How can i duplicate a whole nintex form + workflow function - sharepoint

I just took over this entire sharepoint project over from an ex-staff and I am supposed to bring his entire nintex form over to another site. However, I do know any methods or functions to do so.
This form in particular is a nintex form, that upon submission, would consolidate all responses into a custom list which can be then be exported into excel format.
The workflow works where after each submission of the form, an email will be sent to the moderator.
I am extremely new into sharepoint and I do not know all the correct terms so please guide me well.

Good morning.
In order do do this, Nintex Workflow and Forms, both have an option of export/import, as you can see:
So, after the export you will get a file with the extension .nwp(Workflow) and .nfp(Form). Then, in the other site that you refer, you just need to create a Workflow or a Form and select import with that file.
Note: If you are new in Sharepoint/Nintex, notice that any List, Document Library, etc. where the form/workflow is associated will need to be as it is, in the old site, otherwise you'll need to make some changes to the Workflow or Form to include the new site information, such as list column names (per example).
I hope that this answer could help you, have a nice day.


One custom display form for all the lists

Good day to you. I am newbie in SharePoint 2013 so please bear with me. I have created around 15 lists in my website each containing same columns but different data (they differ semantically).
I am aware that we can change the default view, edit and display form for each list by creating new form in SharePoint Designer 2013. This seems like a very bad approach as far as the maintenance is concerned. I know my lists are exactly the same so why do I have to create same 15 display forms for each of the lists?
Is there a way to create one custom Display form (may be in a central location, i don't know i am just thinking :P ) for all the lists? Is there a way to tell a list to use a specific display form? Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks.
If i understand your question correctly, you have 15 lists with same set of columns. You want to change the display/look of the form. All 15 lists should have same look and feel right!! If yes, then why don't you try with some html, javascript solution. Since you are in sharepoint 2013, javascript support for solutions is very good like rest queries. You can use SPServices also.
If you want to to add data to the list whenever you click on the "New Item" link in the list then hijack this link such that it should navigate to your custom form. Pass your list name as query parameter. Whenever user is saving the form, get the list name from the query parameter and save the data to that list.
There could be another ways also to achieve the solution with html and javascript.
Useful links:
Microsoft, Microsoft, SPServices
Sam I think you can create a custom content type and create custom display form for your content type. Enable the content type in each of your lists so automatically this customized form would be available.
The advantage of this approach is that suppose if you need one more list after some time you can just add this content type and your form would be available into the new list as well.
The approach is explained in the link below.
Check this one also
Just wanted to write the solution which I implemented as it might help others as well. (Thanks Hiren and Mihir for your valuable inputs)
I had 15 lists and I was showing the data to the user using content search web part with custom display template. All of the lists were using the same display template so I made a new page just to show the item details. In the display template I pointed the item URL (i hijacked the list name and the current item id) to my new page and displayed the item. Let me know if anyone is interested in the whole solution or further elaboration is required.

3 SharePoint HOWTO questions for the community

If I have a list containing NAME and EMAIL of approximately 10 rows, is there a workflow work-around allowing me to send an email to all recipients of the “selected view” of the list? The scenario involves simply browsing the list, opening a link (or clicking a button) that launches a new message in Outlook. If the above is possible, can I customize the (a) message body with a stored template, (b) carbon copy recipients and (c) message subject? Have any workarounds to accomplish this? Trying to do so without any extensions to SP with Visual Studio. Any links, tips, tricks to accomplishing this?
I intentionally created an SP site with external sharing enabled because I wanted any child sites beneath it to be externally accessible. I want to do so, however, without external users accessing the parent. Is this possible?
I’m exploring opportunity #2 above because I’d like teachers to collect documents from a “shared” read-only folder yet be permitted to create a personal (i.e. team) folder that is writable. In doing so, I’d like the modified document in their personal folder to be (a) numerically rated and (b) freely tagged with meta attributes. Thinking here is that team members can search for docs that are associated with the freely created meta data. Question is, is there a way to propagate all the meta data generated so that users can select/enter it in their subsequent searches?
I'll only answer to your 1 (because I don't understand the 2, and the 3 seems too complex to help on a forum like that).
A workflow looks at only one row/item, so you cannot do what you want in that way. At my work I don't have access to the backend programming (C#) so I'm doing everything with JavaScript. In your case you could use JavaScript in this scenario :
The user goes to a page and click on a button
A JavaScript code is triggered and gets all the data from the list
The JavaScript code creates a new item into a special list with the collected data
There is a workflow tied to this special list that sends an email based on the different fields
The last step of the workflow is to delete the item from the special list
In this scenario you can use templates for the body, and do all the things you want.
To use JavaScript with Sharepoint you can look at my framework that is called SharepointPlus or at the popular SPServices.

Customizing the "Upload Document" Form in SharePoint 2010 based on Content type

When you click on the name of a library, go to the documents tab, click on "upload document".
An upload form appears that is created using the dialog framework. The 1st choice on the form is content type.
I need to instead launch a custom infopath form that will allow me to dynamically populate a 2nd dropdown box on the page after the content type (still 1st) dropdown is populated.
I feel like I'm really grasping at straws here. At this point I could use a reference to a relevant section of a book, a link to a relevant post or even just the correct terms to put into a google search. What is the correct name for that form?
I found this which seems to teach you how to insert a customized aspx form:
But I'd really like one that uses Infopath instead.
Any advice or direction you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
I'm pretty sure doing this with infopath is not possible, the forms are bound to a (codebehind) class in the SharePoint object model, which handles the actual upload (add to list, set field values etc. etc.).
A custom aspx page would be possible though, exactly as the post you mentioned descibes. I agree with the post's author that an HttpModule would be best, because:
editing the OOTB upload.aspx in the 14 hive would make your environment unsupported (i.e. if anything brakes, MS will have you revert your farm to a supported state before they come and help you.
The next time you install an update for sharepoint, your changes could be overwritten.

Deploy an InfoPath form with promoted fields to SharePoint within a WSP

I've been playing around with publishing an InfoPath form to a SharePoint site as a content type to try and see what happens. It works okay in that updating a form instance in a library will update the library columns. Short of the promoted properties in InfoPath however I can't see how this mapping works.
My aim is to have a CAML defined content type as part of a WSP. The content type will install preconfigured having the promoted fields from InfoPath. There will be some additional fields not in the form but needed in the content type for the workflow that will run when these forms are filled in. Actually the extra fields in the content type arn't critical, one step at a time.
I've tried specifying the promoted fields in the form options and network publishing. Then creating a form content type by hand through the website and linking it to the uploaded form template. I would hope that when the form runs it would check the list and create the columns but it doesn't do that.
I've also tried SharePoint publishing the form as a content type, then creating my own content type that references the template URL where it was published. Creating the site columns by hand and linking them in with my content type. Whatever way I try it the InfoPath forms don't link the promoted fields to the columns I've created.
So short of publishing properly through InfoPath I can't get this mapping working myself. Really I'm trying to reproduce what the SharePoint publishing does without understanding how it maps the fields. If I can't do it through the website I'm hardly going to get it going with CAML and have this as a single installable solution where a customer would be able to activate the WSP and have the site, libraries, content types, lists, forms, workflows pre-created and all set up ready to use. I already do this with other projects just not with actual forms libraries.
Any advice would be very much appriciated.
If it comes to it I might have to resort to (shudder) having some code in the form that on close would write particular fields to the list and do away with the "promoted fields" altogether in favour of my own may of doing it with which would admittedly be worse but it would work.
The column mapping is probably working on field guids rather than field names - any fields and content types you create through the browser will be assigned random ids, which obviously won't help with the mapping.
The best approach is probably to do everything manually with infopath publish, then export the forms library with solution generator. That should give you something consistent you can bring into WSPBuilder and adjust as necessary.

Multiple Sharepoint Forms

I am trying to split out what I originally wanted in a single form. The downside was that I wanted to keep multiple lists and I found that I could not use a single form with multiple lists.
What I am trying to do is to keep my customer information in a separate list/form so I can re-use it in a different application as well.
What I would like to do is give a picker to pick the customer from a list, and if the customer is not listed to allow the creation of a new one.
What I am wondering is how I can leave the main form, create the new customer, and then return to the main form but with the new customer information passed to the new form as selected. In ASP.NET one of the ways I would do this is through the querystring, but I am not sure if that is doable or preferred in Sharepoint.
Any thoughts or links to tutorials would be great.
Please keep in mind that due to access/security limitations I am trying to do this strictly through the browser and Sharepoint Designer.
With your access limitations, I don't see a solution that will allow the refresh of the original form to get the new data. You may be able to hack in some JQuery stuff to do this, but I just don't see it being an easy/value-for-time thing to do.
You may just have to allow the form user to save the form without customer info and come back to it.
A list view can then highlight forms with no customer info. This all depends on the usage scenario.
You can use the Source query string parameter to get you back to the original form after completing the new customer form. However, unless you add some code (either javascript or server side) you won't get the id of the new customer.
The best option is probably using jquery and the sharepoint web services. It's quite easy if you start with the right scripts, and you can do something like your original plan - make a simple form in a jquery ui popup.
You can also use javascript to manage linking between multiple forms, but you need to be careful about clearing out already entered form data.
Another option would be to edit dispform.aspx and add dataviews for other lists, along with appropriate add buttons, and add javascript to the new customer form that sets the value of a connecting lookup field. However, that tends to require quite a bit of messing about with list guids and other undocumented bits.
