Why AdSense web interface and API are reporting different numbers? - adsense-api

I've managed to get API working but it is reporting numbers which are always a bit lower than the ones reported by AdSense web (or mobile app) interface.
This is the response from API explorer:
"kind": "adsense#report",
"totalMatchedRows": "1",
"headers": [
"name": "EARNINGS",
"currency": "EUR"
"name": "CLICKS",
"type": "METRIC_TALLY"
"rows": [
"totals": [
"averages": [
"startDate": "2019-10-07",
"endDate": "2019-10-07"
For example, for two days ago (2019-10-07) web interface is showing 24 clicks with estimated earning of 7,65 EUR and when I call API for the same day it shows 17 clicks and earning of 7,58 EUR.
And for every other day numbers are lower than the ones on the web interface.

I found the answer to this. If you leave out "useTimezoneReporting" parameter then it will default to PST timezone which is far away from me. When you set this parameter to "true" then it generates numbers based on AdSense account timezone.
Now everything works fine.


Acumatica MoveEntry API not generating lot number

Has anyone here used the PUT /MoveEntry call successfully before? I can make the call to create the record, but I was expecting the API to populate the lot number and it is not. It does by UI, but not by API. Is there a trick that I'm missing?
Update 1:
PUT /MoveEntry
"Hold": {
"value": true
"Details": [
"OrderType": {
"value": "RO"
"ProductionNbr": {
"value": "RO0000001"
"Quantity": {
"value": 1
"Location": {
"value": "PRODRECPT"
"Warehouse": {
"value": "ABBOTSFORD"
It always records the document successfully, but never has the lot number.
Could it be a lot class configuration issue?
Update 2:
Acu support agrees this looks like a defect and has passed the case on to Acu development.
I would take a look at the Numbering Sequence called AMBatch as that is the one that seems to be used by default for me on the Move Entry screen.
After working with Acu Support, it came back the API requires the "OperationNbr" field to be populated with the Bill of Materials operation number. Then the lot number is generated as expected.

Stripe Orders API tax callback

Trying to setup dynamic tax calcuation using Stripe Orders API. Using these docs:
result = {
"order_update": {
"items": [
"parent": None,
"type": "tax",
"description": "Sales taxes",
"amount": 100,
"currency": "usd"
"shipping_methods": [
"id": "free_shipping",
"description": "Free 7-day shipping",
"amount": 0,
"currency": "usd",
"delivery_estimate": {
"type": "exact",
"date": "2020-08-11"
"tax_items": []
return Response(result, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
Even dummy response without any sophisticated computations failed to create an order object with HTTP 402 error for script trying to create Order
Creating order with no tax specified works as well and allows to create order.
Webservice running a callback receives a request from the Stripe as it must and works as well.
Stripe support says only "we no longer recommend developing your integration around this system" and does not answer directy if they turn off this feature.
If they turn off this feature I do not understand why it is available in the dashboard.
The issue was in the middleware of my service. It transformed response keys from snake_case to camelCase. Resolved.

Amexon alexa development InvalidIntentSamplePhraseSlot issue

I'm getting an error: cannot include both a phrase slot and another intent slot. Error code: InvalidIntentSamplePhraseSlot while building Alexa skill.
Sample JSON is as follows,
"name": "HackathonListIntent",
"slots": [
"name": "resultCount",
"name": "search1",
"type": "AMAZON.SearchQuery"
"name": "search2",
"type": "AMAZON.SearchQuery"
"samples": [
"{resultCount} for {search1} from {search2}",
resultCount: skill fetch thousands of result from backend this parameter will restrict result length as per users convenience.
search1 and search2 are different independent search parameter which user may ask.
FYI: I have tried this
For the InvalidIntentSamplePhraseSlot issue, according to Amazon's documentation, you can only use one AMAZON.SearchQuery slot per intent.
"Make sure that your skill uses no more than one AMAZON.SearchQuery slot per intent."
Also, for your sample entry make sure the array with one item does not include a comma. It will cause an Invalid JSON error.
"samples": [
"{resultCount} for {search1} from {search2}"
AMAZON.SearchQuery are limited to 1 slot per intent and also it will need a phrase along with the slot. I would suggest you to use AMAZON.Person as it can take any value and dose not need a phrase.
"name": "HackathonListIntent",
"slots": [
"name": "resultCount",
"name": "search2",
"type": "AMAZON.Person"
"name": "search2",
"type": "AMAZON.Person"
"samples": [
"{resultCount} for {search1} from {search2}"

Parsing nested objects Python 3.4

I am trying to extract user reviews linked to a business from the google places API.
I am using the requests library :
import requests
r = requests.get('https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/details/json?placeid=ChIJlc_6_jM4DW0RQUUtaQj2_lk&key=AIzaSyBuS4meH_HW3FO1cpUaCm6jbqzRCWe7mjc')
json_data_dic = r.json()
So I get the json object converted to a python object for me to parse and extract my user ratings & reviews .
I get a "lump" of text back (see below). As someone new to python/coding, all I see is a tangle of nested dictionaries and lists. In situations where there is nesting- how do I refer to an items such as 'rating', or the 'text' of the review?
Any guidance would be appreciated.
"html_attributions": [],
"result": {
"reviews": [
"relative_time_description": "in the last week",
"profile_photo_url": "//lh6.googleusercontent.com/-06-3qCU8jEg/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAACc/a1z-ga9rOhs/photo.jpg",
"rating": 1,
"time": 1481050128,
"author_name": "Tass Wilson",
"text": "Worse company I've had the pleasure of dealing with. They don't follow through on what they say, their technical support team knows jack all. They are unreliable and lie. The only good part about their entire team is the sales team and thats to get you in the door, signed up and committed to a 12 month contract so they can then screw you over many times without taking you out to dinner first\n\nI would literally rather go back to using smoke signals and frikkin carrier pigeons then use Orcon again as an internet provider",
"aspects": [
"rating": 0,
"type": "overall"
"language": "en",
"author_url": "https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/116566965301711692941/reviews"
"relative_time_description": "3 weeks ago",
"rating": 1,
"time": 1479258972,
"author_name": "Anne-Marie Petersen",
"text": "I have experienced nothing but pain with them - from the start to (almost the end) in fact so I could skip the 5 days without internet I have had my other provider set up my fibre and just cut the loss of the extra month as the final bad money I will ever have to pay them. I called them to ask why I hadn't been offered an upgrade to fibre - I was told I wasn't eligible for fibre due to bad credit rating. I flipped out. Namely because I have a good credit score - it's something I check regularly. So I said well how do you know - they gave me the number of the company they use so I could call them. I hung up, called the number - it was the YELLOW PAGES number. I call back, I get given the same number (same person answered) I am seeing RED by this point, so I say just give me the name of the company. I find the number myself - I then call them only to be told they don't even work with Orcon. Then the guy offers to do a quick scan of the system to see if my name is in then. Doesn't even appear. Round and round the mulberry bush - I called another company and finally have had my fibre installed and everything ago. I still have no idea how to use the extra remote they've given me but the internet is fabulous. Oh - and I also got sick of every time something was wrong it was always MY fault even though I knew they would go offline and fix something. I used to WORK at a telco company let me tell you I get the system. Finally I have to send the modem back but I've already been advised to take it into their head office and take a photo of myself handing it in because they have on numerous occasions said to people that they've never received the modem even though they had.... why the hell are they still even a company????\n\nUPDATE>> got sent two cancellation notices - neither of which were for accounts that I had power over apparently. Have taken to twitter to have a public forum so they can't get me on not returning my modem.",
"aspects": [
"rating": 0,
"type": "overall"
"language": "en",
"author_url": "https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/113533966859873380749/reviews"
"relative_time_description": "4 months ago",
"profile_photo_url": "//lh4.googleusercontent.com/-lAEJbEHaIoE/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAEFo/IATRvjK2Oak/photo.jpg",
"rating": 1,
"time": 1469481312,
"author_name": "Keith Rankine",
"text": "Everything works well until you try to cancel your account. Do not be fooled into thinking you cannot give them notice to cancel within your contract term. They will try everything in their power to squeeze an extra month from you. \nI had a 12 month contract and informed them of my wish to cancel on the anniversary on that sign up date. All their emails were carefully worded to imply that this could not be done. If read carefully, and you argue, they will agree to it.",
"aspects": [
"rating": 0,
"type": "overall"
"language": "en",
"author_url": "https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/115729563512218272075/reviews"
"relative_time_description": "a month ago",
"rating": 1,
"time": 1476082876,
"author_name": "Wayne Furlong",
"text": "Completely useless. Dishonest, lazy and downright incompetent. Corporate bullies. I'm so much happier with Bigpipe.",
"aspects": [
"rating": 0,
"type": "overall"
"language": "en",
"author_url": "https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/113527219809275504416/reviews"
"relative_time_description": "3 months ago",
"rating": 1,
"time": 1471292986,
"author_name": "Shaun b",
"text": "Recently upgraded to \"unlimited\" Fibre with Orcon. Most mornings (5-9) we have a limited wired or wireless connection. Too often (as is the case this morning) we have no internet (so while at home we have to use phone data). This is on Wellington's cbd area. Their customer service is such that a reply could take upwards of 4 weeks. I intend to change provider.",
"aspects": [
"rating": 0,
"type": "overall"
"language": "en",
"author_url": "https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/101110905108291593535/reviews"
"utc_offset": 780,
"adr_address": "<span class=\"street-address\">1 The Strand</span>, <span class=\"extended-address\">Takapuna</span>, <span class=\"locality\">Auckland</span> <span class=\"postal-code\">0622</span>, <span class=\"country-name\">New Zealand</span>",
"photos": [
"html_attributions": [
"height": 877,
"photo_reference": "CoQBdwAAAO0RRplNcUkeQUxtJLTNk3uAOTadHfKZQ8g2NMa6XLRmGX2oKdUHItfnKZP0CG2WwIj198PwzfDRJpZIw4M1wSENCEOD9mFjITSwWTMjHkw1PzHb9teT6vuuROxcCdH-fwCYp0tkeBc75R8RHb2drPbTk-NN_5q88jkJTfNwdZQDEhB-25Az9550mGd00B-zK-LRGhQpTusm33tZBFXA1952txiuAUsgQA",
"width": 878
"id": "a7c161a7081101d8897c2dd2fb41fa94b812b050",
"scope": "GOOGLE",
"vicinity": "1 The Strand, Takapuna, Auckland",
"international_phone_number": "+64 800 131 415",
"url": "https://maps.google.com/?cid=6484891029444838721",
"types": [
"name": "Orcon",
"rating": 1.8,
"geometry": {
"viewport": {
"northeast": {
"lat": -36.7889585,
"lng": 174.77310355
"southwest": {
"lat": -36.7890697,
"lng": 174.77302975
"location": {
"lat": -36.78901820000001,
"lng": 174.7730694
"place_id": "ChIJlc_6_jM4DW0RQUUtaQj2_lk",
"formatted_address": "1 The Strand, Takapuna, Auckland 0622, New Zealand",
"reference": "CmRRAAAAD0loSIVYDAuRKLbv5Cp6ZM_jxKHbzJ7EOrDLakY1PAlmq5YDTJ82A4qzWje0ILFv3lsEdaUpCtkuVHuOxXW6so5yqxDSfkgEnXbzd84jtfItuxis7Izu-y87vwkD7JO4EhBZB6aIdHSchBT6_USM5B5VGhTTRgmnDKndDt6amWnPkXw-57-Pww",
"icon": "https://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/place_api/icons/generic_business-71.png",
"website": "https://www.orcon.net.nz/",
"formatted_phone_number": "0800 131 415",
"address_components": [
"short_name": "1",
"types": [
"long_name": "1"
"short_name": "The Strand",
"types": [
"long_name": "The Strand"
"short_name": "Takapuna",
"types": [
"long_name": "Takapuna"
"short_name": "Auckland",
"types": [
"long_name": "Auckland"
"short_name": "Auckland",
"types": [
"long_name": "Auckland"
"short_name": "NZ",
"types": [
"long_name": "New Zealand"
"short_name": "0622",
"types": [
"long_name": "0622"
"status": "OK"
json_data_dic.get("result").get("reviews") or json_data_dic['result']['reviews'] gives you the list of reviews
json_data_dic.get("result").get("reviews")[0].get("text") returns the text of the first review
If you need to get each review:
for review in json_data_dic.get("result").get("reviews"):
print review.get("text")
In general, use .get(KEY) or [KEY] access a dictionary item by the key and use
[INDEX] access an item in a list by the index (starting from 0)

How many bytes are in a Location ID from the Instagram API?

I cannot find any decent documentation on the Instagram API about this. I know it returns a number through the API which is usually a 2^32 bit int, but once in a while I will get a number that is 2^64. I want to store these numbers in my Cassandra database, but I am not sure if I should store them as Int(2^32) or BigInt(2^64) or even text.
What are your thoughts?
Based on the Instagram API, id's (whether for a User, Media, Location, etc) are returned as strings (as opposed to the float values for "latitude" and "longitude" or the int values returned for fields like count):
"data": [{
"id": "788029",
"latitude": 48.858844300000001,
"longitude": 2.2943506,
"name": "Eiffel Tower, Paris"
"id": "545331",
"latitude": 48.858334059662262,
"longitude": 2.2943401336669909,
"name": "Restaurant 58 Tour Eiffel"
"id": "421930",
"latitude": 48.858325999999998,
"longitude": 2.294505,
"name": "American Library in Paris"
It may be best to store them as text in Cassandra.
