lifetime with closure captures in rust - rust

How can I reduce the lifetime of a closure?
I was trying to make a method, which returns an iterator related to self. I didn't want to make new struct or something, so I just made it return filters and maps, and confronted some borrow checker errors.
The following code was my first try.
fn f<'b>(&'b self) -> impl Iterator<Item = u8> {
.filter(|&i| self.some_bool_function(i))
.map(|i| i as u8)
The following code replicates my question.
struct A(bool);
impl A {
fn f<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item = u8> + 'a {
(0..1).filter(|&i| self.0)
or even shorter,
fn g<'a>(t:&'a ()) -> impl 'a + FnMut() {
|| *t
This would not compile, because the closure may outlive self. I don't know how to make this work, without moving self.

If you return a closure, you must ensure that the closure has everything it needs - even after returning (i.e. after the (temporary) function parameters are popped from the stack).
Thus, I think you want to move the stuff you return into the closure:
impl A {
fn f<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item = u8> + 'a {
(0..1).filter(move |&i| self.0)
fn g<'a>(t:&'a ()) -> impl 'a + FnMut() {
move || *t
Resp (extending your first example):
struct A(bool);
impl A {
fn some_number(&self) -> usize {
fn some_bool_function(&self, i: usize) -> bool {
fn f<'b>(&'b self) -> impl Iterator<Item = u8> + 'b {
.filter(move |&i| self.some_bool_function(i))
.map(|i| i as u8)


how to annotate trait implemetation which returns Self, has specified lifetime?

title seems to be similar with Lifetime parameter for `Self` in trait signature but I create this new post because I believe root cause is different.
I have a trait like following
trait T<'a> {
fn new(y: &'a Y) -> Self where Self: Sized;
fn do_something(&self);
and want to write generic function that accept type X (which implements trait T<'a>), and reference of Y, then create dyn Trait T<'a>.
fn create_t_from_i<'a, I: T<'a>>(y: &'a Y) -> Box<dyn T<'a>>
my naive implementation is like this
fn create_t_from_i<'a, I: T<'a>>(y: &'a Y) -> Box<dyn T<'a>> {
return Box::new(I::new(y)) as Box<dyn T<'a>>;
then I got this error.
error[E0310]: the parameter type `I` may not live long enough
but parameter type I has constraint T<'a>, I don't figure out why this does not tell rustc to I::new(y) is alive after execution step go out from this function.
I suspect this is happened by I:new() returns Self, which has no lifetime annotation. but also I cannot find the way to give lifetime annotation to Self.
this is full example to cause the error.
struct Y {
z: i32
struct X<'a> {
y: &'a Y
trait T<'a> {
fn new(y: &'a Y) -> Self where Self: Sized;
fn do_something(&self);
impl<'a> T<'a> for X<'a> {
fn new(y: &'a Y) -> X<'a> {
return X::<'a> {
y: y
fn do_something(&self) {
println!("{}", self.y.z)
fn create_t_from_i<'a, I: T<'a>>(y: &'a Y) -> Box<dyn T<'a>> {
// error: the parameter type `I` may not live long enough
return Box::new(I::new(y)) as Box<dyn T<'a>>;
fn main() {
let y = Y { z: 123 };
let t = create_t_from_i::<X>(&y);
if I remove definition of T::new and giving X::new to create_t_from_i as function pointer, code seems work (need to use T + 'a instead of T<'a>). but what essential difference is from 1st example?
struct Y {
z: i32
struct X<'a> {
y: &'a Y
trait T {
fn do_something(&self);
impl<'a> X<'a> {
fn new(y: &'a Y) -> X<'a> {
return X::<'a> {
y: y
impl<'a> T for X<'a> {
fn do_something(&self) {
println!("{}", self.y.z)
fn create_t_from_i<'a, I: T + 'a>(ctor: fn (y: &'a Y) -> I, y: &'a Y) -> Box<dyn T + 'a> {
// if passing constructor function directly and using annotation I: T + 'a, rustc does not complain.
let i = ctor(y);
return Box::new(i) as Box<dyn T + 'a>;
fn main() {
let y = Y { z: 123 };
let t = create_t_from_i::<X>(X::new, &y);
anyone have an idea why this happens and how to make `rustc' happy?
fn create_t_from_i<'a, I: T<'a>>(y: &'a Y) -> Box<dyn T<'a>>
is implicitly the same as
fn create_t_from_i<'a, I: T<'a>>(y: &'a Y) -> Box<dyn 'static + T<'a>>
which in turns means that I must also have a static lifetime to be able to store it in the returned box (i.e. you need a I: 'static bound).
To solve this, you can add another lifetime parameter for the lifetime of I, and use that in the returned boxed trait. This will work no matter what the lifetime of I actually is:
fn create_t_from_i<'a, 'b, I: 'b + T<'a>>(y: &'a Y) -> Box<dyn 'b + T<'a>>
// ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^
Playground example
Any trait object has a lifetime annotations, which will implicitly be 'static.
Your function is thus:
fn create_t_from_i<'a, I: T<'a>>(y: &'a Y) -> Box<dyn 'static + T<'a>>
The solution is to explicitly annotate your trait object's lifetime:
fn create_t_from_i<'a, I: 'a + T<'a>>(y: &'a Y) -> Box<dyn 'a + T<'a>>

impl Iterator failing for iterator with multiple lifetime parameters

I've got code that looks (a little) like this:
struct OutputIterator<'r, 'i: 'r> {
input_handler: &'r mut InputHandler<'i>
impl<'r, 'i> Iterator for OutputIterator<'r, 'i> {
type Item = i32;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {|x| x * 2)
struct InputHandler<'a> {
inputs: Box<dyn Iterator<Item = i32> + 'a>
impl<'a> InputHandler<'a> {
fn outputs<'b>(&'b mut self) -> OutputIterator<'b, 'a> {
OutputIterator { input_handler: self }
fn main() {
let mut input_handler = InputHandler {
inputs: Box::new(vec![1,2,3,4,5].into_iter())
for output in input_handler.outputs() {
println!("{}", output);
Basically, the user can supply an iterator of inputs, and then get an iterator of outputs (in my real code the connection between inputs and outputs is much more complex involving a bunch of internal state. Multiple inputs might go towards one output or vice-versa).
This works, but I would like to change it use impl Iterator both to hide the OutputIterator type and to allow for easier swapping out of the return type in testing with a fake. My best attempt at that changes the InputHandler impl like so:
impl<'a> InputHandler<'a> {
fn outputs<'b>(&'b mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = i32> + 'b {
OutputIterator { input_handler: self }
Unfortunately, that gets me: error[E0700]: hidden type for `impl Trait` captures lifetime that does not appear in bounds
Is there a way to make this work? It's important for the interface that InputHandler take an iterator with some lifetime, and that obviously has to be passed on to the OutputIterator somehow, but I'd really like to abstract those details away from the caller. In principle, the caller should only have to worry about making sure that the inputs Iterator and InputHandler outlive the OutputIterator so I think the logical lifetime bound on the OutputIterator here is the smaller of those two? Any clarity on why this error is happening or how to fix it would be great!
In case it helps, here's a rust playground with the code in it.
Using a workaround from, via
trait Captures<'a> {}
impl<'a, T: ?Sized> Captures<'a> for T {}
impl<'a> InputHandler<'a> {
fn outputs<'b>(&'b mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = i32> + Captures<'a> + 'b {
OutputIterator { input_handler: self }

'move occurs because value has type' Rust error

I'm learning Rust and I don't udestrand what is the problem of the following code
pub enum BagEntryState {
impl PartialEq for BagEntryState {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self == other
pub struct BagEntry< T: std::cmp::PartialEq + fmt::Display> {
state : BagEntryState,
value: T,
impl<'a, T: std::cmp::PartialEq + fmt::Display> BagEntry<T> {
pub fn new(value: T) -> BagEntry< T> {
BagEntry {
state: BagEntryState::UNUSED,
pub fn value(self)->T {
impl<'a, T: std::cmp::PartialEq + fmt::Display> PartialEq for BagEntry<T> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.value == other.value
impl<T: std::cmp::PartialEq + fmt::Display> fmt::Display for BagEntry<T> {
// This trait requires `fmt` with this exact signature.
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.value)
use core::fmt;
fn main() {
let my_bagentry = BagEntry::new(String::from("ciao"));
//println!("{}", my_bagentry.value());
let mut contVec : Vec<BagEntry<String>>=vec![];
println!("state ={}", contVec[0]);
println!("state ={}", contVec[0].value());
The code is not compiling becaus of the error:
54 | println!("state ={}", contVec[0].value());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ move occurs because value has type `BagEntry<std::string::String>`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
My guess is that the problem is that with value()
I'm exposing the struct inner value, but I cannot really understand where the problem is and how to solve it.
My aim is that BagEntry owns the value but I want safely expose it outside the struct
Basically what is happening:
pub fn value(self)->T {
Here -> T means that you are moving the struct field out of the struct. This is fine, but you cannot use your object anymore. You can verify this - you cannot call your println!("{}", my_bagentry.value()); twice in a row - after the first one the my_bagentry is invalidated.
If I understand correctly you want only to borrow the value out of the object. To do this you need change your method signature to borrowing one.
pub fn value(&self)-> &T {
Now the call will only borrow on the object and the the resulting reference will have the lifetime of that borrow.

Strange behavior of HRTBs

I have this code:
use std::fmt::Debug;
struct S<A>
for<'a> A: Debug + 'a,
f: Box<Fn(A) -> i32>,
impl<A> S<A>
for<'a> A: Debug + 'a,
fn call(&self, a: A) {
println!("Return {:?}", (self.f)(a));
fn create<A>(f: Box<Fn(A) -> i32>) -> S<A>
for<'a> A: Debug + 'a,
S::<A> { f }
fn helper() {
let x = create::<&i32>(Box::new(|x: &i32| *x * 2));
let arg = 333;;
fn main() {
let x = helper();
It's failed to compile:
error[E0310]: the parameter type `A` may not live long enough
In code 2, I changed Fn(A) -> i32 to Fn(&A) -> i32, the code works.
f: Box<Fn(&A) -> i32>,
Since A is argument of Fn trait, it's a type that has Higher-Rank lifetime. It shouldn't be affected by the lifetime of struct S<A> .
But why can't code 1 be compiled?
How can I workaround it for borrow or non-borrow type A?
There is no easy way to make helper work in current Rust, even if you remove all the for<'a> A: Debug + 'a, bounds (which only further restricts what types A can be, whereas you want to allow more).
This is as simple as I can make your example:
struct S<A> {
f: Box<Fn(A) -> i32>,
impl<A> S<A> {
fn call(&self, a: A) {
println!("Return {:?}", (self.f)(a));
fn create<A>(f: Box<Fn(A) -> i32>) -> S<A> {
S { f }
fn helper() {
let x = create(Box::new(|x: &i32| *x * 2));
let arg = 333;;
fn main() {
The reason it doesn't work is that A "comes from the outside", and Rust can't infer that you want for<'a> S<&'a A>, it can't even talk about such a type.
Note that if let arg = 333; is placed above let x, this example does compile (because it infers a reference to arg specifically, not a for<'a>).
The closest you can get today is with an associated type on a trait with a lifetime parameter, e.g.:
// Emulating `type Type<'a>` by moving `'a` to the trait.
trait Apply<'a> {
type Type;
struct Plain<T>(std::marker::PhantomData<T>);
impl<'a, T> Apply<'a> for Plain<T> {
type Type = T;
struct Ref<T: ?Sized>(std::marker::PhantomData<T>);
impl<'a, T: ?Sized + 'a> Apply<'a> for Ref<T> {
type Type = &'a T;
struct S<A: for<'a> Apply<'a>> {
f: Box<for<'a> Fn(<A as Apply<'a>>::Type) -> i32>,
impl<A: for<'a> Apply<'a>> S<A> {
fn call<'a>(&self, a: <A as Apply<'a>>::Type) {
println!("Return {:?}", (self.f)(a));
fn create<A: for<'a> Apply<'a>>(
f: Box<for<'a> Fn(<A as Apply<'a>>::Type) -> i32>,
) -> S<A> {
S { f }
fn helper() {
let x = create::<Ref<i32>>(Box::new(|x: &i32| *x * 2));
let arg = 333;;
fn main() {
However, it turns out that this encoding hits, so it's not actually usable at the moment (and I'm not aware of an workaround).

How to solve this "does not live long enough"?

There is some minimal example library code I would like to use:
struct MyR<'a> {
x: &'a str,
struct T {
x: &'static str,
impl T {
fn bar<'a>(&'a self) -> MyR {
MyR { x: self.x }
The following is my code:
trait A<R, F: FnMut(&R)> {
fn foo(&mut self, callback: &mut F);
impl<'a, F> A<MyR<'a>, F> for T
where F: FnMut(&MyR<'a>)
fn foo(&mut self, callback: &mut F) {
let t = T { x: "l" };
let r =; // t does not live long enough (for 'a)
fn test() {
let mut t = T { x: "l" };
let mut i = 1; |x| { i += x.x.len(); });
I would like to make a trait that is parametrized by the callback, but I struggled to make it right. If I don't use a trait, it works well:
impl T {
fn foo<F: FnMut(&MyR)>(&mut self, callback: &'a mut F) {
let t = T { x: "l" };
let r =;
But I cannot do this:
impl T {
fn foo<'a, F: FnMut(&MyR<'a>)>(&mut self, callback: &mut F) {
let t = T { x: "l" };
let r =;
I know the problem is that t must outlive 'a, but I don't know to bound 'a so that its lifetime is shorter than t.
I'm using rustc 1.19.0-nightly.
Read the error messages:
t does not live long enough — it lives until the end of the foo function.
borrowed value must be valid for the lifetime 'a — you have specified 'a:
impl<'a, F> A<MyR<'a>, F> for T
where F: FnMut(&MyR<'a>)
This says that for any possible lifetime, the trait will be implemented, so long as F implements the FnMut trait.
There's only one possible way to make that work — you have to have a MyR that is parameterized with the 'static lifetime. That's the only lifetime that is guaranteed to outlive any arbitrary lifetime.
Let's see where MyR comes from:
fn bar<'a>(&'a self) -> MyR {
MyR { x: self.x }
If you go back and reread The Rust Programming Language section on lifetime elision, you'll recognize that this lifetime specification provides no value. It defines a lifetime and uses it with self, but it's never tied to any output lifetimes. The code is the same as:
fn bar<'a, 'b>(&'a self) -> MyR<'b>
If you removed the lifetime, then you'd have
fn bar(&self) -> MyR
fn bar<'a>(&'a self) -> MyR<'a> // equivalent
However, neither of these is the 'static lifetime. Luckily for you, you know that that x is a &'static str, so you can just reflect that in your signature and the code will compile:
fn bar(&self) -> MyR<'static>
Spending hours trying different approaches, this seems to work
trait A<F> {
fn foo(&mut self, callback: &mut F);
impl<F> A<F> for T
where F: FnMut(&MyR)
fn foo(&mut self, callback: &mut F) {
let t = T { x: "l" };
let r =; // t does not live long enough (for 'a)
fn main() {
let mut t = T { x: "l" };
let mut i = 1; |x: &MyR| { i += x.x.len(); });
The main difference is:
I have to loose trait a bit so that it takes arbitrary types.
So that when I impl I don't have to specify lifetime at all.
I have to type annotate the closure when invoking the function.
