Find Time Difference between two dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm - excel

Trying to find the difference between two date&time inputs.
I have two cells for each input
Date: 02/09/2019 Time: 10:00
Date: 03/09/2019 Time: 10:15
I am converting these into text format and combining with the following:
=TEXT(D2,"dd/mm/yyyy")&" "&TEXT(E2,"hh:mm")
This outputs a string in the format of dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm
This output is done in cell L2
I then do the same for cells F2 & G2 outputting to M2
I now need to try to find the difference between L2 & M2
Need some help with the formula on this one if possible.
Not sure how to handle the comparison of both time and date in one formula.
If there is a a way to avoid the initial conversion that would be fine too.

The same have been answered through comment by # Scott Craner and same accepted by #Batteredburrito
Answering behalf of # Scott Craner , since the question is unanswered status.
Use : =(F2+G2)-(D2+E2)
With that you will get a number the whole number is the number of days and the decimal is part of one day.


Unix Timestamp to CET excel formula

I am trying to convert a Unix Timestamp to CET
I used the formula I found in this site, asked by another user
=(A1/86400)+DATE(1970;1;1) - since I live in German',' were replaced in formula to ';'
but it does not work for me, the result I get is #############################
for example timestamp 1629294665262271969 should give Wed Aug 18 2021 14:51:05
but I get 'dates and time that are negative or too large are shown as ######################'
I thought that it might be because it could be in milliseconds so I divided by another 1000 but the result is the same
any advice will be welcomed,
Much appreciated,
It's not in miliseconds all in seconds. Excel dating system starts from 01.01.1900 but Epoch timing starts from 01.01.1970 so we need to convert two dates to same value that's the reason why we add or remove =DATE(1970;1;1)
When you look at a date in excel by using =VALUE(A1) formula you will see some number. These numbers shows you how many days past from 01.01.1900 to given date. So you multiply the value with 86400 to convert day values to seconds. That is the idea how it works.
I wrote the formula you need but you also need to clear current format of cells if you see something like ########### it's probably there was a date formatted value before you write the formula.
Formula examples below.
Date to Epoch time
A1 is 19.08.2021. Formula on B1 is =VALUE(A1-DATE(1970;1;1))*86400. Result: 1629331200
Epoch to Date time
A1 is 1629331200. Formula on B1 is =(A1/86400)+DATE(1970;1;1). Result: 19.08.2021

Convert Modified Julian Date to UTC Date in Excel

I am looking for a formula where I can put a 5 digit Modified Julian Date and have it convert it to today's date for me.
I did it in a way where I have a separate sheet with a table but although it works, I am looking for a way without the need of a separate table. Here is some information:
00000 should translate to 11-17-1858
58890 should translate to 02-11-2020
Every time the number goes up 1, it should go up 1 day. This needs to have leap years in consideration as well. Any help will be appreciated.
Here is a website that currently does the conversions:
This has to be done without macros, literally need it in formula format.
Just subtract 15018 and format the result as a date.
Why 15018 and not 15020?
In Excel, 1-Jan-1900 value is 1
In your date scheme 15020 = 1-Jan-1900
But, if you had the number 15020 to convert and subtracted 15020 it would --> 0, not the desired 1.
Therefore we reduce the 15020 by 1 to 15019.
Next, there is a deliberate "bug" in Excel, widely discussed both on SO and the internet, whereby the year 1900 is erroneously classified as a leap year.
So for any date equivalent that is after 28-Feb-1900, we have to subtract an extra 1.
If you might be dealing with dates between 1/1/1900 and 2/28/1900 you will need to modify the formula to take that into account.

Calculating date difference in days - excel

I have already checked this question but didn't have a clue on how it can help me out here. I am trying to calculate the difference between two dates which are in format - MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS
Data Creation(COLA1) Data Closure(COL B1) Number(COL C1) of Days
16/05/2016 19:58:02 23/05/2016 19:38:41 X
I want a formula for number of days(X) here.
Excel Version - 2010
Check the answer given here.
You need only to change from seconds to days
I would use a personalized number format (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss) and then just round up the difference between dates.
For example here DIFFERENCE = ROUNDUP((DATE1-DATE2);0)

Number of Hours Between Two Dates Not Working in Excel

As requested, I have included a simplified screenshot that illustrates the issue.
As you can see, I subtracted the two dates and formatted it as "h:mm:ss". Why doesn't this give you the total amount of hours that have passed between the two dates? Is there a better way to do this? There is a great answer below, but I am trying to figure out why doing the way illustrated in this screenshot doesn't work.
I am aware that similar questions have been answered here, but for whatever reason this is not working for me at all.
I have two columns: one is a date, one is the time.
As you can see from the currently highlighted cell, the "time" column is actually stored as date with the time included. In column H, I have the date stored as a serial code so that the decimal number refers to a month, day, year, hour, minute, and second. When I subtract the serial code that refers to 2/16/2016 3:20:01 PM from the serial code that refers to refers to 2/14/2016 1:20:01 PM and format that cell as "h:mm", I am getting 2:00. Why?????
I have been hacking away at this for a while and this is supposed to be stupid easy and it's not working. Any help is greatly appreciated so I can move on to more important things.
It does work. Just take the difference between the two dates, format the cell containing the difference as Number, and then use one of the following formulas to get the units you want. I will assume that:
A1 has the value 2/16/2016 3:20:01 PM
B1 has the value 2/14/2016 1:20:01 PM
Into C1 enter A1 - B1, and format it as Number
If you want the difference as days, leave C1 as is.
If you want hours, use =24*(A1 - B1)
If you want minutes, use =24*60*(A1 - B1)
If you want seconds, use =24*60*60*(A1 - B1)
Below, you will find that Tim Biegeleisen provided an excellent answer to this question. I just wanted to further elaborate.
Sometimes having too many option for formatting can be a problem, which is what happened here.
When you subtract 2/14/2016 1:20:01 PM from 2/16/2016 3:20:01 PM and format it as h:mm:ss it only subtracts the hours portion and ignores days. You just have to somehow know that if you are trying to do what I'm trying to do, you have to format it as [h]:mm:ss and then it will calculate the total number of hours passed. The bracket around the "h" is the important part here. I hope this helps the next person who comes across this.

Formula for Total hours between two date times in ms excel

I need to calculate the total hours and minutes between two dates mentioned in excel. i.e.,
Start date: 02-Sep-2013 02:03:00 AM
End Date: 04-Sep-2013 02:04:00 AM
The answer should be 48:01 h:mm.
Need to consider holidays also, like if 03-Sep-2013 is holiday, then
The answer should be 24:01 h:mm.
There are no business hours. It should consider 24 hours. Please help me on this.
a simple subtraction will get you the value you want: subtract one date/time from the other, and then subtract the number of holiday dates that fall between the two dates.
the trick is to format the result cell as [h]:mm (this format works for up to 9999 hours)
Here's an example:
Hours = ((End_Date+End_Time)-(Start_Date+Start_Time))*24
For more details please refer the below link
Another Formula with example
Cell A1: 2/15/2012 10:00:00 AM
Cell B1: 2/18/2012 08:00:00 PM
What is the elapsed time between both dates (in hours)?
You can get the answer by using the below formula in cell
C1:= INT(B1-A1)*24+(((B1-A1)-INT(B1-A1))/0.04166666)
The problem with many of the example answers given is definitional. If you are looking for elapsed time finer than days in significant digits the "B2-B1" answer given is incorrect if the end time is earlier in the day than the start time.
Depending on what I am trying to extract I use variations of the following formula to get a more precise "elapsed time". Depending on why a person lands on this answer the difference in result can make a difference.
=ROUNDDOWN(B3-B2,0) & " Days "
& ROUNDDOWN(MOD(B3-B2,1)*24,0) & " hours "
& TEXT(MOD(MOD(B3-B2,1)*24,1)*60,"#0") & " Mins"
(formatted for easier reading)
The image below shows the results of the different answers proposed. I am not saying the other answers are wrong just that they may not be precise enough depending on the purpose of the answer seeker.
