Mongoose — findOneAndUpdate() causing document duplication - node.js

I'm using findOneAndUpdate() with upsert: true in order for a document to be updated if it exists and to be created otherwise. The tracks variable contains an array of Track instances. tracks does contain a few duplicates and that's where the problem begins. It causes the piece of code on line 7 (Observation.findOneAndUpdate(...)) to create a (low) number of duplicates, i.e. multiple documents that have the same (user, track) pair. Note that those duplicates are inserted randomly: running twice this piece of code brings different duplicated documents. My guess is that it has something to do with how the locking of data is done in MongoDB and that I'm doing too many operations at the same time. Any idea on how I could overcome this problem?
const promises = [];
tracks.forEach((track) => {
const query = { user, track };
const options = { new: true, upsert: true };
const newOb = { user, track, type: 'recent' };
promises.push(Observation.findOneAndUpdate(query, newOb, options));
return Promise.all(promises);
I'm using mongoose 5.5.8 and node 11.10.0.
Here's the Observation model:
const { Schema } = mongoose;
const ObservationSchema = new Schema({
track: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Track' },
user: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' },
type: String
ObservationSchema.index({ track: 1, user: 1 }, { unique: true });
const Observation = mongoose.model('Observation', ObservationSchema);
And this is a sample of what the tracks array contains:
{ artists: [ 5da304b140185c5cb82d7eee ],
_id: 5da304b240185c5cb82d7f48,
spotifyId: '4QrEErhD78BjNFXpXDaTjH',
__v: 0,
isrc: 'DEF058230916',
name: 'Hungarian Dance No.17 In F Sharp Minor',
popularity: 25 },
{ artists: [ 5da304b140185c5cb82d7eee ],
_id: 5da304b240185c5cb82d7f5d,
spotifyId: '06dn1SnXsax9kJwMEpgBhD',
__v: 0,
isrc: 'DEF058230912',
name: 'Hungarian Dance No.13 In D',
popularity: 25 }
Thanks :)

I think this is due to your Promise.all method.
You should await every single query in the loop instead of awaiting everything at the same time at the end. Here an example with find:
async function retrieveApples() {
const apples = [];
arr.forEach(apple => {
const foundApple = await AppleModel.findOne({ apple });
return apples


Mongoose unique if not null and if state

I have a unique index like this
code: {
type: String,
index: {
unique: true,
partialFilterExpression: {
code: { $type: 'string' }
default: null
state: { type: Number, default: 0 },
but When the state is 2 (archived) I want to keep the code, but it should be able to reuse the code, so it cannot be unique if state is 2.
Is there any away that I could accomplish this?
This is possible, though it's through a work around documented here
In MongoDB 4.7 you will be able to apply different index options to the same field but for now you can add a non-existent field to separate the two indexes.
Here's an example using the work around.
(async () => {
const ItemSchema = mongoose.Schema({
code: {
type: String,
default: null
state: {
type: Number,
default: 0,
// Define a unique index for active items
ItemSchema.index({code: 1}, {
name: 'code_1_unique',
partialFilterExpression: {
$and: [
{code: {$type: 'string'}},
{state: {$eq: 0}}
unique: true
// Defined a non-unique index for non-active items
ItemSchema.index({code: 1, nonExistantField: 1}, {
name: 'code_1_nonunique',
partialFilterExpression: {
$and: [
{code: {$type: 'string'}},
{state: {$eq: 2}}
const Item = mongoose.model('Item', ItemSchema)
await mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/so-unique-compound-indexes')
// Drop the collection for test to run correctly
await Item.deleteMany({})
// Successfully create an item
console.log('\nCreating a unique item')
const itemA = await Item.create({code: 'abc'});
// Throws error when trying to create with the same code
await Item.create({code: 'abc'})
.catch(err => {console.log('\nThrowing a duplicate error when creating with the same code')})
// Change the active code
console.log('\nChanging item state to 2')
itemA.state = 2;
// Successfully created a new doc with sama code
await Item.create({code: 'abc'})
.then(() => console.log('\nSuccessfully created a new doc with sama code'))
.catch(() => console.log('\nThrowing a duplicate error'));
// Throws error when trying to create with the same code
Item.create({code: 'abc'})
.catch(err => {console.log('\nThrowing a duplicate error when creating with the same code again')})
This is not possible with using indexes. Even if you use a compound index for code and state there will still be a case where
new document
code: 'abc',
state: 0
archived document
code: 'abc',
state: 2
Now although you have the same code you will not be able to archive the new document or unarchive the archived document.
You can do something like this
const checkCode = await this.Model.findOne({code:'abc', active:0})
throw new Error('Code has to be unique')
else{ something

Concurrency problems updating another's collection stats

I'm trying to make a notation system for movies
A user can note a Movie in their List.
Whenever the user clicks on the frontend, the listId, movieId, note are sent to the server to update the note. The note can be set to null, but it does not remove the entry from the list.
But if the user clicks too much times, the movie's totalNote and nbNotes are completely broken. Feels like there is some sort of concurrency problems ?
Is this the correct approach to this problem or am I updating in a wrong way ?
The mongoose schemas related :
// Movie Schema
const movieSchema = new Schema({
// ...
note: { type: Number, default: 0 },
totalNotes: { type: Number, default: 0 },
nbNotes: { type: Number, default: 0 },
movieSchema.statics.updateTotalNote = function (movieId, oldNote, newNote) {
if (!oldNote && !newNote) return
const nbNotes = !newNote ? -1 : (!oldNote ? 1 : 0) // If oldNote is null we +1, if newNote is null we -1
return Movie.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: movieId }, { $inc: { nbNotes: nbNotes, totalNotes: (newNote - oldNote) } }, { new: true }).catch(err => console.error("Couldn't update note from movie", err))
// List Schema
const movieEntry = new Schema({
_id: false, // movie makes an already unique attribute, which is populated on GET
movie: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Movies', required: true },
note: { type: Number, default: null, max: 21 },
const listSchema = new Schema({
user: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Users', required: true },
movies: [movieEntry]
The server update API (add / Remove movieEntry are similar with $push and $pull instead of $set)
exports.updateEntry = (req, res) => {
const { listId, movieId } = req.params
const movieEntry = { movieId: movieId, note: req.body.note }
List.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: listId, '': movieId }, { $set: { 'movies.$[elem]': movieEntry } }, { arrayFilters: [{ '': movieId }] })
.then(list => {
if (!list) return res.sendStatus(404)
const oldNote = list.getMovieEntryById(movieId).note // getMovieEntryById(movieId) = return this.movies.find(movieEntry => == movieId)
Movie.updateTotalNote(movieId, oldNote, movieEntry.note)
let newList = list.movies.find(movieEntry => == movieId) // Because I needed the oldNote and findOneAndUpdate returns the list prior to modification, I change it to return it
newList.note = movieEntry.note
newList.status = movieEntry.status
newList.completedDate = movieEntry.completedDate
return res.status(200).json(list)
.catch(err => {
return res.sendStatus(400)
The entries I needed to update were arrays that could grow indefinitely so I had to first change my models and use virtuals and another model for the the list entries.
Doing so made the work easier and I was able to create, update and delete the entries more easily and without any concurrency problems.
This might also not have been a concurrency problem in the first place, but a transaction problem.

Update Mongoose Array

so basically I have this and I am trying to update the STATUS part of an array.
However, everything I try does nothing. I have tried findOneAndUpdate also. I am trying to identify the specific item in the array by the number then update the status part of that specific array
(Sorry for formatting, I have no idea how to do that on the site yet ...) (Full code can be found here:
const ticketObj = {
number: placeholderNumber,
message: m.content,
status: 'unresolved'
let tnumber = parseInt(args[1])
let statuss = "In Progress"
await Mail.updateOne({
"number": tnumber
}, { $set: { "status": statuss } })
const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const mailSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
guildID: { type: String, required: true },
ticketCount: { type: Number, required: true },
tickets: { type: Array, default: [] }
}, { timestamps: true });
module.exports = mongoose.model('Mail', mailSchema)
You need to use something like Mail.updateOne({"guildID":}, {$set: {`tickets.${tnumber}.status`: statuss}})
or for all objects in array:
Mail.updateOne({"guildID":}, {$set: {'tickets.$[].status': statuss}})
Also, you need to create a schema for the tickets, as it is described in docs:
one important reason to use subdocuments is to create a path where there would otherwise not be one to allow for validation over a group of fields

Change a single value of a subdocument in mongodb

I have a Model called Notes. It has a subdocument requests which holds various documents with values userId, reqType, accepted value( false by default) and noteId of the sender, request and note respectively. When the user hits a certain route I want to keep all the data to be as their previous values, just updating the accepted field to true.
The below code leads to no change in the data or a different iteration leads to erasing all the data other than accepted field and modifying it to true.
How should I do this?
const noteSchema = new mongoose.Schema(
requests: [
userId: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId,
noteId: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId,
reqType: String,
accepted: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
const Note = mongoose.model('Note', noteSchema)
const note = await Note.findById(req.body.noteId)
await note.updateOne({
requests: {
$elemMatch: {
userId: req.body.userId,
reqType: req.body.reqType,
noteId: req.body.noteId,
$set: { "requests.$.accepted": true },
You do not need to retrieve the document and then update it. Just update it. Use this one:
await Note.updateOne(
"requests.userId": req.body.userId,
"requests.reqType": req.body.reqType,
"requests.noteId": req.body.noteId
I checked, it worked.
With first part mongoose will find the document, with $set it will be updated.

MongoDB aggregate, geNear and iterate over callback

I have a problem and I can´t find a solution. I have some MongoSchemas where I store Geolocation from users. Mobile Phone is sending me longitude and latitude every 5 minutes. This API is working perfectly.
Mongo-Schema looks like:
// Importing Node packages required for schema
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
//= ===============================
// User Schema
//= ===============================
const GeolocationSchema = new Schema({
loc: {
type: { type: String },
coordinates: { type: [Number], index: '2dsphere' }
user: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }
timestamps: true
module.exports = mongoose.model('Geolocation', GeolocationSchema);
Now, I want to calculate users-nearby which have an "updateAt"-timestamp not even longer than 5 minutes in the past. That means that one or more users can be in a distance of e.g. 500m until 5 minutes in the past. This should be a match. For this I use Mongo aggregate, and I want to iterate the callback-result and extract the user._id out of the result to build a match.
This is what I tried:
const Geolocation = require('../models/geolocation')
User = require('../models/user'),
config = require('../config/main');
exports.setGeolocation = function (req, res, next) {
// Only return one message from each conversation to display as snippet
var geoUpdate = Geolocation.findOneAndUpdate( { user: req.user._id },
{ loc: {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: req.body.coordinates.split(',').map(Number)
user: req.user._id
{upsert: true, new: true, runValidators: true}, // options
function (err, doc) { // callback
if (err) {
// create dates for aggregate query
var toDate = new Date( (new Date()).getTime());
var fromDate = new Date( (new Date()).getTime() - 5000 * 60 );
var match = Geolocation.aggregate([
$geoNear: {
near: {
type: "Point",
coordinates: req.body.coordinates.split(',').map(Number)
distanceField: "dist.calculated",
maxDistance: 500,
includeLocs: "dist.location",
uniqueDocs: true,
query: { user: {$ne: req.user._id } , updatedAt: { $gte: fromDate,$lte: toDate }},
num: 5,
spherical: true
}], function (err, doc){
//here I´m going in trouble correctly parsing doc
var str = JSON.stringify(doc);
var newString = str.substring(1, str.length-1);
var response = JSON.parse(newString);
As you can see I´m going in trouble in parsing the "doc"-callback to iterate over the documents. If I want to parse it as jSON I´m getting an token-error on position 1. If I have more than 2 results, I´m getting an error on position 288.
That´s why I tried to parse and stringify the "doc". But this is not working correctly.
Maybe, someone could help me with a solution. I´m not familiar with mongo-functions because I´m starting with it, maybe there is a better solution but I can´t find something else to calculate geoNear and iterate afterwards over the results.
Thx at all who can help...
