Apache Spark: How many partitions can a executor hold in spark.? How are the partitions distributed (mechanism) among the executors? - apache-spark

I am interested to know the following nitty gritties of spark parallelism and Partitioning
How many partitions can a executor hold in spark?
How are the partitions distributed (mechanism) among the executors?
How to set the size of the partition. Would like to know the relevant the config parameter.
Does executor store all the partitions in memory? If not when spilled to disk does it spill entire partition to disk or a part of partition to disk?
5 When there are 2 cores per executor but there are 5 partition in that executor then

Not quite the right way to look at it. An Executor holds nothing, it just does work.
A Partition is processed by a Core that has been assigned to an Executor. An Executor typically has 1 core but can have more than 1 such Core.
An App has Actions that translate to 1 or more Jobs.
A Job has Stages (based on Shuffle Boundaries).
Stages have Tasks, the number of these depends on number of Partitions.
Parallel processing of the Partitions depends on number of Cores allocated to Executors.
Spark is scalable in terms of Cores, Memory and Disk. The latter two in relation to your questions means that if the Partitions cannot all fit into Memory on the Worker for your Job, then that Partition or more will spill in its entirety to Disk.


What is the relationship between a Node, Worker, Executor, Task and Partition

I am trying to understand the relationship between different components and elements in the Spark architecture but am unable to get a grip on it. Can someone please validate my assumptions and correct me where I am wrong.
My understanding - A node is the actual physical machine. One node can contain the main driver while others will contain the workers.
Q - Can a node have multiple drivers (if I have multiple applications)?
My understanding - A worker is a process within a node. There can be multiple workers within each node though not recommended.
My understanding - An executor is a sub-process(?) within a worker process. Each worker can have multiple executors.
Q. What metric determines the number of executors per worker?
Q. Is the idea of a JVM associated with an executor process or at a higher "worker" level?
Q. What is the relationship between a core and an executor?
Q - Can RAM and HD be allocated at an executor level?
For e.g., if I have a worker node with 100GB of RAM and 5 TB HD, can I allocate 20 GB RAM and 1 TB HDD per executor for that worker?
My understanding - A partition is a portion of the actual data. This split could happen using hashing, round robin or range.
Q - What determines the location of these data partitions?
For e.g., if I have a cluster with 2 nodes, 10 executors (5 executors in each node) and a dataframe with 20 partitions, I'm assuming I would have 2 partitions in each executor or is there a chance that partition distribution could be skewed? What would I need to do to ensure that all my partitions that have a certain partitioning key get co-located within the same worker so there is minimum network transfer when these partitions have to work together to, say, perform an aggregation or a join?
Q - What happens when a repartition() is performed. For e.g., if I have 20 partitions across 10 executors (say, 2 partitions in each) and I repartition(2). I will now have only 2 portions of data which I assume would be resting in a couple of executors. What happens to the remaining executors?
Assumption - A task is the lowest unit of work that performs the actual ask. The number of tasks dependent on the number of partitions. So, if there are 20 partitions, I would have 20 tasks in each stage.
Q - Are these tasks performed by individual executors?
Q - If I have less executors (say, 10) than the partitions (say, 20), does it mean that only 10 tasks will be executed in parallel at any point? is the degree of parallelism constrained by the number of executors?
Thanks in advance!
My understanding - A node is the actual physical machine. One node can contain the main driver while others will contain the workers. (This is Correct as a starting Point)
Q - Can a node have multiple drivers (if I have multiple applications)?
Yes Because driver is just a process that gets created based on the program that you might have written. And you can have multiple process running on the same node.
My understanding - A worker is a process within a node. There can be multiple workers within each node though not recommended.
your understanding here seems wrong because worker is actually a node or machine. Either you say it worker or worker node both are same
My understanding - An executor is a sub-process(?) within a worker process. Each worker can have multiple executors.
An executor is a process inside the worker node and a single worker node can have multiple executors
Q. What metric determines the number of executors per worker?
configuration(Number of cores and memory) of your worker node decides what is the max executors it can run on any specific worker node.
Q. Is the idea of a JVM associated with an executor process or at a higher "worker" level?
It is associated with the executor process. Spark executor is a single JVM instance on a node that serves a single spark application
Q. What is the relationship between a core and an executor?
Core property controls the number of concurrent tasks an executor can run. For example if you request 2 executor each with 2 cores then you can run 4 concurrent tasks at the same time during your job execution.
Q - Can RAM and HD be allocated at an executor level?
For e.g., if I have a worker node with 100GB of RAM and 5 TB HD, can I allocate 20 GB RAM and 1 TB HDD per executor for that worker?
Generally spark perform all its computation in memory. RAM is allocated at the executor level and HD would be allocated at the Worker node level only. Spark would just spill the data to the disk only when it does not fit in memory
My understanding - A partition is a portion of the actual data. This split could happen using hashing, round robin or range.
Q - What determines the location of these data partitions?
These partitions could be anywhere and might not be equally distributed in most of the cases.It could happen some of the executors does not have a single partition and other executors have more than 2 partitions.
In order to have colocated partitions or partitions that have same keys you would have to repartition data based on the specific column in your dataframe and then it would partition your data based on the values of that column and make sure that same column values are there in the same partition
When you repartition the data to 2 partitions then it would shuffle the data between all the executors and then break the dat into 2 partitions and then that data could be on any of the executors and other executors would be empty or idle in that case.
Assumption - A task is the lowest unit of work that performs the actual ask. The number of tasks dependent on the number of partitions. So, if there are 20 partitions, I would have 20 tasks in each stage.
you would have 20 tasks for that specific stage and it wont remain same for all the stages as stage gets created when there is data shuffle that needs to happen. If there is no shuffle happening based on the code that you might have written it would just create a single stage with 20 tasks for sure.
Q - Are these tasks performed by individual executors? Yes
Q - If I have less executors (say, 10) than the partitions (say, 20), does it mean that only 10 tasks will be executed in parallel at any point? is the degree of parallelism constrained by the number of executors? Yes

Spark partition size greater than the executor memory

I have four questions. Suppose in spark I have 3 worker nodes. Each worker node has 3 executors and each executor has 3 cores. Each executor has 5 gb memory. (Total 6 executors, 27 cores and 15gb memory). What will happen if:
I have 30 data partitions. Each partition is of size 6 gb. Optimally, the number of partitions must be equal to number of cores, since each core executes one partition/task (One task per partition). Now in this case, how will each executor-core will process the partition since partition size is greater than the available executor memory? Note: I'm not calling cache() or persist(), it's simply that i'm applying some narrow transformations like map() and filter() on my rdd.
Will spark automatically try to store the partitions on disk? (I'm not calling cache() or persist() but merely just transformations are happening after an action is called)
Since I have partitions (30) greater than the number of available cores (27) so at max, my cluster can process 27 partitions, what will happen to the remaining 3 partitions? Will they wait for the occupied cores to get freed?
If i'm calling persist() whose storage level is set to MEMORY_AND_DISK, then if partition size is greater than memory, it will spill data to the disk? On which disk this data will be stored? The worker node's external HDD?
I answer as I know things on each part, possibly disregarding a few of your assertions:
I have four questions. Suppose in spark I have 3 worker nodes. Each worker node has 3 executors and each executor has 3 cores. Each executor has 5 gb memory. (Total 6 executors, 27 cores and 15gb memory). What will happen if:
>>> I would use 1 Executor, 1 Core. That is the generally accepted paradigm afaik.
I have 30 data partitions. Each partition is of size 6 gb. Optimally, the number of partitions must be equal to number of cores, since each core executes one partition/task (One task per partition). Now in this case, how will each executor-core will process the partition since partition size is greater than the available executor memory? Note: I'm not calling cache() or persist(), it's simply that I'm applying some narrow transformations like map() and filter() on my rdd. >>> The number of partitions being the same of number of cores is not true. You can service 1000 partitions with 10 cores, processing one at a time. What if you have 100K partition and on-prem? Unlikely you will get 100K Executors. >>> Moving on and leaving Driver-side collect issues to one side: You may not have enough memory for a given operation on an Executor; Spark can spill to files to disk at the expense of speed of processing. However, the partition size should not exceed a maximum size, was beefed up some time ago. Using multi-core Executors failure can occur, i.e. OOM's, also a result of GC-issues, a difficult topic.
Will spark automatically try to store the partitions on disk? (I'm not calling cache() or persist() but merely just transformations are happening after an action is called) >>> Not if it can avoid it, but when memory is tight, eviction / spilling to disk can and will occur, and in some cases re-computation from source or last checkpoint will occur.
Since I have partitions (30) greater than the number of available cores (27) so at max, my cluster can process 27 partitions, what will happen to the remaining 3 partitions? Will they wait for the occupied cores to get freed? >>> They will be serviced by a free Executor at a point in time.
If I'm calling persist() whose storage level is set to MEMORY_AND_DISK, then if partition size is greater than memory, it will spill data to the disk? On which disk this data will be stored? The worker node's external HDD? >>> Yes, and it will be spilled to the local file system. I think you can configure for HDFS via a setting, but local disks are faster.
This an insightful blog: https://medium.com/swlh/spark-oom-error-closeup-462c7a01709d
Your data partition size looks bigger than your Core memory. Your Core memory is ~1.6 GB (5GB/3 Core). This will be a problem as your partition will not be able to process in the Core. To resolve this, you can try:
increasing the number of partitions such that each partition is < Core memory ~1.6 GB. So increase them to something like 150 partitions.
If you keep the partitions the same, you should try increasing your Executor memory and maybe also reducing number of Cores in your Executors.
If everything goes well it will not need to store partitions on disk. However, if it is not able to find enough memory, it will find disk as a backup. If you want to store your data on Disk and persist it for some reason, you need to call persist(DISK_ONLY).
They will wait until one of the Cores is available.
Yes, it will spill on Disk. Where will depend on your cluster configuration I believe.

Spark behavior on native file system

We are experimenting to run Spark in our project without Hadoop and no distributed storage like HDFS. Spark is installed on a single node with 10 Cores and 16GB RAM and this node is not part of any cluster. Assuming Spark driver takes 2 cores and the rest of them are consumed by executors(2 each) at the time of execution.
If we process a big CSV file (of size 1 GB) stored in local disk in Spark as RDD and repartition it to 4 different partitions, will executors process each partition in parallel?
What would executors do if we don't repartition the RDD to 4 diff partitions?
Do we loose the power of distributed computing and parallelism if dont use HDFS?
Spark caps the maximum size of a partition at 2G, so you should be able to process the entire data with minimal partitioning and quicker processing time. You can set spark.executor.cores to 8 so as to utilize all you resources.
Ideally, you should set the number of partitions depending on the size of your data, and you are better off setting the number of partitions as a multiple of cores/executors.
To answer your question, setting number of partitions to 4 in your case will probably result in each partition being sent to an executor. So yes, each partition will be processed in parallel.
If you don't repartition, then Spark will do it for you depending on the data and split the load between the executors.
Spark works perfectly fine without Hadoop. You might see a negligible performance drop since your files are on the local filesystem and not on HDFS, but for a file of size 1GB it really doesn't matter.

Spark performance tuning - number of executors vs number for cores

I have two questions around performance tuning in Spark:
I understand one of the key things for controlling parallelism in the spark job is the number of partitions that exist in the RDD that is being processed, and then controlling the executors and cores processing these partitions. Can I assume this to be true:
# of executors * # of executor cores shoud be <= # of partitions. i.e to say one partition is always processed in one core of one executor. There is no point having more executors*cores than the number of partitions
I understand that having a high number of cores per executor can have a -ve impact on things like HDFS writes, but here's my second question, purely from a data processing point of view what is the difference between the two? For e.g. if I have 10 node cluster what would be the difference between these two jobs (assuming there's ample memory per node to process everything):
5 executors * 2 executor cores
2 executors * 5 executor cores
Assuming there's infinite memory and CPU, from a performance point of view should we expect the above two to perform the same?
Most of the time using larger executors (more memory, more cores) are better. One: larger executor with large memory can easily support broadcast joins and do away with shuffle. Second: since tasks are not created equal, statistically larger executors have better chance of surviving OOM issues.
The only problem with large executors is GC pauses. G1GC helps.
In my experience, if I had a cluster with 10 nodes, I would go for 20 spark executors. The details of the job matter a lot, so some testing will help determine the optional configuration.

Are the more partitions the better in Spark?

I am new in Spark and have a question
Are the more partitions the better in Spark ? If I have OOM issue, more partitions helps ?
Partitions determine the degree of parallelism.
Apache Spark doc says that, the partitions size should be atleast equal to the number of cores in the cluster.
In case of very few partitions, all the cores in the cluster would not be utilized.
If there are too many partitions and data is small, then too many small tasks gets scheduled.
If your getting the out of memory issue, you would have to increase the executor memory. It should be a minimum of 8GB.
