SharePoint Online chart - sharepoint

I would like to display a graph on the home page of my sharepoint online site. I can add in a quick chart but it does not fit my requirements.
Basically, I have a task logger where i log all incoming tasks, they are assigned a status - closed, completed, in progress, on hold, and pending.
I would like to display this visually on the home page so we can see how many tasks per status.
I think the x axis would the status and the y axis would be the value.
I'm not sure how to achieve this? i've seen multiple examples of coding for this but being inexperienced in coding, i'm not sure how to amend or adapt the codes for my requirements.
If someone could please provide a solution or have any ideas, that would be greatly appreciated.

We can use the solution below from GitHub to achieve it.
Modern Charts
Or we can use modern script editor web part with chart js plugin and REST API to achieve your requirement.
In classic site page, we can use script/content editor web part with custom JavaScript code to achieve it.

If You don't plan to code the solution I would suggest two different then quick chart webpart approaches:
File Viewer webpart - You could create some excel file to store all Your task list there. This file could be stored on some document library. The excel file could have data in one tab and chart in other. Using File viewer You could add this excel file on any SharePoint page. On one Page You could present the tab to change data (tasks), on other the tab that has the chart. I know..a bit of a workaround but this is one of the simplest solutions I thought of without coding :)
Power BI- this tool for sure may will fit any needs as in this tool You may do almost anything. Of Course You need Power BI server for this. You may create any chart/report with this also from data taken directly from SharePoint
Hope this will be of any help to You


Pulling two different sets of data from the same document library in a single page SharePoint 2013

I have a document library set up with multiple different categories of document, and I'm using a metadata column to differentiate between them.
I want to be able to display two different document library web part on a page for different categories of file side by side. This is simple for one category, I just set up a list view filtered by the metadata column, but when I add a second web part alongside the first, it breaks the first one.
I have no idea why this is happening, but it seems like SharePoint isn't happy with pulling two sets of data from the same document library.
When I am editing the web parts, I can get them to both display the documents I want, but then when I click save, the first web part empties.
Not sure what other information would be useful for diagnosing or helping with the problem, so if I haven't given enough detail let me know. I am familiar with SPD as well as developing through the web interface, so if this needs a more complex solution that's fine with me!
Having spent some more time playing around with this, it struck me that I could probably achieve what I wanted using something other than a Document web part, and I was right.
Instead of using the somewhat inflexible document web part, I created a content query web part which only searched within the document library from my site, and filtered by the metadata column.
This way I can create as many queries as I like and they don't interact with each other in weird ways. It also has the advantage of being significantly easier to customise the output without needing to resort to SharePoint Designer.
Content Queries are the answer!

How to print a multi-page map with data from excel, MapPoint and VBA maybe?

I have an excel file with information on my company's customers including addresses and latitude and longitude. I need to generate printed street maps showing a reasonable level of detail with pins showing the customers and bubbles displaying their info. Essentially I need to create something that looks like a Thomas Guide except with our customer info layered on to the street maps. I've been looking for DAYS and can't find any software to automate this process.
Currently I'm importing the data into Microsoft MapPoint, which does a fine job of generating the map with all necessary data. However MapPoint can only print what's currently displayed on the screen. So I'm stuck printing at a close zoom level, scrolling over, printing again, and continuing this process ad nauseum.
Is there maybe a way to automate this with VBA in MapPoint? I can find almost no info online about VBA for MapPoint.
Or maybe there's a piece of software out there that can do this at the push of a button. Printing a multi-page map of an area doesn't seem like that crazy of a demand.
Any help would be appreciated.
MapPoint's API is actually pretty well documented in the MapPoint help file, and most of the examples use VB6, which should be adaptable for VBA - you will need to add a reference to MapPoint's object model.
Yes you can automate the printing. Other approaches include copying to the clipboard; save to web page (and extract the Map's GIF image); or to use the GetPictureFromObject(). I recently wrote an article about using the latter from C# (it would be simpler from VB6 or VBA)
You could also print to a very large PDF, see the tips from this newsletter --
Here's a direct link to the article --

Custom announcment board in Sharepoint 2007

First off, please bear with me. My question concerns more specifically with custom lists, custom code inside Sharepoint 2007. My experience is more with applications that work outside but access data (Client Object Model) in Sharepoint 2010.
At work I was recently tasked with the following request:
Create a custom announcement board where everyone can create an announcement but only admins and creators can edit it.
The main list page was going to provide a summary of the details, title and an icon that depicts the type of announcement (gif of a baby if birth announcement).
Upon clicking on an announcement, a detailed page containing more detail of the announcement and up to 4 pictures will be displayed.
When entering data the pictures can only be a maximum size.
Here is how I was going to attack this. I was going to create a Custom List that allowed for the addition of Picture columns and all the other columns I required. I would then modify the NewForm, EditForm and DispForm pages to meet our requirements. Picture size would be controlled through Javascript of Jquery on the page. My question to you experts out there is does this sound feasible? Is there a better way?
Thank you for any help
I wouldn't edit the list forms - not in this case at least. One way you could build this would be as a publishing site. You can create custom page layouts to suit the design of the announcements. There would be a bit of work to build it into a polished solution. Depends on how far you want to go.

Export list of Sitecore items as Excel (or other formats)

I noticed that sitecore has the option of exporting users in an Excel format.
I need to have similar functionality for exporting 'participations', (a users can enlist to take part in an 'event', and if their entry is approved via a sitecore workflow, a 'participation' item is created in the content tree)
Since mostly everything in Sitecore is in essence based on items, and I want to export items to Excel, my question is - what are some of the best ways of doing this?
Is there a way to re-use this functionality for regular items?
Would it be a good idea to create a custom admin page (any tips on doing this?) which has some custom code that reads the items from the database using the API?
are there sitecore plugins/shared source projects that can help me achieve this?
Or does anyone have a better idea? - would it be better to just store the participations in SQL? I'm mostly doing it this way because I want to make use of the 'free' functionality offers, for example workflow, but if that leads to me using anti-patterns please shoot me ;)
Link is different now:
P.S. Couldn't leave a comment to original answer as I don't have enough reputation. Oh well :)
Found a most excellent shared source module which does exactly this (and much more)!
Basically it allows you to configure (and easily extend, if you need to) any kind of table based report on 'items'.
The report module shows up as an application in the sitecore menu (like the user manager tool) and comes with features such as xml,csv, xls export. It's also really easy to set up, once you get the hang of it.

A minimal code webpart that displays a single picked item from a list

I'm not sure this is possible, but figured I´d give it a shot. First a few pre-requeistes and environment details:
I´m using SharePoint 2010, SharePoint
Designer 2010, VS 2010
I want to create as little code as
possible, preferably, create it all via UI or Designer
use out of the box components as much
as possible
Here is What I want to do:
Have a custom list with custom columns (easy part)
Create a webpart with an edit interface to select a single item from this list
This same webpart when visible would display the contents of this selected item in a given layout
I know I can do this creating a custom web part and code it all from scratch, I guess my main question is, is there a way to do this with less code and more out of the box components in SP2010. If not, I guess I'm left with lots of C# code.
Any tips, or pointers in this direction will be most welcome. Thanks in advance.
I think what you're looking for is the Data Form Web Part.
Unfortunately, I can't find any good tutorials for 2010, but hopefully the steps should be similar to setting it up in 2007.
Thanks all for the update. In the end, i had to create quite a bit of code to get this to work:
created a web part that enumerates
the content type,
creates a light box that has a picker
then stores the ID of the content in a column
Not the easiest way,but the only way I could get it working. Thanks again!
