Is there a comparable SKLearn RFClassifier argument to H2o's 'stopping_rounds'? - scikit-learn

I'm translating a random forest using h20 and r into a random forest using SciKit Learn's Random Forest Classifier with python. H2o's randomForest model has an argument 'stopping_rounds'. Is there a way to do this in python using the SKLearn Random Forest Classifier model? I've looked through the documentation, so I'm afraid I might have to hard code this.

No, I don't believe scikit-learn algorithms have any sort of automatic early stopping mechanism (that's what stopping_rounds relates to in H2O algorithms). You will have to figure out the optimal number of trees manually.

Per the sklearn random forest classifier docs, early stopping is determined by the min_impurity_split (deprecated) and min_impurity_decrease arguments. It doesn't seem to have the same functionality as H2O, but it might be what you're looking for.


what decision tree algorithms is used for Random forest classifier in scikit-learn

As in title i was wondering where i can check which decision tree algorithms is used by RandomForestClassifier in scikit-learn. It says in attributes base_estimator_ = DecisionTreeClassifier, then behind DecisionTreeClassifier in scikitlearn is CART so is it my answer?
link to scikit-learn RandomForest
Any suggestions would be appreciated
Scikit-learn uses an optimized version of CART by default (
It constructs trees by 'using the feature and threshold that yield the largest information gain'. The function to measure the quality of the split (a.k.a. largest information gain) in the trees can be set using the criterion parameter in the RandomForestClassifier.
The default function is the gini impurity, but you can also select entropy. In practice these two are quite similar, but you can find more information here:

automatic classification model selecion

i want to know is there any method by which the computer can decide which classification model to use ( Decision trees, logistic regression, KNN, etc. ) by just looking at the training data.
even just the math will be extremely helpful.
I am going to be writing this in python 3, so if there's any built method in scikit-learn or tensorflow for this purpose,it would be of great help.
This scikit learn tool kit solves it :

%incMSE and %incnodepurity in python random forest

Is there a python package or function that can calculate %incMSE and %incNodePurity in the same way that randomForest package in R calculates them thru importance function?
If I understand correctly, %incNodePurity refers to the Gini feature importance; this is implemented under sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier.feature_importances_. According to the original Random Forest paper, this gives a "fast variable importance that is often very consistent with the permutation importance measure."
As far as I know, the permuation feature importance itself (%incMSE) is not implemented in scikit-learn.

How to use feature selection and dimensionality reduction in Unsupervised learning?

I've been working on classifying emails from two authors. I've been successful in executing the same using supervised learning along with TFIDF vectorization of text, PCA and SelectPercentile feature selection. I used scikit-learn package to achieve the same.
Now I wanted to try the same using Unsupervised Learning KMeans algorithm to cluster the emails into two groups. I have created dataset wherein I have each data point as a single line in the python list. Since I am a newbie to unsupervised so I wanted to ask if I can apply the same dimensionality reduction tools as used in supervised (TFIDF, PCA and SelectPercentile). If not then what are their counterparts? I am using scikit-learn for coding it up.
I looked around on stackoverflow but couldn't get a satisfactory answer.
I am really stuck at this point.
Please help!
Following are the techniques for dimensionality reduction that can be applied in case of Unsupervised Learning:-
PCA: principal component analysis
Exact PCA
Incremental PCA
Approximate PCA
Kernel PCA
SparsePCA and MiniBatchSparsePCA
Random projections
Gaussian random projection
Sparse random projection
Feature agglomeration
Standard Scaler
Mentioned above are some of the approaches that can be used for dimensionality reduction of huge data in case on unsupervised learning.
You can read more about the details here.

Transforming CountVectorizer with entropy (log-entropy) / sklearn

I would like to try out some variations around Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) with scikit-learn. Besides pure frequency counts from CountVectorizer() and the weighted result of TfidfTransformer(), I'd like to test weighting by entropy (and log-entropy) (used in the original papers and reported to perform very well).
Any suggestions on how to proceed? I know Gensim has an implementation (LogEntropyModel()) but would prefer to stick with scikit-learn.
