Can a singleton object have a (thread-safe) method executing in different threads simultaneously? - multithreading

If so, how will different threads share the same instance or chunk of memory that represents the object? Will different threads somehow "copy" the single-instance object method code to be run on its own CPU resources?
EDIT - to clarify this question further:
I understand that different threads can be in the "process" of executing a singleton object's method at the same time, while they might not all be actively executing - they may be waiting to be scheduled for execution by the OS and in various states of execution within the method. This question is specifically for multiple active threads that are executing each on a different processor. Can multiple threads be actively executing the same exact code path (same region of memory) at the same time?

Can a singleton object have a (thread-safe) method executing in different threads simultaneously?
Yes, of course. Note that this is no different from multiple threads running a method on the same non-singleton object instance.
how will different threads share the same instance or chunk of memory that represents the object?
(Ignoring NUMA and processor caches), the object exists in only one place in memory (hence, it's a singleton) so the different threads are all reading from the same memory addresses.
Now, if the object is immutable (and doesn't have external side-effects, like IO) then that's okay: multiple threads reading from the same memory and never changing it doesn't introduce any problems.
By analogy, this is like having a single (single-sided) piece of paper on a desk and 10 people reading it simultaneously: no problem.
If the object is mutable or (does have external side-effects like IO) then that's a problem :) You need to synchronize each thread's changes otherwise they'll be overwriting each other - this is bad.
Note that in many languages and platforms, like C#/.NET and C++, documentation can often assert or claim that a method is "thread-safe" but this is not necessarily absolutely guaranteed by the runtime (excepting the case where a function is provably "const-correct" and has no IO, which is something C++ can do, but C# cannot currently do that).
Note that just because a single method is thread-safe, doesn't mean an entire logical operation (e.g. calling multiple object methods in sequence) is thread-safe; for example, consider an Dictionary<K,V>: many threads can simultaneously call TryGetValue without issues - but as soon as one thread calls .Add then that messes up all of the other threads calling TryGetValue (because Dictionary<K,V> does not guarantee that .Add is atomic and blocks TryGetValue, this is why we use ConcurrentDictionary which has a different API - or we wrap our logical business/domain operations in lock (Monitor) statements).
Will different threads somehow "copy" the single-instance object method code to be run on its own CPU resources?
You can make that happen with [ThreadLocal] and [ThreadStatic] (and [AsyncLocal]) but proponents of functional programming techniques (like myself) will strongly recommend against this for many reasons. If you want a thread to "own" something then pass the object on the stack as a parameter and not inside hidden static state.
(Also note this does not apply to value-types (e.g. struct) which are always copied between uses, but I assume you're referring to class object instances, fwiw - as .NET discourages using mutable structs anyway).


How do you share programming language interpreter state between threads for parallel interpretation?

How do you share programming language interpreter state between threads for parallel interpretation?
I wrote a simple parallel multithreaded imaginary assembly interpreter that can communicate variables and method calls between threads - it sends jump addresses - between threads using an underlying actor mailbox implementation. (The code is very straightforward can be found in my multiversion-concurrency-control repository)
When I implement objects and classes ala object orientated programming I shall have a new problem.
I want parallel execution of interpreted code in the interpreter loop in each thread.
Python has the same problem - you have an object hierarchy and the class objects are loaded into the interpreter's context in memory. The identity of these objects might be different between threads.
Each thread parses objects and classes and the memory identity of the objects is different.
One idea I had was to hash the code of an implementation and use that as the hash for equivalence, then we can send a object hash and do a zero copy transfer of thread ownership from one thread to another.
For a compiled language the solution would need to think of garbage collection or reference counting or other form of memory management solution such as RAII between threads.
For simplicity, my idea is that when an object is sent from one thread to another, the reference to the object is removed so the variable can no longer be used. This assumes a zero copy implementation.
Alternatively, we can separate book keeping per-thread and this means that each thread can maintain its own visibility of ownership. If all thread's reference counts go to 0 then the object is cleared.

threading synchronization at high speed

I have a threading question and what I'd qualify as a modest threading background.
Suppose I have the following (oversimplified) design and behavior:
Object ObjectA - has a reference to object ObjectB and a method MethodA().
Object ObjectB - has a reference to ObjectA, an array of elements ArrayB and a method MethodB().
ObjectA is responsible for instantiating ObjectB. ObjectB.ObjectA will point to ObjectB's instantiator.
Now, whenever some conditions are met, a new element is added in ObjectB.ArrayB and a new thread is started for this element, say ThreadB_x, where x goes from 1 to ObjectB.ArrayB.Length. Each such thread calls ObjectB.MethodB() to pass some data in, which in turn calls ObjectB.ObjectA.MethodA() for data processing.
So multiple threads call the same method ObjectB.MethodB(), and it's very likely that they do so at the very same time. There's a lot of code in MethodB that creates and initializes new objects, so I don't think there are problems there. But then this method calls ObjectB.ObjectA.MethodA(), and I don't have the slightest idea of what's going on in there. Based on the results I get, nothing wrong, apparently, but I'd like to be sure of that.
For now, I enclosed the call to ObjectB.ObjectA.MethodA() in a lock statement inside ObjectB.MethodB(), so I'm thinking this will ensure there are no clashes to the call of MethodA(), though I'm not 100% sure of that. But what happens if each ThreadB_x calls ObjectB.MethodB() a lot of times and very very fast? Will I have a queue of calls waiting for ObjectB.ObjectA.MethodA() to finish?
Your question is very difficult to answer because of the lack of information. It depends on the average time spent in methodA, how many times this method is called per thread, how many cores are allocated to the process, the OS scheduling policy, to name a few parameters.
All things being equals, when the number of threads grows toward infinity, you can easily imagine that the probability for two threads requesting access to a shared resource simultaneously will tend to one. This probability will grow faster in proportion to the amount of time spent on the shared resource. That intuition is probably the reason of your question.
The main idea of multithreading is to parallelize code which can be effectively computed concurrently, and avoid contention as much as possible. In your setup, if methodA is not pure, ie. if it may change the state of the process - or in C++ parlance, if it cannot be made const, then it is a source of contention (recall that a function can only be pure if it uses pure functions or constants in its body).
One way of dealing with a shared resource is to protect it with a mutex, as you've done in your code. Another way is to try to turn its use into an async service, with one thread handling it, and others requesting that thread for computation. In effect, you will end up with an explicit queue of requests, but threads doing these requests will be free to work on something else in the mean time. The goal is always to maximize computation time, as opposed to thread management time, which happens each time a thread gets rescheduled.
Of course, it is not always possible to do so, eg. when the result of methodA belongs to a strongly ordered chain of computation.

guarding a critical section with a mutex

Let's say that I have a shared object that has a piece of code protected with a critical section and more than 1 thread are accessing the object for read/write. When a thread is inside the critical section the other threads are waiting. Once the thread gets out of the CS then the OS gives access to any of the waiting threads.
If I am confined to only one process, does the CS alone is a good protection for the shared object?
I ask because I have seen on the web that the right way to do it is to use a kernel object (ex: mutex, semaphone) to guard the CS. A thread wishing to use the shared resource needs to obtain the mutex/semaphore first with a WaitForSingleObject type of function. If a mutex is used then only one of then can access the resource. Once the mutex is obtained then the thread Enters the CS, does what is supposed to do, then Leave the CS and Releases the mutex. Then the OS allows any other waiting thread to obtain the mutex and so on and so forth.
But isn't is the same as using only the CS?
Also, using a mutex is supposed to be significantly slower than using a CS alone. The only problem I see of using only a CS is that if the thread crashes inside the CS then the other threads may never access the shared resource.
Is there any other reason why this approach is better?
thanks in advance
It sounds like you're discussing some Windows-specific terminology in a way that's getting it mixed up with some general computer science terminology.
In computer science the term "critical section" is used for areas of code that must run exclusively (usually due to data sharing). In Windows, there's a synchronization object called CRITICAL_SECTION that can be used to provide exclusive access to areas of execution. Another attribute of a CRITICAL_SECTION object on Windows is that it is limited to being used within a single process.
In computer science, the term 'mutex' is often used to describe an object that can be used to provide synchronization among parallel or cncurrent threads of execution. In Windows, there is also a mutex object which can be created with the CreateMutex() function (which returns a HANDLE representing the mutex). That object can be used to synchronize access among threads in the same or different processes, so it can be used similar to a CRITICAL_SECTION (but with different APIs) in many ways. If you want to synchronized threads of execution that are in different processes, a mutex object can be used, while a CRITICAL_SECTION object cannot.
So to answer your question (I think), if you are only concerned with protecting a critical section among threads that are part of the same process, a CRITICAL_SECTION object should be adequate. A mutex object can be used instead, but it may be somewhat less performant. There should be no need to use both types of objects

Concurrent execution/Re-entrant /ThreadSafe/?

I read many answers given here for questions related to thread safety, re-entrancy, but when i think about them, some more questions came to mind, hence this question/s.
1.) I have one executable program say some *.exe. If i run this program on command prompt, and while it is executing, i run the same program on another command prompt, then in what conditions the results could be corrupted, i.e. should the code of this program be re-entrant or it should be thread safe alone?
2.) While defining re-entrancy, we say that the routine can be re-entered while it is already running, in what situations the function can be re-entered (apart from being recursive routine, i am not talking recursive execution here). There has to be some thread to execute the same code again, or how can that function be entered again?
3.) In a practical case, will two threads execute same code, i.e. perform same functionality. I thought the idea of multi-threading is to execute different functionality, concurrently(on different cores/processors).
Sorry if these queries seem different, but they all occured to me, same time when i read about the threadsafe Vs reentrant post on SO, hence i put them together.
Any pointers, reading material will be appreciated.
I'll try to explain these, in order:
Each program runs in its own process, and gets its own isolated memory space. You don't have to worry about thread safety in this situation. (However, if the processes are both accessing some other shared resource, such as a file, you may have different issues. For example, process 1 may "lock" the data file, preventing process 2 from being able to open it).
The idea here is that two threads may try to run the same routine at the same time. This is not always valid - it takes special care to define a class or a process in a way that multiple threads can use the same instance of the same class, or the same static function, without errors occurring. This typically requires synchronization in the class.
Two threads often execute the same code. There are two different conceptual ways to parition your work when threading. You can either think in terms of tasks - ie: one thread does task A while another does task B. Alternatively, you can think in terms of decomposing the the problem based on data. In this case, you work with a large collection, and each element is processed using the same routine, but the processing happens in parallel. For more info, you can read this blog post I wrote on Decomposition for Parallelism.
Two processes cannot share memory. So thread-safety is moot here.
Re-entrancy means that a method can be safely executed by two threads at the same time. This doesn't require recursion - threads are separate units of execution, and there is nothing keeping them both from attempting to run the same method simultaneously.
The benefits to threading can happen in two ways. One is when you perform different types of operations concurrently (like running cpu-intensive code and I/O-intensive code at the ame time). The other is when you can divide up a long-running operation among multiple processors. In this latter case, two threads may be executing the same function at the same time on different input data sets.
First of all, I strongly suggest you to look at some basic stuffs of computer system, especially how a process/thread is executing on CPU and scheduled by operating system. For example, virtual address, context switching, process/thread concepts(e.g., each thread has its own stack and register vectors while heap is shared by threads. A thread is an execution and scheduling unit, so it maintains control flow of code..) and so on. All of the questions are related to understanding how your program is actually working on CPU
1) and 2) are already answered.
3) Multithreading is just concurrent execution of any arbitrary thread. The same code can be executed by multiple threads. These threads can share some data, and even can make data races which are very hard to find. Of course, many times threads are executing separate code(we say it as thread-level parallelism).
In this context, I have used concurrent as two meaning: (a) in a single processor, multiple threads are sharing a single physical processor, but operating system gives a sort of illusion that threads are running concurrently. (b) In a multicore, yes, physically two or more threads can be executed concurrently.
Having concrete understanding of concurrent/parallel execution takes quite long time. But, you already have a solid understanding!

Should access to a shared resource be locked by a parent thread before spawning a child thread that accesses it?

If I have the following psuedocode:
sharedVariable = somevalue;
Is it theoretically possible for a multicore CPU to execute code in threadWhichUsesSharedVariable() which reads the value of sharedVariable before the parent thread writes to it? For full theoretical avoidance of even the remote possibility of a race condition, should the code look like this instead:
sharedVariable = somevalue;
Basically I want to know if the spawning of a thread explicitly linearizes the CPU at that point, and is guaranteed to do so.
I know that the overhead of thread creation probably takes enough time that this would never matter in practice, but the perfectionist in me is afraid of the theoretical race condition. In extreme conditions, where some threads or cores might be severely lagged and others are running fast and efficiently, I can imagine that it might be remotely possible for the order of execution (or memory access) to be reversed unless there was a lock.
I would say that your pseudocode is safe on any correctly functioning
multiprocessor system. The C++ compiler cannot generate a call to
CreateThread() before sharedVariable has received a correct value
unless it can prove to itself that doing so is safe. You are guaranteed
that your single-threaded code executes equivalently to a completely
non-reordered linear execution path. Any system that "time warps" the
thread creation ahead of the variable assignment is seriously broken.
I don't think declaring sharedVariable as volatile does anything
useful in this case.
Given your example and if you were using Java then the answer would be "No". In Java it is not possible for the thread to spawn and read your value before the assignment operation is complete. In some other languages this might be a different story.
"Variables shared between multiple threads (e.g., instance variables of objects) have atomic assignment guaranteed by the Java language specification for all data types except longs and doubles... If a method consists solely of a single variable access or assignment, there is no need to make it synchronized for thread-safety, and every reason not to do so for performance."
If your double or long is declared volatile, then you are also guaranteed that the assignment is an atomic operation.
Your example is going to work in C++ just like it works in Java. Theoretically there is no way that the thread spawning will begin or complete before the assignment, even with Out of Order Execution.
Note that your example is VERY specific and in any other case it is recommended that you ensure the shared resource is protected properly. The new C++ standard is coming out with a lot of atomic stuff, so you could declare your variable as atomic and the assignment operation will be visible to all threads without the need of locking. CAS (compare and set) is a your next best option.
