registry Image Creation & Reuse

I want to build and add a custom image (with ruby, node.js, bower, grunt, jekyll etc.) and tag it as 'myimage:1.0'. This image needs to be stored in gitlab container registry and then used in .gitlab-ci.yml as image: sachin.1.0.0. So that my build via gitlab ci will have everything preinstalled like node.js, etc.
Tried enough, How can this be done ?
Before you do this, you need to configure a gitlab runner which allows you to use docker build. You can configure this using the instructions here depending on your use case
Next, create a new repo in gitlab, let's call it sachin-image.
Inside the root of the git repo, add a Dockerfile with installation of everything you need.
Now, into this repo, add a .gitlab-ci.yml file like so:
- docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_BUILD_TOKEN <my-docker-gitlab-registry-url>
- build
stage: build
- docker build -t .
- docker push gitlab.example/my/dockerimage/repo:latest
- docker_engine
At this point, you now have automated docker builds working in gitlab. In order to use this image in future gitlab builds, all you need to use the following image url:
