Equivalent of inet_ntop in Rust - rust

Is there a readily available way to convert ip addresses (both v4 and v6) from binary to text form in Rust (an equivalent to inet_ntop)?
"3701A8C0" converts to "",
"20010db8000000000000000000000001" converts to "2001:db8::1".

inet_ntop takes as input a struct in_addr* or a struct in6_addr*. The direct equivalent of those structs in Rust are Ipv4Addr and Ipv6Addr, both of which implement the Display trait and can therefore be formatted easily to text or printed:
let addr = Ipv4Addr::from (0x3701A8C0);
assert_eq!(format!("{}", addr), String::from (""));
println!("{}", addr);

AFAIK, there is not a direct conversion, but you can do that with from_str_radix, and then with the conversion of an ip from a numeric type:
use std::{
net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr},
fn convert(s: &str) -> io::Result<IpAddr> {
if let Ok(u) = u32::from_str_radix(s, 16) {
} else if let Ok(u) = u128::from_str_radix(s, 16) {
} else {
Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "Invalid input"))
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let ip = convert("3701A8C0")?;
assert_eq!(ip, IpAddr::from_str("")?);
let ip = convert("20010db8000000000000000000000001")?;
assert_eq!(ip, IpAddr::from_str("2001:db8::1")?);
If you already know that it is, for example, and IPV4, this is a one-liner:
use std::{
net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr},
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let ip = u32::from_str_radix("3701A8C0", 16).map(Ipv4Addr::from)?;
assert_eq!(ip, IpAddr::from_str("")?);


Is there a way in Rust to overload method for a specific type?

The following is only an example. If there's a native solution for this exact problem with reading bytes - cool, but my goal is to learn how to do it by myself, for any other purpose as well.
I'd like to do something like this: (pseudo-code below)
let mut reader = Reader::new(bytesArr);
let int32: i32 = reader.read(); // separate implementation to read 4 bits and convert into int32
let int64: i64 = reader.read(); // separate implementation to read 8 bits and convert into int64
I imagine it looking like this: (pseudo-code again)
impl Reader {
read<T>(&mut self) -> T {
// if T is i32 ... else if ...
or like this:
impl Reader {
read(&mut self) -> i32 {
// ...
read(&mut self) -> i64 {
// ...
But haven't found anything relatable yet.
(I actually have, for the first case (if T is i32 ...), but it looked really unreadable and inconvenient)
You could do this by having a Readable trait which you implement on i32 and i64, which does the operation. Then on Reader you could have a generic function which takes any type that is Readable and return it, for example:
struct Reader {
n: u8,
trait Readable {
fn read_from_reader(reader: &mut Reader) -> Self;
impl Readable for i32 {
fn read_from_reader(reader: &mut Reader) -> i32 {
reader.n += 1;
reader.n as i32
impl Readable for i64 {
fn read_from_reader(reader: &mut Reader) -> i64 {
reader.n += 1;
reader.n as i64
impl Reader {
fn read<T: Readable>(&mut self) -> T {
fn main() {
let mut r = Reader { n: 0 };
let int32: i32 = r.read();
let int64: i64 = r.read();
println!("{} {}", int32, int64);
You can try it on the playground
After some trials and searches, I found that implementing them in current Rust seems a bit difficult, but not impossible.
Here is the code, I'll explain it afterwards:
use std::{
mem::{self, MaybeUninit},
static DATA: [u8; 8] = [
struct Reader;
impl Reader {
fn read<T: Copy + Sized>(&self) -> T
[(); mem::size_of::<T>()]: ,
let mut buf = [unsafe { MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init() }; mem::size_of::<T>()];
unsafe {
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(DATA.as_ptr(), buf.as_mut_ptr(), buf.len());
fn main() {
let reader = Reader;
let v_u8: u8 = reader.read();
let v_u16: u16 = reader.read();
let v_u32: u32 = reader.read();
let v_u64: u64 = reader.read();
Suppose the global static variable DATA is the target data you want to read.
In current Rust, we cannot directly use the size of a generic parameter as the length of an array. This does not work:
fn example<T: Copy + Sized>() {
let mut _buf = [0_u8; mem::size_of::<T>()];
The compiler gives a weird error:
error: unconstrained generic constant
--> src\main.rs:34:31
34 | let mut _buf = [0_u8; mem::size_of::<T>()];
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: try adding a `where` bound using this expression: `where [(); mem::size_of::<T>()]:`
There is an issue that is tracking it, if you want to go deeper into this error you can take a look.
We just follow the compiler's suggestion to add a where bound. This requires feature generic_const_exprs to be enabled.
Next, unsafe { MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init() } is optional, which drops the overhead of initializing this array, since we will eventually overwrite it completely. You can replace it with 0_u8 if you don't like it.
Finally, copy the data you need and transmute this array to your generic type, return.
I think you will see the output you expect:
[src\main.rs:38] v_u8 = 255
[src\main.rs:41] v_u16 = 65535
[src\main.rs:44] v_u32 = 4294967295
[src\main.rs:47] v_u64 = 18446744073709551615

How can I put an async function into a Vec in Rust?

I need to put some futures in a Vec for later joining. However if I try to collect it using an iterator, the compiler doesn't seem to be able to determine the type for the vector.
I'm trying to create a command line utility that accepts an arbitrary number of IP addresses, communicates with those remotes and collects the results for printing. The communication function works well, I've cut down the program to show the failure I need to understand.
use futures::future::join_all;
use itertools::Itertools;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::str::from_utf8;
use std::fmt;
#[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")]
pub async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let socket: Vec<SocketAddr> = vec![
let async_vec = vec![
// The above 3 lines happen to work to build a Vec because there are
// 2 sockets. But I need to build a Vec to join_all from an arbitary
// number of addresses. Why doesn't the line below work instead?
//let async_vec = socket.iter().map(|x| MyStruct::get(*x)).collect();
let rt = join_all(async_vec).await;
let results = rt.iter().map(|x| x.as_ref().unwrap().to_string()).join("\n");
let mut rvec: Vec<String> = results.split("\n").map(|x| x.to_string()).collect();
rvec.sort_by(|a, b| a[15..20].cmp(&b[15..20]));
println!("{}", rvec.join("\n"));
struct MyStruct {
serial: [u8; 12],
placeholder: String,
impl fmt::Display for MyStruct {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let serial = match from_utf8(&self.serial) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(_) => "(invalid)",
let lines = (1..4).map(|x| format!("{}, line{}, {}", serial, x, self.placeholder)).join("\n");
write!(f, "{}", lines)
impl MyStruct {
pub async fn get(sockaddr: SocketAddr) -> Result<MyStruct, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let char = sockaddr.ip().to_string().chars().last().unwrap();
let rv = MyStruct{serial: [char as u8;12], placeholder: sockaddr.to_string(), };
This line:
let async_vec = socket.iter().map(|x| MyStruct::get(*x)).collect();
doesn't work because the compiler can't know that you want to collect everything into a Vec. You might want to collect into some other container (e.g. a linked list or a set). Therefore you need to tell the compiler the kind of container you want with:
let async_vec = socket.iter().map(|x| MyStruct::get(*x)).collect::<Vec::<_>>();
let async_vec: Vec::<_> = socket.iter().map(|x| MyStruct::get(*x)).collect();

How to convert a Bytes Iterator into a Stream in Rust

I'm trying to figure out build a feature which requires reading the contents of a file into a futures::stream::BoxStream but I'm having a tough time figuring out what I need to do.
I have figured out how to read a file byte by byte via Bytes which implements an iterator.
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io::{BufReader, Bytes};
// TODO: Convert this to a async Stream
fn async_read() -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Result<u8, std::io::Error>>> {
let f = File::open("/dev/random").expect("Could not open file");
let reader = BufReader::new(f);
let iter = reader.bytes().into_iter();
fn main() {
ctrlc::set_handler(move || {
println!("received Ctrl+C!");
.expect("Error setting Ctrl-C handler");
for b in async_read().into_iter() {
println!("{:?}", b);
However, I've been struggling a bunch trying to figure out how I can turn this Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Result<u8, std::io::Error>>> into an Stream.
I would have thought something like this would work:
use futures::stream;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io::{BufReader, Bytes};
// TODO: Convert this to a async Stream
fn async_read() -> stream::BoxStream<'static, dyn Iterator<Item = Result<u8, std::io::Error>>> {
let f = File::open("/dev/random").expect("Could not open file");
let reader = BufReader::new(f);
let iter = reader.bytes().into_iter();
fn main() {
ctrlc::set_handler(move || {
println!("received Ctrl+C!");
.expect("Error setting Ctrl-C handler");
while let Some(b) = async_read().poll() {
println!("{:?}", b);
But I keep getting a ton of compiler errors, I've tried other permutations but generally getting no where.
One of the compiler errors:
``` --> src/main.rs:14:24
14 | std::pin::Pin::new(Box::new(stream::iter(iter)))
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected trait object `dyn std::iter::Iterator`, found enum `std::result::Result`
Anyone have any advice?
I'm pretty new to Rust, and specifically Streams/lower level stuff so I apologize if I got anything wrong, feel free to correct me.
For some additional background, I'm trying to do this so you can CTRL-C out of a command in nushell
I think you are overcomplicating it a bit, you can just return impl Stream from async_read, there is no need to box or pin (same goes for the original Iterator-based version). Then you need to set up an async runtime in order to poll the stream (in this example I just use the runtime provided by futures::executor::block_on). Then you can call futures::stream::StreamExt::next() on the stream to get a future representing the next item.
Here is one way to do this:
use futures::prelude::*;
use std::{
io::{prelude::*, BufReader},
fn async_read() -> impl Stream<Item = Result<u8, std::io::Error>> {
let f = File::open("/dev/random").expect("Could not open file");
let reader = BufReader::new(f);
async fn async_main() {
while let Some(b) = async_read().next().await {
println!("{:?}", b);
fn main() {
ctrlc::set_handler(move || {
println!("received Ctrl+C!");
.expect("Error setting Ctrl-C handler");

How do I use PickleDB with Rocket/Juniper Context?

I'm trying to write a Rocket / Juniper / Rust based GraphQL Server using PickleDB - an in-memory key/value store.
The pickle db is created / loaded at the start and given to rocket to manage:
fn rocket() -> Rocket {
let pickle_path = var_os(String::from("PICKLE_PATH")).unwrap_or(OsString::from("pickle.db"));
let pickle_db_dump_policy = PickleDbDumpPolicy::PeriodicDump(Duration::from_secs(120));
let pickle_serialization_method = SerializationMethod::Bin;
let pickle_db: PickleDb = match Path::new(&pickle_path).exists() {
false => PickleDb::new(pickle_path, pickle_db_dump_policy, pickle_serialization_method),
true => PickleDb::load(pickle_path, pickle_db_dump_policy, pickle_serialization_method).unwrap(),
.manage(Schema::new(Query, Mutation))
routes![graphiql, get_graphql_handler, post_graphql_handler],
And I want to retrieve the PickleDb instance from the Rocket State in my Guard:
pub struct Context {
pickle_db: PickleDb,
impl juniper::Context for Context {}
impl<'a, 'r> FromRequest<'a, 'r> for Context {
type Error = ();
fn from_request(_request: &'a Request<'r>) -> request::Outcome<Context, ()> {
let pickle_db = _request.guard::<State<PickleDb>>()?.inner();
Outcome::Success(Context { pickle_db })
This does not work because the State only gives me a reference:
26 | Outcome::Success(Context { pickle_db })
| ^^^^^^^^^ expected struct `pickledb::pickledb::PickleDb`, found `&pickledb::pickledb::PickleDb`
When I change my Context struct to contain a reference I get lifetime issues which I'm not yet familiar with:
15 | pickle_db: &PickleDb,
| ^ expected named lifetime parameter
I tried using 'static which does make rust quite unhappy and I tried to use the request lifetime (?) 'r of the FromRequest, but that does not really work either...
How do I get this to work? As I'm quite new in rust, is this the right way to do things?
I finally have a solution, although the need for unsafe indicates it is sub-optimal :)
use pickledb::{PickleDb, PickleDbDumpPolicy, SerializationMethod};
use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
use serde::Serialize;
use std::env;
use std::path::Path;
use std::time::Duration;
pub static mut PICKLE_DB: Option<PickleDb> = None;
pub fn cache_init() {
let pickle_path = env::var(String::from("PICKLE_PATH")).unwrap_or(String::from("pickle.db"));
let pickle_db_dump_policy = PickleDbDumpPolicy::PeriodicDump(Duration::from_secs(120));
let pickle_serialization_method = SerializationMethod::Json;
let pickle_db = match Path::new(&pickle_path).exists() {
false => PickleDb::new(
true => PickleDb::load(
unsafe {
PICKLE_DB = Some(pickle_db);
pub fn cache_get<V>(key: &str) -> Option<V>
V: DeserializeOwned + std::fmt::Debug,
unsafe {
let pickle_db = PICKLE_DB
.expect("cache uninitialized - call cache_init()");
pub fn cache_set<V>(key: &str, value: &V) -> Result<(), pickledb::error::Error>
V: Serialize,
unsafe {
let pickle_db = PICKLE_DB
.expect("cache uninitialized - call cache_init()");
pickle_db.set::<V>(key, value)?;
This can be simply imported and used as expected, but I think I'll run into issues when the load gets to high...

Trouble with buffer types in mio

I'd like to write an asynchronous server in Rust using mio and I have trouble with the buffer types. I've tried different buffer types and can't get it to work. My current code is:
extern crate mio;
extern crate bytes;
use std::io;
use std::io::{Error, ErrorKind};
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::io::Cursor;
use self::mio::PollOpt;
use self::mio::EventLoop;
use self::mio::EventSet;
use self::mio::Token;
use self::mio::Handler;
use self::mio::io::TryRead;
use self::mio::io::TryWrite;
//use self::mio::buf::ByteBuf;
//use self::mio::buf::Buf;
use self::mio::tcp::*;
use self::bytes::buf::Buf;
use self::bytes::buf::byte::ByteBuf;
struct EventHandler;
impl Handler for EventHandler {
type Timeout = ();
type Message = ();
fn ready(&mut self, event_loop: &mut EventLoop<EventHandler>, token: Token, events: EventSet) {
pub struct Connection {
sock: TcpStream,
send_queue: Vec<ByteBuf>,
impl Connection {
pub fn writable(&mut self, event_loop: &mut EventLoop<EventHandler>) -> Result<(), String> {
while !self.send_queue.is_empty() {
if !self.send_queue.first().unwrap().has_remaining() {
let buf = self.send_queue.first_mut().unwrap();
match self.sock.try_write_buf(&mut buf) {
Ok(None) => {
return Ok(());
Ok(Some(n)) => {
Err(e) => {
return Err(format!("{}", e));
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
The Cargo.toml contains the following dependencies:
mio = "*"
bytes = "*"
which currently translates to bytes 0.2.11 and mio 0.4.3 in Cargo.lock.
The error I am getting is this:
main.rs:45:29: 45:52 error: the trait `bytes::buf::Buf` is not implemented
for the type `&mut bytes::buf::byte::ByteBuf` [E0277]
main.rs:45 match self.sock.try_write_buf(&mut buf) {
I'd want to be able to write a Vec<u8> into the socket and handle the case when the buffer is only partially written. How can I accomplish that?
I don't need explanation about the code that properly handles the return values, this question is about the buffer type. I have no idea which buffer type I have to use.
The problem is this:
let buf = self.send_queue.first_mut().unwrap();
match self.sock.try_write_buf(&mut buf) {
You pass in an &mut &mut ByteBuf to try_write_buf because buf is already an &mut ByteBuf. Just drop the extra &mut:
let buf = self.send_queue.first_mut().unwrap();
match self.sock.try_write_buf(buf) {
