I would like to use vim with binary files. I run run vim with -b and I have isprint = and display += uhex. I am using the following statusline:
%<%f\ %h%m%r%=%o\ (0x%06O)\ \ %3.b\ <%02B>\ %7P
so I get output containing some useful information like byte offset in the file and the current character in hex etc. But I'm having trouble with random pieced of data interpreted as multibyte characters which prevent me from accessing the inner bytes, combine with surroundings (including vim's decoration) or display as �.
Of course I have tried opening the files with ++enc=latin1. However, my system's encoding is UTF-8, so what vim supposedly does is convert the file from Latin-1 to UTF-8 internally and display that. This has two problems:
The sequence <c3><ac> displays as ì, rather than ì, but the characters count as two bytes each, so it breaks my %o and counts offsets wrong. This is 2 bytes in the file but apparently 4 bytes in vim's buffer.
I don't know why my isprint is ignored. Neither of these characters are between 32 and 126 so they should display in hex.
I found the following workaround: I set encoding to latin1, but termencoding to utf-8. This achieves what I want, but breaks other things like when vim needs to display status messages ("new file", "changed" etc.) in my language, because it wants to use the encoding for them too and they don't fit. I guess I could run vim in LC_ALL=C but it feels I'm resorting to too many dirty tricks already. Is there a better way, i.e., without having to mess around with encoding?
I see the following paragraph on the vim documentation for the introduction of charset conversion:
Vim will automatically convert from one to another encoding in several places:
- When reading a file and 'fileencoding' is different from 'encoding'
- When writing a file and 'fileencoding' is different from 'encoding'
- When displaying characters and 'termencoding' is different from 'encoding'
- When reading input and 'termencoding' is different from 'encoding'
- When displaying messages and the encoding used for LC_MESSAGES differs from
'encoding' (requires a gettext version that supports this).
- When reading a Vim script where |:scriptencoding| is different from
- When reading or writing a |viminfo| file.
I want to know who is converting to who? such as:
"When reading a file and 'fileencoding' is different from 'encoding'"
Is 'fileencoding' converted to 'encoding'? Or is 'encoding' converted to 'fileencoding'?
What is the relationship between the actual charset of the file and fileencoding and encoding?
If the actual charset of the file and the value of fileencoding are not equal, will the above conversion operations destroy the contents of the file?
For example: the value of encoding is: utf-8 , vim opens a file: foo, and based on fileencodings matches a fileencoding value: sjis (assuming i don't know the actual encoding of this file.), I edited foo and used ":wq" to save and close the vim window. If I open the foo file again, is the actualencoding of this file the sjis specified by fileencoding or the utf-8 specified by encoding when I last edited?
'encoding' is the internal representation of any buffer text inside Vim; this is what Vim is working on. When you're dealing with different character sets (or if you don't care and work on a modern operating system), it's highly recommended to set this to utf-8, as the Unicode encoding ensures that any character can be represented and no information is lost. (And UTF-8 is the only Unicode representation that Vim internally supports; i.e. you cannot make it use a double-byte encoding like UTF-16.)
When you open a file in Vim, the list of possible encodings in 'fileencodings' (note the plural!) is considered:
This is a list of character encodings considered when starting to edit
an existing file. When a file is read, Vim tries to use the first
mentioned character encoding. If an error is detected, the next one
in the list is tried. When an encoding is found that works,
'fileencoding' is set to it.
So if a file doesn't look right, this is the option to tweak; alternatively, you can explicitly override the detection via the ++enc argument, e.g.
:edit ++enc=sjis japanese.txt
Now, Vim has the file's source encoding (persisted in (singular!) 'fileencoding'; this is needed for writing it back in the original encoding), and converts the character set (if different) to it's internal 'encoding'. All Vim commands operate on that, and on :write, the conversion happens in reverse (or optionally overridden by :w ++enc=...).
As long as the detected / passed encoding is right, and assuming the internal 'encoding' is able to represent all read characters (guaranteed with utf-8), there will be no data loss.
Likewise, as the original encoding is stored in 'fileencoding', writes of the file transparently convert back. Now, it could have happened that editing introduced a character that cannot be represented in the file's encoding (but you were able to edit it in because of Vim's internal Unicode encoding). Vim will then print E513: write error, conversion failed on writing, and you have to manually change the character(s), or choose a different target file encoding.
A file with these Kanji characters 日本 is represented as follows in the SJIS encoding:
93fa 967b 0a
Each Kanji is stored in two bytes, and then you have the one-byte newline (LF) at the end.
With :set encoding=utf-8, this is represented internally as (g8 can tell you this):
e697 a5e6 9cac 0a
In UTF-8, each Kanji is stored in three bytes, the first Kanji is e6 97 a5.
Now if I edit the text, e.g. enclosing with (ASCII) parentheses, and :write, I get this:
2893 fa96 7b29 0a
The original SJIS encoding is restored, each Kanji is two bytes again, now with the added parentheses 28 and 29 around it.
Had I tried to edit in a ä character, the :write would have failed with the E513 error, as that character cannot be represented in SJIS.
Is vimgrep capable of searching unicode strings?
For example:
a.txt contains wide string "hello", vimgrep hello *.txt found nothing, and of course it's in the right path.
"Unicode" is a bit misleading in this case. What you have is not at all typical of text "encoded in accordance with any of the method provided by the Unicode standard". It's a bunch of normal characters with normal code points separated with NULL characters with code point 0000 or 00. Some Java programs do output that kind of garbage.
So, if your search pattern is hello, Vim and :vim are perfectly capable of searching for and finding hello (without NULLs) but they won't ever find hello (with NULLs).
Searching for h^#e^#l^#l^#o (^# is <C-v><C-#>), on the other hand, will find hello (with NULLs) but not hello (without NULLs).
Anyway, converting that file/buffer or making sure you don't end up with such a garbage are much better long-term solutions.
If Vim can detect the encoding of the file, then yes, Vim can grep the file. :vimgrep works by first reading in the file as normal (even including autocmds) into a hidden buffer, and then searching the buffer.
It looks like your file is little-endian UTF-16, without a byte-order mark (BOM). Vim can detect this, but won't by default.
First, make sure your Vim is running with internal support for unicode. To do that, :set encoding=utf-8 at the top of your .vimrc. Next, Vim needs to be able to detect this file's encoding. The 'fileencodings' option controls this.
By default, when you set 'encoding' to utf-8, Vim's 'fileencodings' option contains "ucs-bom" which will detect UTF-16, but ONLY if a BOM is present. To also detect it when no BOM is present, you need to add your desired encoding to 'fileencodings'. It needs to come before any of the 8-bit encodings but after ucs-bom. Try doing this at the top of your .vimrc and restart Vim to use:
set encoding=utf-8
set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-16le,utf-8,default,latin1
Now loading files with the desired encoding should work just fine for editing, and therefore also for vimgrep.
I have been in charset-hell for days and vim somehow always shows the right charset for my file when even I'm not sure what they are (I'm dealing with files with identical content encoded in both charsets, mixed together)
I can see from inspecting the ü (u-umlaut) character in UTF-8 vs ISO-8859-1 which encoding I'm in, but I don't understand how vim figured it out - in those character-sets only the 'special characters' really look any different
If there is some other recording of the encoding/charset information I would love to know it
The explanation can be found under :help 'fileencodings':
This is a list of character encodings considered when starting to edit
an existing file. When a file is read, Vim tries to use the first
mentioned character encoding. If an error is detected, the next one
in the list is tried. When an encoding is found that works,
'fileencoding' is set to it. If all fail, 'fileencoding' is set to
an empty string, which means the value of 'encoding' is used.
So, there's no magic involved. When there's a Byte Order Mark in the file, that's easy. Else, Vim tries some other common encodings (which you can influence with that option; e.g. Japanese people will probably include something like sjis if they frequently edit such encoded files).
If you want a more intelligent detection, there are plugins for that, e.g. AutoFenc - Tries to automatically detect and set file encoding.
I must warn you I'm a beginner. I have a text file in which some lines contain encoding errors. By "error", this is what I get when parsing the file in my linux console (question marks instead of characters):
I want to remove every line showing those "question marks". I tried to grep -v the problematic character, but it doesn't work. The file itself is UTF8 and I guess some of the lines come from texts encoded in another format. I know I could find a way to reconvert them properly, but I just want them gone for now.
Do you have any ideas about how I could do this please?
PS: Some lines contain diacritics which are displayed fine. The "strings" command seems to remove too many "good" lines.
When dealing with mojibake on character encodings other than ANSI you must check 2 things:
Is the file really encoded in X? (X being UTF-8 WITHOUT BOM in your case. You could be trying to read UTF-8 WITH BOM, UTF-16, latin-1, etc. as UTF-8, and that would be the problem). Try reading in (not converting to) other encodings and see if any of them fits.
Is your locale or text editor set to read the file as UTF-8? If not, that may be the problem. Check for support and figure out how to change the setting. In linux try locale and setlocale commands to check and set it properly.
I like how notepad++ for windows (which also runs perfectly in linux using wine) lets you set any encoding you want to read the file without trying to convert it (of course if you set any other than the one the file is encoded in you will only see those weird characters), and also has a different option which allows you to convert it from one encoding to another. That has been pretty useful to me.
If you are a beginner you may be interested in this article. It explains briefly and clearly the whats, whys and hows of character encoding.
[EDIT] If the above fails, even windows-1252 and such ANSI encodings, I've just learned here how to remove non-ascii characters using tr unix command, turning it into ASCII (but be aware information on extra characters is lost in this output and there is no coming back, so keep the input file just in case you find a better fix):
tr -cd '\11\12\40-\176' < $INPUT_FILE > $OUTPUT_FILE
or, if you want to get rid of the whole line:
grep -v -P "[^\11\12\40-\176]" $INPUT_FILE > $OUTPUT_FILE
[EDIT 2] This answer here gives a pretty good guess of what could be happening if none of the encodings work on your file (Unfortunately the only straight forward solution seems to be removing those problematic characters).
You can use a micro-Perl script like:
perl -pe 's/[^[:ascii:]]+//g;' my_utf8_file.txt
When pasting text from outside sources into a plain-text editor (e.g. TextMate or Sublime Text 2) a common problem is that special characters are often pasted in as well. Some of these characters render fine, but depending on the source, some might not display correctly (usually showing up as a question mark with a box around it).
So this is actually 2 questions:
Given a special character (e.g., ’ or ♥) can I determine the UTF-8 character code used to display that character from inside my text editor, and/or convert those characters to their character codes?
For those "extra-special" characters that come in as garbage, is there any way to figure out what encoding was used to display that character in the source text, and can those characters somehow be converted to UTF-8?
My favorite site for looking up characters is fileformat.info. They have a great Unicode character search that includes a lot of useful information about each character and its various encodings.
If you see the question mark with a box, that means you pasted something that can't be interpreted, often because it's not legal UTF-8 (not every byte sequence is legal UTF-8). One possibility is that it's UTF-16 with an endian mode that your editor isn't expecting. If you can get the full original source into a file, the file command is often the best tool for determining the encoding.
At &what I built a tool to focus on searching for characters. It indexes all the Unicode and HTML entity tables, but also supplements with hacker dictionaries and a database of keywords I've collected, so you can search for words like heart, quot, weather, umlaut, hash, cloverleaf and get what you want. By focusing on search, it avoids having to hunt around the Unicode pages, which can be frustrating. Give it a try.