Sequelize-typescript 'HasManyCreateAssociationMixin' is not a function - node.js

I have a model in sequelize-typescript, Door.ts:
import { Table, Model, Column, AutoIncrement, PrimaryKey, ForeignKey, DataType, AllowNull, BelongsTo, HasMany } from 'sequelize-typescript';
import { Location } from '#modules/location';
import { AkilesServiceV1, AkilesServiceV0, IDoorService } from '#services/DoorService';
import { BelongsToGetAssociationMixin } from 'sequelize/types';
import { DoorLog } from '#modules/door_log';
import { HasManyCreateAssociationMixin } from 'sequelize';
#Table({ tableName: 'door' })
class Door extends Model<Door> {
id!: number;
type!: string;
button_id!: string;
gadget_id!: string;
action_id!: string;
access_type!: 'vehicular' | 'pedestrian';
description_tag!: string;
description!: string;
#ForeignKey(() => Location)
location_id!: number;
#BelongsTo(() => Location)
location!: Location;
#HasMany(() => DoorLog)
door_logs!: DoorLog[];
public getLocation!: BelongsToGetAssociationMixin<Location>;
public createDoorLog!: HasManyCreateAssociationMixin<DoorLog>;
public async open () {
let doorService: IDoorService;
switch(this.type) {
case 'akiles-v0':
doorService = new AkilesServiceV0();
case 'akiles-v1':
doorService = new AkilesServiceV1();
doorService = new AkilesServiceV1();
return await this.createDoorLog({ door_id:, timestamp: new Date() });
public async getParking() {
const location: Location = await this.getLocation();
return await location.getParking();
export default Door
As you can see it has these two functions associated with Mixins:
public getLocation!: BelongsToGetAssociationMixin<Location>;
public createDoorLog!: HasManyCreateAssociationMixin<DoorLog>;
The first works perfectly using it like this: await this.getLocation(). However, the second when I call it like this: await this.createDoorlog ({door_id:, timestamp: new Date ()}) returns the following error:
TypeError: this.createDoorLog is not a function
I've also tried calling the function without parameters but got the same result. I don't understand why the two functions, while created almost identically, behave differently. Am I missing something with HasManyCreateAssociationMixin?
Thank you.

For when I inevitably come across this question again perplexed by the same problem. The answer Is to ad "as" to the #HasMany mixin. Sequelize appears to have issues with camelcase classes.
So in this case adding
#HasMany(() => DoorLog, options: {as: "doorLog" })
door_logs!: DoorLog[];
or something along these lines should allow you to use this mixin


TypeORM Migration Generation Fails With With Error "Package subpath '' is not defined by "exports""

I have, among others, a Product entity defined as follows:
export class Product extends BaseEntity {
public name: string;
public category: ProductCategory;
#Column({ type: 'json', nullable: true })
public additionalInfo?: ExchangeInfo | CoinInfo;
#OneToMany(() => Review, (review) => review.product)
public reviews: Review[];
export enum ProductCategory {
export interface ExchangeInfo {
company: string;
description: string;
export interface CoinInfo {
description: string;
url: string;
I generate the first migration (on empty db) as follows:
npm run migration:generate src/migrations/InitialMigration
Everything runs smoothly and my database is populated with the tables as expected.
After this initial migration I create a new, empty one which I use to seed data as follows:
npm run migration:create src/migrations/SeedMigration
and the resulting migration runs smoothly:
export class SeedMigration1674664545529 implements MigrationInterface {
public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
await, { chunk: 100 });
public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
await queryRunner.manager.remove(products);
Finally, I change any entity and try to generate a new migration to reflect these changes:
npm run migration:generate src/migrations/EntityChanged
Here is where I get the following error:
**Package subpath './product.entity' is not defined by "exports" in /../api/node_modules/entities/package.json**
What could this be?
The only thing I notice is that the file that triggers the error is Product.entity.ts, which unlike other entities has additional interfaced defined in the file but not sure how that would be relevant.

Two validators for one single entity in DTO

Are there any ways or would it be possible to have two validator in one single entity? Like for the given example code below, the identifier would accept an email as its payload but it would also accept
number/mobile number as its payload as well.
identifier: string;
I have tried,
identifier: string;
But it does not work.
I found a reference code based on this previous thread, How to use else condition in validationif decorator nestjs class-validator?, and I copied his validation class.
import { ValidatorConstraint, ValidatorConstraintInterface, ValidationArguments } from "class-validator";
import { IdentifierType } from "../interface/access.interface";
#ValidatorConstraint({ name: 'IdentifierValidation', async: false })
export class IdentifierValidation implements ValidatorConstraintInterface {
validate(identifier: string, args: ValidationArguments) {
if (JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(args.object)).type === IdentifierType.MOBILE) {
var regexp = new RegExp('/^[\+]?[(]?[0-9]{3}[)]?[-\s\.]?[0-9]{3}[-\s\.]?[0-9]{4,6}$/im');
// "regexp" variable now validate phone number.
return regexp.test(identifier);
} else {
regexp = new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+#[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$");
// "regexp" variable now validate email address.
return regexp.test(identifier);
defaultMessage(args: ValidationArguments) {
if (JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(args.object)).type === IdentifierType.MOBILE) {
return 'Enter a valid phone number.'
} else {
return 'Enter a valid email address.'
export class VerifyOtpDto {
identifier: string;
#ApiProperty({ enum: IdentifierType })
identifierType: IdentifierType;
export enum IdentifierType {
EMAIL = 'email',
MOBILE = 'mobile',
It does work with email but trying to feed a mobile number still does not work.
You have two ways to do this, first with regex:
#Matches(/YOUR_REGEX/, {message: 'identifier should be email or phone'})
identifier: string;
Or you can get the idea from this:
#IsType(Array<(val: any) => boolean>)
val => typeof val == 'string',
val => typeof val == 'boolean',
private readonly foo: boolean | string;
Of course it can get more than one validator in one DTO column.
Did you check here?
if you want to check mobile number, you can use to #IsMobilePhone(locale: string).

Correctly Saving and Updating Entites in Netsjs+TypeORM

I've got a Question regarding TypeORM-Relations and how to use them 'nest-like'.
Suppose I have two Entities defined ChildEntity and TestEntity, which are related.
import { ChildEntity } from 'src/modules/child-entity/entities/child-entity.entity';
import { Column, Entity, ManyToOne, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from 'typeorm';
export class TestEntity {
id: number;
name: string;
#ManyToOne(() => ChildEntity, (childEntity) => childEntity.testEntities)
childEntity: ChildEntity;
constructor(name: string, childEntity: ChildEntity) { = name;
this.childEntity = childEntity;
My first question occurs when I want to create the entity. I have to first translate the passed childEntityId into a ChildEntity, which I can pass to the constructor:
import { ApiProperty } from '#nestjs/swagger';
import { IsNotEmpty, IsNumber } from 'class-validator';
export class CreateTestEntityDto {
name: string;
childEntityId: number;
constructor(name: string, childEntityId: number) { = name;
this.childEntityId = childEntityId;
async create(createTestEntityDto: CreateTestEntityDto) {
const { name, childEntityId } = createTestEntityDto;
const childEntity = await this.childEntityService.findOne(childEntityId);
const testEntity = new TestEntity(name, childEntity);
Is there a way to just pass the childEntityId to the save()-Method without explicitly looking for the ChildEntity beforehand?
The Second problem occurs when updating.
import { PartialType } from '#nestjs/swagger';
import { CreateTestEntityDto } from './create-test-entity.dto';
export class UpdateTestEntityDto extends PartialType(CreateTestEntityDto) {}
As updating only a partial Entity is possible I have to check if the Id is even passed along the request and if it is I have to retrieve the correct Entity for the update. Is there a more streamlined way to do this?
async update(id: number, updateTestEntityDto: UpdateTestEntityDto) {
const { name, childEntityId } = updateTestEntityDto;
const props = { name };
if (childEntityId) {
props['childEntity'] = await this.childEntityService.findOne(
return this.testEntityRepo.update(id, props);
You should add a childEntityId to the test entity:
export class TestEntity {
id: number;
name: string;
childEntityId: number;
#ManyToOne(() => ChildEntity, (childEntity) => childEntity.testEntities)
childEntity: ChildEntity;
and then you can use it to set the id directly. Something like:
async create(dto: Dto) {
const { name, childEntityId } = dto;
const entity = new TestEntity(); = name;
entity.childEntityId = childEntityId;
Check this out.
1.) Saving relational entity
There's no need to do all these roundtrips cluttering to save the entity. While, the solution given by #UrosAndelic works but still there's no need to write 3 extra lines of code.
If you hover over a relational param inside the create() method of the repository from an IDE, you'll notice that it accepts two types. First, An Instance of an entity OR Second, a DeepPartial object of an entity.
For instance:
const entity = this.testEntityRepo.create({
name: 'Example 1',
childEntity: {
id: childEntityId // notice: it's a DeepPartial object of ChildEntity
2.) Updating entity
There's no need for child entity's id if you are updating test entity. You can simply update the props of test entity.
const testEntityId = 1;
await this.testEntityRepo.update(testEntityId, {
name: 'Example 2'
This will update the name of TestEntity = 1;

TypeORM getRawOne<T> not returning type T

I'm working on refactoring a koa api to nest and am kinda stuck on refactoring the queries from native psql to typeorm. I have the following table, view and dto.
export class Challenge {
id!: number;
endDate!: Date;
createdAt!: Date;
expression: (connection: Connection) => connection.createQueryBuilder()
.select('SUM(cp.points)', 'score')
.addSelect('cp.challenge', 'challengeId')
.addSelect('cp.user', 'userId')
.addSelect('RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY cp."challengeId" ORDER BY SUM(cp.points) DESC) AS rank')
.from(ChallengePoint, 'cp')
export class ChallengeRank {
score!: number;
rank!: number;
challenge!: Challenge;
user!: User;
export class ChallengeResultReponseDto {
id!: number;
endDate!: Date;
createdAt!: Date;
score: number;
rank: number;
test() {
As the object I want to return is not of any entity type, I'm kinda lost on how to select it and return the correct class. I tried the following:
.select('', 'id')
.addSelect('c.endDate', 'endDate')
.addSelect('c.createdAt', 'createdAt')
.addSelect('cr.score', 'score')
.addSelect('cr.rank', 'rank')
.leftJoin(ChallengeRank, 'cr', ' = cr."challengeId" AND cr."userId" = :userId', { userId })
.where(' = :id', { id })
Which returns an object that has the correct fields, but that is not of the class type "ChallengeResultReponseDto". If I try to call the function "test" the application crashes. Further it feels weird to use the challengeRepository but not return a challenge, should I use the connection or entity manager for this instead?
I'm rather certain that getRawOne<T>() returns a JSON that looks like whatever you give the generic (T), but an not instance of that class. You should try using getOne() instead to get the instance of the returned entity

Sequelize Typescript: Type 'FavoriteEntity[]' is not assignable to type 'FavoriteEntity | null'

I'm writing a NestJS application using Sequelize-Typescript as ORM.
Here I'm trying to get a users favorited jobs (M:M) and so I have a UserEntity, a JobEntity (not relevant for this question) and a FavoriteEntity.
import { Table, Column, Model, PrimaryKey, ForeignKey, BelongsTo, NotNull } from "sequelize-typescript";
import { IDefineOptions } from "sequelize-typescript/lib/interfaces/IDefineOptions";
import { UserEntity } from "../users/user.entity";
import { JobEntity } from "../jobs/job.entity";
const tableOptions: IDefineOptions = {
timestamp: true,
tableName: "favorites",
schema: process.env.DB_SCHEMA,
} as IDefineOptions;
export class FavoriteEntity extends Model<FavoriteEntity> {
#BelongsTo(() => UserEntity)
user: UserEntity;
#ForeignKey(() => UserEntity)
userId: number;
#BelongsTo(() => JobEntity)
job: JobEntity;
#ForeignKey(() => JobEntity)
jobId: number;
import { Inject, Injectable } from "#nestjs/common";
import { Model } from "sequelize-typescript";
import { IFavorite, IFavoriteService } from "./interfaces";
import { FavoriteEntity } from "./favorite.entity";
export class FavoriteService implements IFavoriteService {
#Inject("FavoriteRepository") private readonly favoriteRepository: typeof Model,
#Inject("SequelizeInstance") private readonly sequelizeInstance,
) {}
public async findByUserId(userId: number): Promise<FavoriteEntity | null> {
return await FavoriteEntity.scope().findAll<FavoriteEntity>({
where: { userId },
I'm getting a type error that I really don't understand:
TSError: ⨯ Unable to compile TypeScript:
src/modules/favorite/favorite.service.ts(21,5): error TS2322: Type
'FavoriteEntity[]' is not assignable to type 'FavoriteEntity | null'.
Type 'FavoriteEntity[]' is not assignable to type 'FavoriteEntity'.
Property 'user' is missing in type 'FavoriteEntity[]'.
I don't understand why it's complaining about a missing user, it's clearly there. (If I make it optional (?) in the entity it complains about the next property until I make them all optional, and then It's complaining about a missing property dataValues in the same way)
What am I missing?
So I might have figured out something. If I write like this
return await FavoriteEntity.scope().findAll<FavoriteEntity[]>({
where: { userId },
with FavoriteEntity[] instead of FavoriteEntity, I get
Property 'dataValues' is missing in type 'FavoriteEntity[]'
I don't really know which is the correct way to write it, but I still have a problem either way...
findAll will return an array of entities. You only want one or null. For that, use findOne. Also, you don't need to do return await here. Unless in a try-catch block, this is redundant.
