Categorizing a data based on string in each row - python-3.x

I have the following dataframe:
raw_data = {'name': ['Willard', 'Nan', 'Omar', 'Spencer'],
'Last_Name': ['Smith', 'Nan', 'Sheng', 'Poursafar'],
'favorite_color': ['blue', 'red', 'Nan', "green"],
'Statues': ['Match', 'Mis-Match', 'Match', 'Mis_match']}
df = pd.DataFrame(raw_data, columns = ['name', 'age', 'favorite_color', 'grade'])
I wanna do the following tasks:
Separate the rows that contain Match and Mis-match
Make a category that only contains people whose first name and last name are Nan and love a color(any color except for nan).
Can you guys help me?

Use boolean indexing:
df1 = df[df['Statues'] == 'Match']
df2 = df[df['Statues'] =='Mis-Match']
If missing values are not strings use Series.isna and
df3 = df[df['Name'].isna() & df['Last_NameName'].isna() & df['favorite_color'].notna()]
If Nans are strings compare by Nan:
df3 = df[(df['Name'] == 'Nan') &
(df['Last_NameName'] == 'Nan') &
(df['favorite_color'] != 'Nan')]


turn three columns into dictionary python

Name = [list(['Amy', 'A', 'Angu']),
list(['Jon', 'Johnson']),
list(['Bob', 'Barker'])]
Other = [list(['Amy', 'Any', 'Anguish']),
list(['Jon', 'Jan']),
list(['Baker', 'barker'])]
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'Other' : Other,
'ID': ['E123','E456','E789'],
'Other_ID': ['A123','A456','A789'],
'Name' : Name,
ID Name Other Other_ID
0 E123 [Amy, A, Angu] [Amy, Any, Anguish] A123
1 E456 [Jon, Johnson] [Jon, Jan] A456
2 E789 [Bob, Barker] [Baker, barker] A789
I have the df as seen above. I want to make columns ID, Name and Other into a dictionary with they key being ID. I tried this according to python pandas dataframe columns convert to dict key and value
todict = dict(zip(df.ID, df.Name))
Which is close to what I want
{'E123': ['Amy', 'A', 'Angu'],
'E456': ['Jon', 'Johnson'],
'E789': ['Bob', 'Barker']}
But I would like to get this output that includes values from Other column
{'E123': ['Amy', 'A', 'Angu','Amy', 'Any','Anguish'],
'E456': ['Jon', 'Johnson','Jon','Jan'],
'E789': ['Bob', 'Barker','Baker','barker']
And If I put the third column Other it gives me errors
todict = dict(zip(df.ID, df.Name, df.Other))
How do I get the output I want?
Why not just combine the Name and Other column before creating a dict of the Name column.
df['Name'] = df['Name'] + df['Other']
dict(zip(df.ID, df.Name))
{'E123': ['Amy', 'A', 'Angu', 'Amy', 'Any', 'Anguish'],
'E456': ['Jon', 'Johnson', 'Jon', 'Jan'],
'E789': ['Bob', 'Barker', 'Baker', 'barker']}

Pandas checks with prefix and more checksum if searched prefix exists or no data

I have below code snippet which works fine.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
prefixes = ['sj00', 'sj12', 'cr00', 'cr08', 'eu00', 'eu50']
df = pd.read_csv('new_hosts', index_col=False, header=None)
df['prefix'] = df[0].str[:4]
df['grp'] = df.groupby('prefix').cumcount()
df = df.pivot(index='grp', columns='prefix', values=0)
df['sj12'] = df['sj12'].str.extract('(\w{2}\d{2}\w\*)', expand=True)
df = df[ prefixes ].dropna(axis=0, how='all').replace(np.nan, '', regex=True)
df = df.rename_axis(None)
Example File new_hosts
Current output:
sj00 sj12 cr00 cr08 eu00 eu50
sj000001 cr000011 crn00001 euk000011 eu5000011
sj000002 cr000012 crn00002 eu0000012 eu5000013
sj000003 cr000013 crn00003 eu0000013 eu5000014
sj000004 cr000014 crn00004 eu0000014 eu5000015
What's expected:
1) As code works fine but as you see the current output the second column don't have any values but still appearing So, how could i have a checksum if a particular column don't have any values then remove that from display.
2) Can we place a check for the prefixes if they exists in the dataframe before processing to avoid the error.
Appreciate any help.
IIUC, before
df = df[ prefixes ].dropna(axis=0, how='all').replace(np.nan, '', regex=True)
you can do:
# remove all empty columns
df = df.dropna(axis=1, how='all')
That would solve your first part. Second part can be reindex?
# select prefixes:
prefixes = ['sj00', 'sj12', 'cr00', 'cr08', 'eu00', 'eu50', 'sh00', 'dt00', 'sh00', 'dt00']
df = df.reindex(prefixes, axis=1).dropna(axis=1, how='all').replace(np.nan, '', regex=True)
Note the axis=1, not axis=0 is identical to what I propose for question 1.
Much thanks to Quang Hoang for the hints on the post, Just for the workaround, i got it working as follows until i get a better answer:
# Select prefixes
prefixes = ['sj00', 'sj12', 'cr00', 'cr08', 'eu00', 'eu50']
df = pd.read_csv('new_hosts', index_col=False, header=None)
df['prefix'] = df[0].str[:4]
df['grp'] = df.groupby('prefix').cumcount()
df = df.pivot(index='grp', columns='prefix', values=0)
df = df[prefixes]
# For column `sj12` only extract the values having `sj12` and a should be a word immediately after that like `sj12[a-z]`
df['sj12'] = df['sj12'].str.extract('(\w{2}\d{2}\w\*)', expand=True)
df.replace('', np.nan, inplace=True)
# Remove the empty columns
df = df.dropna(axis=1, how='all')
# again drop if all values in the row are nan and replace nan to empty for live columns
df = df.dropna(axis=0, how='all').replace(np.nan, '', regex=True)
# drop the index field
df = df.rename_axis(None)

xlsxwriter - Conditional formatting based on column name of the dataframe

I have a dataframe as below. I want to apply conditional formatting on column "Data2" using the column name. I know how to define format for a specific column but I am not sure how to define it based on column name as shown below.
So basically I want to do the same formatting on column name(because the order of column might change)
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'Data1': [10, 20, 30],
'Data2': ["a", "b", "c"]})
writer = pd.ExcelWriter('pandas_filter.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter', )
workbook =
df1.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Sheet1', index=False)
worksheet = writer.sheets['Sheet1']
blue = workbook.add_format({'bg_color':'#000080', 'font_color': 'white'})
red = workbook.add_format({'bg_color':'#E52935', 'font_color': 'white'})
l = ['B2:B500']
for columns in l:
worksheet.conditional_format(columns, {'type': 'text',
'criteria': 'containing',
'value': 'a',
'format': blue})
worksheet.conditional_format(columns, {'type': 'text',
'criteria': 'containing',
'value': 'b',
'format': red})
using xlsxwriter with xl_col_to_name we can get the column name using the index.
from xlsxwriter.utility import xl_col_to_name
target_col = xl_col_to_name(df1.columns.get_loc("Data2"))
l = [f'{target_col}2:{target_col}500']
for columns in l:
using opnpyxl with get_column_letter we can get the column name using the index.
from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter
target_col = get_column_letter(df1.columns.get_loc("Data2") + 1) # add 1 because get_column_letter index start from 1
l = [f'{target_col}2:{target_col}500']
for columns in l:

Manipulating a dataframe conditionally

I have the following data I am attempt to do the following;
If elements in tag_3 & tag_4 are 'NaN' then return an intermediate df with the following columns: tag_0, tag_1 & tag_2.
If elements in tag_4 only are 'NaN' then return another intermediate df with the following columns: tag_0, tag_2, tag_3.
Finally if ALL columns have non-NaN values then return an intermediate df with the following columns: tag_0, tag_3, tag_4.
data = {'tag_0': ['1', '2', '3'],
'tag_1': ['4', '5', '6'],
'tag_2': ['7', '8', '9'],
'tag_3': ['NaN', '10', '11'],
'tag_4': ['NaN', 'NaN', '12']}
df_1 = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['tag_0', 'tag_1', 'tag_2', 'tag_3', 'tag_4'])
dummy data
I like to use bool masks for this sort of task in pandas because I think it is easy to read, but there are other ways to go about it.
What is bool mask?
A bool mask is essentially a Series of True/False values that is applied to a DataFrame to filter it.
Step 1: create the Series of True/False values.
tag_3_is_nan = df['tag3'].isna()
tag_4_is_nan = df['tag4'].isna()
Step 2: apply them to the DataFrame
In your case this would be applied using the following logic.
Case 1: If elements in tag_3 & tag_4 are 'NaN' then return an intermediate df with the following columns: tag_0, tag_1 & tag_2.
df[tag_3_is_nan & tag_4_is_nan][['tag_0', 'tag_1', 'tag_2']]
Case 2: If elements in tag_4 only are 'NaN' then return another intermediate df with the following columns: tag_0, tag_2, tag_3.
df[tag_4_is_nan & ~tag_3_is_nan][['tag_0', 'tag_2', 'tag_3']]
The ~ is equal to not - so ~tag_3_is_nan means tag_3 is not nan.
Case 3: Finally if ALL columns have non-NaN values then return an intermediate df with the following columns: tag_0, tag_3, tag_4.
Dropping all rows that contain at least one NaN value is simple in pandas - just use the method dropna()
df.dropna()[['tag_0', 'tag_3', 'tag_4']]
To avoid settingWithCopyWarning down the line you should copy the filtered df.
Above uses None but your example uses 'NaN' as a string. You can use the same method if your data contains strings of 'NaN' rather than actual None.
tag_3_is_nan_string = df['tag3'] == 'NaN'

Multi-index pandas dataframes: find an index related to the number of unique values a column has

# import Pandas library
import pandas as pd
idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['A001', 'B001','C001'],
['0', '1', '2']],
names=['ID', 'Entries'])
col = ['A', 'B']
df = pd.DataFrame('-', idx, col)
df.loc['A001', 'A'] = [10,10,10]
df.loc['A001', 'B'] = [90,84,70]
df.loc['B001', 'A'] = [10,20,10]
df.loc['B001', 'B'] = [70,86,67]
df.loc['C001', 'A'] = [20,20,20]
df.loc['C001', 'B'] = [98,81,72]
#df is a dataframe
Following is the problem: How to return the ID which has more than one unique values for column 'A'? In the above dataset, ideally it should return B001.
I would appreciate if anyone could help me out with performing operations in multi-index pandas dataframes.
Use GroupBy.transform with nunique and filter by boolean indexing and for values of first levl of MultiIndex add get_level_values with unique:
a = df[df.groupby(level=0)['A'].transform('nunique') > 1].index.get_level_values(0).unique()
Index(['B001'], dtype='object', name='ID')
Or use duplicated, but first need columns from MultiIndex by reset_index:
m = df.reset_index().duplicated(subset=['ID','A'], keep=False).values
a = df[~m].index.get_level_values(0).unique()
Index(['B001'], dtype='object', name='ID')
