Blue Prism: is it possible to set a timer on Spys? - blueprism

I often see that the spy will search for a very long period of time. If it have been looking for a field for more than 15 sec. I would like to have a timer that stops the search. I did not find any solution on the internet or in the setting menu, So is this possible.


Spotfire idle screen deactivation

in regard to spotfire inactivity screen,
can i disable that feature somehow? I need to set a screen always displaying a dashboard but with no interaction and i cannot do that because of the server logging out after some inactivity time.
Will a simple mouse jiggler do the trick?
besides changing the global inactivity timeout (probably not an ideal solution, but I will happily edit to include instructions), you (or your Spotfire admin) can put the analysis on a Scheduled Update. I am going to assume that your Spotfire instance is already configured to allow Scheduled Updates as per the admin manual.
I've done this before and I'm 95% sure this will sidestep the inactivity timeout, but it's been a while, so please try this and reply if it doesn't work for some reason.
to create a scheduled update for an analysis...
log in to the Spotfire server as an administrator or a user with permissions to create Scheduled Updates
click Schedules and Routing
click the Create Rule button
leave the selector on FILE and click Next
give a name for the schedule and browse to the file in the library
leaving other settings at their defaults, click Create new schedule
tick the days you'd like this analysis to remain loaded, set the time range it should be loaded on those days. set the Check for updates every ... to your update range (I suggest something like five minutes but it's up to you), then click Save
you're done! click Save again
now while you have the analysis open, it will reload itself every five minutes with the current data.
I would avoid setting it to something like ~1 minute as this could, depending on the amount of data being loaded; how many users you have; the complexity of the analysis; etc., consume too many server resources. keep in mind Spotfire is not for "real time" analysis but for "data at rest." we (Tibco) do offer products for real time data visualization like LiveView and Streambase, but they are separate from Spotfire (from a licensing perspective. I believe they can be integrated in fun ways).

JavaFX - How to wait without freezing the UI?

I know there are some questions about this topic but none of these helped me to find a solution.
I've got two Timeline Animations, I want to execute them after a delay of a few seconds. I'm gonna show you an example:
Every time I click my mouse, the Animation shall reset to its default delay time, let's say 5 seconds. If I'll do nothing the time's running away until it's zero. And when I reach the 0 seconds, the Animation has to start(). And so on.
Of course Thread.sleep() would make my UI freeze until the mission is done.
And I don't know whether I should use Thread, Task or other classes because the work is not that complex.
There are a bunch of ways to do it, but I'm not experienced in multithreading and I wanna learn to make it efficiently. Thank you guys a lot.
You can probably achieve what you want using
to specify a delay before the timeline starts,
to make it repeat indefinitely, and
to make it start again from the beginning (after its specified delay).

android-wear watch: set time to next update?

I'm working on a balanced ternary watch face.
How can I set the time to the next update?
I'd like to update in the middle of every second, minute, hour and night.
Or during conservation mode, only the middle over every minute, hour and night.
The best way to do this would be to find tell the system not to redraw until the desired time has elapsed.
There are different answers to different parts of your question.
While the watch is awake, you are free to update the face whenever you want, at whatever interval you want. Google's analog watch face sample updates once per second, and that's a fine starting point. You'll just want to modify mUpdateTimeHandler with an offset of 500ms, and then do additional checks to determine if you're in the middle of a minute, hour or night.
When in ambient mode, WatchFaceService has an onTimeTick() method - but that fires when the minute changes, not "in the middle" of each minute. My guess is you'll ignore onTimeTick() and roll your own code, using AlarmManager with an offset to fire in the middle of each minute to do your updates.

I need a name for something like 'debounce', but not quite the same

Here's an interesting one. I'm working with FRP, and looking at the 'debounce' methods in various libraries (jQuery, Bacon.js). I started working with this, and found it almost does what I need, but with a subtle difference. Here's my understanding of debounce as it relates to event handling:
When an event is happening with at least a certain frequency, don't do anything. Once the events slow down to less than the frequency, fire the event handler. For example (pseudo-code) for key-presses.debounce(1 second) then Alert, we would see nothing happen if keys are pressed within a second of each other, until 1 second after the last key was pressed, then we'd get an Alert.
What I need is something that fires at the start of the sequence, not after the end. So, for the same example, we'd see the Alert immediately, then nothing. If the user starts pressing keys again after at least 1 second, we'd get another alert, then nothing again.
The code is easy - I just want a name for this. It still takes a single argument for the frequency: BeginSequence(1000)? AfterExpiry(1000)?
Any suggestions?
So you want an event when there is an event after a long enough period of no events?
I would call that event a silence-breaking event, so maybe something like breakSilence? I'm not sure that looks right, maybe onBreakSilence, but I'm not familiar with nomenclature of Bacon so I don't know if onX is used.
Another option might be listenAfter.
key-presses.onBreakSilence(1 second) then Alert
key-presses.listenAfter(1 second) then Alert

Display a Chrome desktop notification every day at specific time

I'd like to write an extension that displays a desktop notification every day at a specified time. Having a quick look through the Chrome APIs, it seems like the only way to do this would be to:
create a background page for my extension,
use setInterval() with a sufficiently low resolution to not tax the CPU (even 5 min is fine),
when interval fires, check if the current time is after the desired time,
ensure that the user has not already been displayed the notification today.
(The details of the last step are irrelevant to my question, just put in to show I realize I need to prevent "flapping" of the notice).
This seems rather indirect and potentially expensive though; is there any way around this? Is the background page needed?
I suppose I could just call setTimeout() and only fire the event once (by calculating how long between now & desired time), then call it again after the notification is shown. For some reason that sounds more "brittle", though I'm not sure why...
I think you will want the background page to do this smoothly. You can't use a content script because you need to keep the "state"/timer.
So when background page first loads (browser start) you work out the current time and the offset to the next notification time and setInterval to that exact interval. That way you won't need to poll every five minutes and/or work out if you've shown the message. You simply show it at the exact time required. This has to be far more efficient, effective and cleaner than polling. At notification you just reset the interval again.
Some sample functions here:
setTimeout but for a given time
From reading the above post and from a quick search on the net it appears that you should have no problem calling setInterval for an interval such as once a day. Calvin suggests 25 days!
That is how I would approach it.
EDIT: Since posting one thing that has sprung to mind is what happens if a PC gets hibernated for n hours? I need to test this myself for a similar project so I will update once I've had a chance to test this out.
