reset a database before each test - node.js

I'm using node and supertest for a simple app. I got SQlite3 for the local test database. I did a simple test to get a super inserted into the database. I wanted to reset the database each time a test is run. I'm looking in the docs right now and can't seem to locate it. I figured I would ask here because it seems someone would most likely know the info.
const request = require('supertest');
const server = require('../server');
describe('Authentication', function() {
//database reset here
it('should create a new user /users/registration', function(done) {
username: 'user-name',
email: '',
password: '12345'
.set('Accept', 'application/json')
.expect(201, done);

If you want to run any piece of code before each test, you can use beforeEach function in jest
describe('my test', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
// code to run before each test
test('test 1', () => {
// code
test('test 2', () => {
// code

So best way to do this is have some logic in your routing functions of your Api
Receive an API request
Check if ['X-MOCK-HEADER'] exists
If it does then route to the mock version of the endpoint
So your mock for create user would always return 201 OK - your mock endpoint would do something like this:
const routes = {
CREATE_USER_OK:() => { return {....} } // make sure these return proper http responses
CREATE_USER_BAD_REQUEST: () { return {...} }
return routes[HEADER_VALUE]()
The reason being you're testing the route not the database class in this instance, so you just want to return static data, if you wanna test something else then just change the X-MOCK-HEADER value to whatever you want and add the mock route to return the right http response/code - I'd need to know what the API code looked like to help you on the backend implementation.
If possible stay away from messing with staging databases for testing because down the road you will suffer a LOT of pain as it gradually gets filled with garbage.
Also if you're working with a front end app you can quickly prototype with static data - this is especially useful if you've got a front end team waiting for an API endpoint to say create a login screen.

There's no defined way to reset a sqlite db, just delete the db and recreate.
Sqlite: How do I reset all database tables?

I did this in the file and it works fine
const request = require('supertest');
const server = require('../server');
const knex = require('knex');
const dbConfig = require('../knexfile.js')['test'];
const db = knex(dbConfig);
describe('Authentication', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
await db('users').truncate();
it('should create a new user /users/registration', function(done) {
username: 'user-name',
email: '',
password: '12345'
.set('Accept', 'application/json')
.expect(201, done);


How to mock a function only once in a test suite?

I'm writing integration tests for a project. Within one test suite, I'm invoking a register endpoint in multiple tests. Most of the time I want to test what the actual response of the registerUser function is given certain req parameters.
This all works fine except I also want to test what happens if the registerUser function throws an error. I know I can mock the registerUser function on top of the test suite but this will affect all tests. I've tried to play around with jest.mock and jest.spyOn but I could not get it to work yet.
How can I mock the response of the registerUser function once and restore it afterwards so it doesn't affect the other tests in the suite?
authController.js'/register', async (req, res) => {
try {
const response = await registerUser(req);
res.status(HttpStatus.OK).json({ response });
} catch (err) {
res.status(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).json({ err });
const faker = require('faker');
const HttpStatus = require('http-status-codes');
const authService = require('../services/authService');
// -- Tests where the response of the registerUser function are not mocked are here -- //
it('Gives a status code 500 when an unexpected error is thrown', async () => {
const registerUserMock = jest.spyOn(authService, "registerUser");
registerUserMock.mockReturnValue(() => new Error('Oh snap! Something went wrong.'));
const res = await'/register')
password: '123',
reTypedPassword: '123',
// -- more tests -- //
Easiest way would be to
group the tests which should use the same mocked response in a suite (describe)
mock the response in that suite's beforeAll hook and save the mock instance
restore the original implementation in that suite's afterAll hook.
describe('tests with successful auth result', () => {
let authSpy;
beforeAll(() => {
authSpy = jest.spyOn(authService, "registerUser").mockReturnValue(...);
afterAll(() => {
// tests using successful result
describe('tests with failing auth result', () => {
// same but with different spy result
note two important things:
you need to call mockRestore on the mock instance returned from mockReturnValue, not on the initial spy value
it's best to setup the mock in beforeEach / beforeAll and restore it in afterEach /afterAll, because if you set and restore it directly in the test (it), then if the test fails the spy remains unrestored, and may affect the following tests!

How to stub a service with Sinon in an integration test?

I'm trying to do some integration tests for my api in express.
My API's structure is something like:
app -> routes -> controllers -> services
Because I already have unit tests, my idea is only test that all that components are connected in the correct way.
So my idea was created an stub with Sinon for the service, and only check the responses of the controller with supertest.
When I run a single test everything is ok. The problem is when I run more than one unit test for different controllers, the stub doesn't work in the second run.
I think it's because the app is already saved in cache as a module, so sinon can't stub the service.
Some examples of my code:
const httpStatus = require('http-status');
const { service } = require('../services/croupier');
* Execute lambda tasks for candidates
* #public
exports.task = async (req, res, next) => {
try {
const result = await service({
body: req.body,
authorizer: req.authorizer
console.log('res', result);
} catch (error) {
const request = require('supertest');
const httpStatus = require('http-status');
const sinon = require('sinon');
const mongoose = require('../../../database');
const deleteModule = module => delete require.cache[require.resolve(module)];
const requireUncached = module => {
return require(module);
describe('Foo - Integration Test', async () => {
describe('POST /v1/foo', () => {
const fooService = require('../../services/foo');
const stub = sinon.stub(fooService, 'service');
let db;
before(async () => {
db = await mongoose.connect();
afterEach(async () => {
after(async () => {
await db.close();
it('the api should response successfully', async () => {
const payload = { task: 'task', payload: [{ pathParameters: {}, body: {} }] };
const app = requireUncached('../../../app');
await request(app)
it('the api should response with an error', async () => {
const payload = { task: 'task', payload: [{ pathParameters: {}, body: {} }] };
const app = requireUncached('../../../app');
await request(app)
The other integration tests have the same structure. I've also tried using proxyquire but didn't work.
Also I tried deleting cache of de app.js with any success.
Any ideas?
Context: integration test.
I agree with your idea: "test that all that components are connected in the correct way". Then what you need is spy, not stub. When there is a case / condition, you need to setup preconfigured/dummy data (up mongodb with specific data), turn on HTTP server, call HTTP request with specific data (post / get with specific query), and check the HTTP response for correct status, etc. The spy needed to check/validate/verify whether your service get called with correct parameter and response with correct result. This test validate you have correctly configured route - controller to a service for specific HTTP request.
You must have question: How to test negative scenario? For example: 404, 500. Then you need to know which specific scenario do what, which result negative condition. For example: if request come with unknown ID query, then response will be 404. Or if express not connected to database, then response will be 500. You need to know the real scenario, and again provide the require setup to produce the negative response.
For problem: "When I run a single test everything is ok. The problem is when I run more than one unit test for different controllers, the stub doesn't work in the second run.". There are several possible solutions, the main point is: you must make sure that the conditions for specific scenario/case are correctly prepared.
You can do:
create sandbox, to make sure no other stub service run between test cases.
start up fresh http (and or db) server before and shut down the server after the test run for each services, (for example: start the app and use real http client - as alternative to supertest)
run on debug mode to find out why the second stub not run or not get called or not work,
change implementation from stub to spy, you have already had a unit test, you just need to check whether the service get called or not, and then check the overall response.
Hope this helps.

How to mock/intercept calls to mongoDB atlas during tests? (cloud DB)

I have an express app (REST API) which connects to a mongoDB cluster on MongoDB Atlas (the cloud database) during tests. I'm using Mocha to test.
I have an end-to-end test (which uses the database) but for the majority of the tests I want to mock/stub the calls to the database so that it's isolated.
I've tried using nock to intercept the network connections and mock the response, but from what I can see nock is only for http calls and mongoDB Atlas uses DNS (starts with mongodb+srv:, see here for more info) and I think this is why I can't get this to work.
I've also trying to stub the Model. I'm struggling to get this working but it seems like it might be an option?
// The route'/test', async (req, res) => {
const { name } = req.body;
const example = new ExampleModel({ name: name})
// this should be mocked
// The test
describe('POST /example', () => {
it('Creates an example', async () => {
// using supertest to make http call to my API app
const response = await request(app)
.send({ 'name': 'test-name' })
// expect the model to have been created and then saved to the database
I'm expecting that when I run the test, it will make a POST to the API, which won't make a call to the database but will return fake data (as though it had).
I've found some really useful resources and sharing them:
Isolating mongoose unit tests (including model methods like findOne guide
Stubbing the save method on a model: Stubbing the mongoose save method on a model (I just used `sinon.stub(ExampleModel.prototype, 'save').
// example code
it('Returns 400 status code', async () => {
sinon.stub(ExampleModel, 'findOne').returns({ name: 'testName' });
const saveStub = sinon.stub(ExampleModel.prototype, 'save');
const example = new ExampleModel({ name: 'testName' })
const response = await request(app)
.send({ name: 'testName' })
sinon.assert.calledWith(Hairdresser.findOne, {
name: 'testName'
assert.equal(response.res.statusCode, 400);

Unable to send authenticated request in tests using Jest, Supertest, Passport, Koa2

Despite my best attempts to correctly write test code to authenticate a request agent in Setup blocks or previous describe/it blocks, any request I make from the agent in subsequent describe/it blocks never completes as 200.
Example code:
const request = require('supertest');
const server = require('../server');
let agent = request.agent(server);
let fakePerson = null;
beforeEach(async (done) => {
fakePerson = await Person.createMock();‘/login’)
email: ‘’,
password: ‘password’
.end(function(err, res) {
if (err) throw err;
describe('GET /users/:id', () => {
it ('renders user profile', () => {
return agent
I thought it might have something to do with how I was forming the async calls syntactically. But after trying different ways of returning the login call in the beforeEach block using return, .end() syntax, even async/await, I've determined (ie given up) that the code must be composed properly. Could it be something else?
Referenced articles/resources:
How to authenticate Supertest requests with Passport?
Package versions:
"koa": "^2.4.1"
"koa-passport": "^4.0.1"
"passport-json": "^1.2.0"
"passport-local": "^1.0.0"
"supertest": "^3.0.0"
"jest": "^22.1.3"
I took some time stepping through my auth code during test runs and couldn't see any obvious problem. Then I had a thought: what if the request itself was ill formed. Turns out I was right! Inspecting the set-cookie header in the Supertest response headers I saw:
[ 'koa:sess=eyJwYXNzcG9ydCI6eyJ1c2VyIjoxfSwiX2V4cGlyZSI6MTUyMTIyODg0NTU5OSwiX21heEFnZSI6ODY0MDAwMDB9; path=/; httponly,koa:sess.sig=EEZzgcg3bx8bm_FXRMobrr8_Yts; path=/; httponly' ]
This looked a little suspicious as a single string, which led me to some more googling where I discovered that there were differences in the way that cookie headers were being set for Mocha and Jest users as global state on the Supertest agent instance. See: Folks using Mocha had no trouble authenticating, while Jest users did. Turns out there is a bug with Jest globals that is causing the cookie to come in as a single string rather than an array of separate strings for each cookie--which is what Supertest needs to format the request properly.
Here is a workaround based on the code in the question where we correctly parse the buggy Jest string to a scoped variable for the cookie/session data inside the Setup block:
const request = require('supertest');
const server = require('../server');
let agent = request.agent(server);
let fakePerson = null;
let session = null;
beforeEach(async () => {
fakePerson = await Person.createMock();‘/login’)
password: fakePerson.password’
.then(res => {
session = res
.map(item => item.split(';')[0])
describe('GET /users/:id', () => {
it ('renders user profile', () => {
return agent
.set('Cookie', session)
I couldn't get internetross's answer to work. Finally after lots of sleuthing, I found this:
I had to replace
session = response.headers['set-cookie'][0]
.map(item => item.split(';')[0])
.join('; ')
.map(item => item.split(';')[0])
.forEach(c => agent.jar.setCookie(c));
Big sigh.

Unit Testing Express Controllers

I am having trouble unit testing with Express on a number of fronts, seems to be a lack of documentation and general info online about it.
So far I have found out I can test my routes with a library called supertest (, but what if I have broken my routes and controllers up, how can I go about testing my controllers independently of their routes.
here is my test:
describe("Products Controller", function() {
it("should add a new product to the mongo database", function(next) {
var ProductController = require('../../controllers/products');
var Product = require('../../models/product.js');
var req = {
params: {
name: 'Coolest Product Ever',
description: 'A very nice product'
ProductController.create(req, res);
req is easy enough to mockup. res not so much, I tried grabbing express.response, hoping I could just inject it but this hasn't worked. Is there a way to simulate the res.send object? Or am I going the wrong way about this?
When you are testing your routes, you don't actually use the inbuilt functions. Say for example, ProductController.create(req, res);
What you basically need to do is, run the server on a port and send a request for each url. As you mentioned supergent, you can follow this code.
describe("Products Controller", function() {
it("should add a new product to the mongo database", function(next) {
const request = require('superagent');'http://localhost/yourURL/products')
.query({ name: 'Coolest Product Ever', description: 'A very nice product' })
.set('Accept', 'application/json')
.end(function(err, res){
if (err || !res.ok) {
alert('Oh no! error');
} else {
alert('yay got ' + JSON.stringify(res.body));
You can refer to superagent request examples here.
