How to execute .sh file which is in jar file - linux

I have jar file in some location.(/test/lib/myproject.jar).
In that jar file, I have .sh file (/org/com/api/
Now I want to execute that file.
How can I execute that file in Linux/Unix?

You can use unzip to extract the file, and pipe it to sh to run it.
unzip -p /test/lib/myproject.jar org/com/api/ |
Notice how zip files generally cannot contain absolute paths. The first argument to unzip is the archive and the remaining arguments name the archive members to extract; the -p option says to extract to standard output.
As a special case, if you need to execute the code in the context of the current shell (i.e. effectively source it) this is one of the rare cases where wrapping a command in $(...) makes sense. (Many beginners like to try to put this in all kinds of weird places.)
$(unzip -p /test/lib/myproject.jar org/com/api/
You should prefer the first option unless you specifically know that you need the second, and understand the difference. Also, as usual, you should only execute code you trust, and, ideally, have vetted.
If you need to run the code more than once, save it to a file and mark it as executable.
unzip -p /test/lib/myproject.jar org/com/api/ >demo
chmod +x ./demo
and then to run it


In my shell script I would like to list all the files in my current directory

In my shell script I would like to list all the files and directories in my current directory.
I know the command is ls, but I have no idea how to run it in a shellscript.
Thanks for anyhelp.
So you're basically asking: what is a shell-script, how do I create one, and how do I run it ....
Use your editor of choice to create a file, give it the following content:
#!/bin/sh # change to your preferred shell, sh being a low common denominator
command # in your immediate question that would be `ls`
Save the file.
Run chmod u+x file (not the word file, but what you called your saved script).
Then you can execute your file like so:

Cygwin bash files

About a year ago, I created a couple text files called "compile" and "pull." When I go into a cygwin prompt and type those names and hit enter (basically use them as a command), the cygwin terminal runs what is in those text files. For instance here is the contents of one:
git checkout master
git checkout -- .
I don't even remember how I did this. I'm pretty sure this is not a bash script.
I do remember that I had to not just create the file in notepad but also perform some linux command line operation on it, in order to use it. Once I did that I could basically use the file as a command.
In *nix, you have to make a file executable in order to be able to run it:
chmod u+x file
You also need to add the path to the file to the PATH variable
or, add . to always scan the current directory for commands (it's considered unsecure, though):

"Spoof" File Extension In Bash

Is there a way to "spoof" the file extension of a file in bash for consumption by another program? I can think of doing some shell scripting and making lots of soft-links, but that isn't very scalable.
Let's imagine I have a program I'm trying to use that requires input files to be of a specific file extension, and it has no method of turning off this check.
You could make a fifo with the requisite extension and cat any other file type into it. So, if your crazy program needs to see files that end in .funky, you can do this:
mkfifo file.funky
cat someotherfile > file.funky &
someprogram file.funky
Create a symbolic link for each file you want to have a particular extension, then pass the name of the symlink to the command.
For example suppose you have files with names of the form *.foo and you need to refer to them with extensions of .bar:
for file in *.foo ; do
ln -s $file _$$_$
I precede each symlink name with _$$_ to avoid the possibility of colliding with an existing file name (you don't want to do ln -s if already exists).
With a little more programming, your script can keep track of which symlinks it created and, if you like, clean them up after executing the command.
This assumes, as you stated in the question, that the command can't be forced to accept a different extension.
You could, without too much difficulty, create a wrapper script that replaces the command in question, creating the symlinks, invoking the command, and cleaning up after itself automatically.

Add a bash script to path

I want to add a small script to the linux PATH so I don't have to actually run it where it's physically placed on disk.
The script is quite simple is about giving apt-get access through a proxy I made it like this:
array=( $# )
sudo http_proxy="http://user:password#server:port" apt-get $_args
Then I saved this as, set it to +x (chmod) and everything is working fine when I am in the directory where this file is placed.
My question is : how to add this apt-proxy to PATH so I can actually call it as if it where the real apt-get ? [from anywhere]
Looking for command line only solutions, if you know how to do by GUI its nice, but not what I am looking for.
Try this:
Save the script as apt-proxy (without the .sh extension) in some directory, like ~/bin.
Add ~/bin to your PATH, typing export PATH=$PATH:~/bin
If you need it permanently, add that last line in your ~/.bashrc. If you're using zsh, then add it to ~/.zshrc instead.
Then you can just run apt-proxy with your arguments and it will run anywhere.
Note that if you export the PATH variable in a specific window it won't update in other bash instances.
You want to define that directory to the path variable, not the actual binary e.g.
where MYDIR is defined as the directory containing your binary e.g.
You should put this in your startup script e.g. .bashrc such that it runs each time a shell process is invoked.
Note that order is important, and the PATH is evaluated such that if a script matching your name is found in an earlier entry in the path variable, then that's the one you'll execute. So you could name your script as apt-get and put it earlier in the path. I wouldn't do that since it's confusing. You may want to investigate shell aliases instead.
I note also that you say it works fine from your current directory. If by that you mean you have the current directory in your path (.) then that's a potential security risk. Someone could put some trojan variant of a common utility (e.g. ls) in a directory, then get you to cd to that directory and run it inadvertently.
As a final step, after following the solution form proposed by #jlhonora (, change the permissions of the files in the folder "~/bin". You can use this:
chmod -R 755 ~/bin
make an alias to the executable into the ~/.bash_profile file and then use it from anywhere or you can source the directory containing the executables you need run from anywhere and that will do the trick for you.
adding to #jlhonora
your changes in ~./bashrc or ~./zshrc won't reflect until you do
source ~./zshrc or source ./bashrc , or restart your pc

simple shell script to copy files and folders and also execute a command

I haven't written any Shell scripts before, but i have to write a simple shell script to do the following;
I will keep all the required files in a single folder and bundle it with this shell script as a tar file; so when the user runs the shell script, it needs to copy the respective files to the respective destinations.
The execution of copy as follows:
copy the file to /usrlib/mozilla/plugins/
copy the .so library files to /usr/local/lib/
copy some header files directories(folders) to /usr/local/include/
and finally, need to do ldconfig.
Basically, you can add in a script any command you are able to type inside the terminal itself. Then, you have two options for executing it:
Execute it from the terminal with sh You don't even need to give execute permission to it with this solution.
Give it the execute permission and run it with ./
For the second solution, you have to start the file with what is called a shebang. So your script will look like:
cp path/to/source path/to/destination
cp path/to/source path/to/destination
cp path/to/source path/to/destination
echo "Done!"
Nothing else. Just write the commands one after the other.
The first line is the so-called shebang and tells the shell which interpreter to use for the script.
Note: the extension for shell scripts is usually .sh, but you can actually name your file however you prefer. The extension has no meaning at all.
Good scripting!
