Unable to connect port 8080 in presto-cli - presto

presto:tpch> show tables;
Error running command: Server refused connection: http://localhost:8080/v1/statement
presto:tpch> exit
I have tried adding 8080 in firewall but that is not working.


Remote access to OpenShift Local (CRC) running on Win11

I've got CRC running on Windows 11 and I would like to connect there from a RHEL9 VM.
CRC listening on
Port forwarding rule created on Win machine to fwd connections on (local intf) to
$ netsh interface portproxy show v4tov4
Listen on ipv4: Connect to ipv4:
Address Port Address Port 9000 6443
Added rule in firewall to allow connections to port 9000
From the VM:
[test#workstation ~]$ telnet 9000
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.
[test#workstation ~]$ oc login -u developer -p developer
The server is using a certificate that does not match its hostname: x509: certificate is valid for, not
You can bypass the certificate check, but any data you send to the server could be intercepted by others.
Use insecure connections? (y/n): y
Error from server (InternalError): Internal error occurred: unexpected response: 412
Any idea on how I can fix this and be able to connect from my VM towards CRC?

Errors seen when setting up logspout in Hyperledger fabric 2.2

Following steps described here to setup logspout:
Running this produces below errors:
./monitordocker.sh net_test
Starting monitoring on all containers on the network net_test
docker: Error response from daemon: network net_test not found.
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 8000: Connection refused
xxx#xxxx:/home/fabric/fabric-samples/test-network# ./monitordocker.sh
Starting monitoring on all containers on the network basicnetwork_basic
docker: Error response from daemon: network basicnetwork_basic not found.
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 8000: Connection refused
xxxx#xxxx:/home/fabric/fabric-samples/test-network# ./monitordocker.sh net_basic
Starting monitoring on all containers on the network net_basic
docker: Error response from daemon: network net_basic not found.
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 8000: Connection refused
Few questions:
there is no process running in default port 8000. So connection refused error is expected. Do we need to use any other port ?
what is the name of the network to be given when running monitordocker.sh ?
Any other troubleshooting info is appreciated.
Ok, found the issue. The network name is fabric_test. So I issued command like
./monitordocker.sh fabric_test
This resolved the problem.

Connecting to cqlsh from remote fails, where as from localhost it connects?

Installed DSE on CentOS7 and saw no errors, I'm able to connect to cqlsh from the local machine and and I'm able to also do a telnet on the port.
However the problem is that when the same is done from a remote machine I get the below error
cqlsh XX.XXX.XX.XX 3389
Connection error: ('Unable to connect to any servers', {'': ConnectionShutdown('Connection to was closed',)})
To check the connectivity I did a telnet on this and see the below error
telnet XX.XXX.XX.XX 3389
Invalid or unsupported protocol version (13); supported versions are (3/v3, 4/v4, 5/v5-beta, 65/dse-v1)
I tried updating the Python version, also few tweaks to change the py script also didn't help

Unable to run cqlsh; Timed out creating connection

I am unable to run cqlsh:
$ cqlsh 9160
Connection error: ('Unable to connect to any servers', {'': OperationTimedOut('errors=Timed out creating connection, last_host=None',)})
The rpc service listening on 9160, but still cqlsh is unable to connect to it?
$ netstat -an |grep 9160| grep LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
Any ideas what I can check?
Am using datastax cassandra 2.1.0
check the cassandra.yaml file on the line with rpc_port : normally by default = 9160
login to the machine hosting cassandra
try cqlsh 9160 : should be ok in any case
try cqlsh [IP of host] 9160 : if ok then cassandra reachable from lan, if ko then cassandra is not reachable from lan but only localhost
It is a bit old, but in case anybody got into this issue.
Base on this QNA, it seems the driver and the protocol has change.
cqlsh 9042
It solved the issue for me.

nodejs - cassandra-client error: All connections are unhealthy

I keep getting this error when I try to retrieve/update data from cassandra using cassandra-client.
{ [Error: All connections are unhealthy.]
{ host: 'localhost',
port: 9160,
keyspace: 'keyspace1',
user: undefined,
pass: undefined,
use_bigints: false,
timeout: 4000,
log_time: false,
staleThreshold: 10000 } }
Haven't got a clue as to what this error means.
The error indicates that your client is not able to connect to the specified server on localhost port 9160.
Since this is localhost you can most likely exclude any firewall problems.
What you can do
1. Check if your server is running after all
This should show you one or more processes ( except the grep process you're just executing
ps aux | grep "cassandra"
2. Verify the port
# telnet localhost 9160
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
Bad.. This would indicate that something with your configuration might be wrong. In my case I simply don't have a cassandra server listening to port 9160 ( running at all )
3. Check your logfile
By default casandra writes into the folder /var/log/cassandra/
If anything is wrong with the server, you'll most likely have some more information available in there, might even show a problem related to your nodejs client
4. Try another client for debugging
