how to dynamically create campaign? - flurry

how to dynamically create a campaign url ? in campaign Summary
Dashboard I can only create a campaign with such url :
but i would like to create a campaign "on the fly" with url like :{campaign_name} or something similar

Dynamic Campaign creation is not a supported feature. All campaigns must be manually created in the portal.


Update an field: Project Status, on object: opportunity, in Salesforce, from Power Automate flow

I would like to update a field in salesforce, when a work item in azure devops has changed status (eg from New to Approved).
Everything with azure devops i know how to query and pass on in the power automate flow, but how do I query and update a field in salesforce from power automate?
I have the: opportunity number, eg: OP-0012778
I also have the title of the opportunity, but thats a string of words that people can change in salesforce.

DocuSign Metadata - Bulk Update Add envelope custom fields

Our DocuSign templates appear to have hardcoded custom Metadata fields, for example when i create a new template it has "Patch number and Region" under a "Add envelope custom fields" section.
Is there a way to bulk update this for a large number of templates or remove it for those specific ones.
I would like to do this via PowerShell and have already used a script that bulk creates templates however when I added 'CustomField' section it did freeze the bulk import so now that i have those i would now like to update that section of the template to N/A under Patch and South under Region for all.
Kind Regards
This is probably happening because you have account custom fields set up.
You can read more about them from here:
Envelope Custom fields
Track your envelopes with custom fields Article
EnvelopeCustomFields API Resource
Create and Manage DocuSign Custom Fields

Acumatica REST API - need info on API to show Account Inquiry / Customer Open Balances

Want to know the Acumatica REST API to be used to get Account Inquiry / Customer Open Balances. If no such web services then how to extend end point using which modules of acumatica erp
Not sure exactly what information yo are looking for but maybe the following screens could contain it :
Account Summary (GL401000)
Account Detail (GL404000)
Customer Summary (AR401000)
Customer Detail (AR402000)
Though only one of these screen is already mapped in the Default endpoint of version 18.200.001 (Account Summary -> AccountSummaryInquiry)
If you need information from the other screen, you will need to either create a custom endpoint or extend the default one (I recommend extending).
Here is information on how to do both:
Creating a new endpoint, it also contain information on how to add new entities in an endpoint :
Extending an endpoint :
I recommend that you take a look at the way the AccountSummaryInquiry entity is defined and follow the same way to create the other screens if this is what you do. I mean by that that you put the parameter of the inquiry in the top level entity and the fields of the grid in a detail type sub entity.
And in order to retrieve the information properly I recommend that you use a PUT request instead of a GET as this is the proper way to do so as mentioned in the following article:

How to access Entity views via Javascript in Microsoft CRM

I have a custom page where I'm pulling entities via the ODATA rest url like this:
http:/[myCRMURL]/AccountSet?$filter=SomeColumn eq 'SomeValue'
I also have some Views declared under the entity in addition to the build in views:
Account Advanced Find View
Account Associated View
Account Lookup View
Active Accounts
Inactive Accounts
Is there a way via the ODATA rest API that I can pull the list of views for an entity? My google-foo is completely failing me today.
If so is there a way to apply one of those filters via the REST API? Something like AccountSet?$viewId=[the GUID of the view]
You can query the views via the Rest API by hitting the UserQuerySet and the SavedQuerySet. That will allow you to retrieve the information for the views like the columns, fetchXml, view name, etc. However once you retrieve that view you will then either need to execute the fetchXml via the SOAP endpoint, or translate the filter criteria into the OData query yourself.

Can SharePoint's Select People and Groups dialog box's Title and Department fields be customized with a custom membership provider?

I have created a custom membership provider for a SharePoint application but would like to populate the Title and Department columns for the MembershipUsers that are displayed with data from my user repository.
Is this possible? How can it be done?
I don't see anything in the System.Web.Security.MembershipUser class that could store this information. How does the Windows AD MembershipProvider have a different Display Name than the Account Name? Are some of these values coming from someplace else?
What happens in the AD is that, SharePoint runs the User Profile Sync Job that will pull all the required information from AD and updated the SharePoint UserProfile DB which In turn pushes to Each of the Site. Whereas in the case of the Custom Membership we don't have a direct option to update the Profile Information.
One method you can do is to update those information using code.There are two options you can update the User Profile information in the SSP so that it will be displayed in all the Site Collection or to Update the SPWeb.SiteUserInfo List. Please refer these link1 , link2 on how to do that. In case you want to update in SiteUserInfo list it is just another list just search for Item based on the user account name and update that item.
