Suitable Azure replacement for Auth0 - azure

I have an ASP .Net Core 2.2 Web API hosted as an Azure App Service. Then there is an Angular SPA which consumes this API, hosted on Azure Storage as a static website.
I am currently using Auth0 as our authentication and identity server. I am looking at replacing Auth0 with Azure, but I've spent a couple of days now trying to figure out what I should be doing and I am completely lost.
So, the purpose that Auth0 is currently serving, and which I would like Azure to serve instead, is to protect my Web API, as well as give it identity services so that the API knows which user is logged in. So when the front end makes a call to the API, Auth0 automatically redirects it to a login page. Here the user can log in using an existing account (including social accounts) or she can create a new account. Once logged in, Auth0 provides the front end with an access token. The front end then includes this access token in the header of every API call. The access token includes identity information which the API uses to know which user is making the call. All users are stored in Auth0. So when a new user uses the front end web app, Auth0 redirects them to the login screen, where they select "Sign Up", and create an account in Auth0. Any user can do this btw - it is a public web app which anyone can sign up and use.
So, when looking at using Azure instead of Auth0, what first confuses me is that there are various authentication services:
In the Azure portal, under my app service, under "Authentication / Authorization", there is a toggle switch labelled "App Service Authentication". If I turn this on, I can set up Authentication Providers.
In the Azure portal, there is Azure Active Directory, which I guess ties in with the above?
There is also Azure B2C.
What is the difference between Azure App Service Authentication and Azure B2C? Which one should I be using? What is the difference between points 1 and 2 above? Some examples I've seen use point 1 and some use point 2.
Sorry if this is a very vague question. I am just struggling to figure out in which direction to head. I found Auth0 quite simple, but unfortunately I cannot say the same about Azure authentication. I basically just want to figure out which Azure option would be best suited to replace Auth0 as I am using it now. Thanks

Azure B2C is the proper option to replace user authentication, however you would have to go with OWIN or another solution to actually provide application specific identity/authorization pipeline.
For public-facing site I would not go with straight up azure AD for customer logins, that’s targeted more towards enterprise customer with identities in federated, office365 or on prem Active Directory.
To be honest I’m surprised you’re planning on moving from auth0 to AAD. I’m thinking about doing the opposite.

I think the "replacement" would be using Identity Server, but there's no PaaS version for it on Azure. So you should go with Azure AD or Azure AD B2C.
If you want just to create users and groups you should use Azure AD. But if you have plans to enable 3rd party identities to access your app (such as Facebook, Google or Linkedin), then you should use Azure AD B2C. For more info, please read:


How should i integrate Azure Single Sign with multiple website in

I am new to Azure AD. I have to implement two websites which uses Azure Single Sign On feature to login. I have gone through few documents and blogs but it wasn't helpful enough. Could anyone suggest me a relevant document or approach for beginners.
This approach I am using:
I made a new tenant.
Made a app in app registration
Assigned the users through Enterprise Application changes
But now i have to add another website to webapp and then make sure if user logs in anyone of those then it should automatically get logged in other website as well.
When you have multiple applications in your organization, it's better to use Azure AD and you are on the right path.
To configure an application for SSO there are multiple ways. Based on your requirement you can choose any SSO protocol from below for authentication.
There are protocols like OpenID Connect, OAuth, SAML, password-based etc. to configure SSO.
As you have two websites, register two webapps in Azure AD and configure SSO
While registering the webapps, make sure to add redirect URI or Reply URLs of those two websites respectively.
Make sure both webapps are using same SSO protocol.
As mentioned in the comment by #Anand Sowmithiran, while the user is authenticating, the login flow will detect that user is already authenticated and will provide the token seamlessly.
For more in detail, please refer below links to get some idea:
Can I use Azure for SSO to multiple websites - Microsoft Q&A
single sign on - SSO with multiple azure web apps - Stack Overflow

Why need to add an OAuth 2.0 for Azure service that is already protected by Azure AD

Our group using Azure AD to authenticate and authorise the resources that belongs to us in Azure. AKA, you need to login by your working ID to get verified it is a person belong to our group. This is how a team member can use the API service we owned.
There is suggestion that to add an OAuth 2.0 authorization on top of the API. I get confused here. It is only used internally and protected by Azure AD. And login by Azure AD isn't itself already some kind of OAuth 2.0 authentication?
If the API does not have any protection, that means that anyone can hit the endpoint and get the information from the api. for example, if some random person with a cell phone connected to your wifi network somehow or hardwire laptop, they could query the api directly if there was no authentication/authorization on the endpoint. or if its on azure functions or something, then most likely anyone can access it on the internet.
I'm curious on what you mean by the resources are protected by azure ad. Where exactly did you set this up? if for example you are using an azure function as an api endpoint and you activated azure ad authentication/authorization on the azure function app, then your api layer IS secured and you can access the user tokens in the code. in this case there is nothing further to do.

Angular 2 - Windows Authentication - without .NET - Node JS API

My application is an Angular 2+ SPA, which uses Azure Active Directory and the back end API is implemented in Node JS. Currently, when an user tries to login, an Azure pop-up appears, User enter login/password which will get authenticated in AD, AD returns a bearer token which I use to authenticate Node JS API.
My requirement is, to use Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA). The Front End should use Windows authentication to get the bearer token from AD instead of asking user to enter login/password. How Can I do that? Whatever articles I see about this, all talk about IIS and .Net based application. Should I always use .NET based API to use Windows Authentication? Any hints would be greatly appreciated.
Just a note, the API is an enterprise application hosted in the cloud. All the users are internal company employees and are registered with AD.
Given you already have Azure AD sync setup, the following may be useful. AAD Connect allows you to seamlessly login with SSO:
Azure services doesn't support Windows Authentication, unless you setup a VM with IIS. I assume by your requirements "...Get the bearer token instead of asking user to enter login/password" mean single signon. That is, when a user is logged into the domain on their PC, they don't have to login again to your application.
There are a few ways to approach this depending on your AD configuration, but usually you have to configure ADFS for your organisation AD to allow your cloud app to authenticate you. If you are already logged in, it will simply redirect you and your app will receive the bearer token.
Another option is to connect your organisation AD with Azure AD, using Azure AD sync. The following link helps with this. You would then configure your app to authenticate against Azure AD (as it currently does).
AD configuration is not a simple configuration,

API APP + Authentication with AAD and Facebook + AllowAnonymous

I have created a API app in Azure portal. Then after I have configured Azure Active Directory and Facebook for Authentication/Authorization in Azure Portal (Portal -> My API APP -> Authentication / Authorization). Now my requirement is some API should be Allow Anonymous and other APIs should ask for Authentication either from Azure Active Directory or Facebook.
Same issues like my case: Question-1 Question-2
Please help !!
I think, your solution may benefit from using other authentication broker service called Azure Active Directory B2C. Basically, you configure the providers you want on the backend side, then integrate it into your application. Then, you are able to use mechanisms like policies, etc, in your app. For WebApp integration with AD B2C - tutorial.
I would do that in your situation because i believe that it would be better to offload authentication boilerplating to the backend instead of doing a lot of custom things in the application.
Other way of doing that would be to use custom attribute that will add the capabilities to authenticate, cache user information, authentication context (regarding your question about how to detect if someone is logged in) etc.

Azure Api Service and Individual accounts

I've originally used Web API 2 with Individual Accounts so that users can create a new account by supplying a username/email and password which is stored in my DB.
I'm now looking to put this API into Azure API service and have looked at the documentation about authentication but this mostly talks about external authentication. Can we use Individual Accounts with Azure API or will I need to handle this myself within the actual API?
Also, with the third party authentication all the examples use a redirected website (FaceBook, Google) to get the user to log in. I want to call this from a mobile app so does it support extenal authentication using API calls or will I have to do that myself?
The is no problem in using the security you originally used. The documentation you are looking at describes how to do claim based authentication, authentication with azure ad and internally secure your application with service principals. When using a mobile device, you can go with claims authentication. However you should first figure out what you really want to do.
