Is there a way to get the optimization of dataframe.writer.partitionBy at the dataframe level? - apache-spark

If I am understanding the documentation correctly, partitioning a dataframe, vs partitioning a hive or other on-disk table, seem to be different. For on-disk storage, partitioning by, say, date creates a set of partitions for each date which occurs in my dataset. This seems useful; if I query records for a given date, every node in my cluster processes only partitions corresponding to the date I want.
Dataframe.repartition, on the other hand, creates one partition for each date which occurs in my dataset. If I search for records from a specific date, they will all be found in a single partition and thus all processed by a single node.
Is this right? If so, what is the use case? What is the way to get the speed advantage of on-disk partitioning schemes in the context of a dataframe?
For what it's worth, I need the advantage after I do an aggregation of on-disk data, so the on-disk partitioning doesn't necessarily help me even with delayed execution.

In your example, Spark will be able to recover very quickly all the records linked to that date. That's an improvement.
In the following piece of code, you can see that the filter has been categorized as partition filter.
inputRdd = sc.parallelize([("fish", 1), ("cats",2), ("dogs",3)])
schema = StructType([StructField("animals", StringType(), True),
StructField("ID", IntegerType(), True)])
my_dataframe = inputRdd.toDF(schema)
my_dataframe.write.partitionBy('animals').parquet("home")'home').filter(col('animals') == 'fish').explain()
== Physical Plan ==
*(1) FileScan parquet [ID#35,animals#36] Batched: true, DataFilters: [], Format: Parquet, Location: InMemoryFileIndex[dbfs:/home], PartitionCount: 1, PartitionFilters: [isnotnull(animals#36), (animals#36 = fish)], PushedFilters: [], ReadSchema: struct<ID:int>
For a deeper insight, you may want to have a look at this.
I am actually not sure about your other question. You are probably right, in my example df.rdd.getNumPartitions() gives 1. And with one partition performances are not so great (but you have already read from the disk at this point). For the following steps calling repartition(n) will fix the problem but it may be quite costly.
Another possible improvement is related to joining two data frames that share the same partitioning (with the join keys being the partition columns), you will avoid a lot of shuffles in the join phase.


How does spark calculate the number of reducers in a hash shuffle?

I am trying to understand hash shuffle in Spark. I am reading this article
Hash Shuffle:
Each mapper task creates separate file for each separate reducer, resulting in M * R total files on the cluster, where M is the number of “mappers” and R is the number of “reducers”. With high amount of mappers and reducers this causes big problems, both with the output buffer size, amount of open files on the filesystem, speed of creating and dropping all these files.
The logic of this shuffler is pretty dumb: it calculates the amount of “reducers” as the amount of partitions on the “reduce” side
Can you help me understand the emboldened part? How does it know the amount of partitions on the reduce side or, what does "amount of partitions on the reduce side" even mean? Is it equal to spark.sql.shuffle.partitions? If it is indeed equal to that, then what is even there to calculate? A very small example would be very helpful.
spark.sql.shuffle.partitions is just the default used when number of partitions for a shuffle isn't set explicitly. So the "calculation", at a minimum, would involve a check whether specific number of partitions was requested or should Spark use the default.
Quick example:
scala> df.repartition(400,col("key")).groupBy("key").avg("value").explain()
== Physical Plan ==
*(2) HashAggregate(keys=[key#178], functions=[avg(value#164)])
+- *(2) HashAggregate(keys=[key#178], functions=[partial_avg(value#164)])
+- Exchange hashpartitioning(key#178, 400) <<<<< shuffle across increased number of partitions
+- *(1) Project [key#178, value#164]
+- *(1) FileScan parquet adb.atable[value#164,key#178,othercolumns...] Batched: true, Format: Parquet, Location: PrunedInMemoryFileIndex[hdfs://ns1/hive/adb/atable/key=123..., PartitionCount: 3393, PartitionFilters: [isnotnull(key#178), (cast(key#178 as string) > 100)], PushedFilters: [], ReadSchema: struct<value:double,othercolumns...>
In Spark 3 and up, Adaptive Query Engine could also interject and revise that number, in attempts to optimize execution by coalescing, preserving (e.g. ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS) or increasing partitions.
EDIT: A side note -- your article is quite old (2015 was ages ago :)) and talks about pre-SparkSQL/pre-dataframe times. I'd try to find something more relevant.
EDIT 2: ...But even there, in the comments section, author rightfully says: In fact, here the question is more general. For most of the transformations in Spark you can manually specify the desired amount of output partitions, and this would be your amount of “reducers”...

How Pushed Filters work with Parquet files in databricks?

How does pushedFilters work while using parquet files ?
Below are the two queries that I submitted in databricks.
HighVolume ="/FileStore/shared_uploads/highVolume/*.parquet") \
.where("originating_base_num in ('B02764','B02617')").count()
HighVolume_wofilter ="/FileStore/shared_uploads/highVolume/*.parquet") \
Physical Plan: Clearly mentions PushedFilter is not null for HighVolume dataframe.
HighVolume :
PushedFilters: [In(originating_base_num, [B02617,B02764])]
PushedFilters: []
But while checking Spark UI, I observed that spark is reading all the rows in both the cases ( ignoring the filters).
HighVolume :
Can someone please help me understand that why instead of having the filters in Physical plan, all the rows are being read. ?
When you working with parquet there are few types of optimizations:
Skipping reading the not necessary files when table is partitioned, and there is a condition on that partition. In the explain it will be visible as PartitionFilters: [p#503 IN (1,2)] (p is the partition column). In this case Spark will read only files related to the given partitions - it's most efficient way for Parquet.
Skipping some data inside the files - Parquet format has internal statistics, such as, min/max per column, etc. that allows to skip reading blocks inside Parquet that doesn't contain your data. These filters will be shown as PushedFilters: [In(p, [1,2])]. But this may not be efficient if your data is inside min/max range, so Spark needs to read all blocks and filter on the Spark level.
P.S. Please take into account that Delta Lake format allows to access data more efficiently because of the data skipping, bloom filters, Z-ordering, etc.

Can Spark in Foundry use Partition Pruning

We have a dataset which runs as an incremental build on our Foundry instance.
The dataset is a large time series dataset (56.5 billion rows, 10 columns, 965GB), with timestamps in 1 hour buckets. The dataset grows by around 10GB per day.
In order to optimise the dataset for analysis purposes, we have repartitioned the dataset on two attributes “measure_date” and “measuring_time”.
This reflects the access pattern - the data set is usually accessed by "measure_date". We sub-partition this by "measuring_time" to decrease the size of parquet files being produced, plus filtering on time is a common access pattern as well.
The code which creates the partition is as following:
if ctx.is_incremental:
return df.repartition(24, "measure_date", "measuring_time")
return df.repartition(2200, "measure_date", "measuring_time")
Using the hash partion creates unbalanced file sizes, but this is topic of a different post.
I am now trying to find out, how to make Spark on Foundry utilize the partitions in filter criteria. From what I can see, this is NOT the case.
I created a code workbook and ran the following query on the telemetry data, saving the result to another data set.
FROM telemetry_data
where measure_date = '2022-06-05'
The pyhsical query plan of the build seems to indicate, that Spark is not utilizing any partition, with PartitionFilters being empty in the plan.
Batched: true, BucketedScan: false, DataFilters: [isnotnull(measure_date#170), (measure_date#170 = 19148)],
Format: Parquet, Location: InMemoryFileIndex[sparkfoundry://prodapp06.palantir:8101/datasets/,
PartitionFilters: [],
PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(measure_date), EqualTo(measure_date,2022-06-05)],
ReadSchema: struct<xxx,measure_date:date,measuring_time_cet:timestamp,fxxx, ScanMode: RegularMode
How can I make Spark on Foundry use partition pruning?
I believe you need to use
partitionBy=['measure_date', 'measuring_time']
to achieve what you are looking for.
Check the foundry docs for more.

Is a groupby transformation on data that is already partitioned wide or narrow?

My understanding of Narrow and Wide transformations is as follows:
Narrow transformation - The data within a given partition is all that is needed to apply this transformation to the said partition and hence these transformations don't require data shuffle. example: map, filter
Wide transformation - The data within a given partition is not all that is needed to apply this transformation to the said partition and hence these transformations require data shuffle. example: sort
If I already have my dataset partitioned then apart from sort what transformation is wide? I keep reading that groupby is wide but I don't see how. If I have all the data with a given key on a given partition (Which is how it would be if the dataset is already partitioned) then I do not need data from other partitions to apply groupby. What am I missing here?
You can get a better idea of what Spark is doing by using the explain method on a DataFrame.
Using a small example:
case class T(a: String, b: Int)
val df = Seq(T("a", 1), T("b", 2), T("a", 1)).toDF
Looking at the output:
== Physical Plan ==
*(2) HashAggregate(keys=[a#11], functions=[sum(cast(b#12 as bigint))], output=[a#11, sum(b)#21L])
+- Exchange hashpartitioning(a#11, 200), true, [id=#13]
+- *(1) HashAggregate(keys=[a#11], functions=[partial_sum(cast(b#12 as bigint))], output=[a#11, sum#25L])
+- *(1) LocalTableScan [a#11, b#12]
The HashAggregate line is summing the values of b by key. More relevant for us is the line Exchange hashpartitioning,... which tells us that Spark is going to distribute the results. Spark doesn't know that the data is already partitioned, so it plans to hash the keys and collect them on a single partition. If your data is already partitioned then the hashing step won't actually result in any data being moved.
Other common methods which result in data shuffling are joins and aggregation methods (collect_list, count, sum, etc)

Should Spark JDBC partitionColumns be recognized as DataFrame partitions?

I've used partitionColumn options to read a 300 million row table, hoping to achieve low memory/disk requirements for my ETL job (in Spark 3.0.1).
However, the explain plan shows at the start/leaf:
+- Exchange hashpartitioning[partitionCol#1, 200), true, [id=#201]
+- *(1) Scan JDBCRelation(table)[numPartitions=200] (partitionCol#1, time#2)...
I would have expected that shuffling was not necessary here, since the partitionCol was specified in the JDBC option.
There's a whole lot going on in the full plan, but every window operation partitions by partitionCol first and then other columns.
I've tried:
Ensuring my columns are declared not-null (since I saw Sort[partitionCol#1 ASC NULLS FIRST...] being injected and thought that might be an issue)
Checking dataframe partitioning: jdbcDF.rdd.partitioner is None (which seems to confirm it's not understood)
How to join two JDBC tables and avoid Exchange? leads to the Datasource v2 partitioning reporting interface (fixed in 2.3.1), but perhaps that doesn't extend to jdbc loading?
